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BackgroundInvestigations of running gait among barefoot and populations have revealed a diversity of foot strike behaviors, with some preferentially employing a rearfoot strike (RFS) as the foot touches down while others employ a midfoot strike (MFS) or forefoot strike (FFS). Here, we report foot strike behavior and joint angles among traditional Hadza hunter-gatherers living in Northern Tanzania.MethodsHadza adults (n = 26) and juveniles (n = 14) ran at a range of speeds (adults: mean 3.4 ± 0.7 m/s, juveniles: mean 3.2 ± 0.5 m/s) over an outdoor trackway while being recorded via high-speed digital video. Foot strike type (RFS, MFS, or FFS) and hind limb segment angles at foot strike were recorded.ResultsHadza men preferentially employed MFS (86.7% of men), while Hadza women and juveniles preferentially employed RFS (90.9% and 85.7% of women and juveniles, respectively). No FFS was recorded. Speed, the presence of footwear (sandals vs. barefoot), and trial duration had no effect on foot strike type.ConclusionUnlike other habitually barefoot populations which prefer FFS while running, Hadza men preferred MFS, and Hadza women and juveniles preferred RFS. Sex and age differences in foot strike behavior among Hadza adults may reflect differences in running experience, with men learning to prefer MFS as they accumulate more running experience.  相似文献   

PurposeThis study examined variation in foot strike types, lower extremity kinematics, and arch height and stiffness among Tarahumara Indians from the Sierra Tarahumara, Mexico.MethodsHigh speed video was used to study the kinematics of 23 individuals, 13 who habitually wear traditional minimal running sandals (huaraches), and 10 who habitually wear modern, conventional running shoes with elevated, cushioned heels and arch support. Measurements of foot shape and arch stiffness were taken on these individuals plus an additional sample of 12 individuals.ResultsMinimally shod Tarahumara exhibit much variation with 40% primarily using midfoot strikes, 30% primarily using forefoot strikes, and 30% primarily using rearfoot strikes. In contrast, 75% of the conventionally shod Tarahumara primarily used rearfoot strikes, and 25% primarily used midfoot strikes. Individuals who used forefoot or midfoot strikes landed with significantly more plantarflexed ankles, flexed knees, and flexed hips than runners who used rearfoot strikes. Foot measurements indicate that conventionally shod Tarahumara also have significantly less stiff arches than those wearing minimal shoes.ConclusionThese data reinforce earlier studies that there is variation among foot strike patterns among minimally shod runners, but also support the hypothesis that foot stiffness and important aspects of running form, including foot strike, differ between runners who grow up using minimal versus modern, conventional footwear.  相似文献   

BackgroundPrevious studies of foot strike patterns of distance runners in road races have typically found that the overwhelming majority of shod runners initially contact the ground on the rearfoot. However, none of these studies has attempted to quantify foot strike patterns of barefoot or minimally shod runners. This study classifies foot strike patterns of barefoot and minimally shod runners in a recreational road race.MethodsHigh-speed video footage was obtained of 169 barefoot and 42 minimally shod distance runners at the 2011 New York City Barefoot Run. Foot strike patterns were classified for each runner, and frequencies of forefoot, midfoot, and rearfoot striking were compared between the barefoot and minimally shod groups.ResultsA total of 59.2% of barefoot runners were forefoot strikers, 20.1% were midfoot strikers, and 20.7% were rearfoot strikers. For minimally shod runners, 33.3% were forefoot strikers, 19.1% were midfoot strikers, and 47.6% were rearfoot strikers. Foot strike distributions for barefoot and minimally shod runners were significantly different both from one another and from previously reported foot strike distributions of shod road racers.ConclusionFoot strike patterns differ between barefoot and minimally shod runners, with forefoot striking being more common, and rearfoot striking less common in the barefoot group.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine if there are significant kinematic changes in running pattern after intense interval workouts, whether duration of recovery affects running kinematics, and whether changes in running economy are related to changes in running kinematics. Seven highly trained male endurance runners (VO 2max = 72.3 +/- 3.3 ml kg -1 min -1 ; mean +/- s) performed three interval running workouts of 10 X 400 m at a speed of 5.94 +/- 0.19 m s -1 (356 +/- 11.2 m min -1 ) with a minimum of 4 days recovery between runs. Recovery of 60, 120 or 180 s between each 400 m repetition was assigned at random. Before and after each workout, running economy and several kinematic variables were measured at speeds of 3.33 and 4.47 m s -1 (200 and 268 m min -1 ). Speed was found to have a significant effect on shank angle, knee velocity and stride length (P ? 0.05). Correlations between changes pre- and post-test for VO 2 (ml kg -1 min -1 ) and several kinematic variables were not significant (P > 0.05) at both speeds. In general, duration of recovery was not found to adversely affect running economy or the kinematic variables assessed, possibly because of intra-individual adaptations to fatigue.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined whether self-selected overground running speed was consistent (1) with perceived overground speed on the treadmill and (2) among barefoot and three footwear conditions. Participants ran across a 20-m runway 10 times for each overground condition, with running speed calculated from kinematic data. For the treadmill condition, the participants were instructed to run at a speed that felt similar to their overground speed. This treadmill speed was chosen upon perception, with the display covered from the participant's view. Repeated-measures analysis of variance was used to detect differences in speed between overground and treadmill running, and also among barefoot and footwear conditions. Coefficient alpha (α) was calculated to determine repeatability of observations in each overground condition. The speed was higher during overground (3.65 ± 0.40 m/s) than treadmill (2.25 ± 0.75 m/s) running but did not differ among the barefoot and the three footwear conditions. Overall, overground speed was highly repeatable within an individual (α = 0.96–0.98). Researchers might consider using self-selected speed when investigating overground running mechanics with different foot–ground interface conditions. The influence of treadmill on the perception of speed may be related to shear force, running duration, joint load control, and/or other psychological factors.  相似文献   

