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打造航母巨舰,应对国际挑战。这几年我国广电系统在体制上正经历着一场巨大变革,而集团化正是这场变革的中心。特别在入世前后,改革的步伐日益加快,到今年下半年,随着地市台的职能转变完成后,全国大部分省市成立集团化的基础将基本具备。而到目前为止,中国广电集团已具雏形,此前,湖南、上海、浙江、山东等地的广电集团已挂牌成立,相信不久的将来,全国大部分省市会组建集团,甚至会出现区域性的广电集团。无疑,这个集团化的过程对旧有的广电资源是一次有  相似文献   

龚武彦 《新闻前哨》2009,(11):77-78
作为企业新闻媒体,必须为企业叉好又快发展提供强有力的舆论支撑和精神动力。然而,企业媒体新闻报道程式化、公文化、简报化、材料化等倾向较为严重,会议报道干瘪无味,人物报道人为拔高,专业报道晦涩难懂.新闻文本缺乏感染力、生动性等问题普遍存在.导致媒体达不到应有的传播效果。笔者认为,企业新闻媒体必须有效解决好“文以载道”的问题,  相似文献   

当前业务指导着重要处理好"三个关系". 一、要处理好有偿指导与无偿指导的关系.近年来,办公条件差,经费紧张等问题在档案部门显得尤为突出.  相似文献   

档案价值鉴定是档案工作中最重要和最困难的一项专业活动。由于参与档案价值鉴定的主体存在着心理、知识结构、分析问题能力高低等方面的差异,以及鉴定客体——档案价值呈现出多样性、相对性和潜在性等特点,所以在档案价值鉴定工作中,必须正确处理好各种关系。  相似文献   

争当名家应处理好几个关系吴咏林如今,在新闻界,争创佳作,争当名编辑、名记者。名评论员、名主持人,已成为一大批中青年编辑、记者追求的目标。要真正达到这一目标,必须经过脚踏实地、艰苦不懈的奋斗。要敢于奋斗,还要善于奋斗。要回答怎样才能做到善于奋斗这个问题...  相似文献   

以资源重组来实现出版规模的扩张和效益的增长,进而促进出版产业发展方式的转变,不仅是许多发达国家的成功经验,也是我国推动出版产业大发展、大繁荣的重要举措。虽然出版资源重组一个时期以来一直受到普遍重视,但无论是从实现出版资源的有效配置,还是从促进出版产业的战略发展来看,与新形  相似文献   

刘潇鸿 《新闻三昧》2008,(10):44-45
企业报与党报、地市报一样,是集政治性、思想性、新闻性、艺术性于一体的传播媒体,而要闻版是报纸的灵魂。企业报要闻版办得如何,直接关系到读者的阅读兴趣,进而直接影响到党和企业的方针、政策、路线能否得到有效地宣传和贯彻。笔者认为,要想办好企业报要闻版,应处理好导向性和可读性、宏观性和微观性、思想性和艺术性的关系,只有处理好了这几个关系,  相似文献   

编辑业绩评价应处理好几个关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张海潮  李丽菊 《中国编辑》2007,(2):73-75,96
什么是合格的编辑?如何保障优秀的编辑人才脱颖而出?这不仅要制定与时俱进、切实可行的评价标准,更需要以正确的人才培养观为指导,考评结合,既注重社会效益,也注重经济效益,确立科学的、完善的业绩评价体系。否则,标准与现实就会脱节,编辑实践就会出现偏离,编辑人才成长就会出现扭曲。在当前,特别要明确和处理好编辑业绩评价涉及的几个重要关系。  相似文献   

深度报道的本质特点,用《光明日报》记者樊云芳的话说是“上下几千年,纵横数万里。对事物作动态的透视,全方位的扫描。”它跨越较大的时空,借助思辨的力量。因此,处理好深与新、深与短、深与活、客观性与理性等关系,增强报道的时效性、可信性、可读性,是深度报道中有待探讨的问题。 1、深与新的关系。深度报道是一种跨时空、综合性、多笔法兼容的新闻,它的新闻味、时效性比较差,因而新与深很容易产生矛盾。二者如何统一呢?我认为可以通过这样两个途径来解决。一是通过抓问题来解决。因为任何事物从产生到发展都有一个渐进的过  相似文献   

文章探讨了大数据环境下,图书馆在人力资源建设、信息资源建设、信息服务、基础设施建设等方面面临的问题,并针对上述问题提出思考和建议,以期为图书馆的建设和发展提供理论参考.  相似文献   

