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议程设置理论与后大众媒体时代的民意研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
关于媒体与民意的理论大部分提出于 1 93 0到 1 980年之间 ,这是一个仅仅拥有传统信息选择方式的时代。麦库姆斯和肖 (1 972 )最初提出议程设置理论时 ,用北卡罗莱纳州的教堂山 (ChapelHill)社区作为研究对象 ,而现在那里的媒介使用情况也已经发生了巨变。当我们迎来议程设置理论提出 3 0周年的时候 ,教堂山的受众现在面临的信息选择令人惊叹。在 2 0世纪 90年代 ,肖提出 ,美国的大众媒介已经经历了“兴和衰”(riseandfall)。肖认为 ,大众媒体时代结束于 2 0世纪 80年代。议程设置研究是否能像之前的 3 0年那样 ,继续开展下去 ?当受众使用着上百个信息来源时 ,议程设置和民意研究会产生何种变化 ?这是本文将要回答的问题  相似文献   

本研究以逸仙时空BBS为舆情信息源,对需要关注的帖子进行情感倾向性分析的探索性研究,设计了主题帖自动标引和情感倾向性分析策略,并对主题帖自动标引结果、倾向性人工判断与自动分析的结果进行对比。  相似文献   

谈伊拉克战事中美国反常规的舆论控制方式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
此次伊拉克战争中 ,美军所采取的反常规舆论控制方法达到甚至超过了预期的效果。这种“反常规控制”对来自不同信息源的信息不封锁 ,不设限 ,有意创造一种透明而对称的信息传播环境 ,让各种声音同时存在 ,彼此碰撞 ,又相互补充 ,提供一种多样化的报道视角和全方位的战事新闻景观 ;同时避免了单一信息环境下非正式渠道虚假信息传播带来的负效应 ,在对比和相互印证的基础上强化了主体传媒的权威性和可信度。这种更具策略性的舆论控制方式为我们提供了一个成功的案例。  相似文献   

This study used a content analysis of editorial articles to explore the portrayal of gender in women's pages of Taiwanese newspapers between 1975 and 2009. In addition to topical themes and editorial format, we focused on how women's pages present political messages in terms of the topics addressed, style of argumentation, methods of challenging traditional gender roles, and the promotion of provocative actions. We compared the content analysis data with social development indicators and public opinion polls in the contexts of the evolution of the market and the women's movement in Taiwan. We found that in the early stages of the women's movement, the women's pages mainly played the role of shaping a collective identity among the female public. During the postfeminist period, the women's pages mainly address social problems rooted in the domestic realm and provide self-development advice.  相似文献   

Social media rumors are improvised and expressive forms of public opinion that especially arise under uncertain sociopolitical situations. This study utilizes early rumor studies as theoretical framework for textual analysis of Twitter public opinion. A content and semantic network analysis of Twitter messages spread during Korean saber rattling in 2013 was conducted for understanding public opinion in an uncertain context. The results show that, while non-rumor narratives focus on policy-level responses to the threat situation in a similar manner to institutionalized opinion polling, rumors are less concerned with official responses, instead reflective of hegemonic tensions between anti-leftwing political sentiments and the counteractive accounts. Some rumors reveal the public's coping with fears in the form of humor, guesswork, or wishes. Online rumor analysis helps understand how the society's collective memories interact with the current situational uncertainty in shaping public opinions and sentiments.  相似文献   

This study examines new explanatory predictors behind the spiral of silence theory, using the issue of legalization of same-sex marriage in Singapore as the context of study. Our results show that fear of isolation and saving face were negatively associated with individuals' willingness to express their opinion on the issue, whereas news attention and issue salience were positively associated. Also, fear of isolation was negatively associated with individuals' willingness to offer a rationale for their opinion, whereas news attention and issue salience were positively associated. Power distance had no effects on outspokenness. Notably, news attention moderated the influence of fear of isolation and saving face on public outspokenness.  相似文献   

