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“两级传播流”理论的贡献,不仅在于其开创了大众传媒的有限效果时代,更重要的是它在信息传播过程中更突出个人影响——面对面的交流弥补大众传媒宣传的不足,因此,它不仅是一种“信息流”,更是一种“影响流”.本文从“两级传播流”的第二级入手,运用“意见领袖”、个人影响和人际传播等概念,通过对四川彭州宝山村在5.12地震前后信息传播的特点分析,得出人际传播是农村信息传播的主要方式的结论,并基于个人影响广泛存在的事实,认为在中国农村存在着“两级传播”现象.  相似文献   

网络技术的普及为人际传播提供了丰富多彩的传播媒介。文章以我国网络环境下的人际传播活动为研究对象,分别从传统人际传播、网络人际传播的新方式及特点,以及网络人际传播的现实作用和问题等几个方面进行了分析阐述。文章尝试性地将网络人际传播特点总结为:具有多媒体性质,以文字传播为主,以及匿名性、随机性、平等性。提出应在发展完善网络人际传播的同时解决其发展过程中出现的问题,以使网络人际传播发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

“尚和”“中庸”是中国人人际思维的特点,这种特点在人际冲突的处理中体现得尤为明显。《红楼梦》第六十回里的“玫瑰露茯苓霜事件”是一个典型的人际冲突事件,事件的“圆满”解决折射了中国人的人际思维方式,即“中庸”之道。从社会心理学的视角对其进行分析,中庸人际思维方式的特点可见一斑。  相似文献   

谣言是一种未经证实的新异性信息,在新的媒介生态环境下,这种人际传播的舆论形式与具有大众传播特点的网络发生着密切联系,并逐步呈现出网际化传播的趋势。本文分析了此次“非典”谣言在网络环境下传播的过程和新特点,并提出了抑制谣言的舆论对策。  相似文献   

论学校品牌传播的负效应及其应对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校品牌的传播可能带来“跳蚤效应”、“蝴蝶效应”、“北风效应”等与传播目的相悖的负效应。面对这些负效应,学校品牌传播应当进行革新,如进行新媒体传播、会展传播等;应当搞好传播策划,优化人际传播,进行精细化传播;应当以核心价值为关键,以消费者价值为基点,进行权益型传播。  相似文献   

杨茜 《宜宾学院学报》2014,(10):100-105
社交手游作为一种新型的人际传播媒介,方便用户在游戏中进行人际传播,具有独有的人际传播特点。在碎片化的信息传递模式下,用户以交往和认知为主要动机,以文字、表情等符号和情感为主要的人际传播方式。用户在游戏中进行人际传播的效果也影响其对游戏的使用和体验,用户动机得到的满足度越高,其人际传播效果越好,从而更加积极地使用游戏。  相似文献   

“坏消息告知”是医患沟通中最具挑战性的情景,被国内外公认为医务人员沟通技能中最关键的内容之一。当前国内关于坏消息告知的研究中,大多从宏观视角研究医患坏消息告知态度、喜好或行为特征等话语外围要素,少有从微观视角关注坏消息告知如何具体展开。微观视角与人际传播特殊形式的特征密切相关,从人际传播视角解读医患坏消息沟通,基于人际传播的经典理论——“约哈里之窗”审视坏消息告知这一过程,并从“示善—询问—披露—倾听—引导”五个维度提出沟通策略。  相似文献   

本文从传播系统中的传播者、传播内容、传播媒介、传播对象以及传播效果等五个方面,来探讨传播类型之一的人际传播在课堂教学中的运用。作为影视艺术类院校的教师,需要结合影视艺术类学生的特点和现代传播媒介的新发展,将以往教学中的人际传播模式做一个新的调整尝试。  相似文献   

一塌糊涂BBS曾经是面向高校学生和公众的网络交流平台,其中,“缘分的天空”版对高校学生交友具有相当影响力。本研究通过对一塌糊涂“缘分的天空”版热贴的个案研究,发现(一)网络交友的四部曲:发贴,跟贴,邮件或QQ私聊,见面,是“使用与满足”的典型;(二)征友热贴发生衰变的原因:网络作为工具,完成“全面撒网”的任务后,网络传播向人际传播转变;网络传播本身的特点和技术局限性;(三)女性在网络交友中的特殊心理;(四)征友热贴具有群体传播的特点,能构成信息压力,趋同心理,内容同质。  相似文献   

为改革传统的新生入馆教育弊端,高校图书馆应充分借鉴传播学研究成果,既可利用直接的人际传播特点改革新生入馆教育传统方式,也可利用间接的人际传播特点实现新生入馆教育网络化。  相似文献   

大学英语文本中的文化教学的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言教学实质是文化教学。学习者在理解语言符号表层所存在的意义之外 ,必须熟悉该语言中语符所承载的文化现象的运用 ,提高对文本信息全息理解 ,解读语符之外的文化意义 ,从而真正掌握和运用所学语言。文章就文本语言教学与文化教学的互动和促进进行分析、探讨。  相似文献   

语言教学实质是文化教学。学习者在理解语言符号表层所存在的意义之外,必须熟悉该语言中语符所承载的文化现象的运用,提高对文本信息全息理解,解读语符之外的文化意义,从而真正掌握和运用所学语言。本文就文本语言教学与文化教学的互动和促进进行分析、探讨。  相似文献   

