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Disorientation and confusion have been identified as significant problems for older persons newly admitted to nursing homes and other institutions. The purpose of this study was to determine which of two orientating systems might be best for helping older people become accustomed to a strange environment. Middle‐aged and elderly residents of a nursing home were dichotomized by performance on three memory tests and then were given two paired‐associate learning tasks. In one task colors and a place in the nursing home were to be associated; in the other symbols and a place in the nursing home were to be associated. The results indicated that the symbol‐place paired‐associate task was learned more rapidly than the color‐place task by both high and low memory ability groups, and that the lower memory ability group showed slower learning of the color‐place task compared to the higher memory ability group. In addition, learning was slower on both tasks when the color‐place task was the first presented. These results indicated that symbol‐place codes may be more useful than color‐place codes as orientation markers and suggested that evaluation of learning performance should include examination of order effects.  相似文献   

从物理学科的特点出发.提出物理系学生应在学习中拓展自己的形象思维的观点,并从物理实验、理解教材、习题训练、知识渗透等方面作了一些探讨.  相似文献   

本文结合中学化学教学实际,从三方面探讨了如何培养学生的思维能力。  相似文献   

Research in cognitive and social psychology is beginning to suggest strategies which will allow us to improve students’ learning and thinking skills. Classroom studies using four teaching strategies based on research in these areas will be described. The four techniques are: using modified cooperative learning groups within classes; linking upper‐ and lower‐level classes for metacognitive instruction; using short‐term, coached cooperative learning groups; and using student mentors. A common factor in the four techniques is that students think aloud in groups as they solve problems or discuss controversial issues. Modified cooperative learning groups were successful in upper‐level courses. Thinking and learning skills improved in these classes. However, in lower‐level courses, particularly those which contained underprepared students, more guidance (modeling, coaching and structure) was needed than was available within most peer cooperative groups. Modeling and coaching were provided by linking students from upper‐level courses with lower‐level students on short‐term, issue‐based projects and for semester‐long classes. Such arrangements result in what Collins, Brown and Newman (1989) have termed cognitive apprenticeships. Cognitive apprenticeships lead to improved attitudes toward the content area, perception of improved cognitive skills and some gains in content mastery.  相似文献   

改变中学教育传统的方法,注重培养学生发散思维的“两多,”在教学的课堂、课后让学生思维始终处于积极、主动状态,使他们产生思维兴趣,让他们在现在的学习、今后的工作中有创新思维、创新意识和创新方法,是培养现代化新人的重要手段。在具体实施过程中,注重培养学生发散思维的“两多,”利用“一量多测”、“一测多变”和“一仪多用,”来寻求习题多种解法,并通过具体实验来验证物理定理,解释物理现象,从而让学生在学习中始终处于积极、主动状态;大大提高了学习物理的兴趣。学习效果有了显著提高(高考和区内统考)。  相似文献   

高校学生组织建设的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校学生组织在培养学生诸多社会能力方面具有重要作用.学生组织的建设实际上就是人力资源管理的问题.学生组织容易出现三方面问题,即独立创新意识差、工作与学习失衡、服务意识不强.对此,本文根据管理心理学原理,从人力资源管理的角度,提出高校学生组织建设的四大原则(机制),即引导机制、激励机制、约束机制、竞争机制.  相似文献   

Fear is not the first feature of educational experience associated with the best‐known progressive educational theorists—Jean‐Jacques Rousseau, John Dewey, and Paolo Freire. But each of these important thinkers did, in fact, have something substantive to say about how fear functions in the processes of learning and growth. Andrea English and Barbara Stengel juxtapose the ideas of these thinkers in this essay for three purposes: (1) to demonstrate that there is a progressive tradition that accounts for negative emotion in learning; (2) to explore doubt, discomfort, and difficulty as pedagogically useful, with links to fear as both a prompt for and an impediment to growth; and (3) to suggest that teachers take negative affect into account in their pedagogical practice. In doing so, English and Stengel join with contemporary theorists in and out of education to recognize that affect cannot be left out of social theory and that understanding the play of emotion is an integral part of creating truly educational contexts and experiences. The authors' focus here is on fear in processes of learning.  相似文献   

提高理工科研究生创造性思维能力的若干思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国传统教育在培养创造性思维方面是乏力的 ,并成为我国至今尚无一个诺贝尔奖得主的主要原因之一。本文以理工科研究生为研究对象 ,提出了开发创造性思维的若干思路。  相似文献   

