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关于美国《国家科学教育标准》一致性研究的述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
倪娟 《教育学报》2008,4(2):56-63
美国《国家科学教育标准》(以下简称《标准》)是我国理科各学科课程标准研制的主要参考文本之一。通过梳理《标准》文本一致性方面的有关研究,发现《标准》本身在关乎文本品质和功能的一致性方面存在诸多不足。不仅在文本表述方面,反映了后现代与现代哲学理念的不一致,还有文本内部教学标准与内容标准、评价标准之间的不一致,科学教育目标与所举案例的不一致;除此文本内部一致性较差以外,与实施及相关课程材料等外部关系之间的一致性方面也有待改进。了解所参考文本本身的不足,当有助于我国理科各学科课程标准的修订。  相似文献   

基于义务教育数学课程标准的中考试卷分析与研究是了解当前新课程教育改革中国家课程设计与数学学业评价体系关联程度的新视角.以认知水平为核心维度,对厦门市中考数学试卷与义务教育数学课程标准进行基于"SEC"的一致性分析,发现它们之间不具有统计学上显著的一致性,二者差异较大.因此建议完善课程标准,规范课程评价体系,进一步开展多向一致性研究,促进学业考试的合理纠偏及教师的专业化发展.  相似文献   

在第12届上海国际课程论坛上,来自于国内外的专家们对指向改进的教学与评价进行了深入的研究与讨论,特别是对教学、学习、评价的一致性问题做了比较深入的探讨。把握教育"一致性"概念理论与实践研究的新进展,对于我们顺应教育改革的方向,思考教学、学习与评价,具有重要的启发、指导与借鉴意义。一、"由标准驱动并基于标准"的教育改革的一致性研究  相似文献   

科学规范的教学质量认定标准,是高校在线开放课程引进的重要保障。该文从构建高校在线开放课程教学质量标准入手,按照"高校在线开放课程教学质量标准-高校在线开放课程教学质量认定标准"的思维逻辑,以国家精品在线开放课程认定相关文件要求及影响课程引进的外部约束因素为依据,构建了包含"6+X"个维度、13个通用指标、"7+Y"个专属指标的高校在线开放课程教学质量认定标准,研究表明,该标准具有较好的结构效度与内部一致性。最后阐述了基于高校在线开放课程教学质量认定标准的课程引进程序。  相似文献   

高中物理学业水平考试和物理内容标准的一致性可有效促进高中物理课程改革的深入发展。本文采用一致性分析方法,从总体比较、内容主题分布比较、认知水平分布比较三方面判别四类试卷与物理内容标准的一致性,其结果表明均不具备一致性。试卷和物理内容标准在内容主题的侧重和认知水平的侧重上均有偏差,体现了考试内容的不规范,依据课程标准构建高中物理学业水平考试评价标准势在必行。  相似文献   

美国在基于标准的教育改革的背景下,从改善教师课堂教学质量出发,致力于研制学业评价与课堂教学一致性分析工具,即"课程实施调查"模式。"课程实施调查"模式的框架性内容包括两方面:一是"课程实施调查"基本程序,即界定描述教学内容的同一语言及确定描述教学内容与认知要求的"维度";二是"课程实施调查"的具体方法,即确定二维矩阵的一致性指数及分析结果的呈现方式。  相似文献   

通过对江苏省常州市两所小学的调查分析发现,师生相互评价一致性与学业成绩、课堂氛围、师生关系呈显著正相关,其中,"积极一致"、"消极一致"与学业成绩呈显著相关。据此分析,促进师生相互评价一致性的教学策略在于:树立科学的评价理念,促进学生主体发展;积极赏识学生,发现评价的切入点;掌握批评艺术,因人因情而异;表达心理期望,构建心理契约;多方共同参与,形成教学共同体。  相似文献   

本研究在梳理目前我国部分非正式学习成果积累与转换研究成果的基础上,结合中国燎原广播电视学校课程《"四害"的防治》与国家有关部门颁布的《农作物植保员国家职业标准》,探讨非正式学习成果积累与转换机制,提出了通过课程微视频化、搭建课程APP与确定课程学习成果认证单元的方式,尝试实现中国燎原广播电视学校课程学习成果积累与转换。  相似文献   

在新《课标》背景下,核心素养成为一种新的教育理念。初中语文学科核心素养是以语文能力为核心的综合素养,主要包括“识字与写字”“阅读与鉴赏”“表达与交流”“梳理与探究”四个方面。在初中语文课堂中,教、学、评三个要素之间的一致性是实现新课程改革的重要措施之一。本研究旨在探讨以核心素养为导向的初中语文课堂“教学评”一致性的价值和实现方式。教师要注重学生参与、自我评价和多种评价方法与技能的培养等,在教学目标、教学活动和评价内容及标准上取得一致,有效促进学生全面发展,并不断优化课程教学设计,进一步推进新课程改革。  相似文献   

<正>【评议论著】刘晶晶《小学语文阅读能力标准与学业评价一致性研究》,华中师范大学博士论文,2015年。【内容提要】使用美国课程实施调査模式(简称SEC)对近年来小学语文阅读试题的内部结构进行一致性分析,同时从"标准驱动"的国家或地区语文课程标准与国际评价项目框架的分析中得到启示,尝试建构了我国小学语文第三学段阅读能力表现  相似文献   

Schools often struggle to create lasting learning experiences for students. Teachers can enhance instruction by creating and promoting goals that extend beyond content knowledge. The development of long-term traits such as critical thinking, creativity, cooperation, and others adds meaning to student learning and purposeful teacher planning.  相似文献   

