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对只有一个变点模型x(i/n)=f(i/n)+ε(i/n),其中,f(t)={J1 S1(t-t0),0<t≤t0,J2 S2(t-t0),t0<I≤1,ε(i/n),…,ε(n/n)独立同分布,J1,J2,S1,S2,t0为未知参数,讨论了变点t0处,跳变度(J2-J1)和坡变度(S2-S1)的联合分布。  相似文献   

依据等价变换思想 ,本文对运输问题最优方案给出了一个新解法——— 0运价分配法。它不用闭回路、位势数、检验数等概念及其相关计算。这种算法单纯简单 ,容易操作 ,运算量比传统算法大大缩减。  相似文献   

In this study hierarchical syndrome analysis was used to investigate empirically the clustering of tests each of which consisted of items based upon the rationale of a particular category of the Bloom Taxonomy (i.e., an “application” test, an “analysis” test, etc.). Each test included items related to eight physical science principles. Thus an attempt was made to hold the content as constant as possible and systematically vary process in the formation of the tests. The data indicate possible ways of combining Taxonomy item types based on the psychological distance between the categories.  相似文献   

Scores were obtained from 198 ninth grade students on achievement motivation, test anxiety, testwiseness, and risktaking. Tests in mathematics and vocabulary were constructed in free response and multiple choice form, and administered to the subjects in that order, with an interval of 5 weeks between administrations. Partial correlations were computed between scores on the multiple choice tests and achievement motivation, test anxiety, testwiseness, and risktaking, with free response scores partialled out. The partial correlations were corrected for the unreliability in the free response scores, and tested for significance. All partials involving achievement motivation and test anxiety were nonsignificant, as were all partials based on mathematics scores. The partial correlations of vocabulary scores with testwiseness and risktaking were significant without exception. It was concluded that the use of multiple choice tests can favour certain examinees those who are highly testwise and willing to take risks in the test situation. It was noted that the extent to which these examinees were favoured was dependent on the nature of the test, and that a verbal test seemed more susceptible than a numerical test.  相似文献   

Two matched forms of a 50 item multiple-choice grammar test were developed. Twenty items designed to be humorous were included in one form. Test forms were randomly assigned to 126 eighth graders who received the test plus alternate forms of a questionnaire. Inclusion of humorous items did not affect grammar scores on matched humorous/nonhumorous items nor on common post-treatment items, nor did inclusion affect results of anxiety measures. Students favored inclusion of humor on tests, judged effects of humor positively, and estimated humorous items to be easier. Humor did not lower performance but was sought by the students. Potential for more valid and humane measurement is discussed.  相似文献   

西部农村教育财政改革与人事权力结构变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对西部甲省20个县50个乡镇学区的抽样调查基础上,测度并比较了农村教育人事权力的结构与特征,分析了农村教育人事权力的配置与教育财政改革之间的互动关系。研究发现,实行"以县为主"和农村义务教育经费保障新机制以来,乡镇政府逐步退出了农村教育的人事管理,取而代之的主要是县委组织部和县教育局,只有部分地区实现了教育系统内分权管理的模式。  相似文献   

招生领域高校与学生的法律关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于招考领域的高校与考生之间的法律关系一直存在不同观点。本文从高考过程中招生自主权、高考志愿表以及高校招生章程的法律性质出发,认为高校的招生并非纯粹的市场行为,学生也不是纯商业化的消费主体,因此高校与学生之间的法律关系并非民事法律关系,考生的表意行为——志愿申请与高校的招生章程从形式上看存在达成契约自由的空间,但招生过程中所渗透的招生权力决定了高考领域高校与学生的法律关系属于行政法律关系。  相似文献   

我国高等教育资源配置方式转换与制度环境   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国选择社会主义市场经济作为配置资源的基本经济制度 ,使影响高等教育资源配置转换的制度环境发生了质的改变。本文在分析框架中引入制度环境这一外生变量 ,重点探讨我国改革开放以来高等教育资源配置变化与制度环境的关联性 ,以及不同约束条件下高等教育资源配置方式变化的特点。讨论的要点为 :在原有计划配置的框架中不可能使资源再扩大 ;资源的增量主要是在市场环境中通过制度创新实现的。  相似文献   

本文从分析一个生产系统的有限资金对其所属企业的优化配置入手,应用数学规划方法和生产函数的特性进行分析,并把得到的结论加以推广,得到一个国家为了保证资源的优化利用,在不同的时期应该采用何种相应经济政策的结论。  相似文献   

A measure of student patterns of item response is usually interpreted as a measure of carelessness or guessing. However, when aggregated to the class level, it was shown that the index identifies classes that have a poor match between test content and instructional coverage. In particular, Sato's (1980) caution index identified classes whose pattern of time allocation across content areas was atypical. In addition, it was found that the mean caution index for a class can best be interpreted knowing the within-class standard deviation of the index.  相似文献   

本文研究了空间单位球 B~n上的拟共形映照 f 的 Hlder 连续性,当 logJ_f 的 BMO 范数足够小时证明了 f 在 B~n上具有Hlder 连续性,该结果是 K.Astala 和 F.W.Gehring 在文定理5.7的平面结果的空间推广。  相似文献   

A study was undertaken for the purpose of evaluating the degree to which the scoring of vocabulary items might be influenced by the scorer's expectancies. 72 Ss were given the task of scoring 20 responses to items on the Vocabulary subtest of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC). In the bright condition (n= 37) Ss were informed that the responses were those of a child reading far above his age level, while in the dull condition (n= 35) Ss were informed that the responses were those of a child reading far below his age level. It was found that the mean score assigned to the protocol by the Ss in the bright condition was significantly higher than that assigned by the Ss in the dull condition (p less than .05). Some factors regarding generalizability were advanced and discussed.  相似文献   

科学研究与试验发展(R&D)是科技活动的核心部分。做好R&D项目的申报立项工作在科研管理活动中具有重要的意义。笔者根据自身从事科研管理多年的经验,并广泛参阅国内已有的成果,提出了一个综合评价指标体系,并对有关指标作了说明和界定,最后建立了R&D项目申项立项的评价模型。以供立项时进行决策。  相似文献   

张家口坝上沽源、康保、尚义、张北眦邻内蒙。康保县系历史疫区,曾由内蒙传入鼠疫。根据四县鼠蚤分布对制定防制鼠疫对策具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Investigated were the effects of several variables on the expression of unwarranted confidence in the accuracy of responses to objective test items. A final examination was administered to 72 subjects under confidence-weighting instructions with two levels of penalty for incorrect responses. A 2-way ANOVA revealed no significant main effects or interaction attributable to level of penalty or sex. Although increased penalty level had no effect on confidence-expression, the test's reliability decreased from .85 to .39, and the correlation between conventional and weighted scores dropped from .88 to .095.  相似文献   

Investigated empirically through post mortem item-examinee sampling were the relative merits of two alternative procedures for allocating items to subtests in multiple matrix sampling and the feasibility of using the jackknife in approximating standard errors of estimate. The results indicate clearly that a partially balanced incomplete block design is preferable to random sampling in allocating items to subtests. The jackknife was found to better approximate standard errors of estimate in the latter item allocation procedure than in the former.  相似文献   

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