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图书馆更名之我见   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
张珍 《图书馆论坛》2001,20(1):82-82,84
传统图书馆到现代图书馆的转型,使图书馆馆藏、馆舍馆员三要素发生了巨大变化。提出当今图书馆内涵已发生了变化,“图书馆”一词按原有的涵义,已难已胜任社会角色,应该为图书馆更名。  相似文献   

走出“数字图书馆”的误区   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文阐述了图书馆的本质属性、数字化技术手段以及未来图书馆的基本发展模式,对“数字化图书馆”一词提出档同观点。文章认为从图书馆发展历程来看“图书馆数字化”一词较为严谨准确。  相似文献   

纵观“低谷”讨论中不同观点的文章,其共同点是:整个八十年代我国图书馆事业从整体上看是前进的,发展的;近几年图书馆事业发展缓慢的突出矛盾是书价上涨和经费不足;通过正确评估,旨在引起社会重视,采取相应对策。笔者认为,对“低谷”一词的理解不一定强求统一。但某些文章有些提法带有一定的片面性,会产  相似文献   

现在人们一提到“网络”这个词,首先想到的一般会是“电脑网络”。其实谈到网,其本义是不该被忽略的,即捕捉猎物的工具。这样一看就再清楚不过了,网络化的世界,不过是将我们“猎物化”罢了。在此同时,我们自己又将捕捉我们的大网“艺术化”,试看端详。  相似文献   

“图书”一词起源较早,最早可追溯到先秦时期,目前可以确证的是它出现于西汉初期。“图书”由单音词“图”与“书”组成,“书”的本义指“书写记录之物”,“图”本义指“地图档案”,二者均有档案之义。本文对出现“图书”一词的早期文献及其版本进行考辩,并对其组成意义进行分析,认为“图书”一词的原始含义为“图籍档案”。  相似文献   

现代出版中的“校对”一词,是由古代“校雠”一词演变而来的。“校雠”是复合式名词。“校”的本义是木囚,如枷、桎等;“雠”的本义是鸟类对呜。古人借助它们包含的“对合”的意思,引申为“比勘”、“订正”。于是就有了“校对”这一概念。  相似文献   

历史分期问题是现当代图书馆史研究的核心问题,本文探讨一种“国史”与“图书馆史”融合的历史分期。图书馆史分期与“国史”分期既有一致性也有差异。依据政治因素、经济因素、技术因素和图书馆自身发展的特点,将现当代图书馆史划分为“六阶段”:11949—1956年,新中国图书馆事业创建与初步发展时期;21957—1965年,新中国图书馆事业曲折发展时期;31966—1976年,图书馆事业在“文化大革命”中受到严重破坏的非常时期;41977—1989年,我国图书馆在改革开放中快速发展的新时期;51990—1999年,图书馆向现代化转型时期;62000—2009年,图书馆事业大发展大繁荣时期。这一分期的创新性在于吸纳了“国史”分期的重要标准和依据,同时又从图书馆自身发展的特点和规律出发,以每一阶段图书馆的历史性进步作为图书馆史分期的依据。参考文献16。  相似文献   

本文梳理清末民初日本图书馆学传入中国的四个阶段:洋务运动时期国人对日本图书馆的考察,维新变法时期日文“図書館”一词的传入,清末新政时期日本图书馆学论著的翻译与介绍,以及民国初年对日本图书馆学的研究。日本图书馆学的传入对中国图书馆学和图书馆事业的发展起到一定的促进作用,主要表现在:“图书馆”一词逐渐被官方认可并广泛使用;图书馆学研究由译著发展为国人自己撰写论著,理论体系日臻完善;“东洋式之图书馆”影响了当时中国图书馆的建设和管理。表3。参考文献47。  相似文献   

