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Policy conceptualizations of the global knowledge economy have led to the channelling of much Higher Education and Research and Development funding into the priority areas of science and technology. Among other things, this diversion of funding calls into question the future of traditional humanities and creative arts faculties. How these faculties, and the disciplines within them, might reconfigure themselves for the knowledge economy is, therefore, a question of great importance, although one that as yet has not been adequately answered. This paper explores some of the reasons for this by looking at how innovation in the knowledge economy is typically theorized. It takes one policy trajectory informing Australia’s key innovation statement as an example. It argues that, insofar as the formation of this knowledge economy policy has been informed by a techno‐economic paradigm, it works to preclude many humanities and creative arts disciplines. This paper, therefore, looks at how an alternative theorization of the knowledge economy might offer a more robust framework from within which to develop humanities and creative arts Higher Education and Research policy in the knowledge economy, both in Australia and internationally.  相似文献   

城市是服务业尤其是现代服务业发展的集聚地,具有对外示范辐射的作用。通过偏离-份额分析法定量分析福建省9个城市服务业及其内部行业的发展水平与差异,并建立多元回归方程分析城市人口规模、经济规模和建设规模对城市服务业发展的影响。研究发现:福建省服务业形成以福州、厦门为核心的发展格局;消费性服务业为福建省"十一五"期间发展最快的行业;城市人口规模、经济规模和建设规模对城市服务业及内部行业的影响方向和程度各异。因此,每一城市必须针对自身的基础与特点有选择地发展服务业。  相似文献   

规模经济视域下的内蒙古自治区县政区划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国许多县乡一直在财政困难的情况下运行。通过对内蒙古自治区77个县和县级市人口规模与人均财政支出、财政供养人口和政府单位自收自支雇员占人口比重关系的实证研究,证明在内蒙古自治区县市行政效率问题上存在着明显的规模经济现象。这一发现表明,扩大县级行政区划,是解决我国县级财政困难、提高行政效率的一条可行之道。  相似文献   

关于建立地区性生产实习基地的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
生产实习是高等工科教育的重要教学环节,然而随着市场经济的发展和高校规模的扩大,目前的生产实习模式已经不能适应培养高素质人才的要求。本文分析了目前生产实习模式存在的问题,讨论了在生产实习中学生不能亲自参与实际生产的原因,分析了建立地区性生产实习基地的可行性,认为建立地区性生产实习基地是培养学生的实践能力和创新精神的有效途径。  相似文献   

开放式基金规模是基金管理的重要内容,对基金绩效产生重要影响,因此研究我国开放式基金规模问题具有较强的现实意义。在分析开放式基金规模与绩效关系的基础上,构建了开放式基金适度规模测度方法,并运用48只开放式基金数据进行实证分析。研究表明,中国开放式基金收益率与基金规模呈现二次曲线变动关系,开放式基金规模并非越大越好,而是存在适度的规模。根据经济适度规模分析思想,得出中国开放式基金适度规模。  相似文献   

Worker retrenchment on a massive scale was introduced in Nigeria by the Military Government a few months after the overthrow of the civilian regime at the close of 1983. It was regarded as one of the short term measures to resuscitate the depressed economy through the reduction of overhead costs. Paradoxically, mass retrenchment of workers has brought about devastating side effects such as an insidious inflammation of psychosocial problems that call for psychotherapeutic activities by counsellors.The retrenchment effect has been most experienced by ethmic minorities, the poor and less educated Nigerians. A sample of 500 retrenched workers has revealed a variety of devastating psychosocial effects such as deteriorating self-esteem, general irritability, stomach ulcers, a tendency to commit crimes, high blood pressure and heart diseases, financial emaciation and depression. Counselling strategies such as vocational counselling, rational counselling and educational counselling for minorities have been recommended.Paper presented at IRTAC 1985, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 15–19, 1985.  相似文献   

第三部门视野中的教育产权分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育产权问题是教育经济领域争论比较激烈的问题之一,原因是许多研究者认为它是制约我国教育特别是民办教育发展的根源之一。虽然理论工作者从多维视角进行了许多有益的探索,但从实际情况来看并未对现实情况产生较大影响。试图从另一个全新的视角进行探讨,并希冀从中得到启示,其结论是第三部门视野中的教育不存在产权问题,现实情况也说明并没有因为产权问题而影响我国教育的发展。  相似文献   

