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通过分析教师职业的专业化取向,教师队伍的进修模式,教师培训的体系优化及新课程与教师专业化几个问题,从而简要地阐述了21世纪教师专业化的建设。  相似文献   

中学物理新课程标准的实施不单纯是教科书的改朝换代,也是教育理念、教师专业发展、教学体系、校本资源的开发利用的整体变革,同时对中学物理实验教师提出了专业化要求,时代呼唤着物理实验教师的专业化。  相似文献   

在世界范围的教育改革浪潮中,人们越来越认识到,教育改革的成败在教师,只有教师专业水平的不断提高才能造就高质量的教育水平。  相似文献   

论教师专业化与教师教育改革   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
近年来,以教师专业化为核心的教师教育改革,已成为世界教育与社会发展的共同特征。目前,我国教师教育正发生着历史性的变革,一方面,教育事业的改革与发展要求教师队伍建设实现从“数量扩张型”到“质量优化型”的转变;另一方面,随着基础教育新课程改革的全面实施和推  相似文献   

《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》中提出:“要完善以现有师范院校为主体、其他高等学校共同参与、培养培训相衔接的开放的教师教育体系。“教师教育”与“师范教育”尽管只是一字之差,但对于我国的中小学教师队伍建设尤其是教师培养培训工作来说,其影响将是重大而深远的。  相似文献   

教师专业化发展与师范人才素质培养   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教师专业化发展是师范教育改革与发展的时代潮流,提高师范人才的专业素质是教师专业化发展的核心。研究师范人才培养的教师专业化发展改革策略,着力于教师教育的课程设置和教师教育体系结构方面的调整,有助于培养高素质的适应基础教育改革发展需要的新型教师,促进素质教育和创新教育在新世纪的持续发展。  相似文献   

近年来,以教师专业化为核心的教师教育改革,已成为教育发展的热点问题。那么,如何正确认识教师教育专业化问题,怎样才能有效地实现教师教育专业化呢?对于这些问题,当前学术界是见仁见智。本文拟就此谈些我们的粗浅认识。  相似文献   

教师的专业素质结构是当今教师教育和教师专业发展研究关注的一个话题,高校教师教育是教师专业素质结构形成的重要基石。分析专业化视野下教师的素质结构,反思当前高师院校教师教育在构建教师专业素质中面临的许多问题和挑战,并提出了加强教师教育改革,促进教师培养模式的健康发展。  相似文献   

按照社会学家制定定的专业指标体系来衡量,中小学教师的职业只能被认为是“半专业化”的职业,推进我国教师专业化应着力于以下四个方面:一是加强对教师活动的探索;二是改革师范教育;三是改善教师的经济待遇和工作条件;四是加强教师专业团体和组织的建设。  相似文献   

《中学教师专业标准》的制定和实施给教师的专业发展提供了新的方向,也向当今的教师展开了新的挑战,物理教师踏上专业发展道路势在必行。教师的专业发展必须具备健全的专业知识、专业技能、专业情意,着重建立全面、完整的物理知识体系,进行创新实验教学,进行角色转换。  相似文献   

物理学是一门以实验为基础的科学 ,具有科学、严密、系统等特点 ,新颖有趣的实验固然可以加深学生对知识的理解和掌握 ,然而物理教学过程多数时间仍是依靠教学语言来进行的 ,因此 ,研究一下物理教师的语言艺术是很有必要的 .1 要符合科学性、思想性所谓科学性 ,就是要用准确无误、合乎逻辑的语言来讲 .例如在讲库仑定律F =kQ1Q2 /r2 时 ,要注意它的适用条件 ,不能说当r→ 0时 ,库仑力无穷大 ,从数学意义上说得通 ,但在物理学上 ,当r→ 0时 ,两电荷就不能看成点电荷了 ,也就不遵循点电荷的库仑定律了 .又如讲电场强度概念时 ,不能说E和F成正比 ,E和 q成反比 .E的大小只取决于电场本身的性质———产生场的场电荷和位置来决定 ,跟这一位置与有无电荷无关 .我们讲教学语言的科学性 ,但又不能片面地 ,一味追求似乎什么概念都要严格地科学地定义 ,那就大可不必 .应根据中学生接受能力的实际 ,知识的循序渐进 ,不断完善深化 .例如在讲力的概念时 ,首先只是叙述力是物体对物体的作用 ,后来讲授牛顿第三定律后 ,对力的概念加深了一步 ,指出力是物体对物体的相互作用 ,到了讲授牛顿第二定律后 ,又从力的作用效...  相似文献   

