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教育督导是教育行政管理的重要组成部分。作为一种社会组织功能,督导过程必然涉及有关人的心理与调控问题。教育督导要很好地发挥监控职能,就必须在督导过程中揭示督导的心理活动规律,并随时进行有效的调控。  相似文献   

自1986年国务院批准建立督导机制以来,我国教育督导制度不断健全,其功能和作用得到社会各界特别是广大教育工作者的认可。然而在各地教育督导实践不断向纵深推进的同时,我们也发现其中有少数被督导者对教育督导产生了畏惧、应付与防范心理,甚至有些人认为教育督导评估是“走过场”。  相似文献   

在教育督导的过程中,教师不是被动地接受而是主动地参与了督导,并且具有督导者的角色身份。教师督导的类型主要有五种:临床督导、同侪督导、自引式督导、探究式督导和非正式督导。  相似文献   

李占君  王霞 《大学教育》2019,(9):210-212
教学督导作为保障教学质量的重要环节,在高等院校中已广泛开展。但在具体实施过程中存在诸多问题,严重影响了教学督导的实效性。针对这些问题,高校要从加强对督导的认识、建立专业化督导队伍、树立“督导即服务,服务要以人为本”的督导理念、丰富督导内容与模式、加强督导信息化建设等方面入手,对普通高等院校的教学督导工作进行改革,以期为提升教学督导的实效性起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

卢盈 《教育导刊》2014,(4):49-52
随着教育督导活动的不断深入发展,督导人员的素质对督导活动的影响是不容小觑的问题。教育督导人员的专业化不仅意味着督导人员将面临着多重角色的转换,也同样需要构建督导人员的准入、培训、职级、评估、交流等一系列制度来提升督导人员的专业素质,保证督导活动的有效开展。  相似文献   

王明洲  李稚琳 《教学研究》2006,(6):499-502,505
在教育督导的过程中,教师不是被动地接受而是主动地参与了督导,并且具有督导者的角色身份.教师督导的类型主要有五种:临床督导、同侪督导、自引式督导、探究式督导和非正式督导.  相似文献   

教育督导是英国对继续教育质量进行监督和管理的重要手段。在继续教育督导框架的指导下,对一些提供继续教育的教学单位进行督导评估,能够帮助其全面了解自身情况,提高一些薄弱环节的质量,从而更好地满足当地学习者和雇主的需求。通过对英国继续教育督导框架和实践的总结和分析,能够帮助我们厘清国内继续教育督导工作存在的问题和不足,促进继续教育督导发挥其应有的作用。  相似文献   

教育督导是现代教育管理中重要组成部分和重要措施之一。我国教育督导体系建设不断完善,特别是十九大以来新时代教育督导体制机制改革正在逐步深化。本文以作者开展某民办学校督导的一次案例为研究对象,综合运用查阅资料、现场观课、列席会议、座谈走访、分析数据等方法,探寻数据背后进行深入督导,对该学校的教育教学常规工作及教育管理工作所出现的问题及未来发展提出对策建议。本文将该民办学校在“两个常规”工作上存在的问题产生原因分为四个方面:一是学校教学管理的有效性不足。二是培优辅差没有落到实处。三是教师个人备课质量不高。四是课堂教学传统低效。基于该民办学校存在的问题及成因分析,本文提出了解决问题的对策建议:一是提升教学管理的实效。二是加强培优辅差工作力度。三是加强教师备课。四是优化课堂教学方式。作者通过对本次督导进行复盘、反思,有三点心得体会:一是督导时多元调查,深入分析,探寻数据背后的深层次原因;二是督导时要关注全局、关注全员、关注全过程;三是明确督学的“八种角色”,做到心中有标准、脑中有思考、督中有方法、导中有建议。  相似文献   

借鉴国外丰富的课堂教学督导经验,探索由学校主动、学校主控、校域层面、局部化地开展课堂教学专项督导评估的实施路径.在督导前期从确立督导意向、筹划督导方案、斟酌督导形式、组合督导力量等方面做好预备工作;在督导过程中注重"临堂督导",即以课堂教学为核心,深入课堂进行教学视导,通过听课、看课、评课等策略,聚焦教师的教和学生的学,既重视教师怎么教、教得怎么样,也重视学生怎么学、学得怎么样;督导后期的评估反馈,通过谈话反馈、树立样板、跟踪改进、校域整改等具体策略,进行校本教学专项督导,以此提升学校工作,并深度反思教学督导与教学研究的比较、校本督导的视野聚焦问题、课堂观察的标准问题和校本督导力量的下沉问题.  相似文献   

本文在区分源于“心理督导”制度和“教育督导”制度的两种“学校心理健康教育督导”活动的基础上,建议加强学校心理健康教育督导,促进学校心理健康教育教师的专业化发展;加强学校心理健康教育工作督导以解决当前学校心理健康教育“四不做”的问题。同时建议将前者简称为“心育督导”,将后者简称为“心育督政”。  相似文献   