Our aims were to improve our understanding of human performance before 1850 and to put nineteenth- and twentieth-century performances into a broader historical context. Consequently, 536 foot-races performed in Britain in the 'long' eighteenth century were identified, 53 of which were analysed in detail. The best performances at the end of the eighteenth century were compared with those at the end of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The data for the nineteenth century were marginally better than those for the eighteenth century up to 20 km, but beyond that Thomas Carlisle's time, set in about 1740, of 2 hours for 21 miles was outstanding. Current records are shown to be better than earlier records at all distances from 5 km up to the marathon, the superiority being most pronounced from 15 km upwards.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(2):182-192
Social networking sites (SNS) are often shown to be influential in developing activity engagement as well as psychological well-being, but empirical evidence is scarce as to their effectiveness in a sport context. The current study examined the potential for SNS use to mediate the effects of physical activity involvement on (1) the level of regular exercise behavior, and (2) social life satisfaction. Results of an online survey (n = 3476) indicated that the influence of running involvement on both running behavior and social life satisfaction are partially mediated by use of running-related SNS. This general finding is reflective of the effects of social media in a specific sport context. Thus, this study demonstrates the theoretical potential for running-related social media to serve as an engagement platform that can augment the influence of involvement on the physical and mental benefits of participation in running.  相似文献   

Little is known about the reliability, validity and smallest detectable differences of selected kinetic and temporal variables recorded by the Zebris FDM-THQ instrumented treadmill especially during running. Twenty male participants (age = 31.9 years (±5.6), height = 1.81 m (±0.08), mass = 80.2 kg (±9.5), body mass index = 24.53 kg/m2 (±2.53)) walked (5 km/h) and ran (10 and 15 km/h) on an instrumented treadmill, wearing running shoes fitted with Pedar-X insoles. A test-double retest protocol was conducted over two consecutive days. Maximal vertical force (Fmax), contact time (CT) and flight time (FT) data from 10 consecutive steps were collected. Within- and between-day reliability, smallest detectable differences (SDD) and validity (95% limits of agreement (LOA)) were calculated. ICC values for the Zebris for Fmax were acceptable (ICC ≥ 0.7) while CT and FT reliability indices were predominantly good (ICC ≥ 0.8) to excellent (ICC ≥ 0.9). The Zebris significantly underestimated Fmax when compared with the Pedar-X. The 95% LOA increased with speed. SDD ranged between 96 N and 169 N for Fmax, 0.017s and 0.055s for CT and 0.021s and 0.026s for FT. In conclusion, Zebris reliability was acceptable to excellent for the variables examined, but inferior in comparison with Pedar-X. With increased running speeds, a bias effect (underestimation) existed for the Zebris compared with Pedar-X.  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that attentional focus instructions can effect running economy. This study assessed spiroergometry, as well as running kinematics as a possible mechanism to explain these effects. Twelve runners had to focus their attention on either their running movement, their breathing or on a video while running on a treadmill at a set, submaximum speed. Spiroergometry and running kinematics were measured. Results revealed worse running economy in both internal focus conditions (breathing and movement) compared to the external focus condition (video), replicating previous findings. In addition, vertical oscillation during the running movement was elevated in the movement compared to the video condition, indicating a less efficient running style. No changes in kinematics were found for the breathing compared to the video condition. Therefore, consciously focusing on the running movement moves runners away from their optimised running pattern and leads to detriments in economy. The decreases in running economy in the breathing condition can be better explained by changes in breathing patterns.  相似文献   

