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This study investigates the reasons leading to Chinese students’ foreign language speaking anxiety (FLSA). China is a nation with the largest number of English as a foreign language learners in the world, but most of them have learnt “mute English” when it comes to expressing themselves orally in English. FLSA may be an important factor leading to their unsatisfactory learning achievements. However, it has not been adequately addressed in the educational settings of China. This study endeavours to make a contribution in this aspect. With two cross-validated methods (questionnaire survey and focused interview), this study drew comprehensive data from 332 participants at two universities in China and found 14 major reasons of Chinese students’ FLSA. It also compared students’ and teachers’ views about these reasons and reported the significant differences emerged. It further argued that understanding the reasons is an important step in reducing FLSA and hence enhancing learning effectiveness.  相似文献   

写作是语言运用能力的反映,更是人文素养的重要体现。剖析初中学生英语写作所体现的思想内容,对学生核心素养发展及品德教育具有现实意义。本研究基于北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心区域教育质量监测项目的测试数据,分析48份初中学生英语写作样卷,揭示学生在语用意识与语言礼仪、国际视野与跨文化理解、尊重与自重、学习态度与兴趣以及学习策略与自我效能等方面存在的问题,并提出教学与评价建议,以期为学生核心素养及品德教育提供启示。  相似文献   

秦书晶 《海外英语》2012,(11):60-64
外语学习研究主要有两条研究途径:一是针对外语学习本身特点的研究,二是关于英语学习者个体差异的研究。该文是一篇关于二语学习动机变化的实证研究。在该次研究当中,包括一份来自大一大二85个学生所作的调查问卷。它倾向于确定出一些外语学习动机的组成部分,探讨了在整个两年的大学教育对影响英语学习动机变化的原因。结果显示工具型动机在外语学习情景方面起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

网络英语教学环境具有信息多样性和可选择性,目的在于为学习者提供有利的自主学习条件。培养学生通过高度的自主学习方式获取信息,体验英语认知过程,提高英语语言运用能力。外语认知的发展受到学习者情感、情绪、爱好等非理性因素的影响。网络环境下的自主学习模式是否能够消除语言教育成效,能否干扰学习者的习得与认知,只有通过合理构建网络平台,才能全面提高学习者认知能力。  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论要求学习者通过自主学习积极建构知识。问题在于,在缺乏教师指导的情况下,学习者对于如何自主学习茫然无措。在具体的教学与辅导过程中,可以发现,回译是一种行之有效的方式,它可以提高学习者的学习兴趣,提高记忆效率,加强学习者的英汉对比意识,克服中式英语,还能鼓励学习者在课外进行自主学习,不断提高表达能力。因此,不同层次的学习者,在不同的学习阶段,都可以通过不同方式的回译练习提高英语语言能力。  相似文献   

With the development and advancement of social and cultural communication between China and other countries in the world,the second language education is very popular with Chinese people.And usually,it will take the young for nearly16 years to learn a second language,especially English.Most of them learn English from primary school until university.Besides having routine English classes at school,they also pay extra time and money to learn English in their spare time in many training companies.And now,English education has already become an industry in China and some training companies such as New Oriental English,are familiar to common people.And a crucial problem is that,after so many years of hard work,most of them are even having basic writing difficulties.The systemic and effective teaching method of writing in a second language education in China is being researched.This thesis attempts to cultivate the students’subjective initiative in second language education activities,raise the students’learning consciousness,and enhance their lasting interests in learning so as to reach the goal to improve the students’writing ability in second language education.  相似文献   

邹旭 《海外英语》2012,(14):44-45
While the majority of nonnative speaker English teachers teach alongside NS teachers,research on the role of native speaker English teachers in China’s teaching context and the attitudes of university students towards them have been rarely conducted.This essay discusses the implications of cultural differences for the language classroom,and the different cultures of learning with regard to language teaching and learning in China and the Wes.The conclusion suggests that it is of great importance to have a good sense of cultural awareness and an open mind for cultural interactions,in order to benefit both language learners and native speaker teachers in the cross-cultural classroom.  相似文献   

研究高等学校公共英语课程的设置问题,要在考虑我国改革开放及经济社会发展需要的同时,兼顾高等学校长期以来的教学实践状况,特别是教育的质量与效果。语言是一门工具,它需要为内容服务,需要与专业相关联。大学生是语言学习的主体,应该给予他们更多的自主性和主动权。语言学习重在能力训练,语言能力比语言知识更为重要。公共英语不同于专业英语,但也必须遵循语言学习的基本规律,要有听说读写译的要求。语言学习与语言能力的培养是一个长期的过程,高等学校要注重培养学生良好的语言学习习惯。  相似文献   

徐薇 《电大教学》2014,(3):84-90
基于网络环境的英语学习,既是学习者利用网络环境提供的各种形式的学习资源实现的主动性学习,又是教师在把握语言习得和远程教育规律基础上,通过与学生互动共同完成的探索性学习。在教与学的互动过程中,充分发挥资源的重要性和基础性,学生的能动性和创造性,并在主体认知生成过程中融入学习者自己的创造性见解。通过分析学习元和元认知的理论和实践,建立二者沟通融合的学习模型,从而构建网络环境下英语远程智慧学习的新模式。  相似文献   

