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Unit 8 I'll help clean up the city parks.1.I'll help clean up the city parks.(P60)我将帮助打扫市区公园。clean up意为(把……)打扫干净,是动词+副词构成的短语动词,若宾语是代词,需将代词放在clean和up之间。例如:Look at the rubbish over there,clean it up at once.瞧那儿的脏东  相似文献   

up和down虽然意义相反,但在用法上却有许多相似之处。下面是up和down作副词的用法比较: 1.up的基本意思是“向上”“在上面”;down的基本意思是“向下”“在下面”。例如: He looked the stranger upand down.他上下打量这位陌生人。  相似文献   

1.H e uses a lift to go up and down.(P32)他使用电梯上下(楼)。此句相当于:H e goes up and dow n by lift.这里的lift是名词,意为“电梯”。例如:W e often take the lift to the twelfth floor.我们常常乘电梯到第十二层楼去。注意:give sb a lift意为“让某人搭车”、“帮某人的忙”。lift也可以作动词用,意为“提起”、“举起”、“升起”。例如:The boy can lift a pailof water from the ground.这个男孩能把一桶水从地上提起来。This box is too heavy for m e to lift.这箱子太重,我搬不动。2.H e leaves his hom e and w alk…  相似文献   

1.I’ll help clean up the city parks.我将帮助打扫城市的公园。(p.60)此句中help的意思是“帮助”,其后既可接带to的不定式,也可接不带to的不定式。例如: I help (to) cook supper every day.我每天帮忙做晚饭。I help my mother (to) cook supper every  相似文献   

1.T urn dow n the m usic.turn down的意思是“把……关小;把……调低”,是由“动词 副词”构成的短语动词,当宾语是名词时,放在副词的前、后均可;当宾语是代词时,则只能放在副词的前面。turn dow n的反义词是turn up。例如:Turn the radio down,please.=Turndow n the radio,please.请把收音机的音量调小。Please turn up the radio(=Turn theradio up,please),I can hardly hear it.请将收音机的音量调大,我几乎听不见。【正】Please turn it down/up.请把它的音量调小/大。【误】Please turn down/up it.【中考题】—H er radio is …  相似文献   

Unit Seventeen重点词语1.die down变弱;平息;消失On November12th the storm died down.(P31)[提示]die down意为“慢慢地变弱”、“平息下来”。例如:The roomseemed warm enough so we let the fire die down.(房间里够热的,所以我们让火慢慢熄灭。)Finally the singing die  相似文献   

Ⅰ.beat,hit beat:vt.“打一顿,揍”指连续地打。“打某人一顿”是说:beat sb.up或give sb.a(sound)beating,不能用hit,“打鼓”是:beat a drum,“打败某人是”:beat sb.。hit:vt.侧重“击中”的意思,有时可以表示“打一下”、“使……受到打击”。例如: ①But still we weren't sure we could beat them.(JEFC BIII L90)但是我们仍无把握打败他们。  相似文献   

1.turn off【解析】turn off的意思是“关上”,是由“动词 副词”构成的短语动词,当宾语是名词时,放在副词的前、后均可;当宾语是代词时,则只能放在副词的前面。turn off的反义词是turn on。例如:Please turn on the radio.=Please turnthe radio on.请把收音机关上。The light is still on.Please turn it off.灯还亮着,请把它关上。(不能说turn off it)另外,与之相关的还有turn up,意为“将(音量、亮度)调大”;turn down,意为“将(音量、亮度)调小”。例如:Please turn up the radio(=turn theradio up),I can hardly hear it.请将收音…  相似文献   

1.If you do,the teachers willtake it away.take away的意思是“拿走”。例如:Please take these books away.请把这些书拿走。【中考题】away this dirty shirt and bringme a clean one.(2004北京市朝阳区)A.Pick B.Bring C.Carry D.Take【解析】选D。全句的意思是“将这件脏衬衫拿走,给我一件干净的”。2.There are some who realize theirchosen sport can be very dangerous.realize的意思是“了解;意识到”,是及物动词。例如:The teacher realized how hard youworked.这位老师明白了你是多么地用功。【中考题】Last Thursday when I got tothe airport,I I had left myticket at home.(2005大连市)A.forgot B.realizedC.believed D.seemed【解析】选B。根据句意,可推...  相似文献   

up 意义很广,既可作副词,也可作介词。尤其在与动词搭配使用时,更是异常“活跃”。现列举数例,供同学们参考: 一、与“down”相对,表示“向上”之意。例如: He stood up to ask a question. 他站起来问了一个问题。 The water in the river is going up.河水正  相似文献   

1.Ive never been outofChina before.(L29)我以前从未出过国。be outof意为“在……之外”,表达一种情况或状态。例如:O ur factory is out of tow n.我们的工厂在城外。never意为“决不”、“从来没有”,表示否定意义。例如:I have never seen such a good film before.我以前从未看过这么好的电影。2.I m ean we have to put up the lights and Christm as balls.(L29)我的意思是,我们要把灯和圣诞球挂起来。句中的have to意为“不得不”、“必须”,多用来表达因外部的客观原因而“不得不”、“必须”的意思,即出于不得已;m ust和hav…  相似文献   

