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《图书馆战略规划研究》作为国家社会科学基金重点项目的研究成果,入选《国家哲学社会科学成果文库》。该书分析了图书馆战略规划基础理论和实践现状,提出了各类型图书馆的战略规划问题与解决措施,设计了图书馆战略规划辅助系统与战略发展方案。该书以实证调研为支撑,具备管理规范的价值和行业引领的意义,是关于我国图书馆战略管理理论研究与实践活动的一部重要著作。  相似文献   

NLM's Current Catalog has recently come in for some criticism. To be useful as a tool in acquisition and cataloging, currency in receipt of the Current Catalog is necessary. A survey of 263 titles with 1967 imprints, which were received by the Library of the Medical Sciences, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, was made to determine the correlation between the receipt of these books in the library and their appearance in the Current Catalog.  相似文献   

王宇  沈津 《图书馆杂志》2022,(1):106-113
民国三十三年,顾廷龙与潘景郑合编的《明代版本图录初编》面世,此书首次以图录之称,辑录明季善本书两百零三种,每书采正文书影一、两帧,并附版本信息,开创了一种版本目录学研究的新范式,并对后来的《中国版刻图录》和《清代版本图录》产生了一定的影响。编辑出版这部《图录》时,顾廷龙正应叶景葵、张元济之邀请,于上海参加合众图书馆的创建。特殊历史时期下的图书馆建设,古籍版本图录的整理模式,深入研究或可钩沉出版史料,启发当下。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel application in bibliometrics of the barycenter method. Using places of publication barycenters, we measure internationalization of book publishing in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Based on 2002–2011 data for Flanders, Belgium, we demonstrate how the geographic center of weight of book publishing is different for the Social Sciences than for the Humanities. Whereas the latter still rely predominantly on domestic Flemish and continental European publishers, the former are firmly Anglo-Saxon oriented. The Humanities, however, show a more pronounced evolution toward further internationalization. For the already largely internationally oriented Social Sciences, in most recent years, the share of British publishers has grown. The barycenter method proves to be a valuable tool in the representation of research internationalization of book publications. This is especially the case when applied non-Anglophone countries.  相似文献   

高校外文图书协调发展的组织与实施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章针对我国高校图书馆外文图书收藏分散,缺乏全国范围内的整体规划这一问题,研究了中国高校人文社科文献中心(CASHL)推出的外文图书订购信息平台,对其系统功能和实施应用情况进行了对比分析。结果表明,其应用起到了促进采访工作流程一体化和图书按学科协调采购的重要作用。  相似文献   

多媒体信息发布系统是一种应用型媒体整合传播系统,它是直接面向用户提供公共服务、保障信息畅通的重要手段。作为一座新近建设的图书馆,清华大学人文社科图书馆设计并应用了多媒体信息发布系统。该系统主要包括节目编辑和发送、节目管理和发布两大模块,其发布内容融合了多种媒体信息资料,在图书馆各功能区域得到广泛应用,取得了良好成效。在设计与应用多媒体信息发布系统的过程中,我们应对多媒体信息发布系统的优缺点有清晰认识,要在充分发挥多媒体信息发布系统优势的同时,实现多媒体信息发布系统与其他媒体的优势互补。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to obtain information which would help planners of the online catalog design a catalog which would be relevant to the needs of university faculty. Data was obtained by means of a questionnaire mailed to the faculty, College of Humanities, University of Utah. It was found that (1) references in books or articles they read; (2) the Subject Catalog; and (3) printed indexes, bibliographies and research guides in that order were the three most utilized information sources. Browsing was an important fourth. The faculty would like more in-depth coverage of the local library collection rather than access to other library catalogs or online databases from the catalog terminal. Feedback and comments in response to an open-ended question varied.  相似文献   

以营销组合理论为基础,以中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(CASHL)的服务营销为案例,通过对CASHL营销活动的分析,总结图书馆文献资源共建共享体系开展服务营销时需要注意的7个关键影响因素,即:用户市场调研与市场细分、特定的信息产品与品牌服务、低廉的价格、金字塔形的用户培育、顺畅的渠道、公共关系管理和营销效果评估。以期为其他文献信息服务机构提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   


The authors explore the roots of Holland Library Public Services in two original divisional libraries, the Humanities Library and the Social Sciences Library, and chronicles its evolution through the “merger” (1978-82), the Kemp years (1983-89), the New Library planning and construction phase (1989-94), and a modern phase (1995-present). The modern phase includes a discussion of the influences of a library reorganization. Specific aspects of Holland Library Public Services culture are detailed and discussed; conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   