Usage of accelerometers within player tracking devices in sport to quantify load, vertical ground reaction force (vGRF) or energy expenditure is contrary to placement guidelines. This study aimed to determine whether trunk-mounted accelerometers were a valid and reliable method to estimate thoracic segment or centre of gravity (COG) acceleration or vGRF, and the whether the elasticised harness contributes to the overestimation of acceleration. Ten male amateur rugby players performed five linear running tasks per lower limb at three speeds, twice, each with a different player tracking unit. Three-dimensional data were recorded and triaxial accelerometers were attached lateral to the device on the harness and skin and both shanks. Accelerometers demonstrated poor reliability (ICC:0.0–0.67), high variability (CV%:14–33%) and change in mean (41–160%), and were not valid to estimate vertical acceleration of the COG and thoracic segment nor vGRF. Caution is advised when utilising trunk-mounted triaxial accelerometer data as it is not a valid or reliable means to estimate peak vertical acceleration for its thoracic location nor whole-body COG acceleration or vGRF during running. To improve player tracking instrument validity and reliability, a new attachment method and/or harness material(s), that reduce or eliminate extraneous acceleration during running, are urgently required.  相似文献   

Computed results from a mathematical model of the bioenergetics of sprinting, which incorporates a threeequation representation of anaerobic metabolism, were compared with measured distance–time data for female athletes from the finals of the 100-m event at the World Championships of 1987. The computed results closely model the performance of the competitors over the course of the entire race. The three main contributions to anaerobic metabolism were investigated and comparisons were made between male and female sprinters. Whereas the time constants for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and phosphocreatine utilization for the two sexes were found to be similar, for oxygen-independent glycolysis the time constants of the female athletes were found to be higher. The maximum powers generated by female athletes during ATP conversion and glycolysis were only slightly lower than the figures found for male athletes, but the value for phosphocreatine utilization was substantially lower. The lower value for phosphocreatine utilization might explain the more pronounced fall-off in running speed over the latter stages of a race that female athletes experience in comparison with men. Although anaerobic sources dominate energy provision for both male and female sprinters, the calculations show that the latter make greater use of aerobic energy supplies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify the reliability of kinematic and kinetic variables using a sample of pre-peak-height-velocity (PHV) male athletes sprinting on a non-motorised treadmill. Following variables were measured and their normative data presented, average and peak velocity, average and peak power, average and peak horizontal force, average and peak vertical force, average step frequency, average step length, average work. Twenty-five participants performed three 5-s all-out sprints from a standing split start on a non-motorised treadmill on three separate occasions. Per cent change in the means (-3.66 to 3.35%) and coefficients of variation (0.56–7.81%) were thought reliable for all variables. However, average step rate, average horizontal force and average vertical force did not meet the standards (≥0.70) set for acceptable intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). Due to the homogeneous group, it was expected to receive low ICC values. Therefore, youth sprinting performance can be tested reliably on a non-motorised treadmill, especially if the per cent change in the mean and CV are deemed the important reliability measures. Normative data are given for the participant’s age as well as their maturity level for kinematic and kinetic variables.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to describe and determine the test-retest reliability of an exercise protocol, the Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test (the LIST), which was designed to simulate the activity pattern characteristic of the game of soccer. The protocol consisted of two parts: Part A comprised a fixed period of variable-intensity shuttle running over 20 m; Part B consisted of continuous running, alternating every 20 m between 55% and 95% VO 2max , until volitional fatigue. Seven trained games players (age 21.5 +/- 0.9 years, height 182 +/- 2 cm, body mass 80.1 +/- 3.6 kg, VO 2max 59.0 +/- 1.9 ml kg -1 min -1 ; mean s x ) performed the test on two occasions (Trial 1 and Trial 2), at least7 days apart, to determine the test-retest reliability of the sprint times and running capacity. The physiological and metabolic responses on both occasions were also monitored. The participants ingested water ad libitum during the first trial, and