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A new delayed state-variable model for networked control systems is presented, upon which a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) is designed. A method of delays-estimation online is also given. A fuzzy logic with LQR controller is addressed for the difficulty on implementation of LQR in networked control systems (NCSs) with time-variant delays. Simulation results prove that the novel controller can make the system stable and robustly preserve the performance in terms of time-variant delays.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of non-fragile guaranteed cost control for a class of uncertain stochastic nonlinear time-delay systems. The parametric uncertainties are assumed to be time-varying and norm bounded. The time-delay factors are unknown and time-varying with known bounds. The aim of this paper is to design a memoryless non-fragile state feedback control law such that the closed-loop system is stochastically asymptotically stable in the mean square for all admissible parameter uncertainties and the closed-loop cost function value is not more than a specified upper bound. A new sufficient condition for the existence of such controllers is presented based on the linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach. Then, a convex optimization problem is formulated to select the optimal guaranteed cost controller which minimizes the upper bound of the closed-loop cost function. Numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the developed techniques.  相似文献   

In this paper, the issues of finite-time extended dissipative analysis and non-fragile control are investigated for a class of uncertain discrete time switched linear systems. Based on average dwell-time approach, sufficient conditions for the finite-time boundedness and finite-time extended dissipative performance of the considered systems are proposed by solving some linear matrix inequalities, where using the concept of extended dissipative, we can solve the H, L2?L, Passivity and (Q, S, R)-dissipativity performance in a unified framework. Furthermore, two form of non-fragile state feedback controllers are designed to guarantee that the closed-loop systems satisfy the finite-time extended dissipative performance. Finally, simulation example is given to show the efficiency of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

This paper considers the sliding mode control (SMC) problem of a class of uncertain Markovian jump systems, in which there exist randomly occurring parameter uncertainties and random gain variations in the controller. By introducing two independent random variables obeying Bernoulli distribution, the random characteristics of parameter uncertainties and controller gain variations are described. A mode-dependent sliding surface is constructed, and then, the non-fragile SMC scheme is synthesized such that the specified sliding surface is reached in finite time. Furthermore, the stochastic finite-time boundedness over both the reaching and sliding stages are ensured simultaneously under some sufficient conditions. Finally, the developed non-fragile SMC approach is verified by a practical example.  相似文献   

The PI control configuration for stabilization and signal tracking of nonlinear systems is investigated. Semiglobal asymptotic stability and semiglobal practical signal tracking of the controlled system are proven using results from the theory of nonlinear singularly perturbed systems.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the output feedback control for a class of stochastic nonlinear time delay systems based on dynamic gain technique. The nonlinear terms of the stochastic system satisfy linear growth condition on unmeasured state variables with the output dependent incremental rate, which makes the studied time delay stochastic system more general than the exiting results. Firstly, the full order dynamic gain observer is constructed. Then, the linear-like controller is designed without using recursive design method. Next, the stability analysis is given and a useful corollary is obtained. Finally, a simulation is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper presents the optimal quadratic-Gaussian controller for uncertain stochastic polynomial systems with linear control input and a quadratic criterion over linear observations. The optimal closed-form controller equations are obtained using the separation principle, whose applicability to the considered problem is substantiated. As intermediate results, the paper gives closed-form solutions of the optimal regulator and controller problems for stochastic polynomial systems with linear control input and a quadratic criterion. Performance of the obtained optimal controller is verified in the illustrative example against the conventional quadratic-Gaussian controller that is optimal for stochastic polynomial systems with known parameters. Simulation graphs demonstrating overall performance and computational accuracy of the designed optimal controller are included.  相似文献   

