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曹晓霞  倪哲明 《科技通报》2003,19(4):316-318
把流动注射和分光光度联用建立了一种新的测定维生素K3的方法,把250μL维生素K3(Menadione sodiumbisulfite,MSB)水溶液注入到载流(水)中,试样带在流动的过程中与33%二甲胺水溶液汇流,在长100cm内径0.5的聚乙烯反应管中快速显色,生成一紫红色配合物,510nm为其最大吸收波长,本法检测限为0.2μg/mL,测定频率达60次/h,浓度为10μg/mL的试样7次测定的相对标准偏差为0.25%,在4~100μg/mL的浓度范围内严格遵守比尔定律,并用于市售维生素K3针剂含量的测定,结果与药典方法一致。  相似文献   

在毛皮兽养殖业中,水貂养殖是重要养殖项目之一。作为食肉动物的水貂,自身合成维生素的能力很低,除维生素K和C外,多数要从饲料中获取。如果日粮中缺少维生素,就会使肌体代谢失调,发生各种疾病。在现代养貂业中,广大养殖户已经认识到维生素作用的重要性。在实际生产中,人们不仅注重日粮的合理搭配,更加重视维生素在饲料中的补充,很多养殖户在水貂日粮中添加人用维生素片剂,  相似文献   

在面包生产过程中,发酵技术是决定面包口感的重要技术。目前最常见的发酵技术面包制作方法有三种,分别为一次发酵法、二次发酵法、发酵机械混合法。本文将就发酵技术在面包生产中的三种应用方式展开讨论。  相似文献   

维生素K过去默默无闻.如今声名大增.其营养作用超乎想象.如何在生活中摄取足够的维生素K呢?  相似文献   

婴儿晚发性维生素K缺乏症是婴儿期急重症之一。近年来对新生儿预防性应用维生素K,本病发病率有所下降,但,由于本病起病急、进展快,易引起死亡或留有后遗症,因此早诊断,避免误诊,显得尤为重要。为提高对本病的认识,现将我院儿科自2000年1月至2004年5月共收治的21例晚发性维生素K缺乏症分析报告如下:1、临床资料(1)一般资料:21例晚发性维生素K缺乏症系我院儿科住院患儿,全部患儿均符合晚发性维生素K缺乏症的诊断标准[1],除3例早产儿外,其余均系足月儿,男15例,女6例,男女之比为2.5:1。发病年龄1-3个月,年龄29天 ̄2个月18例,2—3个月3例,母乳…  相似文献   

“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”是自然界植物种植、生长的一种基本规律。但也常用来比喻一个人做一件事缘于什么因,就有什么果。但在科学史上,有些科学家却是“种瓜得豆”,想做的研究没有获得太大的进展.但却因意外的发现在另一个方向有了重大的发现。维生素K的发现和研究就有这样“种瓜得豆”的现象.  相似文献   

位于英国剑桥的兴根塔育种公司的研究人员称,他们已经培育出了一种命名为“金稻——2”的新型转基因水稻,其原维生素A的含量比传统水稻提高了20多倍。原维生素A能在人体内转变成维生素A,对防止儿童夜盲症十分重要,目前,全世界每年约有50万儿童患夜盲症。  相似文献   

日过正午,烈日当头,田间人头攒动,农民们簇拥着一个动作利索的外国女专家,只见她不时地指着田间的葡萄藤比划着,她就是加拿大女专家K.Helen Fisher(海仑.费社),这是她在传授寒地葡萄栽培技术。K.Helen Fisher女士是由乌鲁木齐市引进国外智力处介绍,加拿大CES0国际组织推荐给乌鲁木齐县果蔬研究所的寒地葡萄栽培技术专  相似文献   

科技奖励是对在科技活动中做出重大贡献的科技人员进行的褒赏,是科技人员获得科学共同体承认的重要方式,也是从古至今乃至未来推动科技发展的重要政策和手段之一。科技奖励作为一种实践活动,在中外都有着悠久的历史,但国外学术界对科技奖励活动研究的兴起,始于20世纪初期,直到1942年,才由美国著名社会学家、科学社会学的创始人之一罗伯特·K·默顿(R.K.Merton)提出了“科学奖励系统”这个概念,关于科技奖励的理论体系才逐步建立起来。  相似文献   

西藏是世界农业地理上一个十分独特的区域.西藏高原的自然环境使其农业的持续发展需要有一个稳定完善的生态环境.森林是世界上最大的陆地生态系统,在维持生态过程和平衡中起着重要的作用.为此,本文在分析西藏林业生产现状和条件的基础上,以西藏自治区达孜县都堆乡为例,从农业生产稳定持续发展的角度,对其林业发展的作用予以了初步评估,进而探讨了西藏高原社会林业发展的重要意义及其历史必然趋势.  相似文献   

