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Ⅰ.根据图片写出相应的单词。1.This is a p of mylittle sister.2.Jack’s brother is a goods.He studieshard(努力).3.ThisisTom’s g,he isveryo.4.Look!Who is thisb?He is verylovely(可爱).5.Mr Monkey likes aand he wants to be anartist(艺术家).6.John doesn’t like thismovie.He thinks it iss.7.The two p lookthe same(看起来一样).8.My father is a Cteacher.Ⅱ.按要求写出下列单词。1.interesting(反义词)2.comedy(复数)3.knife(复数)4.singular(反义词)5.they(反身代词)6.Chinese(复数)7.he(宾格)8.twelve(序数词)…  相似文献   

一、根据句子意思及首字母完成单词。1.Most people think regular exerciseb our health.2.The goods were t by air to thedisaster-struck area.3.That building is u because allthe others like it were destroyed.4.After his troubles,he’s now in rcom fort.5.She is s to what people think ofher.6.H e is so a in the TV plays thathe didn’t hear the doorbell ring lastnight.7.Prices of these dolls r from5dollars to10dollars during Christm aslast year.8.By p chance he found the rarebook he needed in a litt…  相似文献   

.按要求写出下列各词的相应形式interesting(名词 )  whole(同义词 )at first(反义词组 ) wake(过去式 )hurt(过去式 ) happy(副词 )asleep(动词 ) they(反身代词 ) .根据句意及首字母提示完成所缺单词1.Aunt Wang came in and she look w .2 .Shang hai,Nanjing,Wuxi and Hangzhou areall places of great i in China.3.L ing Feng turned on the radio and listenedto the m .4 .They are going to their hometown insummer h .5.The story is verg long,so I told him in thew afternoon. .单项选择1.— How did you make the bab…  相似文献   

.单项选择(10分) )1 .U Rng_breakfast at sehool· A.hasn’t B.haven’t )2一poes he_a wateh? 一Yes,he does. A .have B.has )3 .Let’5 play_footbalL A./B .a )4一Does TOm arrV? 一Yes.He Often_sports games on A .has:watch:/ C .have;watehes;/ )5一Does JOhn like即Ples? C .don’t have D.doesn’t have C .do D.15 having C .a们 D .the TV. B .have:watehes:the D .have/wateh;the A .Yes,he 15 B.No,he isn’t )6,旧he五kes即ples and eggs_brea晚st. A.to B.for )又;肠龙’。play baskethall. C .Yes,he d…  相似文献   

Hot Dog     
A hot dog is one of the most popular America n foods. It was named after Trankfurter, a G erman food. You may hear“hot dog”1in other ways.People some times say“hot dog”to express2.For example,a friend of yours may ask you 3 you would like to go to the cinema.You might say,“Great!Iwould love to go.”Or you could say,“4!I would love to go.”People5use the expression to describe(描写)som eone who is a“show-off”,who tries to show everyone else how6he is.You of ten hear such 7 called a…  相似文献   

.按要求写出下列单词1.photo(复数 )   2 .wear(同音词 )3.hot(比较级 ) 4.heavy(副词 )5.skate(名词 ) 6.same(反义词 )7.twelve(序数词 )8.phone(完全形式 )9.last(过去式 )10 .say(第三人称 ) .单项选择1.The student his photo to school.  A.brings… the next day  B.brought… next day  C.took… the next day  D.brought… the next day2 .Making machine is .A.work hard     B.a hard workC.hard work D.hard works3.He is busy books now.A.read B.readingC.to read D.to reading4 .Is he to reach the apple?…  相似文献   

一、Listening part.   1. Listen and circle the word you hear.   1) China Canada camera comer   2) hard head hat hand   3) dirty thirty thirteen thirsty   4) this that these those   5) walk want work wall   6) high light right night……  相似文献   

一、Listening part.   1. Listen and circle the word you hear.   1) China Canada camera comer   2) hard head hat hand   3) dirty thirty thirteen thirsty   4) this that these those   5) walk want work wall   6) high light right night……  相似文献   

IV.(关于改间接引语为直接引语,10%)略。V.Replaee the underlined parts by non·finite clauses(in6nitive,par· ticiPial or gerundial Phrases):(20%) l·He an,icipa,ed tha,he would ge‘much plea,u毕from the犷e些吵 of that book. 2 .Theye么n,t bear anv humiliation. 3 .Eliot was astonished when lie liea一d that his Painting had”n first Place· 4·There was a su弥s,ion,也a冬.Brown be dropped .from the te愁单: 5 .He stole out of the room in order that he would not disturb me. 6 .He got to the statio…  相似文献   

一、单项选择(10分)1.That(s used car which is often used Mr Grey.A.an;by B.a;by C.an;with D.a;with2.I wonder the machine without any help that day.A.how did he mend B.how he mendsC.how he mended D.how does he mend3.The man found very difficult to get to sleep.A.it B.that C.this D.him4.The teacher told the students in class.A.not talk B.don(t talk C.don(t to talk D.not to talk5.—Jack failed to pass the final exam.—.A.That(s OK B.CongratulationsC.No problem D.Oh,I(m sorry to hear th…  相似文献   

An Exciting Day     
One Wednesday morning 1 eleven o'clock, Tom was walking down Main Street. 2 he heard the sound of gun (手枪), he 3 the sound must come from the bank.He ran to the bank and 4 a man coming out of the bank. The man was 5 and fat 6 red hair.What's more,he carried a bag and a gun in his hand. Before Tom could do _7_,he had run into the street and disappeared(消失)among people.  相似文献   