"再识农户"与社会化小农的建构   总被引:48,自引:7,他引:48  
中国将长期实行以家庭为单位的经营体制。在传统理论看来,家庭经营属于小农经济。小农经济的生产效率低下,因此要以规模化的集体生产所取代。那么,在家庭经营体制长期不变的条件下,能否提升农户的能力,使之适应现代经济社会发展的需要,便成为学界需要认真探讨的问题。本文基于家庭经营体制长期不变的条件,提出“重识农户”,即将农户放在历史变迁的过程中加以考察,认为,尽管当今的农户经营规模小,但他们已越来越深地进入或者被卷入到一个开放的、流动的、分工的社会化体系中来,与传统的封闭的小农经济形态渐行渐远,进入到社会化小农的阶段。“小农”的“社会化”,大大提升了农户适应现代社会的能力,但同时也蕴含着三大内在矛盾,使农民进入到一个更不确定和风险性更大的社会。由此需要根据社会化小农的基本状况建构完善的社会化服务体系,并提供相应的国家保护和支持。  相似文献   

虚拟经济作为一个独立的经济学概念,最早产生于十九世纪,自由资本主义时期。在20世纪80年代以前,虚经济无论从规模,还是从表现形式都远逊于实体经济。20世纪80年代以来,世界经济的格局发生了巨大的变化,主要工业国家和新兴市场国家的虚拟经济得到了极大的发展,虚拟经济规模急剧增大。资本的虚拟化程度越来越高,虚拟资本的形式也越来越丰富。虚拟经济日益成为现代经济中一个决定性的组成部分,其经济学内涵和外延得到了空前的拓展。本文试图从经济学角度总结虚拟经济的内涵,表现特征以及主要存在形式。分析虚拟经济对现代经济的积极作用和消极影响。针对现阶段我国宏观经济现状,探讨如何不失时机地发展虚拟经济,防范和控制我国经济的泡沫风险,保障经济快速、健康、持久地发展。  相似文献   

以研究事业单位合适规模为基础,以制造业为例,选取有代表性的面板数据,运用前沿分析模型(SFA)来讨论企业规模的问题,最终得出结论:在大型、中型、小型企业中,中型规模的企业是最优的,即最有效率的。这一结论再次证明了中型企业规模的优势,也为事业单位改制中的企业规模的选择提供了参考。  相似文献   

Some economic guidelines for design of a charter school district   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As the number of charter schools has grown nationally, there is increasing discussion of the consolidation of such schools into charter districts in which all schools would be charter schools from which parents would have the freedom to choose the school that they wished their student to attend. A major question is how such a charter school district would be organized to support its schools and who would perform the different functions required. It is argued that three economic guidelines need to be an important determinant of the solution to this question: the presence of economies of scale; transaction costs; and externalities. The article describes the application of these guidelines to the formation of a charter school district and suggests the different possibilities for addressing a range of important roles by schools, their districts and intermediate organizations and markets.  相似文献   

职业教育集团在我国的发展有其深厚的经济、政策及教育发展背景。基于经济学视角,交易成本、规模经济、范围经济理论为职教集团发展提供了重要的理论支撑,但在实践中还须遵循这些理论的基本规律,对可能带来的负面作用予以重视。  相似文献   

实证研究显示,董事会特征对管理质量和公司价值具有显著的解释力:对于全样本公司而言,董事会规模和董事长与CEO的两职合一对公司绩效具有显著的积极影响力,外部董事比例具有显著的消极影响力。对于法人股东控股的公司,董事会结构对公司管理质量普遍具有更强的解释力。企业规模和股权结构对董事会规模具有显著的影响力;而且,第一大股东的性质以及董事长与CEO的两职合一对董事会规模也具有显著的影响。  相似文献   

基于重庆电大的相关数据,分析现代远程教育的成本项目构成比例、生均成本与学生规模的关系;构建U型二次计量模型,回归计算最佳的学生规模。实证发现现代远程教育规模经济特征明显。  相似文献   

