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该文通过对行业商会或同业会的案例研究,揭示了作为人民团体的工商联的民间化取向,分析了民营经济的发展对互益性行业商会或同业会组织的迫切需要。  相似文献   

现如今我国市场更加需要的是高端的创新型人才,然而日语作为跨国的语言种类之一,在交流当中会得到广泛的应用。根据市场人才需求和专业人才培养方案,实行行业日语教学,帮助学生掌握本行业领域内应用日语自如交际能力。在当今的行业日语当中,有效的利用驱动式教学对于提高学生学习日语当面的能力是非常有帮助的。下面笔者首先会简单的介绍一下项目驱动法的内容,并对项目驱动教学法运用于行业日语教学中的意义做出阐述,最后笔者会对项目驱动教学法在行业日语教学中实施的基本思路进行分析。  相似文献   

猎头公司的专家们认为下列人才价格将看涨: 1.IT类(计算机、通信、电子等)专业人才需求虽不如从前火爆,但IT业人才价格依然会位居行业榜首。行业优势及国家经济大环境的发展,必然会使这类人才的价格与其他行业的人才价格有较大的不同,所以也还是在总体上领先于其他行业。2.生命科学类专业人才需求近年春  相似文献   

中国人现在的这种住房需求是积压了几十年、甚至上百年的,而在这几年集中爆发了,并且以从未有过的速度把这种需求释放出来了。中国的房地产近几年已经成长为一个巨大的行业,仅新商品房的销售收入每年就接近两万亿元人民币。为什么房地产行业会成为如此巨大的行业?为什么社会对这个行业会有如此惊人的需求?其中一个重要的原因就是:中国经济  相似文献   

两会带来投资新契机。随着全国两会3月份在北京隆重召开,节能环保产业的各项重大发展课题将会得到进一步的讨论审议。今年的两会虽然不可能为环保行业的发展指明具体方向,但是会为解决一些关系国计民生的行业发展争议性问题奠定基调,例如:国家对环保行业的投资力度大  相似文献   

我国加入WTO的谈判已经进入最后阶段。加入WTO以后,我国哪些行业将会受到冲击,又有哪些行业会得到较快发展?哪些专业人才将在人才市场上走俏?这是很多即将就读高等院校的莘莘学子都十分关注的问题。  相似文献   

从经济学的角度研究了我国电信行业赢利模式从垄断到适度竞争转换的过程,论证了提高电信行业服务质量将会成为未来我国电信行业赢利模式的核心因素。  相似文献   

万秀萍 《学周刊C版》2011,(11):171-171
于丹说职业的最高层次是:你选择的行业能够成全你的生命.而且会因为你在这个行业中的出色表现再去提升这个行业.人在这种行业中会有一种大幸福感.就是生命被成全的快慰。  相似文献   

土木行业大学生创业,容易面临法律风险,若防控不当,创业活动会受损甚至会夭折。土木行业大学生创业企业主要会面临"挂靠"、招投标、合同管理、劳务用工、侵权等诸方面的风险,究其原因并采取对策,需建立政府主导、高校牵头、创业者主动的"三位一体"的法律风险防控体系,可尝试在高校设立面向校内外的大学生创业法律风险防控平台,为土木行业大学生提供事前预防、事中控制、事后救济的全程法律风险护航。  相似文献   

高校教师需求呈差异化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们从事的行业与岗位不同,对工作的期望与追求自然不同,从而会产生不同的需求,即使是从事相同的行业、处在相同的岗位上,由于年龄、学历、职称、性别的差异,需求也会不同.  相似文献   

Multiple school jobs are more common in developing countries and among teachers who teach specific subject areas. This paper examines whether student achievement is affected when teachers work in more than one school. We use longitudinal data from Rio de Janeiro and exploit within teacher-school-grade variation in the number of school jobs over time. We found that an increase in the number of school jobs leads to a decrease in student achievement. Our results suggest that multiple school jobs are more detrimental for female teachers, probably because women take on more responsibilities outside of work. We also found that the negative impact of multiple school jobs is particularly larger for poorer students who participate in conditional cash transfer programs. Lastly, our results show that an increase in the number of school jobs is associated with an increase in teachers’ workload as measured by the number of teaching hours and the number of unique subject-areas, grade-levels, and students taught.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider an online scheduling of parallel jobs with preemption on identical machines, where jobs arrive over time. The objective is to minimize the makespan. For the problem that jobs have only two possible widths mj = 1 or m, we present an optimal online algorithm by using "temporary schedule".  相似文献   

