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为探究教师职前培养机构层次和区位定位对其质量评价差异性的影响,在经验分析和质量分层策略的基础上,构建教师职前培养质量评价模型SMTCI-G(通用)及其分层模型SMTCI-U(大学)和模型SMTCI-C(学院)。差异性研究表明,我国教师职前培养机构层次划分在"支持质量"、"核心质量"和"特色质量"三个层面上的源动力系统、路径系统、效应强弱均各有特点;我国教师职前培养质量评价应确立"品质优先、特色发展"改革思路,根据培养机构的不同层次、区位定位,分别构建质量标准和监控体系。  相似文献   

职前教师的教学实践能力正逐渐受到社会各界的重视,职前教师的教学人格控制着其教学实践能力的形成、发展及运用。教师的教学人格由教学天赋、教学表现、教学理想构成。培养职前教师教学实践能力的前提是探明其教学天赋、教学表现、教学理想及其相互关系。影响职前教师教学人格形成的因素是教学监控、教学实践、模拟教学。培养职前教师的教学人格,高师院校应加强模拟教学时学习表现真实性的创设,加强培养职前教师的教学监控能力,开设教学艺术课程;教育管理部门与学校应不断改变在职中小学教师不良的教学行为。  相似文献   

教育实习是职前教师教育不可或缺的重要组成部分。植根于社会文化理论的动态评价理论强调在评价过程中参与各方的互动和干预,把评价与教师培养有机地融合起来。这能有效地培养"准教师"的反思意识和探索意识,并且促使他们在教学实践中进行行动研究,从而实现培养他们研究意识的目的,为职前教师入职后成为称职教师,以至成为专家型教师的过渡打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

根据大学教师职前培养现状以及大学教师职业特性,可以将大学教师的职前培养体制分成三种模式:纯粹的学科专业型、学科专业主导型、学科专业与教学专业并重型。学科专业主导型模式既遵循了大学教师的成长规律,也兼顾了大学教师培养与成长的实际,是当前大学教师职前培养体制的理想选择。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国的教师教育模式在发展过程中经历了师专培养、师范学院培养和大学培养三个阶段,三种不同的培养主体在发展过程中形成了各具特色的中学教师职前培养模式,即"4+2"模式、"3+1"模式、"U—G—S"模式等。其未来可能的发展趋势为:紧贴基础教育实际,关注职前教师培养实践化;丰富职前教师培养内容,实现职前教师培养专业化;立足中学教师职前课程内容,构建多元职前培养课程体系。  相似文献   

教学反思表现为职业选择倾向、反思意识、反思行为三个维度。教育实习中的职前教师在教学反思上存在职业选择多元化、教学反思意识不明显、教学反思行为不高、反思形式和内容较传统等问题。为此,师范院校应当规范教育实习体系,为职前教师教学反思提供平台;加强指导教师的培训,提高职前教师教学反思的指导水平;创设教学反思的氛围,增强职前教师教学反思的自觉性;完善课程体系,培养职前教师的教学反思技能和技巧等,以此增强职前教师的教学反思能力。  相似文献   

澳大利亚教师职前培养非常重视实践训练,其实践课程计划明确了课程结构、教学实习内容、指导教师角色以及实习教师评价等多方面要求。由此可以看到澳大利亚教师职前培养的特点:以教学实习的序列计划促进教师职业技能的逐步获得;重视实习准备,丰富实习教师的感性认识;明确时实习教师的评价标准与预期;实习教师、学校指导教师和大学指导教师角色任务明晰,在大学与中小学校舍作中实现共同的职业发展。  相似文献   

传统的师范教育一直受到理论与实践分离的困扰.随着世界教师教育改革的发展,教师专业发展学校和"以学校为基地"的教师培养新模式的出现,实践教学在教师教育专业中成为与理论教学并驾齐驱的教师培养途径.文章提出要建立全程实践教学体系,以中小学为基地,大学和中小学在合作基础上使师范教育课程一体化,师范生职前培养、入职教育一体化等观点,从而探索出师范生实践教学的新模式.  相似文献   

