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该文简要介绍了多数代表制与比例代表制,并在此基础上评述了我国基层民主选举中出现的选举办法。同时对进一步完善基层民主选举制度,特别是乡镇人民代表大会的直接选举制度,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

1999年苏格兰议会正式成立,它具有广泛的立法权限及其他处理地方事务的权力。同时1998((苏格兰法案》也规定了苏格兰议会越权立法的防范机制。苏格兰议会的设立加快了苏格兰的立法进程,也实现了苏格兰人民的自我治理。  相似文献   

1999年苏格兰议会正式成立,它具有广泛的立法权限及其他处理地方事务的权力。同时1998((苏格兰法案》也规定了苏格兰议会越权立法的防范机制。苏格兰议会的设立加快了苏格兰的立法进程,也实现了苏格兰人民的自我治理。  相似文献   

混合选举制评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
混合选举制是二战后由德国首创的一种新型选举制度。它把世界原有两大选举模式即多数制代表制与比例代表制相结合,不同程度地克服了其各自的弱点。20 世纪 90 年代以来,世界许多国家依据其各自的政治需要,对德国式的混合选举制作了不同程度的修正,从而使之各具特色,形式多样,并由此成为21 世纪世界选举制改革的一种趋势。本文着重分析混合选举制产生的历史背景、原理、特征及其带来的政治效果。  相似文献   

本文从幼儿园的师生比例、教育活动、教师的工作和角色、多元文化的教育观、家园关系等几个方面分析了苏格兰幼儿教育的特点及其对我国幼儿教育实践的启示。  相似文献   

经过1689年革命,议会取代国王成为苏格兰的权力中心,掌控议会的苏格兰贵族登上了苏格兰国家的权力顶峰。与英格兰合并符合苏格兰民族的整体利益和长远发展,但是大部分贵族却不得不放弃其在一个主权国家内至高无上的地位与权力。一边是民族的发展前途,一边是自身的既得权力与利益,站在决定苏格兰民族命运的历史关头,这些贵族毅然以民族利益为重。正是在他们的努力下,苏格兰与英格兰的合并才得以实现。  相似文献   

村民选举权是法律赋予村民的一项基本民主权利。而村民委员会选举多数决制度在参与成员范围、决定程序和权利救济这三个方面侵犯了少数人选举权的实现,因此,需要构建一个机制来衡平选举多数决制度,如弱化户籍制度和宗族势力对村民选举权的影响,完善村民委员会选举监督机制和救济措施,这一方面能够制约多数人权利的行使,另一方面又能够保障少数人积极参与到村民委员会选举中去,从而实现村民民主自治。  相似文献   

苏格兰的诗歌历史虽然源远流长,但真正能代表苏格兰诗歌传统的诗歌风格要迟至13、14世纪才得以萌发,其诗歌传统的确立则在15和16世纪,苏格兰的诗人们在乔叟和李德盖特等同胞诗人们的影响下,创作出了形式多样、内容上独具苏格兰特色的诗歌作品。他们创建的苏格兰诗歌传统特色有两大标志:形式上的乔叟派,内容上旗帜鲜明的苏格兰本土性特征与其形式多样的诗歌表现形式的高度统一。"苏格兰乔叟派诗人"将乔叟的真传继承下来并发扬光大,其独具特色的创作,为苏格兰诗歌传统的奠定和开拓作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

Here,you'll find 2)large-scale open air concerts,street parties and 3)spectacular 4)fireworks welcoming the bells at midnight.The celebrations are all about 5)community and local events such as dinner dances,or just parties held in neighbors' houses which get visited in turn as first footerscould bring everyone a good new year.  相似文献   

Many studies have investigated university students’ attitudes to people with mental disorder (PMD) but most have used medical student participants. No Scottish studies were found on this topic where students of a broad range of subjects had participated. A mixed methods research design was employed where the topic was qualitatively explored (n = 3) prior to quantification of perspectives via questionnaire use (n = 642). Only 10.3% of questionnaire respondents agreed that PMD tended to be more violent than others and only 3.7% believed keeping PMD in psychiatric hospitals made the campus safer. Over 94% disagreed that PMD caused their problems, but 20.3% disagreed that PMD often improved with treatment. Almost 4% reported unwillingness to work on a class project with PMD. Science students were significantly more likely than arts students to view PMD as: violent, unpredictable, blameworthy for their condition, people who should be kept away from campus, causing them to feel unsafe. International students were more likely to ‘strongly agree’ than European Union (EU) students that PMD should be kept off the campus. EU students were more willing to work on a class project with PMD than international students were. Postgraduate students exhibited several more negative attitudes than undergraduates; being more likely to see PMD as violent and less likely to work on a class project with PMD. The need for mental disorder stigma related education among students at Scottish universities should be assessed.  相似文献   