构建高等职业院校全程化就业指导体系的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以就业为导向,构建高职院校全程化就业指导体系是当前教育改革和社会发展的必然要求。作者从全体教师参与就业指导工作、以就业为导向的高等职业教育课程体系的设计和实施,注重职业生涯规划指导、破“短期促销式”的高职教育就业指导服务工作现状;作好毕业生跟踪调查和回访等五个方面探讨了构建全程化就业指导体系的思路。  相似文献   

大学生校外兼职对提升大学生就业竞争力具有重要作用,已经成为一种普遍的社会现象,但是,此类活动大多是自发性的,基本上处于无序状态。文章通过分析大学生校外兼职存在的问题及其原因,就政府和高校加强大学生校外兼职活动管理提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

转变毕业生就业观念 促进毕业生充分就业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自主创业是一种具有时代特征的新型就业观,但由于受长期的计划经济模式的影响,即缺少创业氛围,也缺少必需牟就业胆识,这不但制约了毕业生就业观念的变革,也不利于市场经济的建设和发展,因此,高校必须突破传统的就业观念,振兴和繁荣创业文化,推行创业教育,变传授“找饭碗”的知识为练就学生“造饭碗”的本领,这样,即可解决大学生自身的就业问题,也可为社会创造更多的就业机会。  相似文献   

We consider a scheduling problem involving a single processor utilized by two customers with constant deteriorating jobs,i.e.,jobs whose processing times are an increasing function of their starting times.Traditionally,such scenarios are modeled by assuming that each customer has the same criterion.In practice,this assumption may not hold.Instead of using a single criterion,we examine the implications of minimizing an aggregate scheduling objective function in which jobs belonging to different customers are evaluated with their individual criteria.We examine three basic scheduling criteria:minimizing makespan,minimizing maximum lateness,and minimizing total weighted completion time.We demonstrate all the scheduling problems considered are polynomially solvable.  相似文献   

研究预防性周期维护策略下再制造系统中可中断和不可中断2类工件的单机调度问题.以最小化完工时间为目标,提出了LPT-LS算法,该算法首先按LPT(longest processing time)规则安排不可中断工件,然后按LS(list scheduling)规则安排可中断工件.并根据可中断工件的总加工时间(记为S2)分3种情况证明了该算法的最坏情况比,结论如下:当S2大于按LPT规则安排不可中断工件后机器的空闲时间时,最坏情况比为1;当S2介于分别按LPT规则和OPT(最优排序)规则安排不可中断工件后机器的空闲时间之间时,最坏情况比小于2;当S2小于按OPT规则安排不可中断工件后机器的空闲时间时,最坏情况比小于2.最后通过算例验证了结论的正确性.  相似文献   

Analysis of the academic job market in 2002-2003 reveals that 118 nationally advertised academic jobs named technical or professional communication as a primary or secondary specialization. Of the 56 in the “primary” category that we were able to contact, we identified 42 jobs filled, 10 unfilled, and 4 pending. However, only 29% of the jobs for which technical or professional communication was the primary specialization were filled by people with degrees in the field, and an even lower percent (25%) of all jobs, whether advertised for a primary or secondary specialization, were filled by people with degrees in the field. Search chairs report a higher priority on teaching and research potential than on a particular research specialization, and 62% of all filled positions involve teaching in related areas (composition, literature, or other writing courses).  相似文献   

研究一类带批安装时间的平行机排序问题。工件按时间到达,在任何时刻,只知道当前已经就绪工件的信息。工件成批加工,同一批中工件的完工时间为批中最后一个工件的完工时间,每批开工前有一个固定的批安装时间。目标函数为极小化所有工件的总完工时间。主要考虑两个到达时间且工件加工时间都相等的特殊情形,给出竞争比为3/2的在线算法,并且有实例说明此界为紧致的。  相似文献   

Within policy circles, graduate employability remains a problem. It is often understood as an individual phenomenon, overlooking the influence of the organisation of higher education on the competition for graduate jobs. This article explores and compares how graduate employability is socially constructed within Great Britain and the Netherlands. It provides an analysis of both Dutch and British systems of higher education and explains how they shape the positional competition for graduate jobs. In addition it shows how perceptions of employability of final year university students relate to these two educational systems. The article is based on an empirical study on graduate employability in both countries using both micro analysis as well as contextual analysis. The article shows a fit between educational structure and employability strategies. The educational context shapes graduates' understandings and expectations of the competition for graduate jobs.  相似文献   

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