培养数学思维能力与学生素质的提高   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文叙述了数学思维能力的具体内容,分析了影响数学思维能力形成的因素,说明了培养数学思维能力对学生整体互质提高有很大作用,因而高校教师特别是师范院校的教师在抓知识教学的同时应该有意识地重视数学思维的形式,促进数学观念的培养。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to enhance the teaching and learning of matter and its properties for grade 6 students. The development of a conceptual change approach instructional unit was undertaken for this purpose. Pre- and post-concept surveys, classroom observations, and student and teacher interviews were used to collect data. The teaching activities not only challenged and encouraged students’ conceptual change but also indicated that teachers needed to develop their content knowledge and teaching strategies. The participants developed more scientific conceptions and were able to apply these in appropriate contexts. This study illustrates how a conceptual change approach can be accomplished in the Thai context.  相似文献   

通过对马克思关于资本内涵的科学论述以及西方经济学家的观点进行梳理和总结,说明资本是一个具有多层次内涵的概念,是以一定裁体而存在通过不断运动实现价值增殖的历史范畴,深层本质是特定社会生产关系的体现。我国经济建设中,要注重资本的合理保护和利用,为资本运动提供顺畅的软环境,促进资本的价值增殖。  相似文献   

智力的核心是思维,而学生的思维能力只有在老师的启迪下才能得到更顺利的提高。本文介绍了作者在初中化学的启蒙教育中,通过启发式教学,培养和提高学生的思维品质的初步尝试。  相似文献   

叙述了建构主义理论及其学习观与数学教学观,通过案例(导数定义的教学)说明了应用建构主义设计数学课堂教学的实施步骤,指出了应用建构主义指导数学课堂教学应遵循的原则。  相似文献   

One of the greatest challenges we face as an early childhood professional community is providing short-term, affordable professional development that results in depth of understanding and change of practice. The University of Wyoming Early Childhood Summer Institute is a model for professional development that fosters reflection, inquiry, and change in beliefs and practice for early childhood practitioners. The 3-day Institute has an innovative structure and constructivist quality that allows for intense, authentic learning among participants. The research reported in this article supports this claim and clarifies key components of the model critical to the transfer of knowledge gained through the Institute to application in the workplace. In a 6-month follow-up study after the Institute, participants, Institute facilitators, and keynote speakers describe how the Institute has continued to influence their beliefs and practice over time.
Exploring a Plum

I had to do an observation of a child for a class that was part of the Institute, so I chose my grandson who was about 13 months at the time. I had planned on giving him some really cool blocks and things. Instead (it was right after I went to the Institute), I was sitting there eating a plum trying to figure out how to set things up and I looked up and he was watching me so intently that I decided to do my observation on that. I introduced him to his first plum and sat back and watched him explore and discover it. I watched him, I took pictures of him and put the story and pictures together. I could really see what they were talking about at the Institute … just stepping back and watching. (T. D. Participant 6).  相似文献   

本文从考试的角度对目前大学思想品德教育中存在的问题进行了分析,指出目前的品德考试无效是德育无效的一个重要方面,并对思想品德考试改革进行了思考,提出了考试的理念,考试基本原则,希望通过改革思想品德考试从而提高德育实效。  相似文献   

Educational authority is an issue in contemporary democracies. Surprisingly, little attention has been given to the problem of authority in Jean‐Jacques Rousseau's Emile and his work has not been addressed in the contemporary debate on the issue of authority in democratic education. Olivier Michaud's goals are, first, to address both of these oversights by offering an original reading of the problem of authority in Emile and then to rehabilitate the notion of “educational authority” for democratic educators today. Contrary to progressive readings of Emile, he argues, Rousseau's position on this issue is not reducible to “education against authority.” What appears at first glance to be an education against authority is, in a deeper sense, an education toward and even within authority. Michaud contends that we have to embrace these complexities and contradictions that inform Rousseau's work in order to gain insights into the place and role of authority in democratic education. Michaud sheds light on Rousseau's stance on authority through a close study of specific topics addressed in Emile, including negative education, opinion, one's relation to God, friendship and loving relationships, and, finally, the relation Rousseau established with his reader.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the extent to which distance learning (distance learning vs. traditional) may influence undergraduate education majors’ emerging constructivist perspective. Elementary education majors at 2 universities (N = 102) volunteered to complete questionnaires. The 3 independent variables were traditional vs. distance learning, whether or not ever enrolled in distance learning, and instructor difference. The 3 dependent variables were concerned with what the instructor provided; what the instructor demonstrated; and what students believed they learned. A Multiple Analysis of Variance (Manova) compared the 3 independent variables across the 3 dependent variables and indicated that students in traditional classrooms rated what the instructor provided, what the instructor demonstrated, and what students believed they learned significantly greater than students in distance learning classrooms. An interpretation suggests that distance learning technology may hold potential for facilitating undergraduate education majors’ emerging constructivist perspective.  相似文献   

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