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对我国5名优秀女子链球运动员使用近景动态三维录像分析系统分析运动员的投掷技术,结果表明,第四圈双支撑阶段加速能力较强,但在第四圈单支撑阶段速度损失过大;链球旋转速度增量与各圈轨迹中双支撑与单支撑的比值有关,增大链球各圈轨迹中双支撑与单支撑的比值有助于链球旋转速度增量的提高;加大投掷动作的动作幅度,增大各圈旋转中运动员的各运动环节的最大值与最小值的差值对链球旋转速度增量的提高具有十分重要意义。  相似文献   

在一般的链球投掷中,决定链球投掷成绩的主要因素是链球的出手速度和出手角度。(图1) 基于Kuznetsov1965年的研究结果,许多学者认为在双支撑阶段可以最有效地提高链球速度。由此推论,我们假设双支撑阶段持续时间长就使链球速度增加,从而投掷距离远些(Bondarchuk,1977)。在我们得到的初步  相似文献   

采用2台JVC9800高速摄影机,对中国部分优秀女子链球运动员的投掷技术进行拍摄和解析,并对旋转阶段的时间特征、链球加速距离、链球远行斜面变化等进行运动学分析与比较。  相似文献   

一、基本要点链球运动员投掷成绩和其它投掷项目一样,是由器械出手的速度,高度,角度和空中飞行时空气的阻力所决定的。出手速度: 链球由静止状态开始,通过对链球施加力,在一定时间内产生了速度(牛顿第二定律)。运动员对链球施加力,是从握点或把手通过钢丝传递链球的球端的。  相似文献   

速度是掷链球旋转过程中的主要技术指标,也是提高链球运动成绩的关键。运用高速摄影对我国8名优秀女子链球运动员投掷过程中链球速度曲线进行了比较研究,表明运动员在链球旋转中存在着最后一圈速度下降明显,超越器械拉引角不足等关键技术问题。  相似文献   

采用2台JVC9800高速摄影机,对我国6名优秀女子链球运动员的投掷技术进行拍摄和解析,并对投掷各阶段肩髋角、躯干倾角、肩链角、髋足角等进行运动学分析与比较。研究发现:运动员在投掷过程中肩髋角随旋转圈数增加而逐渐增大,躯干后倾角逐渐增大,最后用力阶段存在较明显的上体后仰现象;右脚着地瞬间髋足角普遍较小,肩链角的最大值出现在右脚着地之后,最小值出现在右脚着地之前,延长了单、双脚支撑阶段时间,使旋转速度节奏变慢。  相似文献   

链球投掷技术的生物力学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对我国和世界优秀链球运动员投掷技术三维影片数据的比较分析,揭示了链球投掷技术的普遍规律和当今世界链球投掷技术的发展趋势和特点,并对我国优秀链球运动员的投掷技术进行了生物力学诊断,找出了影响我国链球运动技术水平迅速提高的关键因素和技术环节。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数理统计法、比较分析法对第1-16届世锦赛男子投掷成绩发展变化特征进行分析,并根据灰色预测模型及置信区间对第17届世锦赛男子投掷各单项前8名平均成绩进行预测,结合当前我国男子投掷竞技表现,为我国男子投掷成功备战第17届世锦赛提供参考。结果表明:男子铅球和铁饼成绩变化起伏不大且正处于上升阶段;男子标枪正处在发展的黄金时期,竞技水平较高,竞争激烈;男子链球成绩正呈现下降趋势,且下降幅度较大;第17届世锦赛男子铅球、铁饼、标枪及链球前8名平均成绩预测值分别为21.50m、66.23m、88.79m、77.06m,从预测值来看,第17届世锦赛男子铅球和标枪前8名平均成绩会有一定幅度上升,而男子铁饼和链球前8名平均成绩会出现小幅度下降,我国男子投掷应根据自身竞技水平、世锦赛男子投掷各单项成绩发展特征及预测情况进行针对性训练、排兵布阵;另外通过分析世界男子投掷项目成绩发展变化趋势,从运动员选材、运动训练、投掷技术给我国教练员及运动员提出建议。  相似文献   

俄罗斯女子链球运动员库泽考娃多次创造该项目的世界纪录,为进一步提高运动成绩水平不在于运动负荷的增大,而在于提高训练效果。 为提高专项身体素质和运动技术的改进年周期各阶段主要训练手段运动负荷的合理安排是至关重要的。 11月份以投掷辅助器械(壶铃、铅球)为主,12月份和1月份投掷不全重量的链球,模仿练习和负重练习占了很大的比重。2月份是冬季比赛期,开始各种训练手段的运动负荷都下降。3月份~4月份专门力量练习(负重练习、跳跃练习)和投掷各种重量的链球(主要是比赛链球和加重链球)的数量达到全年的最高峰。4月份已进入春训…  相似文献   

男子链球初级训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、回顾与展望 链球项目是田径运动中的重器械,在投掷技术中可称之难度较大的非周期性运动项目,是通过预摆和旋转来完成投掷的,它对速度、力量、协调性等身体素质赋予更高的要求,链球项目素有田径之王的美称。  相似文献   

