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Convergent methodologies from studies of fear-potentiated startle in animals and studies of affective modulation of reflex blinks in humans were adapted in order to investigate infants' sensitivity to affective information conveyed by facial expressions of emotion. While 5-month-old infants viewed photographic slides of faces posed in happy, neutral, or angry expressions, a brief acoustic noise burst was presented to elicit the blink component of human startle. Blink size was augmented during the viewing of angry expressions and reduced during happy expressions. Infants did not show marked changes in behavioral reactions to the positive, neutral, and negative slides, although motor activity was slightly reduced during negative slides. Results suggest that, by 5 months, infants react to affective information conveyed by unfamiliar human faces. Potential mechanisms mediating the influence of affective stimuli on reflex excitability are considered.  相似文献   

The early noncry vocalizations of infants are salient social signals. Caregivers spontaneously respond to 30%–50% of these sounds, and their responsiveness to infants’ prelinguistic noncry vocalizations facilitates the development of phonology and speech. Have infants learned that their vocalizations influence the behavior of social partners? If they have, infants should show an extinction burst in vocalizing when adults temporarily stop responding to infant vocalizations. Thirty‐eight 5‐month‐olds were tested in the still‐face paradigm with an unfamiliar adult. When the adult assumed a still face, infants showed an extinction burst. Thus, 5‐month‐olds have learned the social efficacy of their vocalizations on caregivers’ behavior. Furthermore, the magnitude of 5‐month infants’ extinction bursts predicted their language comprehension at 13 months.  相似文献   

The ability of infants aged 8–12 months to coordinate their arm and trunk movements to contact an object located in different positions was investigated in 2 experiments. In the first, 8- and 10-month-old infants reached for near objects but both reached and leaned for more distant ones indicating that they perceived that forward leaning extends the range of contact beyond that of reaching alone. In addition, arm and trunk movements were initiated simultaneously; visual information concerning object distance was sufficient to activate an integrated reaching-and-leaning response. Object distances were increased and a mechanical aid was provided on half the trials in the second experiment with 10- and 12-month-old infants. For both age groups the degree of leaning was reduced for objects that were out of reach without the aid. Only older infants were able to use the aid to extend partially their range of contact. Overall the results support the conclusions that, by at least 8 months, infants perceive that leaning extends their effective reaching space; by 10 months they perceive the limits within which reaching together with leaning is likely to be effective; and by 12 months they begin to perceive how this space may be extended by a mechanical aid.  相似文献   

Tactile contact with an infant plays an important role (though one largely overlooked by researchers until recently) in the development of synchronous interactive dialogues between caregiver and child. Dyads in which one or both partners are deaf present a unique opportunity to examine the use of touch as a means of optimizing or enhancing communication when the number of available sensory channels is restricted. Touch in these dyads may play an important role in eliciting visual attention, in alerting the infant that signed communication is forthcoming, in assisting the infant to achieve emotional regulation, or in simply maintaining contact even when the deaf child has looked away from the partner. The data presented here represent one attempt to investigate the role of touch in relation to deaf infants and deaf parents, for whom it may play a particularly salient role. Both deaf and hearing mothers were observed in videotaped face-to-face interactions with their infants (also either deaf or hearing); maternal behavior was coded for each event during which mothers initiated tactile contact with the infant and was classified according to intensity, location on the infant's body, and type of touch (e.g., active vs. passive). Results of this study indicate that deaf mothers may be especially responsive to the tactile needs of their deaf infants, as shown by qualitative differences in their behavioral interactions with 6- and 9-month-olds. However, hearing mothers with deaf infants also appear to be incorporating more active forms of touch in their interactions, although they tend to rely on longer durations of tactile contact than do the deaf mothers.  相似文献   

从系统论看当代教育观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统论作一种方法论,对认识教育现象及其规律具有重大指导意义,因此,从系统论出发来考察教育,有助于在教育目的,教育任务,教学过程和教育结果等方面树立正确的观念。  相似文献   

音乐欣赏课的研究是音乐教学中培养学生专业素质的重要途径.故须概论音乐欣赏教学的终极目标,论证"发现美"是音乐欣赏教学的基础;"体验美"是音乐欣赏教学的关键;"创造美"是音乐欣赏教学的境界.  相似文献   

随着建构主义和情境认知与学习理论日益发展,学习的参与性隐喻及实践共同体的概念日渐为人们所接受,并出现了大量建构网络共同体的手段和方法。PV技术从数据收集策略到在线教学策略的研究转变,证明PV在吸引注意,培养创新思维,建构关系三方面具有突出的贡献。对网络教育中网络实践共同体的形成起到了促进作用,主要体现在创设共同的主题目标;支持深度认知,诱发创新思维;加强师生、生生关系。  相似文献   

Gibson(1979)的动允性(affordances)理论认为,观察物体能自动激活其隐含的动作信息.其关键的支持证据来自动允性效应,即当物体隐含的动作信息与被试的反应类型一致时,促进被试反应.最初研究发现,在缺少动作意图时,动作信息仍能自动激活.最近研究显示,注意、主体的能力和目的同样调节着动作信息的激活,即物体动作信息的激活存在自下而上和自上而下两种通路.  相似文献   

