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It has been more than 20 years since Everett Rogers first outlined the elements of the ‘new’, ‘Another Development’, ‘plurality’ paradigm of development. This paradigm was later radicalized and extended by Jan Servaes, who called it ‘multiplicity’. While the paradigm was developed in response to the shortcomings of the earlier modernization paradigm, policy makers in Third World countries continue to use the recommendations of the older paradigm.

This paper suggests that the failure of the new paradigm to replace the older one may be due to its own contradictions and inconsistencies. The paper presents the various elements of this paradigm and then critically evaluates them. It discusses why the conceptualizations in the new paradigm are not always useful, and notes that while some of the voices being used in it may be new, the ideas are really quite old. The overall purpose of the paper is to initiate a systematic critique of the new paradigm—a task the authors feel is long neglected.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the relationship between cumulative thin-ideal media and body image disturbance is mediated by (1) cognitive variables, including beliefs about normative thinness and thinness prevalence and (2) affective variables, including dejection and agitation. Also, this study tested whether mediating effects would be different across cultures. Results revealed that perception about normative thinness mediated the relationship between thin–ideal media use and body image disturbance among both US and Korean participants and the effect was stronger for Korean participants. Thinness prevalence estimation did not mediate thin-ideal media use and body image disturbance in either Korean or US participants. Dejection was a statistically significant mediator for the relationship between thin-ideal media use and body image disturbance for both Korean and US participants, but no cultural differences were found. Agitation was also a statistically significant mediator for thin-ideal media use and body image disturbance, but only for Korean participants. Cultural differences in mediating effects were explained based on individualism and collectivism.  相似文献   

Adopting a communication mediation approach, this study explores the role of overall social networking service (SNS) use in facilitating people’s participation in collective political action through the mediation of online and offline political discussions. The study also underscores the moderating effect on the mediation process of both social identity and geographical origin. Moderated mediation analyses reveal that the positive impact of overall SNS use on participation mediated by offline discussion is stronger for people with higher Hong Kong identity and for people from Hong Kong. This moderated mediation model specifies the socio-psychological mechanism of participation in collective political action in an immigrant society such as Hong Kong.  相似文献   

本文以国外传播理论教材的译介作为视角,考察了欧美传播理论话语在中国的诠释和变异,研究了西方客观经验主义的大众传播理论如何被潜移默化地等同于传播学的过程,同时以《传播理论导引:分析与应用》为例,对我国目前传播学的教学与研究中存在的一些问题进行了探讨,提出应该进一步开阔视野、注重研究范式、重新思考传播理论的教学与应用。  相似文献   

This study proposed and tested an integrated model of parental mediation involving family communication, parental mediation styles, children's perceptions of televised realities and the actual world, and perceptions of the negative effects of television viewing. A total of 348 Korean adolescents participated in a nationwide survey. The findings demonstrated that parental, instructive mediation, in combination with open family communication, increased not only children's perceived disparity between televised realities and the actual world, but also children's perceptions of the potentially negative effects of television. Restrictive parental mediation styles were also found to mediate the role of open family communication on children's perception of negative effects of television. In contrast, co-viewing mediation was not found to directly affect either the children's perceived reality or their perception of negative effects of television viewing.  相似文献   

一论知识服务的概念内涵——基于产业实践视角的考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在回顾当前图书情报学界对知识服务概念研究的基础上,指出目前图书情报学界对知识服务概念的界定不明,导致过分贬低信息服务而自身又缺乏完善理论体系的问题,最后从知识服务产业实践分析的角度,给出了对知识服务概念新的界定方式。  相似文献   

目前,学术界多开展引用动机和引文功能的相关研究,但对于引用偏好等引用行为却关注较少。基于Taylor的信息使用环境理论,本研究采用参考文献分析方法,全面揭示了施引者引用行为的特征和影响因素。研究将信息使用环境理论中的前三类要素分别通过学者特征、组织环境及论题进行定义,采用参考文献分析法提取第四类要素;随机抽取论文样本,针对上述四类特征进行编码并通过统计分析探讨影响施引者引用行为的因素。研究发现:学者的年龄、性别、教育水平、学术年龄、职业角色、职称、所属机构的类型和层次以及所从事的研究主题和类型,都能对质量、语种、数量、信息资源类型、论文新旧的引用偏好产生显著影响。研究表明:信息使用环境理论和参考文献分析法在引用行为研究中具有适用性。表4。参考文献47。  相似文献   


Primo Analytics from two campuses of the California State University system has revealed that a dramatically low proportion of Primo searches originate from mobile devices. The current study focuses on usability concerns as one area that may be preventing students from searching the Primo mobile interface. The sample for this study includes students from two campuses with a variety of experience with library instruction and searching the library’s discovery system. Participants were given the same set of six common academic tasks to complete. Both mobile and desktop participants found three tasks relatively easy to complete. When there were differences in completion rates between the mobile and desktop users, the desktop users were overall more successful. No task was consistently difficult for desktop users to complete, while mobile users found two of the tasks very challenging to complete. Based on the findings, the authors make recommendations for improving the experience of mobile users.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]运用心流理论设计量表对信息检索体验进行测量与分析,探索个体在信息检索活动中的情感体验规律。[方法/过程]采用体验抽样法在三所大学图书馆对正在进行信息检索的用户进行问卷调查,利用数据统计分析检验量表的质量。依据调查对象在技巧维度、挑战维度及技巧与挑战平衡维度的得分,把样本划分为心流、焦虑、冷漠和无趣四通道,并比较不同通道的体验质量。[结果/结论]结果显示,该量表是测量信息检索体验的有效工具,技巧与挑战水平及两者的匹配程度是影响信息检索体验的关键变量,技巧与挑战匹配且都处于高水平的心流通道体验最佳,冷漠通道体验最差,焦虑和无趣通道居中。  相似文献   