When the National Library of Medicine acquired a computer to augment its publication program, the intent was to present in one medium an index to journal articles and a catalog of books and new serial titles. The computer programs designed for indexing were unsatisfactory for cataloging, however; so two publications were issued, the Index Medicus and the NLM Current Catalog.The Current Catalog features separate name and subject sections, added volumes, and technical reports.The Express Cataloging Service was one of the first attempts to increase the speed and coverage of the Catalog. Shared cataloging with the Library of Congress, the Countway Library at Harvard, and the Upstate Medical Library in Syracuse, New York, have also contributed to the efforts toward improving this library service. An additional shared cataloging program, this time with the National Medical Audiovisual Center, is expected to be implemented shortly.  相似文献   

哈佛大学的图书馆系统及馆藏管理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
描述哈佛大学图书馆系统和馆藏管理的特点。哈佛大学图书馆通过开发不同类型的联合目录,有效管理和利用馆藏资源,并用一个现代化的共享式密集书库来解决馆藏空间不足的问题。另外,哈佛大学图书馆还采取分别协调、集中引进的方法对数字化资源进行管理。  相似文献   

This article compares the usage of print monographs acquired through firm orders and approval plans to determine whether title-by-title book selection makes a difference. The circulation data of print monographs acquired in a four-year period were extracted and separated according to their acquisition methods. Usage data were analyzed according to the Library of Congress Classification system and library's three subject area groups (Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences). The results indicate that books acquired via firm orders had a higher circulation rate in almost all subject areas. The authors discuss how the findings can be used to inform future collection practices.  相似文献   

中国社科院近代史所图书馆核心藏书的建设及其特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国社科院近代史所图书馆核心藏书的建设及其特色●万燕ABSTRACTTheLibraryoftheInstituteofModernHistoryoftheChineseAcademyofSocialScienceshasacolectionofne...  相似文献   

自助服务已经成为图书馆服务的一种重要形式.清华大学人文社科图书馆在建设之初就充分考虑了自助服务的需求,根据读者需求和自身特点,在实施了统一用户认证信息库、公告发布系统和电话咨询系统的基础上,提供了自助借还书、24小时自助还书窗口、自助缴纳超期罚款、自助文印服务、自助机位管理系统、自助研读间预订、自助阅览座位管理和开放密集架书库等服务,尝试构建一个以自助服务为导向的现代图书馆.  相似文献   

CASHL的发展现状、模式及特点分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李朵 《图书馆杂志》2005,24(6):47-48,72
高校人文社会科学文献中心服务系统在资源建设、网络化信息服务等方面取得了长足进展,体现了我国人文社会科学文献的保障水平。本文具体论述了中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(CASHL)的发展现状、模式及特点,总结了CASHL值得借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

多媒体信息发布系统是一种应用型媒体整合传播系统,它是直接面向用户提供公共服务、保障信息畅通的重要手段。作为一座新近建设的图书馆,清华大学人文社科图书馆设计并应用了多媒体信息发布系统。该系统主要包括节目编辑和发送、节目管理和发布两大模块,其发布内容融合了多种媒体信息资料,在图书馆各功能区域得到广泛应用,取得了良好成效。在设计与应用多媒体信息发布系统的过程中,我们应对多媒体信息发布系统的优缺点有清晰认识,要在充分发挥多媒体信息发布系统优势的同时,实现多媒体信息发布系统与其他媒体的优势互补。  相似文献   

In 2004, the Social Sciences and Humanities Library at the University of California–San Diego implemented restaurant-style pagers to notify waiting patrons that the reserve collection materials they needed were available. The authors describe the university libraries’ process for implementing the pagers and the success staff has had with pagers over the past four years, list other libraries that use pagers, suggest other library uses for pagers, and offer guidance to institutions that might consider this service enhancement.  相似文献   


Difficult decisions about the collection had to be madeby the library staff planning the moveto thenew Walter C. Koerner Library at the University of British Columbia. Thislibrary wasto bethe center for servicesto Humanities and Social Sciencesusers, but could accommodate only 60% of the Humanitiesand Social Sciences collectionshoused in the old Main Library. The staff had to decide what parts of the collection to move and what to leave in the old building, against the day when the second phase of the Koerner Library should be built. This article describes howthese difficult choices were made, including the consultation process, the development of criteria to split the collection, and their implementa-tion.  相似文献   

采访工作少不了读者的参与,读者参与图书的选购为图书馆文献资源质量的提升给予了很大的帮助。该文从现有选书模式出发,研究和分析了读者选书心理及其成因,明确指出了读者不应当是一个选书的操作者,应是一个指导图书馆采访人员学会选书的老师,只有立足于读者的指导,文献资源建设才能得以持续稳定的发展。  相似文献   

地方社科院图书馆数字化建设探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
馆藏数字化是未来图书馆建设的主要方向.图书馆三大系统中,地方社科院图书馆属于研究型图书馆,规模小,数字化进程比较缓慢.在普通文献和特色文献数字化工作中均存在着不足和问题,不能很好地满足科研人员的需求.在网络环境下,地方社科院图书馆应当充分认识到文献数字化的急迫性,以教字化普通文献作为数字化工作的基础,数字化特色文献为数字化工作的重点,力争实现资源共享的最佳化.  相似文献   

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