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Summary This overview of the impact of cultural and social influences on career guidance has highlighted both commonalities and uniquenesses evident from contemporary reports on guidance practices around the world. Emphasis was placed on the critical importance of the socialization process on career development with a discussion of familial, social class, and sex-role stereotyping influences in many countries of the world. Recognition was also given to the impact of political ideologies on programs of career guidance, to the school as a reflection of dominant societal values, and to social change as a catalyst for career guidance programs.Prepared for the International Consultation Career Guidance in Higher Education 14–17 December 1981, Robinson College, Cambridge, U.K. Consultation sponsored by International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling in association with International Association of Universities.She has served as a member of the American Personnel and Guidance Association (APGA) International Relations Committee since 1976 and as chair of this committee from 1 July 1980 through 30 June 1982.  相似文献   

This paper presents a report on the development of career guidance and counseling services in Taiwan, Republic of China. Based on extensive interviews in 1983 and 1987 with leaders in public and private education, government agencies, and faculty and students in junior colleges and universities, the services currently provided are described as they interface with the educational system. Certain issues emerged from the research which may affect the further development of counseling services in Taiwan; guidelines are offered for addressing these. The issues discussed are: the stigma against counseling; the general resistance to change and the traditionalism of the educational system; the potential conflict between serving national labor needs and developing individual human potential; the stress produced by the educational system itself; the traditional emphasis on testing in schools and colleges; the need to professionalize counselors; and the judicious integration of western perspectives into an indigenous Chinese philosophy of counseling and guidance.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,对职业指导课程教学中案例的使用情况、案例的质量、案例的呈现方式进行分析。在此基础上对大学生职业指导课程案例库的建设提出以质量为核心,夯实案例库的实用性;以形式为平台,丰富案例库的多样性;以结构为线索,增强案例库的应用性的建设意见。  相似文献   

职业指导是当今社会对教育赋予的使命,创业教育是社会发展对教育提出的新的教育要求,创业教育将是职业指导的重要内容。中国社会发展需要创新型人才,我国现阶段创业教育应突出强调转变学生的就业观念,提高学生的创业意识。增强学生的创业能力,鼓励毕业生自主创业,坚持多数人走先就业后创业之路。  相似文献   

Conclusion To summarize, the techniques provided were intended to serve as a springboard for career counselors to employ creative strategies in their work. There also are important individual difference variables in career counselors that would make some of these techniques more desirable than others. It seems critical to explore different ways of being creative in our work in order to ensure that students develop an interest in vocational counseling and clients receive excellent services.As surveys of counselors as well as clients continue to show a dissatisfaction with career counseling it seems imperative that we investigate dynamic new ways of helping our clients think about their life/ career planning. As we model creativity in our own lives and practice, our clients will vicariously experience people who are truly excited about their occupational employment. This alone may assist career clients in achieving their dreams and maximizing their creative potentials.  相似文献   

In 2007 the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) launched the Educational and Vocational Guidance Practitioner credential (EVGP) as one means of formally acknowledging the knowledge, skills, and personal attributes that practitioners need in order to provide quality career development services to clients. This paper describes the foundational background to this initiative and some of the implications for training career practitioners and delivering career services.  相似文献   

面对严峻的就业形势,高校大学生的就业指导工作已经面临着新的形势,传统的工作方式也已经不能适应新时期大学生择业的要求。本文从职业生涯规划的意义出发,对高校大学生择业就业部分环节进行指导。高校应该抓住机遇,迎接挑战,做好大学生职业生涯规划,并将其贯穿于学生学习和就业的全过程,作为高校就业指导工作的关健工作,以提升学生就业的科学性和实效性。  相似文献   

Little is known about the origins of anxiety manifested in the career counseling process. Through a case illustration, this article highlights the appropriateness of using functional family therapy (FFT) principles in career counseling sessions to assess the family dynamics involved in this issue. The discussion emphasizes seven suggestions: (1) this anxiety is not necessarily easily recognizable and (2) is not limited to the career choice; this anxiety may be related to (3) separation anxiety, (4) parenting, (5) antecedent of family traumatic event, or (6) paradoxical injunctions; and (7) this anxiety can be treated through autonomy support.  相似文献   