This article aims to provide a historical and contemporary perspective on how public libraries establish indicators for measuring success, using the Free Library of Philadelphia as a focus of analysis. From the 1970s though the late 1980s, libraries focused on measuring internal statistics, such as bibliographic resources, to communicate the strength of their collection. Within the past twenty years, libraries have shifted their measurement structures toward outward performance in the communities they serve. The challenge today for libraries such as the Free Library is to establish structured formats for guiding community plans for their particular library and establishing agreed-on measures. Simultaneously, these structures need to incorporate ongoing evaluation methods.  相似文献   

扎根理论:图书馆学本土化研究的新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了我国图书馆学本土化研究的现状,根据研究方法与图书馆学本土化主题的契合性,认为图书馆学本土化研究亟需开展规范的定性研究。介绍了扎根理论方法的理论内涵、应用现状、显著特点及分析框架,分析了运用扎根理论研究我国图书馆学本土化的现实意义及应用扎根理论的注意问题。  相似文献   

认为与国内图书馆核心竞争力研究热形成鲜明对比的是,反映国外图书馆核心竞争力研究情况的研究论文在国内相对欠缺。从图书馆核心竞争力概念的界定、培育目的、发展历程及构建模式等方面对国外相关研究成果作初步概述,以期对国内处于热潮中的“图书馆核心竞争力”研究有所启示和帮助。  相似文献   

本文从概念界定、研究数量分布、理论/模型使用、研究方法及内容等方面对当前电子政务公民采纳研究进行综述。认为:目前我国在这方面的研究仍然比较匮乏,需要展开进一步的研究;多数研究以经典IT/IS理论/模型为基点,加入其他核心变量以对原有模型进行细化、扩展、整合等;研究内容主要是个体、技术、环境及质量等特征因素对公民采纳的影响研究;未来应当不断发掘出不同公民群体采纳电子政务的各种潜在影响因素,构建符合电子政务特定情境的实证研究模型;尽可能选择最合适的样本,并在不同情境下进行实证检验,同时扩大样本量,提高研究的普适性。图4。参考文献34。  相似文献   

指出LibGuides具有组织清晰、后台管理灵活,用户交互性强、社会服务性好等特点。重点分析中国人民大学图书馆协作式学科服务平台建设实践,认为学科馆员主导、用户协作的建设方式能够结合学科馆员图情方面的专长和用户的专业知识,提高指南的实用性、权威性和建设效率;将用户进行分类,邀其参与不同阶段的指南建设,有利于充分发挥各类用户的作用。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 建立在期望确认理论上的信息系统持续使用模型自提出后,被广泛用于预测用户持续使用意愿的研究中,但所得结论存在着不一致甚至彼此矛盾的情况。因此,需要对模型变量关系的稳定性给出客观评价,为后续研究提供指导和参考。[方法/过程] 选择荟萃分析作为研究方法,提取108篇文献中的样本量、相关系数等数据信息,进行描述性分析,计算效应值、失效安全系数等。[结果/结论] 研究表明,模型中五组变量关系的效应值和失效安全系数均通过稳定性检验,但其中"感知有用性-持续使用意愿"感知有用性-满意度"两组变量关系的效应值和失效安全系数偏低,对此进行了原因剖析并给出建议。  相似文献   

网络舆情的传播机制研究——以央视新台址大火为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以央视新台址大火为研究个案,采用内容分析法探讨了新浪网上央视新台址大火相关新闻的网民评论各类维度,进而初步勾勒出网络舆情传播机制。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对目前基于网络的话题识别与分析方法的局限性,提出针对网络问答社区的话题识别与分析方法,为此类网站的话题识别与分析提供参考。[方法/过程]以改进的中文分词技术为基础,构建网络问答社区的话题识别指标,通过线性加权方式计算权重,结合关键词提取方法确定话题关键词,对话题关注焦点进行提取,对分布情况进行测度。依据所提出的改进方法,以知乎网站为数据来源,从话题关键词、关键词分布以及热点子话题3个角度对"老年人"话题焦点进行识别与分析。[结果/结论]研究表明,该方法具有科学性和可行性,不仅拓展了社会问题的分析数据源,也为"积极开展应对人口老龄化行动"提供了决策依据。  相似文献   

刘越男 《档案学研究》2019,33(4):116-123
2015年澳大利亚维多利亚州发布VERS 3 版标准,其封装策略从电子文件和元数据的一体式XML文件封装,变为元数据XML文件和电子文件内容的分体式封装,配套的元数据规范、长期保存格式标准、数字签名机制也都发生变化。本文分析了这些变化,并对电子文件元数据封装策略的定位和应用进行了思考。VERS元数据封装是一项面向电子文件长期保存的综合性策略,在借鉴应用时不宜仅视为一个单项技术,应根据需要确定采用何种电子文件元数据封装策略,并在应用过程中注重其简便性、灵活性和效率。  相似文献   

《隋书》记载韦协曾任秦州刺史,新刊布的《韦协墓志》则作“泰州”.结合《韦协墓志》《旧唐书》《薛氏墓志》等资料来看,隋代确实设置有泰州,《隋书》韦协传的记载有误.隋代泰州可能设立于文帝开皇十六年(596年),罢废于炀帝大业三年(607年),下辖有蒲坂县;它的设立、罢废与周边州县一样,是当时政区统一调整中的一部分.  相似文献   

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