有效的学习策略可促进英语语言技能的发展,而高职高专学生在英语学习策略使用方面存在着很大问题。本文分别从认知、元认知、情感和交际策略方面提出了改善高职学生英语学习策略的教学对策,旨在提高高职学生的英语学习效果和英语教学质量。  相似文献   

语言学习课堂上文化参与的方式和内容应该根据不同的人群设计和选择。然而,国内语言课堂上的文化参与内容和方式均过于单一,因而不利于培养不同学生群体的语用能力。为了借鉴国外课堂文化介入方式以改进我们的外语教学,本文作者结合我国短期成人英语学习者的实际需求,通过观察国外语言课堂活动和国内课堂实践,总结出了一个把文化学习融入语言技能训练的课堂文化介入方式系列活动,并对短期语言培训涉及到的文化介入内容问题进行了讨论,以期对各个层面的语言教育有所启发。  相似文献   

Alternative approaches to learning and assessment have become common practice in higher education today. While these approaches have several learning, instructional and assessment advantages for students and teachers, a need exists for a better understanding of their consequential evidence. The purpose of this study was to examine students’ perceptions of, and satisfaction with, the experience of learning English for Law in the environment of a comprehensive learning and assessment system integrating the project component and academic writing portfolio component into the framework of traditional learning. A sample of 58 law majors from Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius, Lithuania participated in the study. The main findings of the study indicate that the integrated approach to learning English for Law was very well accepted by the students due to the following benefits it presented: (i) this approach is effective and useful in promoting students’ productive and receptive language skills; (ii) it enhances students’ satisfaction with their results; (iii) it fosters one’s motivation to learn a foreign language; (iv) it promotes students’ development as independent learners. It is recommended that this study be extended to the investigation of the impact of such an approach on the students’ final results in ESP in comparable groups.  相似文献   

成功地进行英语教学是每一个成人学习者以及教学工作者所追求和努力的目标。但实际情况是投入和收效不成正比,这成为困扰成人英语教学工作的一大难题。本文试图从研究学习风格的角度来探讨成人英语教学,从而提出相关的教学对策。  相似文献   

随着我国外语教育事业的不断发展,外语学习者的队伍在不断壮大,但是外语学习效果却不显著。目前,随着大学英语四、六级考试听力部分所占比率的增加,大学英语听力教学越来越被大家所重视。本文结合当前大学生英语听力实际情况,分析了大学生英语听力焦虑产生的原因,主要有内部因素和外部因素两类。笔者在结合这两类原因的基础上提出了四点应对大学生英语听力焦虑的对策。  相似文献   

本文首先讨论大学英语教学的语言能力目标和课程定位、中国人的英语能力以及中国人英语学习的目标语等,接着讨论大学校本英语水平考试设计中的几个核心能力构念,即语言能力的可分性、语言能力的工具性与人文性、跨文化交际语言能力与思辨能力等.认为,如果考试设计成员对这些核心理念或者能力构念模糊不清、观点不明,就会直接影响考试设计的质...  相似文献   

本课题对现代远程开放教育中成人英语学习策略进行研究,其目的是通过对远程环境下,成人在学习英语能力、需要、动机上的分析,归纳整理对成人英语学习行之有效的学习策略,并在实践中将这些策略加以应用,以期建立适合成人特点的新的教学模式。  相似文献   

高校英语教师的教学学术实践与学生英语水平发展密切相关,直接决定我国高校英语教育质量。本研究基于Weston&McApline(2001)教学学术实践三阶段发展续谱论,聚焦华东某高校一个英语教研组,叙事探究英语教师教学学术实践的故事。研究发现教学学术实践是个体和共同体共创共享教学知识的科研活动;具有问题链效应、批判反思性和互动探究三大特质。研究验证续谱论在我国高校英语教育语境下的适恰性,初步构建英语教师教学学术实践可行性指导框架,诠释高校英语教师专业化发展的有效路径。  相似文献   

大学英语写作一直以来被认为是大学英语教与学中比较薄弱的一个环节,而写作能力又是衡量学习者语言综合运用能力的一项重要指标。本文运用错误分析理论并结合实证调查与研究,提出在大学英语写作教学中使用归纳法帮助学生纠正语言错误以促进语言的学习。  相似文献   

In various societies, language domains are stereotypically associated with females. Yet, few studies have investigated the exact content of such female-language stereotypes, or whether they lead to stereotype threat effect among language learners. A questionnaire was distributed to 1,165 learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) from eight high schools in China, and participants were found to stereotypically regard female learners more positively in three aspects of English learning: aptitude, affect and achievement. Compared to boys or junior students, girls and more senior ones had stronger stereotypes. A subsequent field experiment was conducted on 427 students from a ninth school, revealing that priming female-language stereotypes prior to an English test impaired boys’ performance when English competence was controlled for. The studies suggest that male EFL learners were adversely portrayed and affected by the female-language stereotypes. Educational implications, particularly for language learners and educators, and policy-makers, are discussed.  相似文献   

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