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温度对涡虫再生的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过设置温度梯度,观察涡虫切割后再生时间及再生成活率,发现19℃-24℃为涡虫切割再生的适宜温度范围,22℃为最适温度。  相似文献   

淡水涡虫繁殖及再生的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了淡水涡虫的生殖方法和发生异常无性生殖的诱因,并探讨了涡虫再生的细胞来源,生化机理及再生的极性之谜。  相似文献   

用昆虫针在涡虫对称性线上的咽前部、咽和咽后部垂直刺穿后收针,术后12h针伤愈合;在刺穿的针孔处穿插头发,术后1-74h涡虫以身体一侧横裂的方式脱逃,脱逃 身体两侧的机会均等,涡虫去头后于咽部穿插头发,脱逃的时间、方式与有头涡虫无明显区别  相似文献   

涡虫培养与再生的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在动物界中,涡虫具有很强的再生能力,本对涡虫的培养方法有了新的改进(藻类增氧法),并取得了很好的效果,同时在良好的培养基础上做了大量割切实验(特别是纵切),也取得了一定的进展。  相似文献   

采用SDS-PAGE电泳和银染显色法对正常涡虫及其不同时间再生涡虫组织中低分子蛋白质及其含量进行比较分析.结果显示:再生涡虫蛋白条带及其含量在再生18 h内呈减少趋势,之后至36 h蛋白条带呈增加恢复的趋势,蛋白含量减少现象在Rf约为0.25-0.5和0.65-0.75两区间中尤为明显.  相似文献   

不同的动物,再生能力不同.较低等的动物再生能力比较强,高等动物的整体和器官再生能力明显降低,但仍然保持了组织的再生能力.  相似文献   

研究石油污染物对日本三角涡虫的急性毒性、摄食及再生的影响。结果表明,石油污染物对日本三角涡虫的24hLC50、48hLC50分别为83.47g/L、56.83g/L;≤6.67g/L的污染物对日本三角涡虫摄食的影响随污染浓度的增大与染毒时间的延长而增强;≥10.00g/L的污染物对涡虫再生的影响显著(P〈0.05),且随处理时间的延长而影响逐渐减小。表明日本三角涡虫可作为检测石油污染物对水体污染程度的指示生物。  相似文献   

观察是一种有目的、有计划的知觉活动。人从外界所接受的信息,90%以上是通过观察获得的,良好的观察能力,对任何工作都具有重要的意义,从化学学科的特点来看,化学是一门以实验为基础的学科,实验现象复杂多佯,只有观察得好,才能通过分析、综合,得出正确的结论。因此,在化学教学中必须要加强实验观察能力的培养下面就结合本人在化学教学中的切身体会来谈一谈如何培养学生的实验观察能力。  相似文献   

学生化学实验观察能力的培养对其化学学习有重要意义.文中将人教版化学九年级上册教材的实验活动内容设计为培养化学实验观察能力各维度表现的教学情境,编写相应的化学实验观察报告单,在课堂教学活动中使用.研究发现,实验观察报告单教学对学生化学实验观察能力各维度表现的发展均有显著的教学效果.课堂教学活动缩小了不同化学学业成绩学生在...  相似文献   

观察能力是思维能力、实验能力、自学能力的基础,是学好化学最主要的一种能力。在化学实验课中对学生进行观察能力的培养是十分必要的,也是切实可行的。如何培养好学生的观察能力,是提高学生化学学科综合素质的保障。  相似文献   

德洪是宋代禅林中的关键人物之一,他在佛经诠释、佛教史学、佛教文学方面都占有十分重要的地位。他的《临济四喝》是一首能反映其禅宗思想的佚诗。  相似文献   

In Wales, the issues of language, land, and community are inextricably intertwined in a resurgence of Welsh identity. Nowhere are these issues more the focus of attention than in the newly formed Welsh-medium schools, schools that are struggling to revive the Welsh language as an instrument of technical as well as literary communication and making it an embodiment of the very notion of Welshness (Cymreictod) itself. This paper, based on field-work in Wales, concentrates on the school's task in identity building and on the interplay between the schools and rising elites.
Zusammenfassung In Wales sind die entscheidenden Fragen von Sprache, Land und Gemeinschaft unentwirrbar mit einem Wiederaufleben der nationalen Identität der Waliser verbunden. Nirgendwo stehen diese Fragen so sehr im Mittelpunkt des Interesses wie in den neuen walisisch-sprachigen Schulen; Schulen, die dafür kämpfen, die walisische Sprache sowohl als ein Instrument der technischen als auch literarischen Kommunikation wiederzubeleben, und zur Verkörperung des Walisertums (Cymreictod) selbst zu machen. Dieser Artikel, der auf Arbeit vor Ort beruht, konzentriert sich auf die Aufgabe der Schule beim Aufbau von Identität, auf das Wechselspiel zwischen Schulen und neuen Eliten.

