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就大众文化霸权结构中接受主体的能动实践的研究而言,影响最大的要算费斯克。在费斯克看来,大众文化在金融经济系统的流通是操纵的、控制的,而它在文化经济系统中的流通则是反抗的、抵制的。大众文化是“生产者式文本”,它既具有易读性,又具有开放性。“生产者文本”概念对法兰克福学派的大众文化意识形态控制思想进行了彻底的颠覆。但费斯克的研究同样引来了激烈的批判,费斯克过高地估计了大众文化文本意义生成过程中大众的能动性。他对大众文化的类型化进行了不合时宜的褒扬。对大众阅读快感的强调所显示出的乐观研究态度,削弱了费斯克理论的批判力量。  相似文献   

邓晓慧  宋波 《今传媒》2014,(5):91-93
从2012、2013年浙江卫视举办的中国大型专业音乐真人秀节目——《中国好声音》从开播到现在,一直备受观众瞩目,本文借用费斯克关于电视文化的两种经济理论,来分析该节目从众多真人秀节目中脱颖而出的内在成因,旨在揭示大众文化语境中,受众在参与电视文本交流中的显著程度,以更好地俯瞰中国电视娱乐节目市场未来的发展趋势,准确把握电视经济的命脉,做好节目的包装宣传。  相似文献   

博客世界的“两种经济”与三大现象   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文从约翰·费斯克的“两种经济”理论入手,将其应用于博客现象分析。诉诸博客读者的阅读快感和表达欲望的文化经济,与通过有选择的运作以追求点击率和关注的金融经济相互作用,推动了博客世界的繁荣。通过对“炒作”、“符号暴力”、“实名、匿名、昵称”三个逐层深入的具有代表性的博客文化现象的分析,揭示这些现象之下“两种经济”的运作与影响并做出思考。  相似文献   

袁侃 《今传媒》2016,(9):72-73
媒介框架理论为研究媒体与受众的关系确立了一种视角,本文选择国内电视媒体报道魏则西事件的个案作为研究对象,对深圳都市频道和法治频道的相关报道进行内容分析,以了解他们的新闻框架。同时,又通过电话问卷调查,试图了解公众接收电视媒体报道事件的特殊框架。通过比较媒体框架与受众框架证实我们的预设:电视媒体在报道特定事件时只呈现此事件的一部分,受众在收看电视新闻报道时也会有一定的偏向,他们各自有自己特定的框架。  相似文献   

沈斌  王荣 《新闻战线》2020,(5):86-88
本文以2008~2019年海外媒体转引中国日报涉沪报道的文本为研究对象,采用量化分析方法,探索.上海借力国家主流英文媒体提升城市国际形象传播力的建构策略。研究发现,海外媒体获取的主要是上海的官方信息,报道塑造的上海形象也从“中国的上海”逐渐转变为“世界的上海”,文化议题的传播力不敌财经和时政新闻,负面新闻对上海城市形象有一定损害但影响有限。  相似文献   

杨慧 《东南传播》2011,(1):38-41
上海世博会是继北京奥运会后中国举办的又一国际大型事件,开幕式作为媒体大战的开始,将在很大程度上为接下来的涉博报道奠定基调,也为那些不了解世博的受众提供了一个大致了解世博的渠道。然而,英美主流媒体怎样呈现世博会的开幕式,很大程度上影响了受众对于世博会的认知。本文通过对英美主流媒体报道的样本分析,总结出了英美主流媒体涉博报道的四大框架。  相似文献   

在国内框架分析的实证研究中,框架建构与议程设置的混用极为普遍,即将媒体对于新闻事件的报道频率、稿件安排方式及组织方式等议程设置的内容解释为媒体对于报道框架的建构。而实际上,媒体议程设置与媒体的报道框架影响受众的路径与结果是不同的。本文拟从媒体选择框架与符号框架两个方面入手,对大陆、香港与美国的六家媒体关于弗格森事件的报道进行框架分析,来具体说明不同国家地区媒体的新闻报道框架之间的差异,以及报道框架与议程设置之间的区别。  相似文献   

