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群对群(G2G)计算是一种基于G2G网络的分布式计算。G2G计算得益于灵活的分群,相同属性或任务的群内计算。本文提出了一个有门户网站结构,基于G2G计算的搜索服务。G2G搜索服务是一个混合搜索系统,既有分布式的搜索服务,又采用了集中式的搜索服务。采用G2G搜索服务的好处之一是,用户既参与了系统的分布式搜索任务,又能向系统请求搜索服务。采用G2G搜索服务的好处之二是,用部分的集中式结构把分散的局域搜索系统关联起来,扩大了系统的搜索效能。  相似文献   

由群所组成且涉及群与群关系的网络称为G2G网络,群是一些具有相同属性节点的聚合。G2G通信可以描述为:将内容从源端(群)传送到目的群。G2G网络使用了G2G/CDS协议来实现内容发布,即将参与分发内容的节点分群,用控制数据集(CDS)来管理节点,用G2G传输原理来实现G2G传输。G2G/CDS简单和有效地解决了“如何管理节点”和“如何传输”的G2G通信问题,并为解决“如何保障传输的QoS”问题打下基础。G2G络是一种能有效且容易实现多对多网络通信的网络模型,擅长解决需要精确控制的网络通信问题,尤其是内容发布。  相似文献   

讨论了与Thompson猜想相关的同阶型群的问题,两个有限群阶型相同是否同构的问题,并且对有限群G,定义了G的g函数值g(G),表示与群G的阶型相同的有限群的同构类类数.利用2p^2阶群的结构完全分类,通过计算得出所有2p^2阶群的阶型,对任一2p^2阶群肘,得出了M的g函数值.  相似文献   

定义任意群的本质子群、多余子群,并给出它们关于群的交、积、直积等运算的性质.设S(G)是群G的所有本质子群的交,R(G)是群G的所有多余子群的积,证明S(G)是G的所有单的正规子群的积,R(G)是G的所有极大正规子群的交。  相似文献   

网络传输可以分为四种形态:“一对一”,“多对一”,“一对多”和“多对多”。“一对一”是问题分解的终极,而“多对多”则是效率所追求的终极。由四种形态之间转变展开讨论,为了提高效率,网络传输应该转向“多对多”。群对群是“多对多”的另一种传输方式,或者说,是强调分群的“多对多”传输。  相似文献   

φ表示p-可分群的群类.利用c-补子群的概念,得到了p-可分群的两个充分争件:(1)如果群G的4阶循环子群在G中c-可补且G的任意极小子群含于G的φ-超中心Zφ(G)中,那么G是p-可分群;(2)设H G且G/H是p-可分群.如果H的任意4阶循环子群在G中c-可补且H的任意极小子群包含在G的φ-超中心Zφ(G)中,那么G是p-可分群.  相似文献   

我们讨论了群的最高阶元素个数为4p2的有限群G,得到:设M(G)I=4p2,n=2p或者n=2P2,其中p是素数,则G是可解群.  相似文献   

P2P网络结构与传统的Client/Server模式或Browser/Server模式最显著的区别是网络不存在中心服务器,网络中的每一个节点(peer)同时具有提供信息、享用信息和信息通讯三方面的功能。目前,P2P技术为信息共享和分布式计算提供了更灵活高效的模式,也为信息安全带来了新挑战。  相似文献   

设G是有限群,我们称G的所有极大子九的交为G的Frattini子群,记作Φ(G),而称G/Φ(G)为G的Frattini商群,Frattini商群对有限群构造的影响的研究结果还不多,在定理3中决定了Frattini商群的介是两个不同的系数的乘积时的有限群的构造,并且在[3]中的结果给出了简短的新证明。  相似文献   

某些s-拟正规子群对有限群结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用某些子群的s-拟正规性,得到了有限p-幂零群和超可解群的充分条件,即:(1)p是IGI的最小素因子且PESyl一(G).若P的每个极大子群在G中s-拟正规,则G是户一幂零群;(2)N是有限群G的一个正规子群且使得G/N为超可解群.如果F*(N)的任意奇阶Sylow子群Q的所有极大子群均在NG(Q)中s-拟正规,F*(N)的Sylow2-子群的极大子群在G中s-拟正规,则G是超可解群,并推广了一些已知结果.  相似文献   