were then prescribed the same amount of water during the second trial. The 15 m sprint times during Trials 1 and 2 averaged 2.42 +/- 0.04 s and 2.43 +/- 0.04 s, respectively. Run time during Part B was 6.3 +/- 2.0 min for Trial 1 and 6.1 +/- 1.3 min for Trial 2. The 95% limits of agreement for sprint times and run times during Part B were -0.14 to 0.12 s and -3.19 to 2.16 min respectively. There were no differences between trials for heart rate, rating of perceived exertion, body mass change during exercise, or blood lactate and glucose concentrations during the test. Thus, we conclude that the sprint times and the Part B run times were reproducible within the limits previously stated. In addition, the activity pattern and the physiological and metabolic responses closely simulated the match demands of soccer.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of strengthening and stretching exercises on running kinematics and kinetics in older runners. One hundred and five runners (55–75 years) were randomly assigned to either a strengthening (n = 36), flexibility (n = 34) or control (n = 35) group. Running kinematics and kinetics were obtained using an eight-camera system and an instrumented treadmill before and after the eight-week exercise protocol. Measures of strength and flexibility were also obtained using a dynamometer and inclinometer/goniometer. A time effect was observed for the excursion angles of the ankle sagittal (P = 0.004, d = 0.17) and thorax/pelvis transverse (P < 0.001, d = 0.20) plane. Similarly, a time effect was observed for knee transverse plane impulse (P = 0.013, d = 0.26) and ground reaction force propulsion (P = 0.042, d = ?0.15). A time effect for hip adduction (P = 0.006, d = 0.69), ankle dorsiflexion (P = 0.002, d = 0.47) and hip internal rotation (P = 0.048, d = 0.30) flexibility, and hip extensor (P = 0.001, d = ?0.48) and ankle plantar flexor (P = 0.01, d = 0.39) strength were also observed. However, these changes were irrespective of exercise group. The results of the present study indicate that an eight-week stretching or strengthening protocol, compared to controls, was not effective in altering age-related running biomechanics despite changes in ankle and trunk kinematics, knee kinetics and ground reaction forces along with alterations in muscle strength and flexibility were observed over time.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of subject drop-out on a multi-stage shuttle run test and a modified incremental shuttle run test in which speed was increased by 0.014m.s-1 every 20-m shuttle to avoid the need for verbal speed cues. Analysis of the multi-stage shuttle run test with 208 elite female netball players and 381 elite male lacrosse players found that 13 (+/-3) players stopped after the first shuttle of each new level, in comparison with 5 (+/-2) players on any other shuttle. No obvious drop-out pattern was observed on the incremental shuttle run test with 273 male and 79 female undergraduate students. The mean difference between a test-retest condition (n= 20) for peak shuttle running speed (-0.03+/- 0.01m.s-1) and maximal heart rate (0.4+/- 0.1 beats.min-1) on the incremental test showed no bias (P > 0.05). The 95% absolute confidence limits of agreement were 0.11m.s-1 for peak shuttle running speed and +/-5 beats.min-1 for maximal heart rate. The relationship (n= 27) between peak shuttle running speed on the incremental shuttle run test (4.22+/- 0.14m.s-1) and VO2max (59.0+/- 1.7ml.kg-1.min-1) was r=0.91 (P< 0.01), with a standard error of prediction of 2.6ml.kg-1.min-1. These results suggest verbal cues during the multi-stage shuttle run test may influence subject drop-out. The incremental shuttle run test shows no obvious drop-out patten and provides a valid estimate of VO2max.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of the coefficient of friction of a running surface on an athlete's sprint time in a sled-towing exercise. The coefficients of friction of four common sports surfaces (a synthetic athletics track, a natural grass rugby pitch, a 3G football pitch, and an artificial grass hockey pitch) were determined from the force required to tow a weighted sled across the surface. Timing gates were then used to measure the 30-m sprint time for six rugby players when towing a sled of varied weight across the surfaces. There were substantial differences between the coefficients of friction for the four surfaces (μ = 0.21–0.58), and in the sled-towing exercise the athlete's 30-m sprint time increased linearly with increasing sled weight. The hockey pitch (which had the lowest coefficient of friction) produced a substantially lower rate of increase in 30-m sprint time, but there were no significant differences between the other surfaces. The results indicate that although an athlete's sprint time in a sled-towing exercise is affected by the coefficient of friction of the surface, the relationship relationship between the athlete's rate of increase in 30-m sprint time and the coefficient of friction is more complex than expected.  相似文献   