理财报道必须承载起普及金融知识的社会责任。尤其需要在市场处于敏感的转折关头,及时对投资者进行公共金融教育,引导人们正确运用金融工具,有效规避市场波动的风险,建立更加稳定和谐的投资者关系。  相似文献   

当前在经济全球化语境下,世界上绝大多数国家和地区都自觉或不自觉地被卷入全球产业链,成为某个或某些产品的确立标准、设计、生产、销售以及消费的某个角色或某些角色,它们在共同获利的同时,也成为责任的共同承担者.  相似文献   

本文运用框架分析法,选取《参考消息》美国大选报道为样本,从报道体裁、稿件来源、版面设置、报道主题四个方面分析其新闻构架.通过分析,认为其为公众呈现了存在严重缺陷的美式民主,和平崛起的中国形象和期盼以合作为基础的中美关系图景.《参考消息》对美国大选的报道立足于中美关系,体现了中国政府对于美国的态度以及国家利益诉求,十分到位地扮演了党和政府喉舌的角色.  相似文献   

This study examined whether news value indicators influenced sports coverage of the 2002 World Cup soccer games by using a newsworthiness model. The model hypothesized that the more significant and the more deviant an event is, the more prominently the event is covered by the media. Significance and deviance of each match in the World Cup games are operationally defined by using world rankings such as FIFA points, William Hill betting points, and CNN power rankings. Prominence of media coverage for each match was measured as the dependent variable in four different contexts: US traditional media, US online media, Korean traditional media, and Korean online media. The results of our study show that the newsworthiness model is partially effective in predicting media coverage of sports events. Traditional media coverage is better explained by the newsworthiness model than online media coverage.  相似文献   

This study investigates the Sino-US difference in the journalistic practice of providing on-air attribution for those interviewed in television news. Through a content analysis, this study compares how CBS News, a premier US TV network, and CCTV, China's most watched network, attributed their interviewees with on-screen name credits (names, titles and affiliations). The findings show that US journalists were more likely to provide on-screen name credits than their Chinese colleagues who, in turn, were more likely to give credits to interviewees who were older, male and government officials. This study should contribute to a better understanding of how cultural values and political ideologies may affect the way interviewees are treated in television news.  相似文献   

论新闻价值关系的构成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新闻价值是新闻客体对主体的作用和影响 ,这种作用和影响以新闻价值关系的存在为前提。本文从静动两个方面对新闻价值关系的构成进行了系统的考察 ,为全面理解新闻价值的内涵提供了一条新的思路。  相似文献   

This empirical study examines the effect of the Freedom of Information legislation on press freedom by analyzing cross-sectional data at the national level of aggregate indicators across 191 countries in 2010. The prediction by two-stage least square regression found that the impact of the legislation on press freedom is determined by control of corruption, the type of political regime (democratic or authoritarian regime), and the level of national economy. For recent adopters of the legislation, it could be no more than a legislative luxury. As the legislative effect on press freedom is mostly limited to less corrupt, advanced industrial democracies, the workings of the legislation require political and economic prerequisites.  相似文献   


The free press performs essential democratic functions, but widespread negative attitudes toward the press threaten its legitimacy and effectiveness as a check on formal institutions. In order to combat these attitudes, media organizations must understand who holds them and why. A survey-based study of U.S. adults (N?=?2052) focuses on associations between perceptions of the news media industry as a threat to political performance and a range of politically oriented behaviors (i.e. news media exposure, political talk, political participation). Analyses reveal a series of non-monotonic relationships. Group differences between those who hold the most extreme views concerning news-media-as-threat are also explored. The opposing groups are distinct in some important ways (e.g. ideology, race), but are also found to be surprisingly similar (e.g. income, education, gender, news media exposure). The results suggest new strategies for maintaining and restoring confidence in media organizations.  相似文献   