Role of Vitamin D supplementation was studied in patients with hypertension. One hundred hypertensive patients (group I) were given conventional antihypertensive drugs while another 100 patients (group II), in addition, were supplemented with Vitamin D3 (33,000 IU, after every 2 weeks, for 3 months). Besides diastolic and systolic blood pressure, serum calcium, phosphorous, alkaline phosphatase, albumin, albumin-corrected calcium, and 24 h urinary creatinine levels were estimated in both the groups before the start of treatment and after 3 months. Vitamin D supplementation showed a more significant decrease in systolic blood pressure. This group also showed a significant increase in serum calcium as well as albumin-corrected calcium with a decrease in phosphorous. Results of the study confirm that Vitamin D supplementation has a role in reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients and that it should be supplemented with the antihypertensive drugs. More extensive studies with a larger group, to draw a definite conclusion, are in progress.  相似文献   

P-selectin, a cell adhesion molecule is elevated in many inflammatory conditions including preeclampsia which is characterized by generalized endothelial dysfunction and vasoconstriction presumably due to free radicals or mediators released by defective placentation. Vitamin E has been documented to protect cell membranes from oxidative damage and also decrease platelet aggregation. The role of vitamin E in pre-eclampsia is contradictory and hence the study was undertaken. Soluble P-selectin was measured by ELISA and Vitamin-E levels in plasma was estimated spectrofluorometrically. In our study the effect of supplementation of 400 IU/day of Vitamin E (a-tocopheryl acetate) to patients of pre-eclampsia showed significant decreased levels of soluble P-selectin by 2nd week as compared to patients given placebo (P = 0.005). In this short period of study no direct correlations were observed between Vitamin E or P-selectin levels with blood pressure as well as with proteinuria. Future studies may focus on the effect of a-tocopheryl acetate or the phosphate form of Vitamin-E, recently proposed to be the more active form on other inflammatory markers like IL-6, an important stimuli of P-selectin release in pre-eclampsia.  相似文献   

Homocysteine(Hcy) has been implicated as a novel risk factor of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) among Asian Indians, but many studies done in India failed to reveal any direct correlation. It has also been reported that Folic acid and Vitamin B12 levels inversely affect serum levels of homocysteine. In this study, we looked at the levels of homocysteine among patients with CAD. The effect of Vitamin B12, Folate and other risk factors on homocysteine levels were also evaluated. Mean homocysteine levels in cases (22.81±13.9, n=70) were significantly higher (p=<0.001) than the controls (7.77±7.3, n=70). However no statistically significant correlation could be deduced between homocysteine Vitamin B12, and Folate. Cumulative analysis have indicated an increase in homocysteine levels among patients with CAD with every additional risk factor.  相似文献   

Susceptibility of Schizophrenic patients to lipid peroxidation relative to healthy control subjects was investigated by measuring the malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in plasma. The main finding was that Schizophrenic patients were more susceptible than control subjects to oxidative damage as evident from increased MDA levels in plasma. Antioxidant levels are also depleted in Schizophrenic patients when compared to normal subjects as evident from decreased levels of vitamins E and C in the plasma. Impaired antioxidant defense and increased lipid peroxidation suggests that treatment with antioxidants (Vitamin E, Vitamin C, beta carotene) at the initial stages of illness may prevent further oxidative injury and deterioration of associated neurological deficits in Schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Vitamin A status was measured in 50 pre-school children with acute and persistent diarrhoea. It was measured by (a) Fluorometric micromethod and (b) Conjunctival impression cytology (CIC). The results were compared with 25 normal children. Vitamin A status was lower in children with persistent diarrhoea whereas the results were comparable between the children with acute diarrhoea and control subjects.  相似文献   

