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The Academy of Opto-Electronics (AOE) is an institution under the direct jurisdiction of the CAS headquarters. Organizationally, it has six components: the head office, the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics & Physics (CIOMP), the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics (SITP), the Xi’an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics (XIOM), the Shanghai Institute of Optics & Fine Me- chanics (SIOM) and the Institute of Optics & Electron- ics (IOE) in Chengdu. The p…  相似文献   

Mario Bunge, the centenarian Argentine/Canadian physicist/philosopher passed away in the loving company of his wife Marta and children Eric and Silvia on February 24, 2020 in Montréal, Ontario. This memoriam reviews his life and work, particularly his contributions to physics and philosophy of science.  相似文献   

创业企业通过嵌入战略联盟获取竞争优势,但合作绩效往往低于预期水平。综合社会网络、行为科学和公平性等理论基本思想,探明合作绩效主要影响因子,并通过Pearson相关分析构建了影响"科技企业孵化器—风险投资—在孵企业"三方合作绩效的路径概念模型。实证分析结果为三方合作绩效与合作成功率提出了加强合作方的参与度、促进合作网络结构优化,并关注科技企业孵化器的"桥梁"作用与战略伙伴选择的无形资源拟合的对策。  相似文献   

Concept,Characteristics and Future of Cold-type Wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This study investigates whether country-level technological disparities influence individual scientists’ choice of research agenda and, if so, how the effect of country-level technological disparities on individuals’ research activities differs before and after technology commercialization. To address these research questions, we use research proceedings published from the International Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS) from 1990 to 2009. We find that a country’s technological capabilities tend to prevent its scientists from studying electric vehicles (defined as a disruptive technology) but encourage them to study hybrid vehicles (defined as a sustaining technology) before electric and hybrid vehicles are launched in the automobile market. We also find that a country’s technological capabilities do not subsequently help its scientists shift their research activities to the technologies that have received positive initial feedback from automobile markets.  相似文献   

Lazear (2005) suggests that entrepreneurs should be generalists, while those who work for others should be specialists. Many prospective entrepreneurs will develop varied skills by engaging in a variety of employment activities prior to becoming an entrepreneur, and incomes are higher for those that do so. An alternative view predicts that those with greater taste for variety are more likely to become entrepreneurs. Varied employment prior to becoming an entrepreneur is simply an expression of this taste, and is associated with lower earnings. Data from a survey of 830 independent inventors and 300 individuals from the general population are used to discriminate between these two theories. The results show that inventor-entrepreneurs typically have a more varied labor market experience, and that varied work experience is associated with lower household income.  相似文献   

To deal with the new situation and address the new issues encountered by the Public Security Authorities, the People's Procuratorates and the People's Courts in recent years in handling criminal cases arising from intellectual property infringement, punish criminal activities of intellectual property infringement under the laws, and safeguard the order of the socialist market economy, these Opinions have been formulated as follows under the Criminal Law, the Criminal Procedure Law, and the relevant judicial interpretation on the basis of the practice of investigation, prosecution and trial.  相似文献   

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