杨洸  佘佳玲 《新闻大学》2020,(2):102-118,123
算法已成为当今数字媒体技术的决定性因素,新闻推荐平台借助算法技术连接人与信息,为人们提供个性化的新闻服务。本研究基于算法和用户互动的视角,采用问卷调查方法,以新闻算法推荐平台的使用者为研究对象,探讨算法推荐的信息可见性、用户主动性和信息茧房效应。结果显示,新闻算法推荐整体上以用户为中心,在新闻可见性上,用户对趣味新奇性价值的认知感最强,新闻个性化程度凸显;用户对新闻推荐的使用上,以被动浏览行为最为普遍,自主性总体不高;用户对推荐算法技术有一定了解,表现出一定的算法素养;算法推荐对用户并未造成单纯的信息茧房效应,它同样可扩大受众接触资讯的范围,将用户带入更广阔的世界。最后,本文讨论了用户和算法之间的关系,发现两者不是彼此孤立的存在,而是始终处于相互响应、相互发展的状态。  相似文献   

This study analyzes US and South Korean news coverage of the H1N1 pandemic to examine cross-cultural variations in attention cycle patterns, cited sources, and news frames. A content analysis was conducted on 630 articles from US and Korean newspapers during the period of April to October 2009. It found that attention cycle patterns, news frames, and sources varied across the two countries according to professional norms, cultural values, social ideologies, and occurrences of relevant events. While US news coverage showed two phases of waxing and waning attention, Korean news coverage showed five phases. The frames used in US news stories placed more emphasis on attribution of responsibility, action, and reassurance. Other framing variations were found as news attention in each country rose and fell. Regarding sources used, Korean news stories relied more on governmental sources, while US news stories used a greater diversity of sources. This study advances research on variations in the attention cycle for transnational issues by specifying how journalists’ framing of social problems can differ according to the following: cultural factors, the shape of the news attention cycle, and the occurrence of events related to the issue at hand.  相似文献   

计算机科学学术文献具有独特的文体特征,且部分特征能够用于计算机科学网络中文学术文献的自动识别与检索,提高计算机科学学术文献的相对检准率。本文通过建立计算机学术文献语料库与IT新闻语料库,对计算机科学学术文献和IT新闻在特有表述、平均句长、中西文比例三方面的文体特征进行提取与加权,应用于基于百度的网络中文学术检索系统(NSIRS)中。结果显示,本研究提取并设定的文体特征能有效提高NSIRS对计算机科学学术文献的检索效率,从而证明发掘并应用特定学科文献独特的文体特征的意义。图2。表4。参考文献14。  相似文献   

We bring different theories together to develop a theoretical framework that helps to understand how early warning messages about (new) dangerous drugs can influence the public's perception of substance use. We bring together the agenda setting theory, framing theory, dual processing theory, social learning theory, health belief model, theory of planned behavior, and cultivation theory in order to explain how warning messages diffused through the mass media can have an impact on the receivers' perceptions. Based on these insights we construct the Integrated Media Effect Framework (IMFE) that takes into account the role of cultural and structural contexts in the realm of early warning systems (EWS). Ultimately, this framework provides valuable guidelines for conceptualizing EWS and for developing applications by governments.  相似文献   

More Than a Number: Unexpected Benefits of Return on Investment Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 2010–2011, University of Colorado (CU) librarians implemented a multi-campus pilot study to measure the institutional value of library resources used by faculty in their research. The study incorporated quantitative methods including return on investment (ROI), cost benefit analysis (CBA), and citation analysis of journal articles published by faculty; and qualitative methodologies such as in-person interviews with faculty. The study resulted in a CU ROI model that can be used to measure faculty perceptions of value and the economic benefits of electronic journal collections for faculty research in terms of ROI. The CU ROI methodology provides outcomes beyond a single ROI number and led to unexpected benefits for informing collection development decisions and strategies.  相似文献   

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