我国已初步形成一套舆情信息工作体系,并在机构、队伍、制度、理论、技术等方面取得一定成效。但该体系存在工作机构不健全、报送内容不明晰、报送指向不明确、人员激励不充分、信息分层不具体、信息采集不深入、信息不能共享等问题。需完善舆情机构和网络,加强部门间合作交流和信息共享,强化舆情工作者激励机制,深化舆情信息分析研究,构建舆情调查和安全保障机制,以形成职能明确、运作有效、成果显著的舆情信息工作体系。  相似文献   

刘珍  曾苗 《新闻春秋》2020,(1):58-62
5G商用翩然将至,其高速率、高带宽和低延时的特性为新闻传播领域的变革提供强大动力。新的时代机遇使舆情监测和舆论引导也出现了新的现象,产生了新的问题。具体来说:由于技术保障提升,舆情事件进一步朝着全时段、即时性发展,这将进一步促动情绪传播的问题凸显。而V R、A R以及高清视频在进一步巩固人们的媒介化生存同时,也为舆情表达和监测提供了新的手段。技术在改造时空感受的同时,也使舆情发酵呈现出累计和对冲、衍生等多样式的动态变化。面临这些新的机遇和挑战,梳理新的媒介素养观念,强化对公众情绪控制和情绪合理表达的涵养教育;平衡算法与价值、个人需求与公共利益;坚持党管媒体都是5 G时代加强舆论引导和社会管理的重要抓手。  相似文献   

公共卫生事件的发生伴随着紧急性和未知性,面对该类事件公众具有强烈的信息获知需求。大众媒体对公共卫生事件的解读缺乏专业权威性,学术期刊的社会职责与公众的信息需求是医学学术期刊发挥媒体议程的基础。医学学术期刊公信力高,具备丰富的医学专业内容资源和客观理性的媒介调性,在公共卫生事件的媒体议程设置中能发挥优势。医学学术期刊通过科普传播的路径参与议题设置,以社交媒体矩阵建立、推动媒体间共振是大众传播基础,以医学知识服务和科学专业内容传播定位实现对公众的长效引导。提升学术期刊的大众化传播能力,从而影响社会议题,通过回应社会关切、快速出版等方式实现公众舆论导向。  相似文献   

基于社会网络的品牌危机传播“意见领袖”研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文借助社会网络的相关理论和现点,对"意见领袖"在品牌危机传播中的地位和作用加以分析,以提出相应的策略建议.  相似文献   

This study used panel data to examine attitudes of U. S. residents toward the Soviet Union during the onset of a thaw in relations between the superpowers in the mid 1980s. It hypothesized that increased consumption of world news would covary with more‐favorable changes in such attitudes. Data analyses corroborated the prediction.  相似文献   

从社会建构论的角度来看,人的情绪虽然以生物性反应为基础,但主要是社会建构的结果。文化和语言是建构情绪的重要手段。个体情绪借助语言在社会网络间传播,实质是一场以情绪理解为内核的群体情感互动仪式。互联网群体传播帮助人们通过建立弱关系扩大社会网络,促进个体情绪在传播范围上的量变和情绪性质上的质变,形成社会情绪型舆论。网络语言具有表层和深层双重情绪基因,通过模因复制进行群体传播。在此过程中,网络语言具有三重效应:一是凝合效应,促进深层情绪整合,形成社会舆论;二是转移效应,其表层的娱乐性、游戏性特征能推动情绪转化,疏导社会舆论;三是沉淀效应,累积社会情绪氛围,沉淀社会参与基因,建构网络语言所诞生和维护的社会文化。  相似文献   

宋宁  刘婵君 《图书情报工作》2016,60(15):140-147
[目的/意义] 准确把握突发事件网络舆情的的周期性演化规律,以便在关键节点上进行有针对性的舆情疏导。[方法/过程] 以2010-2015年的95篇核心期刊论文、28篇硕博论文与15篇英文文献作为主要研究对象,从过程与要素视角,对突发事件网络舆情的演化阶段、关键节点与影响因素等进行归纳分析。[结果/结论] 从过程视角看,形成期重点应对舆情源头进行遏制;发展期重点应对关键节点进行监测;消弭期重点应对舆情的二次衍生进行预防。从要素视角看,不同利益群体间的博弈推动舆情逐步升级;议题的存活与衍生决定舆情的复杂多变;情绪化动员诱发负向舆情的积累扩大。现有研究视角均存在不同程度的局限,未来应注重多维研究视角的综合运用,以应对更加复杂多变的网络舆情。  相似文献   