关于特殊教育教师胜任力的研究和实践深刻影响了职前特殊教育教师培养的模式。通过对美国特殊教育教师职前培养模式的发展阶段分析,发现美国特殊教育教师职前培养演变动力为特殊教育教师的表象胜任力的范围扩大、内容更新;深层教师胜任力的重要性愈加凸显;教师胜任力从静态走向动态。形成了特殊教育教师的职前培养与特殊教育发展现实紧密联系、基于特殊教育教师胜任力的认识不断改革职前培养方式、制定特殊教育教师胜任力标准以规范职前教师培养的特征。最后,结合我国特殊教育的发展现实,提出我国特殊教育教师职前培养的建议。  相似文献   

论教师职前实践教学的取向转换   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"基于学校"和"基于大学"的传统教师职前实践教学的"理论之应用"取向,包含着理解教育理论与教育实践关系的两种立场:一是实践的典型化;二是理论的实践化。它们在本质上都是将教师职前培养阶段的实践教学与理论学习二元对立起来。自20世纪80年代以来,美英等国教师职前实践教学的改革项目推行"实践中之理论"取向,改变了实践教学的要素构成和实施环境。  相似文献   

This article analyses the learning opportunities afforded pre-service teachers when participating in a primary school placement in London, England as part of their university teacher education course. Cultural historical activity theory is used as a theoretical framework to address how pre-service teacher learning opportunities are constructed. Building on a previous year-long ethnographic study which explored how and why pre-service teacher learning opportunities differed in school settings, this paper introduces a small scale pilot study. The study integrates developmental work research into an initial teacher education school/university partnership, and considers the role of the school leader in this. Possibilities for pre-service teachers, teachers and teacher educators to work together in a research process that is integral to an initial teacher education partnership are forwarded, with the aim of ensuring that critical enquiry and learning are kept at the forefront of the activity.  相似文献   

美国专业发展学校(PDS)标准评析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国专业发展学校(PDS)是由大学教育学院与一所或多所中小学合作,融教师职前培养、在职培训和学校改革为一体的学校形式,正逐渐成为美国教师教育改革的一大趋势。2001年11月16日,全美师范资格审查委员会发布了美国第一个《专业发展学校标准》,为PDS的进一步发展提出了一系列指导性的办学思想和原则性的指标体系及分级评估标准。本文对这一标准的产生背景、主要思想和目标体系进行了介绍和分析。  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to planning academic courses for pre-service teachers and for researching development of teacher identity. The approach was implemented in a course, conducted in an Israeli Master Teach program, designed to foster pre-service teacher identity transformation. The research described here addresses two questions: (1) To what extent does the approach contribute to the understanding of teacher identity formation? (2) Using this approach, how can pre-service teacher educators support teacher identity transformation? Using a metaphorical tool, students designed their ‘ideal school’ at the beginning and at the end of the course. Identity transformation was evaluated by comparing their designs. Demonstration of this approach methodology is presented through an analysis of the designs of one female student. Findings highlight the potential of this approach to reveal and cope with obstacles inhibiting transformative learning: narrow, imbalanced, inconsistent, and shallow perspective; rigid patterns of thinking; and lack of emotional awareness.  相似文献   

为使高师院校数学师范专业的教学适应基础教育数学课程改革的需要,提升师范生教学技能,《中学数学教学设计》实现了线上教育和线下教育相结合的“慕课+翻转课堂”教学模式。课程关注有效学习,落实先学后教,在完善网上课程资源、构建立体化教材的基础上,对教学方法、教学场所、评价模式等方面进行改革。从学生在线互动、课堂反馈、微格教学、教师资格证考试及教学技能竞赛中可知课程实施效果明显。  相似文献   

