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考生孙雪是2002年黑龙江省某重点高中文科毕业班学生。她的数学成绩突出,文科综合较弱。性格相对内向,办事踏实认真。报志愿时,她原来志愿目标是进京上中央财经大学或对外经贸大学,学习会计专业,从她估分在570-580之间来看(当年预估本科一批线为530分左右),这个目标较难实现,如果进京只能进一所实力不是很强的财经类院校或一些普通院校的财经类专业,中央财经大学和对外经贸大学基本没有希望。是选择进京还是选择外地实力较强的财经类院校,在二者不能兼得的情况下,她放弃了进京的想法报考了会计专业中实力很强的中南财经政法大学,结果被顺利录取。由于她大学学的专业和自己的强科——数学相匹配,再加上良好的学习品质,她的学习成绩始终名列前茅。06年在大学生就业压力比较大的条件下,她顺利通过面试、笔试被外交部录用。  相似文献   

案例:张英是东北某省文科毕业班学生,成绩在年级一直位居前5名。数学成绩尤为突出,几次大型模拟考试均在145分左右,他还曾在高中阶段参加全国数学奥林匹克竞赛获省赛区二等奖。他原来给自己定的目标是考入北京大学的经济学类专业,这个目标一直激励着他努力学习,考后他所估的分数是620-630之间,他在连续分析了近5年北京大学在该省文科录取分数线及各专业录取分数,  相似文献   

案例:考生张军是某省级重点中学一名理科班高三毕业生,在班里和李玉是非常要好的朋友。张军性格外向,活泼好动,平时喜欢与人交往,人缘很好,语言表达能力也很强,但办事却比较粗心,容易丢三落四,属于急性子。而李玉却和张军截然相反,平时寡言少语,办事稳稳当当,有板有眼,慢条斯理,从性格上来  相似文献   

案例: 王晓宇是黑龙江省哈尔滨市文科2002年高中毕业生,她性格内向,平时很在意别人对自己的看法,学习认真,成绩一直在班里位居前列,数学成绩尤为突出。2002年高考中她在考数学时比较紧张,因为她总想用数学强科去补差科。由于期望较高,考数学时心理压力特别大,最后一道本来能够做出的大题也没有做出,而且还因为审题时间过长,错过了一道极其简单的选择题。  相似文献   

案例:考生刘民是某市重点中学学生,他的父亲是机关干部,母亲是小学教师。平时父母对孩子的学习非常关心,特别是上了高三之后更是关爱有加,但家长却忽略了一个重要的准备,这就是填报志愿的准备工作。  相似文献   

案例: 考生林青(化名)是黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市某中学2008届文科应届生,考后估分568分,估计在一本线左右,一本一志愿填报了黑龙江大学;二本一志愿填报了中国民航大学,分数公布后,他的实际考分是567分,而加08年谊省文科一本省控线为569分,他以两分之差,与一本院校失之交臂.  相似文献   

案例: 胡亚楠(化名)是2008年哈尔滨市理科应届毕业生,他性格开为人坦诚,在同学中很有人缘,在高中学习时受物理老师影响,特别喜欢学习物理,尤其是喜欢"电学".高二丈理分科时,他所在的班被分为文科班,但出于对电子类专业的热爱,他没有留在本班而是去了其他理科班.在考后估分填报志愿时,他将电子信息类专业作为首选目标,先定专业,然后再选学校.  相似文献   

案例:考生李晓燕2007年参加第一次高考。在填报高考志愿时,因仓促上阵,准备不足。对所报志愿了解不够,特别是没有看《招生章程》,结果所报院校虽然总分够了投档线,档案被投进所报的招生院校但她所报的几个专业都是热门专业,分数比较高,而且所报学校在分专业时,实行志愿优先,设了专业级差。李晓燕的分数不够报考专业录取分数线且又不服从专业调剂,  相似文献   

近年来,教育部一直在努力推进高考志愿填报制度改革.2008年鼓励各省(区市)采取平行志愿投档,目的在于进一步提高考生志愿满足率,努力降低新生报到流失率.据此,各省(区市)招办也根据本省实际情况,在志愿填报和投档录取方式的改革方面不断探索,出台符合本省省情的填报方式.  相似文献   

How Sorry Are We? Being apologetic is a way of life .Today let's take a look at how truly sorry we are when we use these apologetic words. I' m Sorry We say "sorry" a lot in everyday life.We say sorry to our friends,to co-workers,to people on street,and sometimes to ourselves.Often I don't even know who I'm saying sorry to  相似文献   

For this column,we'll take a look at a few commonly used little words that, to some extent, all mean "but".The words I chose are for today: but (of course),yet,still,and except.Let's combine them into various pairs to compare and contrast their similarities and differences. Yet and But There's not much difference between "yet" and "but" when they are used as conjunctions.Here are a couple of examples where "but" and "yet" can be used interchangeably: He lied to her,but she forgave him.  相似文献   

What Ticket? Which Court? J got a ticket the other day.Some of you may ask: ticket for what?Well,it was not a ticket for the ballet,or an opera,or a basketball game.It was a traffic ticket.I was driving too fast.A police officer pulled me over and gave me a traffic ticket.I was,the ticketing officer said, going 50 mph (miles per hour) in a 30 mph zone.A ticket meant big trouble.When I was handed the ticket,I wished it were a ticket to the movies.  相似文献   

Sometimes I took notes of things that I encountered, did, didn't do, or could have done but decided not to. Today I'd like to share with you some of these little events, which often make our day-to-day life more interesting.  相似文献   

Writing Tips--英文写作常识(1)   Many readers asked me about how to improve their writing skills. I personally think writing is the most important and also the most difficult part in learning English as a second language. Today, we'll talk about some basic rules in English writing. If, somehow, your teacher taught you things that are different from what I am going to tell you below, please follow your teacher, because she or he is the one who will grade your paper.……  相似文献   

Mother's Day--母亲节 Mother's Day falls on the second Sunday in May every year. This is the occasion we show appreciation to our mothers and to people who have worked so hard to take care of us. Today, I'm sharing thoughts from a friend about mother, love,and the study of English. When we were young students, a teacher touched our heart,and we all miss her very much on this special day in May.  相似文献   

How Small Are They:a Little,a Bit,and a Little BitAbit and a little are a pair of words often usedinterchangeably to indicate“not much”,butthey can also have different meanings indifferent contexts.My hunch is that“a little”is a littlebit larger than“a bit”,and“a bit”is a little bit morecolloquial than“a little”.Well,these two words do gotogether,don’t they?Here are some examples:He was a bit surprised that she couldn’t cook.He was a little surprised that she couldn’t cook.He …  相似文献   

Xiao Ge 《海外英语》2007,(9):44-46
Usually people will tell you that you cannot argue both directions. But,sometimes, it’s fun to argue both directions, especially when both arguments make sense. I was talking to a friend the other day, and before long I realized that I was covering both sides of the argument.  相似文献   

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