Résumé Au Pays de Galles, les problèmes de langue, de pays et de communauté s'entrelacent en un éclatement de l'identité galloise. Nulle part ailleurs ces problèmes ne sont davantage le centre d'intérêt que dans les écoles nouvellement créées qui utilisent la langue galloise comme moyen d'instruction, tout en luttant pour faire revivre le gallois comme instrument de communication technique aussi bien que littéraire, pour faire de cette langue l'incarnation même de tout ce qui est Gallois (Cymreictod). Cet article basé sur des travaux faits sur place au Pays de Galles, se concentre sur la tâche de l'école à établir l'identité, et sur l'action réciproque entre les écoles et la nouvelle élite.

香港回归祖国以后,按照“一国两制”的原则,两地教育交流和合作不断扩大和加强,其中内地高校和香港高校在对方区域招生的规模逐步扩大,也越来越受到社会的关注。作者回顾了香港高校内地招生的历史,分析了内地学生热心选择香港高校的原因,并进一步阐述了对香港高校内地招生的认识。  相似文献   

通过学生分组实验,对实验中存在的问题进行讨论,思考,并在教师的指导下解决,能起到提高学生观察能力和思维能力的作用。  相似文献   

隐喻反映了语言的内部矛盾和机制:隐喻的产生是语言的需要;隐喻是对语言材料的创造性再利用,是语言的高级发展阶段;它体现了语言的概括性特点,且是一种超常的概括;隐喻填补语言的方法是绝妙的。  相似文献   


Providing an indigenous opinion on anything is a difficult task. To be sure, there is a multitude of possible indigenous responses to dominant Western philosophy. My aim in this paper is to assess dominant analytic Western philosophy in light of the general insistence of most indigenous authors that indigenous metaphysics is holistic, and to make some bold claims about both dominant Western philosophy in line with an indigenous metaphysics of holism. There will, of course, be different ways of expressing holism according to the indigenous group, but most of the literature states, as a most basic concern, that a general indigenous philosophy is concerned with the groundedness (or otherwise) of an individual as an entity related to and indivisible from the rest of the world.11. See for instance: Deloria and Wildcat (2001 Deloria, V., & Wildcat, D. (2001). Power and place: Indian education in America. Golden, CO: Fulcrum Resources. [Google Scholar]), Calderon (2008 Calderon, D. (2008). Indigenous metaphysics: Challenging Western knowledge organization in social studies curriculum (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of California, Los Angeles. [Google Scholar]), and Marsden (1985 Marsden, M. (1985). God, man and universe: A Maori view. In M. King (Ed.), Te Ao Hurihuri: The world moves on: Aspects of Maoritanga (pp. 143164). Auckland: Longman Paul Ltd. [Google Scholar]) for specific discussion on the nature of indigenous relationships with all things. The consequences of any assertion about the holistic nature of metaphysics are vast, including for the interpretation of what is often perceived of as the antithesis: Western philosophy.  相似文献   

Teacher evaluation and development policies around the world are undergoing significant reform. Classroom observation often carries a considerable weight in teacher appraisal and improvement systems, and provides the critical formative anchor informing professional development. This study examined a purposively selected sample of sixteen classroom observation systems in six countries, including high performing Singapore and Japan, regional exemplar Chile, the three largest school districts in the United States, and other interesting examples in Australia, Germany and the United States to add diversity to the sample. The study offers an analytic framework for understanding classroom observation systems across contexts, distinguishing conceptual, methodological and policy aspects that shape these systems. The sixteen systems were remarkably consistent in their stated overall purposes, but there was variation in terms of how they operationalized good teaching, the degree of standardization of the observation process, emphasis on validation, and information uses. The paper describes and discusses these characteristics in order to help researchers and policymakers reflect on the available options and take more informed decisions in designing classroom observation for evaluating and improving teaching.  相似文献   

常温条件下,大树蛙早期发育从受精卵到蝌蚪孵化需6d左右,卵群形态、孵化方式等与大多数无尾两栖类有别;胚胎发育、变态发育与其它无尾两栖类相似;在实验室人工饲养下,蝌蚪在孵化后的第29d长出后肢,第36d长出前肢,第43d完成变态发育.  相似文献   

This study documents the amount and quality of reading instruction provided to second‐ through fifth‐grade students with learning disabilities provided resource‐room services. Reading instruction provided by 10 special education resource‐room teachers was observed. Findings reveal that teachers and students were on task during instructional time that included phonological awareness, word study, comprehension, reading fluency, and vocabulary instruction of average to high average quality. Although class size was small overall, whole‐group instructional delivery was most common. Students made statistically significant gains in oral reading fluency but did not increase their standard scores on measures of comprehension or word reading. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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