链球出手后在空中所做的运动为抛物体运动,影响抛物体远度的主要因素为:出手速度、出手角度、出手高度。主要运用数学的方法计算出手速度、角度、高度时于运动成绩的影响,并对于影响链球运动成绩的诸多因素进行了分析,以帮助教练员与运动员在链球运动实践中把握动作技术的关键。  相似文献   

影响我国男子链球运动成绩提高的因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料、数理统计、综合比较、逻辑分析等方法。对我国男子链球成绩滑坡的原因进行分析。结果发现影响我国男子链球成绩提高的主要因素是:运动员体重的不断增加;身体素质尤其是速度力量素质相对偏低;旋转技术不合理。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the cable force and linear hammer speed in the hammer throw and to identify how the magnitude and direction of the cable force affects the fluctuations in linear hammer speed. Five male (height: 1.88 +/- 0.06 m; body mass: 106.23 +/- 4.83 kg) and five female (height: 1.69 +/- 0.05 m; body mass: 101.60 +/- 20.92 kg) throwers participated and were required to perform 10 throws each. The hammer's linear velocity and the cable force and its tangential component were calculated via hammer head positional data. As expected, a strong correlation was observed between decreases in the linear hammer speed and decreases in the cable force (normalised for hammer weight). A strong correlation was also found to exist between the angle by which the cable force lags the radius of rotation at its maximum (when tangential force is at its most negative) and the size of the decreases in hammer speed. These findings indicate that the most effective way to minimise the effect of the negative tangential force is to reduce the size of the lag angle.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the cable force and linear hammer speed in the hammer throw and to identify how the magnitude and direction of the cable force affects the fluctuations in linear hammer speed. Five male (height: 1.88 ± 0.06 m; body mass: 106.23 ± 4.83 kg) and five female (height: 1.69 ± 0.05 m; body mass: 101.60 ± 20.92 kg) throwers participated and were required to perform 10 throws each. The hammer's linear velocity and the cable force and its tangential component were calculated via hammer head positional data. As expected, a strong correlation was observed between decreases in the linear hammer speed and decreases in the cable force (normalised for hammer weight). A strong correlation was also found to exist between the angle by which the cable force lags the radius of rotation at its maximum (when tangential force is at its most negative) and the size of the decreases in hammer speed. These findings indicate that the most effective way to minimise the effect of the negative tangential force is to reduce the size of the lag angle.  相似文献   

The maximum distance a hammer can be thrown depends on its mass, length and aerodynamic drag, meaning that record hammer throws performed before and after a rule change (for example, if the minimum mass is changed) cannot be compared directly. However, if all factors affecting the flight of a hammer are fully understood, and the range travelled by a hammer thrown with a given initial speed, angle and release height can be predicted, records thrown under different rules can be compared. In this work, a numerical model is developed, which includes the effects of atmospheric pressure, altitude, Coriolis Effect, gravitational variation, wind speed, ambient temperature, linear drag, torsional drag, hammer size and hammer orientation. It is based on the model of Mizera and Horvath (J Biomech 35:785–796, 2002). Two refinements are made: the drag coefficient varies with Reynolds number, and the hammer is represented as a spatially extended object with nonzero moment of inertia. New wind tunnel data on the drag of the three main components of the hammer (ball, cable and handle) are presented. This data are incorporated into the model which is then used to predict throws made at the IAAF 2011 World Athletics Championships (Daegu, Korea). The model is shown to be capable of predicting to within 1 % the distance of hammer throws where the air density, latitude, release height, release angle and release velocity are known. It is more accurate than numeric and analytic models which assume a constant drag coefficient. This may be because it does not require the user to choose the drag coefficient and automatically uses an appropriate drag coefficient regardless of conditions. With a good biomechanical model or good assumptions about release speeds, throws with different implements can be compared to compare records thrown before and after rule changes. Further work is needed to develop a biomechanical model capable of predicting the release speed an athlete can achieve with a range of different implements.  相似文献   

通过对第23~28届奥运会中国田径运动员比赛的成绩进行统计比较,研究结果显示:女子中长跑、女子竞走、女子投掷和男子跳跃4大类项目为中国奥运会田径传统优势项目,男子110m栏、女子链球和男子竞走等项目为奥运会田径新兴潜优势项目.  相似文献   

我国部分优秀男子链球运动员旋转技术的运动学分析   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
旋转技术是掷链球技术中最关键的环节。通过两架高速摄影机 ,对我国部份优秀男子链球运动员的投掷技术进行了拍摄并解析 :在旋转时单双支撑时间分布 ,链球加速途径 ,重心变化及链球运行斜面变化等情况进行了运动学的分析 ,从中发现我国男子链球旋转技术中存在的一些问题 ,并提出了一些建议 ,以供训练时参考。  相似文献   

我国优秀男子链球运动员投掷技术的运动学特征   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
采用运动生物力学等研究方法,对所获数据进行定量分析。结果显示.我国优秀男子链球选手掷球时,球速增量较小.影响了出手高度。原因在于.人体旋转速度较慢.d/s比率低;下肢双支撑阶段髋角增幅过大.右脚落地时髋、膝关节角度偏大等。  相似文献   

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