This paper explores four students' attempts at teaching science in the real world classroom during their initial student teaching practicum, including their struggles and successes. When pre-service teachers enter their initial practicum experience they are confronted with differing teaching philosophies of their own, their university professors, and their school mentors (Sullivan, Mousley & Gervasioni, 2000; John, 2001; Fu and Shelton, 2002). Within this situation, preservice teachers struggle to find their own niche of teaching science and learn to reflect as both learner and teacher (Kelly, 2000). Our goal as science teacher educators is to help pre-service teachers have an easy transfer from personal university experiences to teaching science in the real classroom environment while maintaining the integrity of newly learned teaching strategies (Segall, 2001). This work adds to and helps guide science teacher educators in identifying difficulties pre-service teachers' experiences in the transition from methods courses to practice.  相似文献   

Although school development can be viewed as an emerging responsibility of teachers, special needs education in Germany does not leave sufficient room for non-teaching tasks, leading to a knowledge gap in the professionalisation of pre-service teachers with regard to school development upon entering the profession. This study focused on the preparedness of pre-service teachers in school development as a professional task at the end of their initial teacher training. The respondents of the interview study are 12 pre-service teachers enrolled at master level in special educational needs at a German university. The findings of the study report on the marginal situatedness of school development in the curriculum, the associated understanding of pre-service teachers of school development and their low assessment of the relevance of school development within special needs education. The study closes with practical recommendations on how to tackle the low level of preparedness for school development tasks in German teacher education.  相似文献   

This report introduces an experiential learning project in a pre-service undergraduate teacher education programme at a major Hong Kong university in which 10 pre-service English language teachers and myself, their teacher educator, participated in a two-week overseas teaching experience in a primary school in Ningbo, China. I report on my experience as a novice teacher educator and the benefit I found in taking an active role in this project.  相似文献   

美国PDS与教师专业化发展及其对我国的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国在20世纪80—90年代逐步建立了一批PDS(Professional Development School,专业发展学校)。PDS是美国大学的教育学院与地方的公立中小学或学区合作成立的一种师资培训学校。这种学校融教师职前培养、在职培训和学校改革为一体,为大学教师和中小学教师提高自身素质,改善自身专业发展提供了一条有效可行的途径。教师专业化现已成为国际教师教育改革的一大趋势,研究PDS这一实现教师专业化发展的有效模式,对我国当今的教师教育改革仍具有重要的启示与借鉴价值。  相似文献   

中学教师专业发展有其阶段性存在,而教师教育职前培养和教师在职专业发展,是一个统一完整和持续不断的专业发展过程。当前教师教育职前培养,对英语师范生素质结构,英语教育界已有广泛的认同,但对其素质培养的途径和方法的教学实践,收效却不甚理想。我们认为,英语专业师范生素质培养,在注重专业知识、专业技能和专业素养培养的同时,切不能忽视几种核心能力的培养:1.专业发展规划意识和能力;2.自主学习态度和能力;3.教学技能实践与反思能力;4.教学科研能力。  相似文献   

This study confirms the role of genuine conversation as the enabler in good mentoring of pre-service teachers. The practicum plays an essential role in moving the pre-service teacher beyond learning about teaching to the practice of teaching. Yet the benefit of the practicum is often constrained by relational tensions, disappointment and frustrations for both the pre-service teacher and the mentor. The authors report on the findings drawn from stories and experiences of pre-service teachers and mentors as they participated in a final practicum in a range of Australian secondary schools. This paper uses social learning theory as a framework for understanding the key aspects of pre-service teacher mentoring: specifically, Wenger’s three interrelated concepts of mutual engagement, joint enterprise and shared repertoire. Conversation plays a critical role in these areas and hence enables successful practicum experiences. Recommendations to enhance professional conversations focus on strengthening the relationship through considered pre-service teacher placement, close school/university partnerships, mentor programmes and the selection of appropriate mentors.  相似文献   

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