A study was conducted to investigate possible differences in verbal exchanges between supervisors and teachers contrasting clinical supervision and traditional supervision. Past study of supervisors indicated that they were predominantly authoritarian in their relationships with teachers. Clinical supervision was hypothesized to create a more democratic relationship as revealed by the verbal interaction. Seven supervisors each worked with one teacher in the clinical pattern and one in the traditional pattern. Their post-observation conferences were taped and analyzed by trained observers using Blumberg's A System for Analyzing Supervisor Teacher Interaction. Univariate ANOVA analysis of the data revealed a significant difference between the treatment groups favoring the clinical supervision style. Teachers responding on a semantic differential scale also favored the clinical supervision style.  相似文献   


Clinical supervision is a formative evaluation method of working with teachers for the purpose of improving instruction. This teacher‐centered, collegial, and collaborative model requires the establishment of rapport and trust and a proper climate. Personal observation and a review of current related literature emphasize that clinical supervision enables teachers and supervisors to grow while promoting excellence in teaching and learning. In this period of school reform, clinical supervision is a successful means of approaching teacher learning, professional growth, and instructional improvement.  相似文献   

Clinical practice in rehabilitation education represents an essential component in the graduate student's course of study and serves as a transition between the didactic learning of the classroom and the employment of the student as a professional counselor. Although the value of clinical practice is well established in master's level rehabilitation education, a number of potential problems currently exist. The author examines several issues related to supervision in clinical practice and provides suggestions for clarification.  相似文献   

Clinical training is considered the capstone experience (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, 2001) for preservice counselors. This exploratory study examined pedagogical practice for clinical preparation in a purposeful sample of 59 school counseling internship syllabi. A qualitative analysis revealed wide diversity in content regarding supervision, student assignments, and, in particular, on‐site requirements.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper was to examine the impact emerging interactive/compressed television (I/C‐TV) could have on a technologically based clinical supervision model for preservice teachers. This paper looked at the clinical supervision model as it is framed in a traditional school experience. It is clear that major change must occur in the area of technology training for the preservice teacher to ensure that technology ignorance does not create barriers to performance in the clinical experiences. Equally important is the change in the clinical supervision process itself. This paper suggests methods for the use of the clinical supervision model within the technology environment. The authors offer suggestions for creating appropriate processes, which include the following: adaptations of the clinical supervision model, incorporation of I/C‐TV capabilities, and early and frequent teaching in authentic settings.  相似文献   

Although clinical supervision is widely viewed as an educational process, counseling doctoral students may lack relevant background in pedagogy. In response to calls to incorporate learning theories and principles into supervision instruction, 7 evidence‐based science of learning principles as well as examples from 1 doctoral supervision course are described.  相似文献   


Examination of the efficacy of clinical supervision has accrued limited evidence, partially due to lack of a clarity or consensus on what constitutes supervision outcomes. This not only leads to inconsistency across studies evaluating supervision outcomes but also falls short of providing guidance for clinical supervisors to systematically evaluate the efficacy of their work. We present a practitioner-oriented, evidence-informed, and pan-theoretical framework that connects a broad range of outcomes to the supervision process, including proximal, intermediate, and distal outcomes. We discuss how several practitioner-friendly instruments related to these outcomes can be incorporated into supervision practice and contribute to a more holistic assessment of supervision outcomes. We also discussed supervisory strategies, such as strategically attending to and balancing multiple levels of outcomes and incorporating a theoretical lens to our framework.


Enhanced interest in supervision training has corresponded with recognition of supervision as a profession in its own right. For many practicing professional counselors, supervision training has traditionally been unavailable. The present research used the Clinical Supervision Questionnaire to evaluate the effect of a supervision training program on the supervision scores of 16 practicing professional counselors who participated in a supervision training program. Participants completed a pretraining and posttraining questionnaire. The findings revealed a significant difference between the pre‐ and posttraining results for the experimental group. This difference was maintained over a 6‐month period. Practical and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Clinical supervisors should be culturally competent working with transgender or gender expansive (TGE) counselors-in-training; however, minimal research exists regarding TGE counselors’ experiences in supervision. This interpretative phenomenological analysis study explored the supervision experiences of five TGE counselors-in-training. Findings revealed four super-ordinate themes and two sub-themes, and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Research was undertaken to find ways of resolving implementation challenges of supervision and evaluation systems by examining the perceptions of South African school-based managers and educators regarding the effectiveness of the clinical supervision strategy as a tool for improving the quality of teaching in compliance with the total quality management (TQM) principle of empowerment as related to the integrated quality management system (IQMS). The article reports on part of the findings of a formal study designed to investigate the effectiveness of the developmental supervision model as a tool for improving the quality of teaching in Gauteng, South Africa The findings from using a mixed method approach, comprising a quantitative phase in the form of questionnaires and a qualitative phase in the form of three focus group interviews, indicated that the clinical supervision strategy complied with the TQM principle of empowerment, which was perceived to have a positive influence on the quality of teaching. In contrast, the IQMS evaluation process was perceived to lack compliance with empowerment due to characteristics related to the traditional inspection approaches to professional development.  相似文献   

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