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2017年发布的《中国STEM教育白皮书》表明,结合各地的教育教学实践,STEM教育有助于培养学生的科学探究能力、创新意识、批判性思维、信息技术能力等未来社会必备的技能和创新能力,并有可能在学习者的未来生活和工作中持续发挥作用[1]。将STEM教育的相关内容融入校本课程,对校本课程的教学方式加以变革,可以帮助学生更好提高技能。  相似文献   

计算思维是STEM问题解决中的一项关键能力,培养学生的计算思维已逐渐成为STEM教育的重要目标。然而当前如何在STEM工程设计教学中培养学生的计算思维,还有待深入探索。面向计算思维培养的STEM工程设计教学模式以计算思维、STEM学科内容知识以及教学法的整合为核心,通过工程设计发挥"系统流程"优势,将科学、技术与数学相关活动整合在一起,让学生在"需要知道"和"需要做"的循环过程中感知情境性问题,解决挑战性任务。该模式在STEM课程"植物工厂"中的教学应用表明:将计算思维的概念与实践融入STEM工程设计的各个环节,能显著提升学生的STEM态度和计算思维能力,并且STEM态度对计算思维具有预测作用。未来,通过STEM教育发展计算思维将成为一种跨学科的思维实践,基于证据的多元评价方式将有利于STEM教育中计算思维的培养。  相似文献   

STEM教育在培养学生适应未来挑战的关键能力方面具有不可替代的作用。师资问题是制约各国STEM教育发展的重要要素之一。我国现阶段STEM教师具有跨学段、跨学科、多职业、非专任等特点,准确测评STEM教师能力尤为重要。根据STEM教师能力要素,构建STEM教师能力测评指标体系,设计STEM教师能力测评系统,并依据测评系统施测对STEM教师进行诊断和培训,促进基础教育中STEM教师专业发展,是有效推进STEM教育的基础和关键。  相似文献   

本文基于STEM理念,实现STEM教育与"配电网自动化技术"课程教学的结合,分析了基于STEM教育理念的"配电网自动化技术"课程教学的综合性、实践性和学生为主体的特征,并进一步以学生为中心,以学生学习成果为导向,注重于学生工程知识、能力和素养的培养为目标进行教学体系构建和探究。研究对于未来教育教学发展具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在培育学生创造力的目标引领下,欧洲各国已经将STEM教育作为创新人才培养和提高国际竞争力的关键举措。在分析目前欧洲STEM教育现状和教育政策的基础上,研究从核心STEM能力、STEM学习设计原则、形成性评估STEM任务、数字评估工具四个方面对《面向STEM横向技能评估概念框架》报告进行分析,并基于对报告及相关文献的解读,从明确STEM教育内涵、提升STEM技能评估水平,以及优化STEM教育发展策略三个方面进行总结。  相似文献   

STEM教育的兴起和"众创空间"的建设,着力于培养学生具有较强的信息意识与创新意识,养成数字化学习习惯。作为一名未来的教育工作者,应主动认知STEM教育的内涵,提高开展STEM课程教育的能力。本文重点从全面认识STEM教育的内涵、有效开展STEM课程教学、尝试设计STEM课程的案例三个方面来浅谈自己学习和实践的观点。  相似文献   

STEM教育具有多学科整合、基于项目的协作学习和真实的问题解决情境等学科特征。然而,对于习惯于传统教学方法的学生来说,由于缺乏系统的认知能力和调节能力,容易导致STEM教育的教学效果不佳。元认知能力是建立在一定的元认知知识和情感的基础上,对自身认知活动进行调节和控制的高级能力。有研究表明,培养学生的元认知能力可以提高其在STEM教育中的学习能力、学习成绩和学习效果。然而,现有研究大多将某个策略应用到STEM教育中培养元认知能力,或者聚焦于元认知能力某一维度的培养,缺乏系统全面的元认知能力培养策略。因此,本研究根据元认知的结构和STEM教育的特点,提出了在STEM教育中全面系统地培养元认知能力的策略模型。而后,本研究通过准实验研究法验证以上策略的应用效果,在STEM课程中,实验组采用元认知培养策略,对照组采用传统方法进行教学。根据问卷数据的ANCOVA分析结果,得出以下结论:(1)元认知培养策略可以有效提高学生的元认知能力,包括元认知知识、元认知经验和元认知监控;(2)元认知培养策略可以促进学生的学习成绩和知识获取。  相似文献   