Aqueous and alcoholic extracts of amalki (Emblica officinalis), spirulina and wheatgrass were prepared and analyzed for antioxidant vitamin content (vitamin C and E), total phenolic compounds. Antioxidant status, reducing power and effect on glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity were evaluated in vitro. Vitamin C content of crude amalaki powder was found to be 5.38 mg/g, while very less amount 0.22 mg/g was detected in wheat grass. Amalki was rich in vitamin E like activity, total phenolic content, reducing power and antioxidant activity. Total antioxidant activity of aqueous extract of amalki, spirulina and wheat grass at 1mg/ml concentration were 7.78, 1.33 and 0.278 mmol/l respectively. At similar concentrations the total antioxidant activity of alcoholic extract of amalaki, spirulina and wheat grass was 6.67, 1.73 and 0.380 mmol/l respectively. Amalki was also found to be rich source of phenolic compounds (241mg/g gallic acid equivalent). Alcoholic extract of wheat grass showed 50 % inhibition in FeCl2- ascorbic acid induced lipid peroxidation of rat liver homogenates in vitro. Both aqueous and alcoholic extracts of amalaki inhibited activity of rat liver glutathione S-transferase (GST) in vitro in dose dependant manner. Since GST acts as powerful drug metabolizing enzyme its inhibition by amalaki offers possibility of its use for lowering therapeutic dose of herbal preparations. The aqueous extracts of both amalki and spirulina also showed protection against t-BOOH induced cytotoxicity and production of ROS in cultured C6 glial cells.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to find out the level of oxidative stress and effect of supplementation of vitamin C, D and Calcium on levels of SOD, serum and urinary fluoride in children residing in endemic fluorosis area. For this the fluoride belt of Jaipur district was selected. The parameters selected were Super oxide dismutase, serum fluoride and urinary fluoride. The study was conducted on one hundred children, selected from four areas (25 from each area) consuming water containing 1.2, 2.4, 5.6 and 13.6 mg/l of fluoride. Drinking water fluoride, serum and urinary fluoride were measured by Ion selective electrode method. Serum SOD by Xanthine oxidase method using kit of Ransod (kit cat. No. SD125). The post treatment values showed a significant reduction in serum fluoride and SOD. Urinary fluoride levels increased significantly in post treatment stage. The results revealed a normal SOD levels in all groups but an increasing trend was observed with increasing fluoride concentration. Treatment with Calcium, Vitamin D and Vitamin C showed a significant reduction in serum fluoride and SOD and increase in urinary fluoride. A high positive correlation between pretreatment and post treatment group was observed in serum fluoride, SOD and urinary fluoride (P < 0.05). The study indicated an increasing oxidative stress in cases of fluorosis with increasing drinking water fluoride concentration. Treatment with Calcium, Vitamin D and Vitamin C resulted a significant reduction in serum fluoride and SOD and increase in urinary fluoride.  相似文献   

Fish and fish oils are the richest sources of ω-3 fatty acids. However, they are susceptible to lipid peroxidation due to their high degree of unsaturation. In the present study, the level of thiobarbituric acid reactive material in various fish oils available in the market with and without added Vitamin E was determined. The peroxide levels in fish oil heated to food frying temperature of 180°C and the effect of addition of vitamin E has also been studied. The results indicate that the peroxide levels in almost all the products available in the market were abnormally high irrespective of their Vitamin E content. This might be due to the inefficient methods used for processing and storage of fish oils. Addition of vitamin E was found to have a significant effect in lowering the rate of peroxidation of fish oil during thermal stress, showing that association of antioxidants with ω-3 fatty acids lowers the rate of lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

In this paper, laser beam resonant interaction with pendant microdroplets that are seeded with a laser dye (Rhodamine 6G (Rh6G)) water solution or oily Vitamin A emulsion with Rhodamine 6G solution in water is investigated through fluorescence spectra analysis. The excitation is made with the second harmonic generated beam emitted by a pulsed Nd:YAG laser system at 532 nm. The pendant microdroplets containing emulsion exhibit an enhanced fluorescence signal. This effect can be explained as being due to the scattering of light by the sub-micrometric drops of oily Vitamin A in emulsion and by the spherical geometry of the pendant droplet. The droplet acts as an optical resonator amplifying the fluorescence signal with the possibility of producing lasing effect. Here, we also investigate how Rhodamine 6G concentration, pumping laser beam energies and number of pumping laser pulses influence the fluorescence behavior. The results can be useful in optical imaging, since they can lead to the use of smaller quantities of fluorescent dyes to obtain results with the same quality.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease, as the leading cause of patient death with chronic kidney disease, could be predicted by carotid atherosclerosis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate a possible relationship between serum soluble tumor necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (sTWEAK) and Vitamin D levels with mean right/left carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT), in the hemodialysis (HD) patients. In this cross-sectional study, serums were obtained from 50 stable chronic HD patients and 39 healthy controls. The serum levels of sTWEAK, Vitamin D, intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) in both groups, and cIMT were determined in HD patients by standard methods. Serum levels of sTWEAK were higher [808.8 (521.6–5032.4) pg/ml vs. 664.4 (487.4–2955.8) pg/ml (p = 0.006)] and Vitamin D levels were lower [13.4 (2.5–153) ng/ml vs. 27.8 (18.4–59.0) ng/ml (p = 0.001)] in the hemodialysis patients than in the healthy control. No important correlation was found between sTWEAK Vitamin D levels (r = 0.010/p = 0.946), and mean right(r = ?0.194/p = 0.178) and left (r = 0.061/p = 0.673) cIMT in the HD patients. Our study shows that sTWEAK levels are elevated in HD patients. This elevation has no association with the cIMT.  相似文献   

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