1.根据对话内容 ,在每个空白处填入适当的词 ,使对话完整、合乎情景。A:Where's L in Tao?I can't find him.B:I don't  1  he can come today.A:What's  2  with him?B:Yesterday morning L in Tao was riding abike  3  a truck ran very fast towards him.A:What  4  then?B:The truck hit him and he was badly  5  .The truck was soon stopped and the  6  jumpedoff the truck and carried him to the nearest hospitalquickly.A:I'm  7  to hear that.what did the  8 say?B:He said that L in Tao   9…  相似文献   

单词辨音,请找出与划线部分相同发音B .foot C.sehool B .hat C.after B.ehe而ealC.ehuroh B.these C.mouth B.b旦t C.Put B .gat C.gity B .eow C.how B .when C.what B.丘fty C.kitehen B .where C.hear (10分) 4) He即es to the钾rk_丘以. 5)1 live_the suPermarket. 3.选择正确的be动词填空。(aIn,is,are) l)Here you_. 2)My sister_doing her homework·3)_he anEnglish teaeher? 4)I_singing·5)There_many PineaPPles. 4.用所给的动词的适当形式填空。1.肠ok!My mother—(wa sh) the迢dishes in山e匕tehen.遏2._几t…  相似文献   

一、填空题1 .6x“令(一Zx)-2.一as十(一a)2-·(一3·2“·,3二(一告a4oZ)一·(普二2一4了3,2)、(一2二2)-女口果一2以3阴b4与普。6b4·是同类项,那么阴 儿-9x2 mxy 4犷是完全平方式,则m一_一4X2(一1 2£一专XZ)一—·二、选择题8.下列计算,结果正确的是A .8尹一2扩一4C.(一Zxz夕2)3令(一砂)3=一2x3夕3“·‘。二6令5X3一音X3D·(一xyZ)令(一x,y)-一犷若x爪丫、今二3, 任A .m一6,n一1一4尹则B.m~5,n一1C .m一5,n一0 D.m一6,n一O下列式子运算正确的是(一a4)一(一a)“一a“10A.C.(6 xy3)2一1若(m十5)m 1Zx乙夕tiD·M一m“ 4m一5,那么…  相似文献   

笔试部分(100分),!.词组互译。(10分)l.每周五天2.教他们汉语3.我们中的一个4.浇花____5.拍照片」6.make the bed一一7 .throw it like that 8.give me ahand9.have a maths dass___10.want ago__”.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(5分)1 1.5 15 thefirstd叮oftheweek.12Theb叮5 are 1 English from Mr Smith.13.Luey ish_.She,d like something to eat·14.Please give the Pen b tome tomorr哪·15.Can he speak al English?16.Thed叮before Thursd即15 W now·17了I飞le box 15 e .1 want afllllone.18.Don,t talk.The old man 1…  相似文献   

l一It,5 alovelyday,isn,tit?一Yes.1 love when the weather 15 like this. Why don’t we sit outside and have our luneh? A .this B.th成C.it D.one 2.一1 hear that Georgehas gone to Harvard Univer-- sity for his Master,5 degree.一Oh,how niee!Do you know when he_? A . was leaving B.left C.had len D.hasl砍3 .U a man sland at the front line of the busi一ness world,he must bea即闭eombination of kn叫ledge,hard work and即记altitude. A .will B.15 to 4 .We,re Uving in C .15即ing ro D.15 abou…  相似文献   

Where did you go yesterday?Did you hear1at any of thoseplaces?Today in most stores and restaurants you can hear music.Youmight2hear music in an office or on a farm.Scientists believe thatmusicchanges the3of people’s(举止).According to some scientists,the sound of western(古典的)music makes people4richer.When classical music isplayed in a restaurant,people spend5money on food and drinks.When there is6music,people spend less money.With7music,people spend even less.Scientists also8that loud,fa…  相似文献   

Lying comfortably upon a sofa, Marker Bray-ton smiled as he read old Morryster's book:Marvels of Science. He unconciously(无意识的)1 the book without changing the 2 of his eyes. As soon as the book had gone 3 the line of sight,something in a 4 of the room attracted his 5 In the shadow underthe 6 he noticed two points of light about  相似文献   

(1) .che'tree (2) the ptioto(4)一—一the fridge(5)——【he cake (6)——the bus stop(7)——lhe playground (8). 1he cinema/一……一~一’~一~一一……一。 ~一…’~“‘一… …~。 一~‘…~………一一…’…’…一f《看图填介词》答案:1.Ullde!· 2.函 3.between 4.be…n(t j 1 b.beside/[1eaf 6.at 7.on/。i11 8.next“l 9.()n 10.抽j一…一一-…-_-~…一一…一一—.一…一.一一一.~一。一~……一~…~...…,……~./看图填介词@晓丹…  相似文献   

Jack was an able worker.He could do 1 the work in the factory and often helped hisboss(老板)Mr.King.Mr.Kingliked himand he got much money.But he enjoyed drinking and he spent most ofhis money 2 the drinks.When he drank much,he 3 control(控制)himself.His boss hadtold himto stop 4,but he didn’t listento her.The woman hadtoleave him.Nowhe livedin a small and oldhouse alone.It was a Saturday evening.Jackfelt very 5 in his house.He couldn’t stay there and went in abar(酒吧).He drank 6,but he…  相似文献   

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