This article argues for the analysis of public engagement as an essentially mediated activity. Although recent studies note that academic knowledge is increasingly available for consumption by nonacademic audiences, they tell us little about how it gets recontextualized while passing through the hands of media professionals on its way toward such audiences. In Burawoy’s (2005) influential call for the rebirth of public sociology, as in the debates his work provoked, the media is treated solely as a means for the transportation of knowledge. But as this article demonstrates, the media does not simply transport knowledge; it also, and at the same time, translates that knowledge in various, rhetorically consequential ways. Focusing on the mediated trajectory of an attempt by a group of academics to connect with audiences beyond academia, their initial contribution is compared to its subsequent translation(s) across various British newspapers. A discursive analysis reveals the techniques via which a classic form of public sociology came to be recontextualized such that, remarkably, these authors were left appearing to voice nothing but their own petty prejudices. The article concludes by noting that where public engagement involves mediation, public sociology should pay more attention to the recontextualizing affordances of media discourse.  相似文献   

从微信公众平台的现状出发,着重研究微信平台的传播策略,并将其运用到平台的传播过程中.总结学术期刊微信平台的传播特征,为传统期刊的发展提供思路.  相似文献   

洪黎  柴春英 《新闻界》2009,(2):74-75
网络媒介的崛起,为媒体、公众和政府三者之间实现良性互动,构建富有生命力的主流舆论提供了技术上的可能性.参与舆论构成的各方,应努力实现社会意见相互交换的畅通,媒体从业行为的高专业标准以及意见表达的成熟与理性,为和谐社会的构建奠定基础.  相似文献   

回顾了四川省现代公共图书馆产生、发展的历程和历史分期情况,以翔实的资料论述了晚清民国、中华人民共和国前期、文化大革命和开放改革各个历史时期四川省各级公共图书馆的建制、数量、业务工作、专业队伍和服务情况,以及发展的特点;为历史地把握四川省公共图书馆的走向,客观、深入地概括和分析四川省公共图书馆的现实状况,制订适合四川省公共图书馆发展的对策和战略奠定了基础。  相似文献   

This study explores the intersectionality among identity markers, such as gender, race, and class, and emotion management in two bureaucratic organizations – municipal courtrooms and airport security checkpoints. We name and explore a new type of dirty work called “hidden taint,” which we describe as a larger, encompassing category of dirty work that involves the experience and dynamic co-construction of taint. Utilizing qualitative methods including participant observation and interviews, we compare how hidden taint is experienced in each bureaucratic context. The results focus on the relationship between (1) hidden taint and the co-construction of emotion norms and (2) hidden taint and power dynamics. This study extends communication theory by naming and describing hidden taint as a new type of dirty work, extending literature on emotion management and intersectionality by exploring their connection to dirty work in occupations with varying levels of prestige, and detailing how emotion management is co-constructed between employees and patrons in bureaucratic contexts.  相似文献   


The information and knowledge society has resulted in the exponential growth of information and communication technologies (ICTs), thus creating a gap between those who use ICTs and those who do not; hence the emergence of the term “digital divide” in the 1990s. One of the milestones of South Africa’s National Development Plan, a policy that charts the country’s development up until 2030, is to ensure that high-speed broadband internet is universally available at competitive prices. Notwithstanding the importance of ICTs in public libraries, the provision of such is still taking place on a limited scale in South Africa. This article investigates the use of ICTs in public libraries in South Africa as a tool in bridging the digital divide. It also examines the inequalities in access and use and suggests ways in which ICTs may be used to reduce the digital divide. A qualitative research methodology was adopted. In order for public libraries to function as an important tool in bridging the digital divide, there is a need to standardize the provision of public library services with regard to the digital divide.  相似文献   

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