在当前全球化的语境中,关心人类教育事务莫过于关心文明与文化。文章以学者张涵“从文明范式看人类文明转型与中华文明复兴”中的相关观点作为观察并思考教育的背景材料,基于思想理论资源的共享与共创,聚焦于“文明与文化”的交融与互动的走势,讨论了活跃在人类文明转型中的有关教育再生性机遇、教育在中华文明复兴中的使命等问题。认为放眼寰宇,倡导走生态式和谐文化教育之旅,可作为人类的一种理想性选择。  相似文献   

为了使外卖APP的界面设计更有利于用户的认知体验,探讨可供性与用户体验设计之间的影响关系,进而提出分析方法和设计建议.首先以美团、饿了么为研究对象,对外卖APP主页的用户体验设计要素实施对比分析,并结合可供性理论的三个阶段,设计问卷内容.然后利用网络访谈法对20名具有外卖APP使用经验的大学生进行问卷调查.最后采用SPSS 24.0对实验数据进行分析论证并归纳设计要点.通过实验分析,验证了分析方法的可靠性.得出外卖APP中多样化的信息内容、设计得当的界面布局、即时的操作反馈、趣味性和易识别性的图标设计可以提高用户的体验效果,从而为外卖APP的优化设计提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

从Affordance理论的角度说明了产品与用户之间的关系,阐述了产品语意的概念,对比了Affordance与产品语意的相同点和不同点。提出在产品设计中,使用产品语意与Affordance理论相结合的设计方式。并列举实例从Affordance与产品语意结合的异同性,多样性,互助性三个方面分析了Affordance与产品语意结合在产品设计上的应用。  相似文献   

通过分析勾地制度的源起及引入到中国的发展历程,简要分析勾地制度的运作程序。在介绍勾地制度合法性的基础上,提出勾地制度是一种兼有民事法律和行政合同性质的勾地行为,并从合同法角度进行诠释。  相似文献   

民族文化心理的认知与超越   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
民族化心理是民族精神的真实体现,由数千年历史化积淀而成。它反映在民族成员的价值观、伦理观、宗教观、审美观等各个方面。分析民族化心理应克服民族中心主义倾向,应持化相对论的态度,避免孰优孰劣的划分。不同民族能够共存和交往说明不同民族化心理是可以认知和融合的。对民族化心理的认知就是要对化差异认可和认同,并且从传统的化中发现民族化的进步和发展,实现跨化的“超越”。  相似文献   

阐述构式语法和功能承受性(affordance),并以其作为视角,选择适当样本进行实证试验,通过SPSS软件分析研究得出构式和功能承受性,对英语名转动词语句的理解具有动态促进作用,针对相关问题,提出相应教改建议。  相似文献   

康拉德小说《黑暗的心》的论者多就马洛、库尔兹等“中心人物”视角进行小说批评,而忽略边缘人物——俄国人在小说中的声音。文章运用巴赫金的狂欢化理论,从俄国人出现的环境,小丑加傻瓜的人物设定挖掘其身上的狂欢化特征,并从俄国人身上体现出的讽刺性模拟色彩、对小说复调体系构建的参与和对库尔兹的加冕与脱冕三个方面说明这一形象在小说叙事学上的重大意义。  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查及访谈等形式调查了乌兰察布市大学生对持久性有机污染物(POPs)的认知度,调查发现本地区大学生POPs的认知度较低,对斯德哥尔摩公约内容不熟悉.大学生是一个特殊的社会群体,在文化素质和年龄构成等方面与社会的其他群体不同,提高大学生对于POPs的认知度有利于推动全社会来共同关注和认识持久性有机污染物.  相似文献   

杨楹 《三明学院学报》2007,24(3):241-245
马克思将哲学划分为“解释世界”和“改变世界”两类,突出地表达了马克思走出了“思辨哲学”基地,将现实生活世界作为其哲学的理论视域,并以改变现实生活为价值旨归。文章首先在比较两类哲学中,厘清马克思主义哲学在现实立足点、本质内涵、价值立场以及理论逻辑路径和思维方式等,突出马克思主义哲学紧紧扣住“现实生活”的理论特质;其次从四个层面揭示了现实生活的基本特征,强调“生活”的逻辑是马克思主义哲学能不断与时俱进的根据所在;最后强调指出,当代中国马克思主义哲学研究与新形态的建构必须遵循马克思主义哲学的一贯精神与价值原则,以深入剖析当代中国“生活”为关键,方可推进马克思主义哲学的发展。  相似文献   

从实习生对定岗实习重要性的认知,实习生对自身角色的认同角度分析技校生定岗实习角色认知模式,并针对实习生对定岗实习角色认知中存在的困难和差异提出解决问题的方法,以促进学生规范实习行为,提高实习效果。  相似文献   

樊军 《海外英语》2012,(11):27-29
Android MID作为一种新出现的个人便携式智能处理设备,具备了潜在的外语教育功能。其教育功能可见性、符合当代教育中自主学习、合作学习的需要、可以真正实现以学生为中心的教学模式等特点,使得其一定能成为未来外语教育中新的亮点,它不断发展的趋势和在教育中的应用会从根本上改变传统的外语教学模式。  相似文献   

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