经国家新闻出版总署批准,《江苏图书馆学报》于2003年第一期正式更名为《新世纪图书馆》,新的刊名将使本刊更加符合时代的主旋律,激励本刊编辑部在党的十六大精神的鼓舞下与时俱进,不辱使命,广大读者也对更名后的《新世纪图书馆》寄予厚望,翘首以待。 80年代初,中国的图书馆事业刚刚从“四人帮”左倾路线的桎梏中解放出来,可谓百废待兴,那时  相似文献   

“朝鲜”一词最早见于《尚书大传》、《史记》、《山海经》、《战国策》等典籍之中。汉唐人认为“朝鲜”一词来源于水名,这是不正确的。后有人指出“朝鲜”之名乃指日出之地,这个说法已接近本义。其实,“朝鲜”一词与时谷《汤谷》、明夷一样,均属汉语言文化系统,来源于东方海上日出之象。朝阳从东方海水(甘渊、汤谷)中升起,海水为之沸腾,明丽新鲜,光华灿烂,  相似文献   

质疑古越藏书楼的公共图书馆性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄少明 《图书馆杂志》2004,23(10):24-25,64
古越藏书楼是中国近代最早创办的开放性图书馆。开放性图书馆包括“私有公用”的私立图书馆和“公有公用”的公共图书馆。“公有公用”和“私有公用”在“公用”方面虽然相似,但却有本质上的差异,不能混为一谈。古越藏书楼属“私有公用”的私立图书馆,这一点决定了她不是公共图书馆,自然,也就不可能成为中国图书馆百年历史中最早出现的公共图书馆。  相似文献   

高校图书馆馆藏建设水平及文献保障水平指标评析   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
馆藏是图书馆开展服务工作的基础,建立科学的馆藏评价指标体系,不仅有利于客观地评价图书馆的文献建设水平,而且能够正确地引导图书馆的各项工作。文章从分析馆藏建设水平内涵出发,利用综合评估法,提出一套评价文献建设水平的指标,既能够较全面地反映馆藏建设水平,又具有可操作性和良好的导向性。  相似文献   

"藏书楼"是中国图书馆史研究中的一个重要术语。该文通过对曹勋的《松隐文集》、刘学箕的《方是闲居士小稿》、陈耆卿的《赤城志》、李昂英的《文溪集》、真德秀的《铅山县修学记》和应节严的《扬州州学藏书楼记》等宋代文献中有关"藏书楼"一词记载的详细考证,得出"藏书楼"术语起源于南宋的结论。  相似文献   

There is a dearth of core lists for the mental health librarian and materials must be selected from several sources. This list is described as "basic," but it does provide a core collection of books, journals and Web sites which can be used by mental health librarians to build or evaluate collections. "Classics" not contained in this list should also be included in library collections as well as a comprehensive handbook, Tasman's Psychiatry, to which mental health practitioners can refer for a quick answer to a question. Most importantly, the library collection should reflect the purposes and philosophy of the medical staff and institution it supports.  相似文献   

何芳 《图书馆建设》2008,(3):112-113
如何拓展生长空间是县级图书馆的一大难题。山西省曲沃县图书馆通过实践工作的总结,分析问题,探索县级图书馆拓展生长空间的有效途径:全开放,深服务,围绕一个"悦"字,让"阅读"成为"悦读";跟潮流,建中心,突出一个"引"字,让数字阅读,文化共享工程惠及大众;建聊吧,办沙龙,彰显一个"请"字,把潜在读者变成现实读者;忙年节,搞活动,全在一个"纳"字,让图书馆成为人民的终身学校,成为广泛的群众文化活动中心。  相似文献   

读者信息需求分析与最佳馆藏结构的调整   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以华北煤炭医学院图书馆读者外借数据库、馆藏数据库作为统计数据源,对2000-2003年间的新书入藏情况、馆藏图书外借情况进行了统计分析。通过对馆藏文献比例与读者需求比例之间关系的研究,揭示馆藏文献与读者需求之间的相符合程度,并据此提出调整馆藏结构的建议,使之达到最佳化。  相似文献   