计算是数学学习和研究中所必须掌握的基本形式和内容.不管是数学规律的发现或数学现象的探究,还是数学问题的解决,都离不开计算.培养学生的计算能力,是数学教学的一项基本任务,也是数学教学的一条主线.中国数学教学一贯重视学生计算能力的培养,但计算教学过于注重技巧等技术性的熟练程度和准确性,针对类型一招一式来操练,缺乏整体上的真正理解.为此,提出改进计算教学的3条建议:(1)算理与算法并重;(2)注重算法和算理的探索过程;(3)注重算法多样化、优化和通性通法的归纳.  相似文献   

Much application software education in Taiwan can hardly be regarded as practical. The researchers in this study provided a flexible means of ubiquitous learning (u-learning) with a mobile app for students to access the learning material. In addition, the authors also adopted computational thinking (CT) to help students develop practical computing skills. Three classes of first-year students were chosen for the empirical study. They were divided into three groups: two experimental groups (CT&UL group and CT group) and one control group. According to the results in this study, students who received the treatment of u-learning could have significantly better computing skills in using PowerPoint and Word than those without. However, the treatment of web-mediated CT did not result in better development of students’ computing skills in this research. Finally, the researchers expect that this study provides a design and illustration of CT in a u-learning environment for schools and educators.  相似文献   

P2P(Peer-to-Peer)技术是一种新型的网络技术,用户如果想在网络中访问某些数据或者需要某些服务,可以不通过相关的服务器或中间设备,而把依赖分散到网络中参与者的计算能力和带宽,其应用的核心技术是资源搜索机制.本文根据其网络模型特点,分析并研究了四种典型的资源搜索算法原理及性能.  相似文献   

Many education institutions and teachers are recognizing and applying online learning and related educational technologies to help students achieve satisfactory learning performance. Due to the free entertainment on the Internet that may distract students’ attention from online courses and with the purpose of developing students’ teamwork abilities, the author in this study adopted team-based learning (TBL) and co-regulated learning (CRL) to develop students’ involvement in a blended computing course. The subjects in this study were 111 first-year students from three classes taking a compulsory course titled ‘Applied information technology: data processing’. The first group (G1, which received online TBL and CRL) and the second group (G2, which received online TBL only) were the experimental groups. The last group (CG), which received the traditional teaching method in a blended learning environment, served as the control group. The results in this study indicate that students who receive the online TBL have significantly higher involvement than those without. However, the online CRL does not contribute to better development of students’ involvement in the implementation of TBL. The insights for teachers who plan to adopt e-learning, and the reasons for the ineffectiveness of CRL, are discussed in this study.  相似文献   

新基建和数字化转型时代背景下,5G不仅仅是运营商的5G,而是千行百业的5G.5G将同AI、物联网、区块链、云计算、边缘计算等新兴技术使能垂直行业,开启数智生活新篇章.当前职业教育进入高质量发展的关键时期,高职院校不仅承载着个人梦想,肩负着培养多样化人才、传承技术技能、促进就业创业的重要职责,也承载着强国梦,决定着产业素...  相似文献   

蒋守花  舒晖  任宇  陈俊 《教育技术导刊》2009,19(10):205-208
随着大数据、人工智能和物联网时代的到来,智能手机、智能手表等移动终端产生数据的增速已远远超过了网络带宽。同时,智能家居、无人驾驶等新应用对网络延迟提出了更高要求。边缘计算因在贴近数据源的网络边缘进行数据处理,绕过了网络带宽和延迟问题,迅速成为近几年的研究热点。首先提出边缘计算的定义,并对边缘计算、云计算、雾计算进行对比分析,给出边缘计算的优势,然后介绍边缘计算基本架构,列举了边缘计算较为经典的两个平台:移动边缘计算平台MEC和微云Cloudlet,最后对边缘计算在智能家居、车联网具体场景中的应用进行了分析。  相似文献   

Various aspects of computational thinking (CT) could be supported by educational contexts such as simulations and video-games construction. In this field study, potential differences in student motivation and learning were empirically examined through students’ code. For this purpose, we performed a teaching intervention that took place over five weeks, with two-hour sessions per week, plus two more weeks for the pretest and post-test projects. Students were taught programming concepts through a science project; one group represented the function of a basic electric circuit by creating a simulation, while the other group represented the same function by creating a video game in which a player should achieve a score in order to win. Video game construction resulted in projects with higher CT skills and more primitives, as measured through projects’ code analysis. Moreover, the video-game context seems to better motivate students for future engagement with computing activities.  相似文献   

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