This research review examines recent developments in computer-mediated communication (CMC) research for educational applications. The review draws on 170 recent research articles selected from 78 journals representing a wide range of disciplines. The review focuses on peer-reviewed empirical studies, but is open to a variety of methodologies. The review is divided into two sections addressing major areas of current research: (a) general CMC research in education, and (b) factors affecting computer-mediated learning. The review covers a variety of key research areas revolving around CMC in education, including, media effect and comparison, on-line courses and networks, course and program evaluations, learning and learning processes, problem solving, writing, decision-making, argumentation, group decision-making, group dynamics, peer evaluations, gender differences, anonymity, teaching practice effects, technology integration, teacher styles and characteristics, socio-cultural factors, and professional development effects. Findings suggest partial advantages of CMC in writing, task focused discussion, collaborative decision-making, group work, and active involvement in knowledge construction during group interactions. Other research findings revealed influences of peer interaction, group composition, group cohesion, goal commitment, group norm development, and process training, mixed-sex groups, and virtual cross-functional teams. Mixed-findings are revealed for performance advantages of computer-mediated versus face-to-face learning environments on various tasks and for the presence of gender differences in computer-mediated environments.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of scaffolding computer-mediated discussions to improve moral reasoning and argumentation quality in pre-service teachers. Participants of this study were 76 teaching education students at a Turkish university. They were divided into three groups: (1) a computer-supported argumentation group; (2) a computer-mediated discussion group; and (3) a control group. Participants in the computer-supported argumentation group were instructed in argumentation, and were provided with note starters and graphical argumentation tools. The computer-mediated discussion group, however, was engaged in unstructured interaction on the Moodle forum, a free popular learning management system having a threaded discussion forum. The control group did not receive any instruction and neither did they participate in any discussions. As for the results, the computer-supported argumentation group outperformed the control group, but not the computer-mediated discussion group on DIT score and argumentation quality. Thus, it was concluded that both giving instruction on argumentation and appropriately designing the interfaces of computer-mediated discussion environments can enhance argumentation quality in students’ writings and also their moral reasoning.  相似文献   

The present study investigated computer-mediated communication in educational settings. Both horizontal and vertical interaction were assessed by using Bales's interaction process analysis. Participants were 56 children who studied in two classrooms. Students were able to communicate by writing text messages and by drawing pictorial messages. The duration of the study was two consecutive school years. Results show that horizontal interaction contains more emotional reactions than vertical interaction. The students expressed both positive and negative emotions. Strong emotions were observed especially in horizontal interaction. Moreover, the overall pattern of interaction changed from the 3rd to the 4th Grade. Children had more negative emotions in the 4th Grade than in the 3rd Grade. This study shows that computer-mediated communication can be used therapeutically.  相似文献   

The positive effects of collaborative learning in a face-to-face environment are well known. However, little empirical research exists to determine if such effects transfer to a computer-mediated environment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of computer-mediated collaboration on solving ill-defined problems. Participants first worked through a Web-based instructional program that taught them a four-step problem-solving process. Then they worked in computer-mediated dyads or alone to apply the steps to solve a realistic problem scenario. Results indicated that participants who worked in computer-mediated collaborative dyads performed significantly better than did participants who worked alone. The results also indicated that dyads spent significantly more time than participants in the individual treatment. Both treatment groups had positive attitudes toward working collaboratively, Internet-based instruction, and transfer of problem-solving skills. Implications for the implementation of computer-mediated collaboration in distance learning are discussed. During article preparation, he was a PhD student at Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government.  相似文献   

关联理论认为,人类交际以关联性为取向,且关联性以关联条件为基础。信息获得和理解的过程从根本上是一次收支过程,即用最小的心理加工成本获得最大的语境效果。当今,作为人类交际的主要方式之一,网络交际同样以关联性为取向,但它在许多方面又不同于直面交际,所以关联条件在网络交际中也随之发生了变化。本文以关联理论为蓝本,探讨关联条件在网络交际中的具体变化。  相似文献   

教师与学习在互动性外语课堂中合作构建语篇,互动中写作与会话一样遵循相应的交际原则,如面子观与合作原则,作与读通过语篇相遇和互动,从而传情达意。外语教学或学习中以计算机为媒介的互动作为提高字写作能力的一种方法应受到关注。  相似文献   

This experiment examined the effects of epistemic vs. relational conflicts on the relationship with a partner. Students participated to a fictitious computer-mediated interaction about a text with a bogus partner who introduced either an epistemic conflict (a conflict that referred to the content of the text), or a relational conflict (a conflict that questioned participants’ competence). Results indicated that compared to the epistemic conflict, the relational conflict enhanced threat and reduced the perceived contribution of the partner. Moreover, after a relational conflict, participants were more assertive in their answers, justified them to a lower extent, and expressed less doubt than after an epistemic conflict. Results also indicated that the intensity of disagreement predicted different modes of regulation depending on the conflict type. Finally, epistemic conflict elicited better learning than relational conflict.  相似文献   

Blended learning is an effective approach to instruction that combines features of face-to-face learning and computer-mediated learning. This study investigated the relationship between student perceptions of three types of interaction and blended learning course satisfaction. The participants included K-12 teachers enrolled in a graduate-level course. Results indicate that students (a) perceived interaction as important to their learning experiences and (b) were moderately satisfied in their blended learning course. The predictive model of student satisfaction including three types of interaction was reliable. Of the three types of interaction, learner–content interaction was the strongest predictor of student satisfaction when the course design involved a low amount of collaborative activities. Additionally, student personality was found to be a vital factor for interaction and satisfaction in this type of course design. Students who reported having an extroverted personality noted more interaction and a higher level of student satisfaction than those who self-reported as introverted.  相似文献   

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