The first major legislation of the new Scottish Parliament is an Education Act which has a dramatic impact on the General Teaching Council for Scotland. The Act has implications for the influence of teacher unions over the Council, for the dismissal of teachers who are deemed to be incompetent, and for the continuing professional development of teachers. Relationships between teachers and government are thus fundamentally changed by the new Parliament and its processes.  相似文献   

我国选举制度改革三十年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放三十年来,我国不断改革选举制度,制定了1979年选举法,并对其进行了四次重要修正。同时,还对村委会选举制度和党内选举制度进行了重大改革。通过改革,我国初步建立起具有中国特色的民主选举制度,对发展社会主义民主,建设政治文明,起到重要推动作用。  相似文献   

18、19世纪是苏格兰大学的辉煌时期,此后苏格兰大学的声名逐渐衰微,在一定程度上失去了自己的特色。运用历史分析的方法,溯源苏格兰的大学在19世纪被融入英格兰模式的进程,分析其逐步盎格鲁化、摒弃自己传统的原因。政治经济上的依赖不能保证教育方面的独立,正是政治经济因素最终导致了苏格兰高等教育与英格兰的趋同。  相似文献   

中美选举制度无论在选举权与被选举权的规定上,还是在选举机构、选举经费来源、选举过程以及选举规则上都存在很大的不同。文章通过对两种选举制度的比较,发现其差异,并从实行选举权与被选举权的分离,加强对选举的组织与宣传力度,注重在选举中引入竞争机制,扩大直选范围,提高选举技术含量,探索适合中国国情的选举规则角度出发,为我国选举制度的完善进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

Interest in progressive education ideas has often been accompanied by advocacy for greater use of interdisciplinary and holistic learning approaches, as these are considered beneficial in conceptual, curriculum, and pedagogical terms. The paper reviews the possibilities for progress on this basis and contextualises the paper around three concurrent watershed moments in Scottish education: the end of the five-year programme implementation phase of a Curriculum for Excellence; the half-century anniversary of comprehensive schooling (1965–2015); and the centennial anniversary of the publication of Democracy in Education by John Dewey. Following a brief outlining of the Scottish policy context, the paper analyses the influence of Dewey on conceptions of curriculum integration and interdisciplinary learning and their connections with curriculum planning, effective pedagogical practices, and whole school reforms. Analysis describes the areas of conceptual clarity required and reviews how exactly versions of interdisciplinary learning might operate in practice. It is argued that the learner-led ideals championed by Dewey can still provide guidance and traction to help ensure that policy and practice gains are more than modest and variable. However, progress is likely to be greatest if school organisational changes accompany alterations to the curriculum and pedagogical culture in schools.  相似文献   

完善中国特色社会主义选举制度的路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设中国特色的社会主义选举制度是发展社会主义民主政治、建设社会主义政治文明、全面建设小康社会的重要政治目标。通过与西方选举制度的比较,发现以人民代表大会制度为核心的我国选举制度明显优于西方,但是我国选举制度也存在着许多需要完善之处。  相似文献   

Nurture groups (NGs) are increasingly being established in Scottish secondary schools yet research in this context is limited. The current study explores the purpose, features and value of two NGs in a Scottish secondary school through interviewing current and former NG members, parents/carers, NG staff and other school staff. A thematic analysis of the findings suggests that the two NGs offer young people a smooth transition from primary, prepare them physically and emotionally for learning, encourage friendships and equip them with social skills. However, optimal function and gains are compromised by systemic gaps in formal communication, monitoring and reintegration processes across the school and between school and home, among others. These factors are discussed in the context of their importance in supporting generalisation of skills outwith the NG and the function of the wider organisation.  相似文献   

香港特别行政区和台湾地区均是我国主权范围下享有较大自治权的地区。两者保持着其资表主义的生产制度和生活方式不变,享有广泛的经济政治自治。但是由于人文历史和法律传统差异,两者的各种制度也存在很大的不同。用比较法研究两者的法律问题,特别是研究两者选举制度,在某些程度上有利于我国统一进程及民法法系和普通法法系的进步.  相似文献   

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