Nine well-trained, unacclimatized female hockey players performed the Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test (LIST) interspersed with three field hockey skill tests in hot (30°C, 38% relative humidity) and moderate (19°C, 51% relative humidity) environmental conditions. Field hockey skill performance declined in both the hot and moderate conditions following 30 and 60?min of the LIST compared with pre-LIST values (P <?0.01). This decrement in performance was compounded in the hot environment with a 6% poorer performance in the heat recorded for the second skill test at 30?min (P <?0.05, hot 101.7?±?3.6 vs moderate 95.7?±?2.9?s; mean ±?s x). However, no difference was found in the decision-making element of the skill test. Fifteen-metre sprint times were slower in the hot condition (P <?0.01). In the hot environment, rectal temperature (P?<?0.01), perceived exertion (P?<?0.05), perceived thirst (P?<?0.01), blood glucose concentration (P?<?0.05) and serum aldosterone concentration (P?<?0.01) were higher. Estimated mean (?±?s x) sweat rate was higher in the hot trial (1.27?±?0.10?l?·?h?1) than in the moderate trial (1.05?±?0.12?l?·?h?1) (P?<?0.05). Body mass was well maintained in both trials. No differences in serum cortisol, blood lactate, plasma volume or plasma ammonia concentrations were found. These results demonstrate that field hockey skill performance is decreased following intermittent high-intensity shuttle running and that this decrease is greater in hot environmental conditions. The exact mechanism for this decrement in performance remains to be elucidated, but is unlikely to be due to low glycogen concentration or dehydration.  相似文献   

Although bike fitting is recommended to help reduce injury risk, little empirical evidence exists to indicate an association between bike fitting and injury incidence. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of bike fitting on self-reported injury, comfort, and pain while cycling from a worldwide survey of cyclists. A total of 849 cyclists completed an online questionnaire between February and October 2016. Questionnaire collected data on respondent demographics, cycling profile, bike fitting, comfort and pain while cycling, and injury history. The main predictor variable was bike fitting (yes, by the respondent, i.e. user bike fitting; yes, by a professional service; or no). Covariates included demographic and cycling profile characteristics. Logistic regression models estimated the odds of injury within the last 12 months, reporting a comfortable body posture while cycling, and not reporting pain while cycling. Odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were reported. User bike fitting was associated with increased odds of reporting a comfortable posture (OR?=?2.28, 95%CI: 1.06, 4.68). User (OR?=?2.35; 95%CI: 1.48, 3.84) and professional bike fitting (OR?=?2.35; 95%CI: 1.42, 3.98) were both associated with increased odds of not reporting pain while cycling. No associations were found between bike fitting and injury within the last 12 months. In conclusion, we found an association between bike fitting and reported comfort and pain while cycling. We recommend integrating bike fitting into cycling maintenance. However, further studies with longer follow-up are necessary to determine the presence of an association between bike fitting and injury.  相似文献   


Biomechanical analysis has typically been confined to a laboratory setting. While attempts have been made to take laboratory testing into the field, this study was designed to assess whether augmented reality (AR) could be used to bring the field into the laboratory. This study aimed to measure knee load in volleyball players through a jump task incorporating AR while maintaining the perception-action couplings by replicating the visual features of a volleyball court. Twelve male volleyball athletes completed four tasks: drop landing, hop jump, spike jump, and spike jump while wearing AR smart glasses. Biomechanical variables included patellar tendon force, knee moment and kinematics of the ankle, knee, hip, pelvis and thorax. The drop landing showed differences in patellar tendon force and knee moment when compared to the other conditions. The hop jump did not present differences in kinetics when compared to the spike conditions, instead of displaying the greatest kinematic differences. As a measure of patellar tendon loading the AR condition showed a close approximation to the spike jump, with no differences present when comparing landing forces and mechanics. Thus, AR may be used in a clinical assessment to better replicate information from the competitive environment.  相似文献   

The biology and medicine of rowing are briefly reviewed. Effort in a 2000 -m race is about 70% aerobic. Because the boat (and in some instances a cox) must be propelled, successful competitors are very tall, with a large lean mass and aerobic power. Large hearts may lead to erroneous diagnoses of a cardiomyopathy. Large respiratory minute volumes must be developed by chest muscles that are also involved in rowing. The vital capacity is typically large, and breathing becomes entrained. Expiration cannot be slowed relative to inspiration (as normally occurs at high rates of ventilation) and the limiting flow velocity may be reached, with the potential for airway collapse. Performance is strongly related to the power output at the ‘anaerobic threshold’, and lactate measures provide a guide to an appropriate intensity of endurance training. Peak blood lactate levels are higher in males (commonly 11–19 mmol·l -1 and occasionally as high as 25 mmol·l -1) than in females (9–11 mmol·l -1), probably because males have a greater muscle mass in relation to blood volume. The skeletal muscles are predominantly slow twitch in type, developing an unusual force and power at low contraction velocities. Many rowers have a suboptimal diet, eating excessive amounts of fat. Lightweight rowers also have problems of weight cycling. Aerobic power and muscle endurance often change by 10% over the season, but such fluctuations can be largely avoided by a well-designed winter training programme. Injuries include back and knee problems, tenosynovitis of the wrist and, since the introduction of large blades, fractures of the costae.  相似文献   

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