This paper discusses PID controller tuning for integrating processes with varying time-delays. Most of the existing tuning rules for the first-order lag plus integrator plus delay (FOLIPD) processes that we mainly focus on have the same general structure, and the properties of these rules are discussed in conjunction with varying time-delays. The analysis leads to novel tuning rules, where the maximum amplitude of an arbitrarily varying time-delay can be given as a parameter, which makes the use of the rules attractive in several applications. We will also extend the analysis to integrating processes with second-order lag and apply the design guidelines for a networked control application. In addition, we propose a novel tuning method that optimizes the closed-loop performance with respect to certain robustness constraints while also providing robustness to delay variance via jitter margin maximization. Further, we develop new PID controller tuning rules for a wide range of processes based on the proposed method. The new tuning rules are discussed in detail and compared with some of the recently published results. The work was originally motivated by the need for robust but simultaneously well-performing PID parameters in an agricultural machine case process. We also demonstrate the superiority of the proposed tuning rules in the case process.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a passive fuzzy controller design methodology for nonlinear system with multiplicative noises. Applying the Itô's formula and the sense of mean square, the sufficient conditions are developed to analyze the stability and to design the controller for stochastic nonlinear systems which are represented by the Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy models. The sufficient conditions derived in this paper belong to the Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) forms which can be solved by the convex optimal programming algorithm. Besides, the passivity theory is applied to discuss the effect of external disturbance on system. Finally, some numerical simulation examples are provided to demonstrate the applications of the proposed fuzzy controller design technique.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the optimal controller problem for a linear system over linear observations with respect to different Bolza–Meyer criteria, where (1) the integral control and state energy terms are quadratic and the non-integral term is of the first degree or (2) the control energy term is quadratic and the state energy terms are of the first degree. The optimal solutions are obtained as sliding mode controllers, each consisting of a sliding mode filter and a sliding mode regulator, whereas the conventional feedback LQG controller fails to provide a causal solution. Performance of the obtained optimal controllers is verified in the illustrative example against the conventional LQG controller that is optimal for the quadratic Bolza–Meyer criterion. The simulation results confirm an advantage in favor of the designed sliding mode controllers.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of adaptive output feedback neural network controller design for a SISO non-affine nonlinear system. Since in practice all system states are not available in output measurement, an observer is designed to estimate these states. In comparison with the existing approaches, the current method does not require any information about the sign of control gain. In order to handle the unknown sign of the control direction, the Nussbaum-type function is utilized. In order to approximate the unknown nonlinear function, neural network is firstly exploited, and then to compensate the approximation error and external disturbance a robustifying term is employed. The proposed controller is designed based on strict-positive-real (SPR) Lyapunov stability theory to ensure the asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system. Finally, two simulation studies are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed scheme.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of delay-dependent guaranteed cost control for uncertain two-dimensional (2-D) state delay systems described by the Fornasini and Marchesini (FM) second state-space model. Given a scalar α∈(0,1), a sufficient condition for the existence of delay-dependent guaranteed cost controllers is given in terms of a linear matrix inequality (LMI) based on a summation inequality for 2-D discrete systems. A convex optimization problem is proposed to design a state feedback controller stabilizing the 2-D state delay system as well as achieving the least guaranteed cost for the resulting closed-loop system. Finally, the simulation example of thermal processes is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed result.  相似文献   

An output feedback control analysis and design framework for linear systems with input hystereses nonlinearities is developed. Specifically, by transforming the hystereses nonlinearities into dissipative input-output dynamical operators, dissipativity theory is used to analyze and design linear controllers for systems with hysteretic actuators. The overall framework guarantees partial asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system; that is, asymptotic stability with respect to part of the closed-loop system state associated with the plant and the controller. Furthermore, the remainder of the state associated with the hysteresis dynamics is shown to be semistable; that is, solutions of the hysteretic system converge to Lyapunov stable equilibrium points determined by the system initial conditions.  相似文献   

This paper studies the optimal finite-time passive control problem for a class of uncertain nonlinear Markovian jumping systems (MJSs). The Takagi and Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy model is employed to represent the nonlinear system with Markovian jump parameters and norm-bounded uncertainties. By selecting an appropriate Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, it gives a sufficient condition for the existence of finite-time passive controller such that the uncertain nonlinear MJSs is stochastically finite-time bounded for all admissible uncertainties and satisfies the given passive control index in a finite time-interval. The sufficient condition on the existence of optimal finite-time fuzzy passive controller is formulated in the form of linear matrix inequalities and the designed algorithm is described as an optimization one. A numerical example is given at last to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design approach.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the adaptive event-triggered output feedback stabilization problem for a class of high-order systems with uncertain output function. Firstly, an adaptive event-triggered mechanism with a dynamic gain is designed for the nominal system. Then the gain is employed into the observer and event-triggered controller to dominate the nonlinearities. Thirdly, it is proved that all system states converge to zero and the Zeno-behavior is excluded. Finally, a numerical example reveals the effectiveness of the proposed event-triggered control strategy.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the design of event-triggered controller for positive Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy systems with a random time-delay. The random time-delay is described as a Markov process. A controller switched at different event-triggered instant is proposed. By constructing a new event-triggered instant-dependent linear co-positive Lyapunov function, the design criteria of event-triggered controller is derived to ensure the positivity and stability of the closed-loop system. These criteria can be solved by linear programming (LP) technique. A positive lower bound on the inter-execution time is ensured, which means that there is Zeno-free phenomenon. Finally, the simulation has demonstrated the effectiveness and merit of the proposed results.  相似文献   

This paper presents the sliding mode mean-square and mean-module controllers for linear stochastic systems with unknown parameters. In both cases, the controller equations are obtained using the separation principle, whose applicability to the considered problem is substantiated. Performance of the obtained controllers is verified in the illustrative example against the sliding mode mean-square and sliding mode controllers that are optimal for linear systems with known parameters. Simulation graphs demonstrating overall performance and computational accuracy of the designed optimal controller are included.  相似文献   

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