【单词识记】1.cut v.切;割;砍。例如:()①—Where is my dad,mum?(2006湖北襄樊中考题)—He isn’t at home.I guess he_______grass in the gardennow.A.cut B.has cutC.will cut D.is cutting【解析】正确选项D。选项中cut是动词“割”的意思。()②Lookthere!Who_______the youngtree?Let’s go and stop him.(2006武汉中考题)A.does cut B.is cutting C.cut【解析】正确选项B。选项中cut是动词“砍”的意思。2.pour v.(常与down,out,into连用)流;倾泻。例如:He poured lots of juice into the glass.(选出与划线部分意思相同或相…  相似文献   

1. wolf down /像狼一样吃东西,形容贪婪且而迅速地吃My mom told me for a thousand times not to wolf down the food when I蒺m eating, because it蒺s not good for the digestion(消化).我妈多次告诉我吃饭时不要狼吞虎咽,因为这对消化不好。2. break the ice /破冰,意思是打破僵局At last, they broke the ice, the quarrel came an end. 最后,他们打破了僵局,争吵才结束。此外,本期还给你介绍以下一些俚语:●clean up one蒺s act /自我检点,自我改进●come down in sheets /整片整片地下(倾盆大雨)●cross the line /跨过线(做得太…  相似文献   

英语中的很多习惯用语并不像表面的意思,有的甚至是大相径庭,下面介绍如下:1、A:What’s your poison?你要喝点什么?B:I’m easy,it is up to you.我怎样都行,由你作主。2、easy—going意思是“随和的”例如:He is easy going,work with him is your pleasure.他很随和,同他工作是你的荣幸。3、Bring it up.意思是“放马过来”例如:I think I dance best,if you don’t believe,bring it up.我舞跳得最好,如果不信放马过来(意思就是比试比试)。4、It is on the house(或者on the house)意思是“免费的”.例如:We went to a restaurant,t…  相似文献   

pick up是一个很常用的短语动词,用法比较灵活,意思也比较多。现在对其用法作一个简要的剖析,供同学们学习时参考: 1.表示“拾起”、“拿起”、“捡起”之意。例如:①He picked up the telephone and talked to a friend over it for a longtime.他拿起电话,与一个朋友交谈了很长时间。②I picked up all the pieces of paper in the classroom.我把教室里的纸片全都拾起来了。 2.表示“接收、收听(=receive)”之意。例如:①My radio set can pick up Radio Beijing easily.用我的收音机很容易收听中央人民广播电台的节目。  相似文献   

Half是英语中使用频率较高的一个单词.它一词多性,位置多变,搭配不一.1 作名词用意思是“半、一半”,复数为halves.Half与可数名词单数或不可数名词连用作主语中心词时,谓语动词用单数形式;与可数名词的复数连用时,谓语动词用复数形式.例如:(1)Half of the work is done.工作已完成一半.(2)The half of four is two.4的一半是2.(3)About half of the books are his.大约有一半的书是他的.(4)It’s half past nine now.现在是九点半.2 作形容词用意思是“一半的、半的、不完全的”.例如:(1)It took him half a year(美国英语)tofinish the work.(=It took him a half year(英国英语)tofinish the work.)  相似文献   

It is a shame! 这是一句可以用在许多适当情况的口语,表示一种轻度的“遗憾”或“同情”,但没有“羞耻”的意思。例如:Itis a shame that your car got stuck in the snow.(你的汽车陷在雪里,真糟糕。)When I said:“Ilost ten dollars from my pocket”,he replied:“It isa shamel”(当我说:“我从口袋里掉了10块钱”,他回答:“真遗憾!”)至于“What a shame”.其实与“It is a shame”意思相似,也有“It is too bad”的意思。例如:What a shame that his son's behav—ior is so rude.(他儿子的粗鲁行为是令人遗憾的)May it ever be thus!  相似文献   

1.turn out/off,turn on,turn down,turn up turn out/off意思是“关掉”。常指关掉电器的电源或水龙头等。反义词组是turn on(打开)。表示“开火”是turn up,“关小”是turn down。例如:[第一段]  相似文献   

Unit131.(2001春招)Would you slow down a bit,please?I can相似文献   

1.I’m dressing up as a ghost.我装扮成一个鬼。(P34)dress up as意思是“乔装打扮成”。类似词组有dress up in“用……乔装打扮”,dress oneself意思是“自己穿衣服”,如:People dress up in strange for a funparty.人们身着奇装异服参加欢乐的聚会。The child can’t dress himself yet.那个孩子自己还不会穿衣服。2.Getting ready for Halloween准备过万圣节(P36)get readyfor意为“为……做准备”,后跟名词或代词,getreadyto后接动词原形。例如:My mother is getting ready for dinner.我妈妈在准备晚饭。Get ready to run.准备…  相似文献   

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