王朝东 《出版经济》2001,(12):19-21
自1986年7月10日我国驻日内瓦代表向关贸总协定总干事正式提交中国政府复关申请照会起,到2001年11月10日在多哈举行的世贸组织第四届部长级会议上中国政府正式签署"入世"协议止,我们终于结束了长达15年之久的艰难、曲折、持久的谈判.在经历了跨世纪的坎坷与等待之后,中国如愿以偿地成为了WTO的第143个成员.毋庸讳言,"入世"对中国尤其是企业来说是机遇和挑战并存,关键在如何应对.  相似文献   

This study examines how healthcare communication professionals (HCPs) cope with workplace stress while working in an inherently stressful industry. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 HCPs (14 females, 3 males) from seven nonprofit and for-profit hospitals in the midwestern and eastern regions of the United States. Communication positions held by participants included marketing, media/community relations, public information, public relations, corporate communication, and social media. Interviews revealed HCPs use four strategies to cope with workplace stress: prioritizing, seeking colleague support, keeping perspective, and being active. HCPs primarily relied on employee-centered coping strategies, even though all sources of stress were organizationally-based (i.e., workload, lack of resources, client confidentiality). The majority of HCPs emphasized the benefits of using problem-centered (i.e., prioritizing) and emotion-centered (i.e., seeking colleague support) coping strategies. Although mentioned less often, HCPs utilized more avoidance-centered coping strategies (i.e., keeping perspective, being active). More importantly, they highlighted the benefits of using avoidance-centered strategies to help them mentally and physically disengage from workplace stress. Hospital administration should reassess if, and how, they help HCPs effectively cope with workplace stress (i.e., outlets, programs, professional development opportunities) in order to improve the well-being of HCPs and increase the likelihood of organizational success.  相似文献   

本文以品牌价值要素的构成为基本框架,主要从产品质量管理、客户关系管理和营销渠道建设三个方面,时国内几家主要广电媒体集团的电视购物业务品牌建设进行比较和分析,总结电视购物品牌建设的成功经验,并对国内广电媒体集团电视购物业务品牌建设提出一些建议.  相似文献   

The retrieval of documents that originate from digitized and OCR-converted paper documents is an important task for modern retrieval systems. The problems that OCR errors cause for the retrieval process have been subject to research for several years now. We approach the problem from a theoretical point of view and model OCR conversion as a random experiment. Our theoretical results, which are supported by experiments, show clearly that information retrieval can cope even with many errors. It is, however, important that the documents are not too short and that recognition errors are distributed appropriately among words and documents. These results disclose that an expensive manual or automatic post-processing of OCR-converted documents usually does not make sense, but that scanning and OCR must be performed in an appropriate way and with care.  相似文献   

The business reasons behind the decision to start the BBC television service in 1936 remain unclear despite the volume of literature on the subject. Additionally, controversy has persisted regarding foreign involvement in what has been considered a fully British system. What is apparent from the literature is an emphasis placed on the technical development, generally under-representing other aspects of television. A new multi-disciplinary approach is proposed and applied here to explore the circumstances around the emergence of the service, together with hitherto neglected industry aspects: the business and commercial issues relating to broadcaster and suppliers. This paper highlights the primacy of the BBC television service as providing the first instance of what became a common template for live television creation whilst illustrating, with new evidence, foreign influence on British engineering development for the BBC service.  相似文献   

蒋敏 《江西图书馆学刊》2007,37(3):49-50,110
分析了13位国际标准书号的结构及对图书情报机构的影响,提出了图书情报界应对国际标准书号升位的对策,并介绍了UNIMARC常设委员会修订010字段的最新动态.  相似文献   

一、新机遇带来新矛盾随着广电改革的深入,过去悬而未决的深层次问题显现,同时,伴随国家整体经济制度的变革,广电的制度环境也在发生变化。主管部门着力推进广电业的产业发展,设想“把电台、电视台、广电集团(总台)的除新闻宣传以外的社会服务类、大众娱乐  相似文献   

This article examines distributional effects of the Irish public service broadcaster, RTE. Conditional probabilities of usage of, satisfaction with, willingness to pay for, and perception of improvement of, RTE's broadcasting services are estimated and compared. The regressive structure of the license fee funding mechanism is shown to represent a transfer toward females, those living outside Dublin, and those aged 35+. However, there is little support for a policy change toward a less regressive structure.  相似文献   

数字多媒体广播(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting,简称DMB)是面向未来的新一代广播系统,它将数字化了的音频信号及各种数据业务信号,在数字状态下进行各种编码、调制、发送、传递和接收。多媒体数字广播除了传输演播室质量的声音信号以外,还能传输任何形式的数据业务信号,例如文字、图片、电视节目,交通旅游信息,实时股市信息以及接通互联网等,广播已经不再是无形的了。  相似文献   

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