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蔚东英 《教育学报》2004,(11):25-28
学校课程中的地理课承担了可持续发展教育的主要内容 ,可持续发展教育纳入中学地理教育中对传统型地理教学来讲是新鲜、活跃、刺激的 ,对地理教育工作者 ,特别是中学地理教师来说意味着机遇 ,也意味着挑战 ,中学地理教师应尽快地调整教育、教学观念 ,更新知识 ,采用新的教学方法 ,转变角色 ,应对挑战  相似文献   

乡土地理教学内容要就近取材,贴近学生生活,寻找学生的兴趣点。教学过程中也要在这三个方面下功夫,实现乡土地里教学的真正价值。  相似文献   

This article reports on a qualitative small-scale case study that investigated what pre-service teachers learned from a former generation of teachers about the context and nature of teaching and teacher education during the 1950s and 1960s. Data comprised semi-structured interviews and a grounded theoretical approach was used to analyse the data. A process of coding and re-coding of the data resulted in the identification of emergent patterns and broad overarching themes and subthemes. Findings suggest that the pre-service teachers drew inspiration from the older teachers’ emotional connection to the profession, and their own passion for teaching developed or intensified as they came to understand teaching as a rewarding lifelong career. It is suggested that mentor relationships between pre-service teachers and those from an older generation have the potential to support novice teachers in developing a passion for teaching and, ultimately, resilience and longevity in the profession. Recommendations are made for the inclusion in teacher education of opportunities for intergenerational learning through such relationships.  相似文献   

实施创新教育,需要大量的创新型教师。高师地理专业是培养创新型地理师资的摇篮。要更新教育理念,改革课堂教学,对师范生在创新意识、创新思维、创新能力、创新精神诸方面进行全方位的培养。  相似文献   

针对目前时事新闻在地理教学中应用效果差的问题,本文指出产生这种现象的两个主要原因,并从三个方面结合实例对时事新闻在地理教学中的应用进行具体阐述,致力于发挥时事新闻在地理教学的作用,提高地理教学质量。  相似文献   


Previous research has documented that students who engage with socioscientific issues can acquire some of the complex competences and skills typically related to scientific literacy. But an emerging field of research on science teachers’ understanding and use of socioscientific issues, has documented that a range of challenges hinders the uptake of socioscientific issues. In this study, we investigated the interpretation and implementation of socioscientific issues among Danish biology teachers. We conducted five in-depth group interviews and validated the emergent themes from the teachers’ talk-in-interaction by distributing a questionnaire. Our findings suggest that the participating teachers generally harbour a content-centred interpretation of socioscientific issues which manifests itself in at least three separate ways. First, the teachers generally use socioscientific issues as a vehicle to teach factual biological content. Second, the teachers emphasised mastery of factual content in their assessment. Third, the teachers tended to reduce socioscientific issues to specific biological contents in a way may preclude students from engaging with the real socioscientific issue. Our findings are particularly significant for science educators, policy-makers and curriculum designers, as we argue that key aspects of this content-centred interpretation may be a coping strategy used to navigate a divided curriculum.  相似文献   

Concept mapping was used to tap the conceptual disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge of seven biology and six geography teachers with short or long teaching experience. Based on five knowledge structure dimensions, the results were that (1) the disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge of teachers of both biology and geography is quite unsatisfactory; (2) the two types of knowledge did not improve with experience and the latter slightly deteriorated; and (3) the teachers mastered their disciplinary knowledge better than their pedagogical knowledge. The results are discussed in relation to the nature of the instructional activities and the different status of the disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge in teaching.  相似文献   

地理实验是一种地理教学实践活动,是运用实验手段,有目的、有步骤地控制或模拟地理现象和过程来认识地理事物的分布、发展和变化规律的一种感知活动.它能生动、直观地呈现地理过程,具有突出学生的主体地位、发展学生的科学能力、培养学生的科学品质等功能.  相似文献   

While there is growing recognition of the mutually shaping relationship between teaching with information technology (IT) and teachers’ beliefs, skills and self-efficacy, there has been a paucity of research attention on the construction of teacher identity during actual IT-assisted in-class teaching and out-of-class networking with students, in a full institutional and social context. This study investigates how a group of secondary school English as a second language (ESL) teachers regulated their teaching and practices and constructed their identities in relation to governmental requirements for the use of IT in teaching. Teachers from seven government-subsidised schools in Hong Kong were interviewed about their experiences of using IT in teaching. We frame the reported practices of these teachers as a process of construction of identity, formed in the context of the ‘governmentality’ supporting current examination-oriented educational policy. Observing from the perspective of what has been termed ‘governmentality’ and an ethical framework for self-formation of personal identity makes it possible to see these teachers’ professional identities constructed through the use of IT practices within the contradictory conditions of professional/personal demands, compliance/resistance, school promotion/peer non-cooperation, advantage/disadvantage in use of IT, use of IT/content and pedagogical knowledge. This study has implications for developing a more supportive and rational environment for the use of IT in teaching, in which more autonomy and identity options—rather than constraints—can be provided for teachers in the digital era. This study also informs practitioners and policy makers in other educational settings experiencing a similar IT boom in teaching.  相似文献   