跨越式发展是一种经济赶超的发展模式。由于历史和现实的原因,安徽远远落后于经济相对发达的东部地区。作为中部省份之一的安徽有着丰富的自然和人力资源、优越的承东启西的地理位置,如何在“中部崛起”政策下实现经济跨越式发展,是安徽人民一直在思考的问题。投入不足一直是制约安徽经济发展的主要因素,因此需要大力发展资本市场,利用资本市场无穷的力量,给安徽经济发展注入燃料,推动经济腾飞。为此目的探讨了有关资本市场的两个方面,一是利用资本市场将有市场需求、预期收益大、有潜力的安徽企业做大做强,充分发挥规模经济效益;一是在合肥、芜湖等中心城市建设区域性科技资本市场,推动高新技术产业先行发展,进而带动全省经济跨越式发展。  相似文献   

传统的遗传算法在遗传操作的过程中,不管具体问题对种群规模的要求都事先指定,造成种群规模表现的不合理。针对这一问题,Arabas,J.等人提出了一种变种群规模遗传算法GAVaPS(Genetic Algorithms withVarying Population Size),旨在遗传操作的过程中自适应地调整种群的规模。黄乐等人提出了一种改进的变种群规模遗传算法VPSG-GM(Varying Population Size Genetic Combined with Gradient Search Method),它与GAVaPS方法在遗传操作上的不同之处是把评价目标函数的步骤置于重组种群时“淘汰”步骤之前,这样做减少了算法由于重组造成的不必要开销。文章提出的改进的变种群规模的遗传算法,在调整种群规模时通过增加补算算子,从而达到保持种群多样性的目的。这样做可以略去变异操作,减少了系统开销。实验证明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if National Direct Student Loan defaulters could be differentiated from payers by using information available at the time the loan is made. Data from 686 repayers and 192 nonpayers were analyzed. It was found that a combination of five student characteristics was all that was needed to accurately predict which students would not repay their loans. The combination of factors which proved to have predictive value in order of importance were: grade point average at the time of the loan, ACT composite score, OPI complexity scale, the OPI anxiety level scale, and the size of the loan. The most striking outcome was that personality measures have strong predictive value in identifying future defaulters. Further validation of these findings is underway.  相似文献   

东巴文字作为人类早期的一种向象形文字、标音文字过渡的图画文字形式,既具有图画文字以图表意特点,又具有现代文字使用简单线条表达含义的特点。东巴文字本身的复杂性使其相关研究一直较少且连贯性不强。从东巴文字的构字要素入手,通过分析东巴文字的组成要素、结构特征及造字习惯,给出适用于东巴象形文字的预处理及基于网格分解的分类识别算法。该算法思路简单、复杂度低、易于实现,能够快速实现不同类型东巴文字的检索和识别,具有较好的缩放和平移不变性,从而为东巴文字的造字研究提供强有力的技术支持,也为研究其它象形文字的检索和识别技术提供重要参考。  相似文献   

公共服务与经济增长之间的关系一直是国内外理论界研究的重点,已有的理论研究主要侧重于公共支出规模和结构对于经济增长速度所造成的影响,但是关于公共支出的结果(即公共服务)是否实现了均等化,以及基本公共服务均等化与经济增长的关系,却鲜有学者深入探讨。笔者认为,目前我国公共服务非均等化的现状已经对经济增长造成了较大负面影响,这种影响既表现为整体层面的不良影响,也体现为地区以及部门之间的差异。公共服务配置的不均等严重抑制了我国经济发展水平的提高。因此,无论从保证社会公正公平的角度来看,还是从提高经济效益的角度来看,促进基本公共服务均等化都是当前的理性选择。  相似文献   

This paper investigates estimation methods to model the relationship between school district size, costs per student and the organisation of school districts. We show that the assumptions on the functional form strongly affect the estimated scale economies and offer two possible solutions to allow for more flexibility in the estimation method. First, we introduce a model by adding higher‐degree district size polynomials, allowing for multiple optima. Second, we develop a Fourier cost function, innovative in the literature on scale economies in education. We then compare both models to classical approaches in the literature. We illustrate how a minor change in the estimation method can alter policy conclusions significantly using Flemish school district data. In doing so, we find sizeable potential cost savings from the consolidation of school districts, especially at the lower tail of the district–size distribution. The organisational transition from small to large school districts is characterised by an interval between two optima. Beyond an apparent slowdown in cost savings in medium‐sized school districts, cost savings from school district consolidation increase again, up to the optimal size of around 6,500 students. Beyond this optimum, school districts incur diseconomies of scale. The commonly used quadratic form (‘U’‐shaped cost function) overestimates scale economies, and fails to identify the interval between both optima.  相似文献   

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