This article presents a new method for multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), referred to as the alignment method. The alignment method can be used to estimate group-specific factor means and variances without requiring exact measurement invariance. A strength of the method is the ability to conveniently estimate models for many groups. The method is a valuable alternative to the currently used multiple-group CFA methods for studying measurement invariance that require multiple manual model adjustments guided by modification indexes. Multiple-group CFA is not practical with many groups due to poor model fit of the scalar model and too many large modification indexes. In contrast, the alignment method is based on the configural model and essentially automates and greatly simplifies measurement invariance analysis. The method also provides a detailed account of parameter invariance for every model parameter in every group.  相似文献   

Essay scores generated by machine and by human raters are generally comparable; that is, they can produce scores with similar means and standard deviations, and machine scores generally correlate as highly with human scores as scores from one human correlate with scores from another human. Although human and machine essay scores are highly related on average, this does not eliminate the possibility that machine and human scores may differ significantly for certain gender, ethnic, or country groups. Such differences were explored with essay data from two large-scale high-stakes testing programs: the Test of English as a Foreign Language and the Graduate Record Examination. Human and machine scores were very similar across most subgroups, but there were some notable exceptions. Policies were developed so that any differences between humans and machines would have a minimal impact on final reported scores.  相似文献   

The use of assessment results to inform school accountability relies on the assumption that the test design appropriately represents the content and cognitive emphasis reflected in the state's standards. Since the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act and the certification of accountability assessments through federal peer review practices, the content validity arguments supporting accountability have relied almost exclusively on the alignment of statewide assessments to state standards. It is assumed that if alignment does not hold, the scores will not provide valid inferences regarding the degree to which test takers have performed. Although alignment results are commonly used as evidence of test appropriateness, Polikoff (this issue) would argue that given the importance of alignment in policy decisions, research related to alignment is surprisingly limited. Few studies have addressed the adequacy of alignment methodologies and results as support for the inferences to be made (i.e., proficient on state standards). This paper uses an example of test taker performance (and common performance indicators) to investigate to what extent the degree of alignment impacts inferences made about performance (i.e., classification into performance levels, estimates of student ability, and student rank order).  相似文献   

Alignment of developments in higher education   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This study builds upon the concept of alignment within the curriculum(due to Biggs) and suggests, in the context of two current examples, anintegrated methodology for effectively aligned development activitieswithin universities. Higher Education institutions face importantchallenges. Firstly, quality enhancement of the curriculum is now aninstitutional concern, if not a priority, in the face of governmentalpressure and in a competitive environment. It is no longer a matter ofindividual endeavour. Secondly, we now have a basic pedagogy for adultlearning, and should put that into practice systematically. And thirdly,staff are now faced with the demand to commit themselves to professionaldevelopment, and to determine what that means in terms of theirparticular profession. This paper considers these challenges, andrelates them to the argument for an integrated methodology forinstitutional, staff and curriculum development, which aligns theseactivities rather more effectively than hitherto. At the same time, itadvocates a logical model for curriculum development, as a complementarytool of alignment for student-centred curriculum development.Theargument is illustrated by recent work in the Open University in the UKand in the Universidade de Aveiro in Portugal.  相似文献   

为解决车轮定位教学内容难以描述和理解的问题,开发了车轮定位实验教学多媒体课件.以Authorwa为开发平台,综合运用3dsMax、Flash、Adobe Photoshop、AutoCAD、Audio Editor Gold等多媒体素材制作软件,结合实验教学实践和学生对问题的认知过程,制作了丰富生动、科学合理的课件.经专家评议和教学测试,课件可以实现预期目的,提高和改善了教学效果.  相似文献   

排列组合内容抽象,富于技巧;它的思想方法也别具一格,知识间的联系,主要靠抽象思维来把握.它的解题技巧更是多种多样,灵活多变.有鉴于此,对排列问题进行详细分类,对于正确理解排列概念,进而准确进行排列数的计算是大有裨益的.列举了各种不同类型的排列,归纳总结了不同类型排列的计数公式.并通过典型例题的分析与解答,介绍解题的思想方法,给出解答各类题目的具体规律,并提供一些常用的解题技能和技巧.  相似文献   

Central to the standards-based assessment validation process is an examination of the alignment between state standards and test items. Several alignment analysis systems have emerged recently, but most rely on either traditional rating or matching techniques. Little, if any, analyses have been reported on the degree of consistency between the two methods and on the item and objective characteristics that influence judges' decisions. We randomly assigned judges to either rate item-objective links or match items to objectives while reviewing the 2004 Arizona high school mathematics standards and assessment. Across items we found moderate convergence between methods, and we detected apparent reasons for divergently scored items. We also found that judges relied on item and objective content and intellectual skill features to render decisions. Based on our evidence, we contend that a thorough alignment analysis would involve judges using both rating and matching, while focusing on both content and intellectual skill. The findings have important implications for states when examining the alignment between their standards and assessments.  相似文献   

Evaluating the multiple characteristics of alignment has taken a prominent role in educational assessment and accountability systems given its attention in the No Child Left Behind legislation (NCLB). Leading to this rise in popularity, alignment methodologies that examined relationships among curriculum, academic content standards, instruction, and assessments were proposed as strategies to evaluate evidence of the intended uses and interpretations of test scores. In this article, we propose a framework for evaluating alignment studies based on similar concepts that have been recommended for standard setting (Kane). This framework provides guidance to practitioners about how to identify sources of validity evidence for an alignment study and make judgments about the strength of the evidence that may impact the interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

The alignment between a test and the content domain it measures represents key evidence for the validation of test score inferences. Although procedures have been developed for evaluating the content alignment of linear tests, these procedures are not readily applicable to computerized adaptive tests (CATs), which require large item pools and do not use fixed test forms. This article describes the decisions made in the development of CATs that influence and might threaten content alignment. It outlines a process for evaluating alignment that is sensitive to these threats and gives an empirical example of the process.  相似文献   

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