在高等数学中进行STEM教育可促进学生知识的学习,培养他们的创新能力,提高实际问题解决能力。教师应在STEM教育目标的设置、教育内容的选择和组织、教育过程中对学生的引导三个方面充分发挥作用。文章依据相关理论进行了细致、广泛的论述,提出高等数学STEM教育的目标、内容、过程模式和教师采取的措施,重点论述了教师在STEM教育过程中如何分阶段地采取针对性强、有效的措施引导学生。  相似文献   

基于STEM教育时代背景与深化新课标改革的要求,设计以STEM教育理念为指导的初中生物教学案例,并实践于初中生物课堂。研究结果表明,融入STEM教育理念的初中生物教学受到学生的一致好评。经过教学实践后,学生对于生物课程的兴趣、积极性有所提高,逻辑思维和动手能力也有所提升,说明这种教学方式对学生思维能力的培养以及对生物课程的兴趣和积极性的提升有一定帮助。  相似文献   

<正>随着全球科技的飞速发展,培养具备科技创新能力和跨学科知识的复合型人才变得至关重要。STEM教育通过引导学生参与科学、技术、工程和数学等领域的实践活动,培养学生的合作精神、批判性思维和持续学习的能力,为未来创新人才的培养奠定坚实基础(Avner Caspi et al.,2023)。近年来各国政府和教育机构纷纷将STEM教育纳入国家战略和教育改革计划。在中国上海设立教科文组织STEM教育一类机构,不仅体现了STEM教育在世界范围内的重要意义,也意味着中国的STEM教育正逐步与国际接轨(中华人民共和国教育部,2023)。  相似文献   

Gaps between science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and required workplace skills have been identified in industry, academia, and government. Educators acknowledge the need to reform STEM education to better prepare students for their future careers. We pursue this growing interest in the skills needed for STEM disciplines and ask whether frameworks for 21st century skills and engineering education cover all of important STEM competencies. In this study, we identify important STEM competencies and evaluate the relevance of current frameworks applied in education using the standardized job-specific database operated and maintained by the US Department of Labor. Our analysis of the importance of 109 skills, types of knowledge and work activities, revealed 18 skills, seven categories of knowledge, and 27 work activities important for STEM workers. We investigate the perspectives of STEM and non-STEM job incumbents, comparing the importance of each skill, knowledge, and work activity for the two groups. We aimed to condense dimensions of the 52 key areas by categorizing them according to the Katz and Kahn (1978) framework and testing for inter-rater reliability. Our findings show frameworks for 21st century skills and engineering education do not encompass all important STEM competencies. Implications for STEM education programs are discussed, including how they can bridge gaps between education and important workplace competencies.  相似文献   

Internationally there is a need for research that focuses on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education to equip students with the skills needed for a rapidly changing future. One way to do this is through designing engineering activities that reflect real-world problems and contextualise students’ learning of STEM concepts. As such, this study examined the learning that occurred when fifth-grade students completed an optical engineering activity using an iterative engineering design model. Through a qualitative methodology using a case study design, we analysed multiple data sources including students’ design sketches from eight focus groups. Three key findings emerged: first, the collaborative process of the first design sketch enabled students to apply core STEM concepts to model construction; second, during the construction stage students used experimentation for the positioning of lenses, mirrors and tubes resulting in a simpler ‘working’ model; and third, the redesign process enabled students to apply structural changes to their design. The engineering design model was useful for structuring stages of design, construction and redesign; however, we suggest a more flexible approach for advanced applications of STEM concepts in the future.  相似文献   

University science outreach programmes are used to encourage more school students to select science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects in further education and pursue science-related careers. The benefits of science outreach programmes are often espoused from the perspective of programme participants. Little attention, however, is given to what university students delivering the programmes gain from the experience. This paper seeks to illustrate the benefits of engineering students delivering STEM outreach programmes in schools. It reports on a qualitative case study of the experiences of two STEM Education and Outreach team members from a regional university in Australia. Content analysis of interview data highlighted not only the participants’ motivations and perceived benefits of being involved in the STEM programme but also revealed the skills and attributes honed throughout the experience. Involvement in the STEM outreach programme resulted in the development of social and personal responsibility generic graduate attribute skills, evidenced through their motivations to be involved, the demonstration of understanding of teaching and learning, and application of science communication skills. This study demonstrates that designing and delivering STEM outreach programmes assists in the development of skills that will be beneficial when pursuing careers in engineering in the future.  相似文献   