This study investigates student perceptions of the behavior of physics teachers in relation to some other variables in the classroom situation. The research was carried out as a Dutch option of the Second International Science Study. Data were gathered in 65 classrooms of physics teachers with pupils 15 years old. Some of the teachers (21) used the new PLON curriculum and the others a traditional one. Student perceptions of teacher behavior were measured with a questionnaire based on the interpersonal theory of Leary (1957). The aspect of behavior measured is called interactional teacher behavior. We found remarkably high correlations between student perceptions of teacher behavior and affective outcomes such as appreciation of the lessons and motivation for the subject matter. Also, the correlations with cognitive outcomes measured with a standardized international test were significant. It appears that some differences exist between teacher behaviors that are favorable for high cognitive outcomes and behaviors favorable for high affective outcomes in physics lessons. Hardly any differences were found in teacher behavior between teachers using the traditional and the new physics curriculum.  相似文献   

The idea that chemical knowledge can be represented in three main ways: macro, submicro, and symbolic (chemistry triplet) has become paradigmatic in chemistry and science education. It has served both as the base of theoretical frameworks that guide research in chemical education and as a central idea in various curriculum projects. However, this triplet relationship has been the subject of different adaptations and reinterpretations that sometimes lead to confusion and misunderstanding, which complicates the analysis of the triplet’s nature and scope. Thus, the central goal of this paper is to describe some of the existing views of the triplet relationship in chemistry and science education and critically analyse their underlying assumptions. We also propose a general structure of our chemistry knowledge intended to better situate the chemistry triplet in relationship with the different types, scales, dimensions, and approaches that seem to characterise such knowledge. Our proposed model may be useful in the analysis, evaluation, and reflection of educational research results and teaching practices centred on the triplet relationship.  相似文献   

Many countries in Europe use some kind of competence framework to define the quality of teachers. They typically formulate one level of teaching quality which defines the competence level that teachers must have acquired after completing initial teacher education. In addition, most countries provide limited career structures that define career opportunities within the teacher profession itself, resulting in a profession where often the only option for career progression is to move to leadership positions. Competence frameworks that create opportunities for vertical and horizontal career structures can make being a teacher a more attractive profession. They offer teachers opportunities for ‘career crafting’ and professional growth and supply school leaders with tools for more elaborate career guidance. In this article, we present a framework that was developed in the Netherlands to support teacher growth and teachers' career development. It has been used as a starting point for creating a shared language and understanding of the teacher profession and as a catalyst for dialogue between teachers and school leaders on professional growth. We elaborate the main characteristics of the resulting model, its limitations, the feedback that has been collected and how this feedback has been incorporated in how the model is used and discussed by teachers, school leaders and teacher education institutes. Finally, we argue that the strength of the framework can be explained by the way it acts as a boundary object, inspiring mutual learning and dialogue between different activity systems (of teachers, school leaders and teacher educators).  相似文献   

教师心理素质的现状分析 我国处在社会转型期,经济体制、价值观念、生活方式都发生着深刻的变化。在社会急速变革的今天,面对职业本身,人际群体以及家庭等多种压力的情况,使教师在身心方面产生困扰的不可预见的事件明显增加,由此产生的心理问题也在显著增加。  相似文献   

中师物理教师必须具备的创新教育的基本素质,同时应结合学科特点,创造多种途径探讨实施创新教育。  相似文献   

智能型实验室的建设对现代实验室的管理和正常运行提出了更高的要求.为了对实验室进行集中管理,文章提出了一种基于局域网的实验教学网络管理系统的设计思路,分析了其技术特色,讨论了其在实验教学管理中的应用和发展前景.  相似文献   

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