以国际视野下的教师信息化能力概念为基础,分别按结构、功能对教师信息化教学能力的内涵挖掘,揭示职业院校教师信息化教学能力的固有特点。从偏远地区职业院校教师信息素养的现状和少数民族地区教师信息化能力发展影响因素着眼,构建职业院校教师信息化教学能力指标体系,其指标体系具有科学性、规范性、灵活性、本土性、人本性等特点。  相似文献   

This paper offers part of the findings of a qualitative, interpretive Ph.D. study, which used a case study approach to explore and illustrate the conceptions of and approaches to creativity of three expert specialist dance teachers working with late primary age children. The specialists had extensive expertise as dance educators in different educational settings together with experience as dance artists. One way of framing their conceptions and practice was in terms of the pedagogical puzzles or dilemmas that they encountered. This paper focuses on the dilemma of ‘balancing personal/collective voice and craft/compositional knowledge’ when teaching for creativity. The findings articulate the foundations of embodied knowing (intrinsic to aesthetic understanding) and the processes fundamental to their teaching for creativity. This is followed by details of the key pedagogical spectra which emerged when responding to the dilemma: prioritisation of creative source—inside out or outside in; degrees of proximity and intervention—distanced reactivity or close proactivity; and spectrum of task structures—purposeful play to tight apprenticeship; and their use in action by the teachers in their different situations. The paper relates these findings to two current questions within education: that of the relationship between knowledge and creativity, and the ways in which adults/experts might engage in teaching for creativity. The paper concludes that this research supports calls for a re-evaluation of aesthetic understanding's role in creativity, grounded in embodiment, within dance pedagogy, which might also be fruitfully heeded within wider educational contexts. It also provides the findings as ‘images of possible’ approaches to inter-relating knowledge and creativity both within dance, and other disciplines, and argues for the use of dilemmas and their solutions as one way of acknowledging complexity and encouraging reflective practice in teaching for creativity, both within teacher training and continuing professional development. Finally, the paper highlights the unique perspective of a group of hybrid education professionals at the arts/education interface, and suggests future areas of research which might develop from this investigation of their practice.  相似文献   

本研究着重于探索独立学院大学英语新手型教师及专家型教师在教学行为上的差异。通过剖析两者在教学行为上的具体差异来透析独立学院英语教师的教师素质,同时也为教师岗前培训及教师培训提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper presents an evaluation of the use of videoconferencing in learning and teaching in a United Kingdom higher education institution involved in initial teacher education. Students had the opportunity to observe naturalistic teaching practices without physically being present in the classroom. The study consisted of semi-structured interviews with the co-ordinator of the link, the head of ICT services in Stranmillis University College and the teacher of the classroom being observed. Students were invited to complete an online questionnaire. The views of the students, the co-ordinator of the link, the teacher of the classroom being observed and the head of ICT services in Stranmillis University College were then triangulated to gain an overall view of the effectiveness of the videoconferencing link. Interviews suggested students benefited in terms of pedagogy. In the early stages of the project, the teacher thought it acted as a form of classroom control. Technical problems were encountered initially and camera control was modified in the light of these. The online questionnaire suggested that students viewed this experience in a positive way and were impressed with the content, technical quality, and potential benefits of the use of this example of new technologies.  相似文献   

Children's Literature in Education -  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了多媒体网络教学技术的几个类型,并列举了部分常见的多媒体网络教学技术,通过课堂教学实例来进一步论证如何让网络多媒体技术在地理教学过程中发挥积极的作用,以及探究了地理教学中多媒体网络技术的现实意义和发展前景。  相似文献   


Recent studies show that religious education (RE) and various media outlets serve as increasingly important arenas for religious socialisation among Swedish youths. At the same time, it has been shown that media material, for example in the form of various news media, often make their way into RE classrooms to be used as materials alongside the more traditional textbooks. However, little quantitative research has been conducted in order to map RE teachers’ selection and use of materials in their classrooms, and what factors are involved in this selection. A nationally representative survey among 1292 RE teachers was conducted, and the results clearly show that textbooks are the most popular form of material, followed by pictures, sacred texts, documentaries, television news and news articles. Out of the relevant background variables, it was primarily school form, age, gender and religiosity that seemed to influence the teachers’ choices of material. The author concludes that familiarity with a certain form of material through personal experiences is a likely explanation for many of the correlations found and that further research is needed in order to explore the potential complexities that arise in the juxtaposition of classroom and media logics.  相似文献   

自2001年以来,我国开展了全新的基础教育课程改革,包括地理学科等在内的诸多学科都制定并颁行了新的课程标准,课程改革蔚然成风,许多全新的教育理念、教育方法也纷纷提出并获得广泛应用。其中,如何全面评价和继续推进初中地理教学中的情境教学模式,成为社会各界高度关注的问题。  相似文献   

表现性评价重视过程性评价、质性评价和非学业评价,充分体现了新课程评价的基本理念,成为新课程地理教学评价的一种重要而有效的方法。从设定其评价目标、明确评价内容、建立评价标准、设计评价工具、确定评价方式和选择评价方法等方面,并运用地理教学案例来说明表现性评价实施的基本过程,设计表现性评价的结果评定表。  相似文献   

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