逻辑学是一门关于思维的科学,作为高校的重要基础学科之一,它对于训练学生的思维能力、提高学生的思维素养具有重要作用。随着近几年高校教学改革的深化,逻辑学教学改革也面临着一些新的困境。为了让逻辑学教学能满足社会需要,逻辑学课程在高校基础课程中受到应有的重视,我们必须从教学内容、教学方法、师资队伍建设、教学考核方式等方面继续深化逻辑学教学改革,提高其教学实效性和针对性,以此来培养学生的思维素养,提高学生的认知能力、语言表达能力和创新思维能力,推进素质教育。  相似文献   

美国整合性STEM教育框架基于STEM理念,阐明对整合性STEM的共识性理解,首次提供了涵盖K-12阶段的整合性STEM课程资源,绘制了STEM课程路线图,提供在课堂层次实施STEM的课程路线,为整合STEM方法的系统转型提供支持,以数据驱动STEM教学与评价,制定有效的STEM课程项目和STEM教师专业发展框架,推动整合性STEM课程实施与教学方法改革,培养学生运用STEM知识去解决真实问题,提高创新、批判性思维和解决问题的能力,培养21世纪技能。美国整合性STEM教育框架的课程理念、课程路径与课程支持系统,对我国在基础教育阶段推进STEM教育改革,开发全学段的STEM教育整体框架和课程路线图可以提供有益借鉴,包括基于标准的整合性STEM课程框架,赋能STEM教师的整合性教学实践和推动整合性STEM教育的系统性转变。  相似文献   

设计是技术教育中不可忽略的关键要素之一,设计思维可为各个领域的创新工作提供策略与方法上的指导。基于此,文章首先分析了技术教育中开展基于设计思维的STEM整合课程的机遇和必要性;接着,文章以“设计”为核心理念,提出了技术教育STEM整合课程的设计理念,并以此为指导,构建了基于设计思维的技术教育STEM整合课程框架;随后,文章以“设计更好的学校”课程为例,进行了框架的实践应用;最后,文章就未来技术教育的发展提出了建议。基于设计思维的STEM整合课程将技术与数学、科学、工程进行整合,让学生基于真实的设计挑战开展实践,有助于培养学生的批判性思维、问题解决能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

Due to increased use of technology, the workplace practices of engineers have changed. So-called techno-mathematical literacies (TmL) are necessary for engineers of the 21st century. Because it is still unknown which TmL engineers actually use in their professional practices, the purpose of this study was to identify these TmL. Fourteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with engineers with a background in different educational tracks in higher professional education (e.g. civil, chemical, biotechnical and mechanical engineering). As a result of the data analysis, 7 commonly used TmL are identified: data literacy, technical software skills, technical communication skills, sense of error, sense of number, technical creativity and technical drawing skills. Engineers also noted a discrepancy between their education and workplace needs; they characterized mathematics in their education as an island with limited relevance. These findings lead to recommendations for the future of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in higher technical professional education that can help students learn STEM for the future.  相似文献   

高职计算机网络技术专业实践教学探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职教育核心是学生就业,专业技能和实践能力的强弱是学生就业的筹码,实践教学是提高、加强学生专业技能和动手能力的有效手段。如何提高计算机网络专业学生的专业技能和动手能力.文章就实践教学进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Today’s learners are engaging in study where access to knowledge is easier than it ever has been in human history. Rapid advancement of technology and the increasing ease with which communication and interaction can occur has dramatically changed the landscape in which teachers of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) operate. The contemporary skills that students are required to possess include inter alia problem solving, creativity, teamwork abilities, communication skills and emotional intelligence. Despite the universal acceptance of their importance, these skills are commonly cited as underdeveloped and in addition, are still accompanied by outmoded ‘traditional’ forms of teaching and assessment. While the approaches of twentieth-century education were successful in developing knowledge stores, the ubiquity of access to knowledge—coupled with the constantly changing nature of the world today—requires alternative conceptions of teaching and learning. This article focuses primarily on an exploration of learning metaphors and teaching with the overall lens of creating self-regulated and furthermore, self-determined learners. The article begins with an exploration of learning in STEM education and a critique of the pedagogical perspective, discussing why this epistemology may be insufficient for contemporary STEM learning. The article then considers an alternative and potentially more contemporary notion; the emergent pedagogic space. The article presents a theoretical model to conceptualise learning in STEM education, with the goal of informing both practice and research. The realisation of this proposed emergent pedagogical space is explored through an applied case study from a design and technology context.  相似文献   

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