生涯自我效能是个体对自身有关生涯能力的认知判断,具有动机性作用,对个体一系列的生涯活动发挥着强有力的影响。生涯自我效能的形成和发展有其信息源,有关研究揭示了影响生涯自我效能形成和发展的有关因素。据此可以对个体的生涯自我效能进行干预,帮助个体改善其效能感。  相似文献   

大学阶段是生涯设计的最重要时期,只有提早开始行动,做好就业心理、知识能力等各方面的准备,才能在事业上有所成就。将职业生涯设计指导寓于班级管理之中,班主任的工作可在不同的学习阶段有所侧重:低年级为适应期,要求学生初步了解职业,注重培养学生的职业兴趣;二年级为定向期,应要求学生考虑清楚毕业后是继续深造还是就业,同时注重培养学生的职业能力;毕业年级为冲刺、分化期,注重培养学生的就业能力。  相似文献   

目前国内高等教育的发展趋势逐渐大众化,高校的扩招导致大学生数量逐年递增,高校毕业生面临的就业压力也越来越大。解决这一问题的根本在于让大学生提早认清外部环境,树立正确的就业职业观,提高自身素质与能力。因此,职业辅导在促进大学生就业工作中显得极为重要,本文主要探讨职业辅导的必要性、目前职业辅导存在的问题及如何更好地开展高校职业辅导的问题,让大学生更好地就业、择业。  相似文献   

生涯辅导理念在中国发展的本土化问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“生涯辅导”的理念源自美国,它有其适存的西方土壤,包括:自由的市场经济条件下的人才流动机制与社会保障机制;发达的经济支持下的完善的职业教育、就业指导体系以及“个人主义”和“实用主义”两大价值体系。为此,在“生涯辅导”本土化的过程中,我们应当注意引导中国人重新认识个人的价值,树立“生涯规划”的主体意识,同时建立并完善就业与教育体制,创造“生涯发展”的公平环境,并应发扬中华的优良传统,树立“生涯辅导”的本国特色。  相似文献   

随着后工业化的推进,国际移民日益增多。人口迁移成了一个备受关注的全球化问题。由于生涯辅导的大部分理论都是基于美国社会的文化发展而来的,因此国际化人口移动带来的文化多样性,对生涯咨询师提出了新的挑战。面对这些挑战,多元文化的咨询理论为生涯咨询师的咨询带来了新的曙光。社会认知生涯理论,种族/性别生态模式、系统理论框架以及明尼苏达工作适应理论都为移民的生涯发展提供了依据。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市教育厅(教委),计划单列市教育局,新疆生产建设兵团教委,有关部门(单位)教育司(局): 近年来。一些地方陆续在职业技术学校开展了职业指导工作,取得一定成效,受到普遍欢迎。职业技术学校开展职业指导工作.既是中等职业教育改革和发展的需要。也是经济社会发展对全面提高职业技术学校学生素质的客观要求。《国务院关于大力推进职业教育改革与发展的决定》(以下简称《决定》)明确指出:“职业学校要加强职业指导工作,开展  相似文献   

德国大学生的就业指导和实习管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
德国是科研型大学的创始者,但是德国大学在注重培养学生科研能力的同时,也非常注重学生的应用能力。因此形成了一套切实有效的实习管理方法和制度,使学生在校期间就能有机会广泛地接触社会、理论应用于实践。不仅提高了教学质量,也提升了学生的就业能力。  相似文献   

Since 1993, under pressure from the central government, asignificant part of the career guidance services in TheNetherlands has been marketised (i.e., has become a commercialisedbusiness). It is expected that such an operation will positivelyinfluence both the quality and quantity of the services provided.In this contribution will be examined whether this expectationhas been met or not. Have career guidance services becomeavailable to a greater number of people and has the quality ofthe services improved? The conclusion is that availability hasindeed increased but not as a consequence of marketisation andonly for those who can afford it financially. The quality of theservices is certainly not higher and may even be lower.  相似文献   

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