There is a large body of nonfiction written for a general audience which is infrequently promoted in popular reading collections at academic libraries. The aim of this research is to look at the usage of nonfiction science literature at a large university library in comparison to the science collection as a whole. This information can help librarians to not only determine how best to prioritize the collection of nonfiction science literature, but it can also be used to provide insight into how popular nonfiction science books can be most effectively promoted to library patrons.  相似文献   

基于Web3.0思想的图书馆3.0服务新模式的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴一平 《图书馆》2011,(1):90-92
本文通过介绍Web3.0思想的发展历程、概念、技术特征等,引出了基于Web3.0的图书馆3.0的概念、特征、应用模式,揭示了新一代图书馆3.0给图书馆的情报采集、资源共享等方面带来的伟大变革。最后通过构造一个图书馆3.0的互联网信息检索模型实现了校园招聘信息的高效检索,从而更加充分的说明了图书馆3.0的巨大实用意义。  相似文献   



This lecture explores changes in the medical library profession over the last fifty years, as revealed by individual word usage in a body of literature.


I downloaded articles published in the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association and Journal of the Medical Library Association between 1961 and 2000 to create an electronic corpus and tracked annual frequency of individual word usage. I used frequency sparklines of words, matching one of four archetypal shapes (level, rise, fall, and rise-and-fall) to identify significant words.


Most significant words fell into the categories of environment, management, technology, and research. Based on word usage changes, the following trends are revealed: Compared to 1961, today''s medical librarians are more concerned with digital information, not physical packages. We prefer information to be evidence-based. We focus more on health than medicine. We are reaching out to new constituents, sometimes leaving our building to do so. Teaching has become important for us. We run our libraries more like businesses, using constantly changing technology. We are publishing more research articles.


Although these words were chosen by individual authors to tell their particular stories, in the aggregate, our words reveal our story of change in our profession.The Janet Doe Lecture on the history or philosophy of medical librarianship: I will warn you right now that you will get very little philosophy out of me today, for two reasons. First, my predecessor T. Scott Plutchak, AHIP, was a philosophy major, and I knew that a zoology major like myself could not compete with that. Second, “philosophy” in many Janet Doe lectures is actually a strong personal viewpoint of medical librarianship—what it is or what it should be. I do collection development, where things change so much and so rapidly that I have not had time to develop a strong viewpoint like many of my Doe predecessors. Like most of my collection development colleagues, I''m just trying to survive day to day. That tends to create a very pragmatic attitude. If I believe in anything strongly, it is that I believe I''ll have another cookie.Without philosophy, I am left with history. And here I will echo the complaint of many Doe lecturers by stating that I have a severe lack of historical research skills. I became painfully aware of this lack as I read previous Doe Lectures, such as David Kronick''s 1980 lecture 1. Kronick was a true scholar, with a doctorate in librarianship. We honor him to this day with the Medical Library Association''s (MLA''s) David A. Kronick Traveling Fellowship. In his Doe Lecture, Kronick quoted H. Curtis Wright''s “The Oral Antecedents of Greek Librarianship,” Francis Bacon, and the fifteenth-century Abbot Johannes Trimethius. In contrast, later in this speech, I will quote the Talking Heads.While I am totally unqualified for traditional historical research, that still leaves informal, or personal, history. Although I am old enough to be in my anecdotage, I just do not have many interesting stories to tell. And as Thomas Basler, FMLA, told us in his 2008 Doe Lecture, there are no more giants. While I met some of those giants, I did not know them, and I certainly do not have any stories to tell about them. I suppose I could tell stories about some of the taller than average individuals I have met in my career, but that does not sound very exciting.  相似文献   

张红林  李寿星 《编辑学报》2012,24(4):346-347
分析科技文稿中出现的140例使用"进行"的句子,举其中20例予以说明。部分例句可以直接去掉"进行"而不影响语意,部分例句去掉"进行"后适当调整句子的结构即可完整表达语意。赘用"进行"通常属作者不经意的语言习惯,在文稿编校时应酌情去掉。  相似文献   

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