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This study examined how the academic aspirations of Asian Pacific Americans (APAs) attending community colleges are influenced by their demographic and educational background, reasons for attending, and obstacles they expect to encounter. The sample consisted of 846 APAs out of a total student sample of 5,000 in an urban community college district. The analyses compared results for ethnic groups within the APA community as well as APAs with other racial groups. The key finding—that APA community college students often consist of recent immigrants—should lead institutional researchers to collect data on their numbers, characteristics, and needs.  相似文献   

The authors investigated ethnicity, self‐construal, and distress among African American and Asian American college students. African American students expressed more salient independent self‐construals, whereas Asian American students expressed more salient interdependent self‐construals. As hypothesized, among African American participants, distress was positively related to interdependent self‐construal and negatively associated with independent self‐construal. Contrary to prediction, the same pattern was found for Asian American participants. Multicultural clinical practice implications are presented.  相似文献   

The author discusses an outreach framework focused on retaining nontraditional students at small open‐admissions institutions. By using both campus and community resources, this approach integrates social work and counseling disciplines in an attempt to meet the needs of this population more effectively. Components of the program, implementation strategies, and limitations are also delineated.  相似文献   

Partnerships between informal learning environments and schools have been cited as an innovative, effective way for museums, galleries and schools to work together to enrich classroom curricula, support student success, and facilitate the utilisation of available community museum and cultural resources. This article reports on findings from a multi‐year, exploratory arts outreach programme for 31 elementary and secondary visual art educators from a rural school district in the American South. The outreach programme was conceived in partnership with faculty from the neighbouring university's art department, school of education and university art gallery. Utilising a partnership framework, the travelling exhibit was developed through a collaborative research relationship with the participating visual art educators. Findings from this programme indicate that travelling exhibits can be an effective mode of programme delivery for informal learning environments while also supporting the content needs for classroom arts educators if the programme stresses transformative partnerships across all invested parties.  相似文献   

以280名高职生为样本,采用问卷调查法,考察高职生获得支持与提供支持的关系和相互作用,结果发现,高职生在获得支持与提供支持之间表现为失衡关系且提供支持大于获得支持;二者的平衡性在不同的社会关系中和支持类型上存在显著差异,说明社会关系和支持类型是平衡性的相关影响因素;恩惠感和欠负感是获得支持作用于提供支持的影响因素,而代价损耗是提供支持作用于获得支持的影响因素。因此,要根据高职生社会支持的特点以及他们的需要为该群体提供更多的社会支持。  相似文献   

根据我院实践情况和大学生的个性特点,在体育与健康课程中,分组选项教学理念与传统教学理念进行比较研究。本文以大学生对体育与健康知识认识,身体素质,最基本技能,拓展与创新分组,分层选项和独立开展活动的理念,在不同班级分成不同的教学小组,进行选择性教学,让学生自我选择运动项目,自我设计完成每次课所设定的运动目标,在各位教师指导下,共同参与,激发学生团队合作精神,组织能力和自我锻炼意识。  相似文献   

This study explored the sources of social support and self‐efficacy for college students 25 years and older (adult students), using a cross‐sectional mixed method approach. Differences in academic self‐efficacy were found between adult students nearing graduation and those at the beginning of their educational pursuits. Graduating adult students received less family support than did entry‐level adult students. Results suggested the need for counselors to bolster adult students' abilities to seek support.  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,终身学习观念已经形成,远程开放教育呈发展趋势,高校图书馆要从改变服务理念着手,提高远程开放教育读者的信息素质,整合各种资源,运用更好的读者服务模式,为远程开放教育做好支持服务。  相似文献   

Analyzed were the sexual and reproductive health behaviors of Asian Pacific Islander (API) California community college students who took the National College Health Assessment (NCHA) survey. This was done to identify characteristics related to sexual behavior and choice of birth control and examine the association between condom use and history of HIV testing. A total of 769 API heterosexual, male and female students between ages 18–24 were included in the analysis. Chi-square analyses were conducted to determine whether there was an association between condom use and history of HIV testing. API students reported few sexual partners (41% with no partner, and 49% with 1 or 2 partners), and preferred condoms (53.0%) for birth control over hormonal methods (29.3%). One-fifth of API students have used emergency contraception, and 21.7% have had an HIV test. API students had more conservative sexual practices and lower HIV testing practices than community college students in general. More culturally tailored education is needed on contraceptive options and to increase HIV testing behaviors among APIs.  相似文献   

This article examines social justice in teaching and teacher education with a focus on the experiences, pedagogies, and instructional practices of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) teachers. We synthesized 37 peer-reviewed research publications on AAPI teachers’ experiences and contributions to diversity and social justice. The results show AAPI teachers disrupting Whiteness through beliefs, pedagogies, and practices that value multiple perspectives and marginalized voices. Policy implications include supporting cultural and linguistic diversity in teacher education programs and schools and providing opportunities for teachers to engage in critical praxis regarding their racial identities and issues of equity in education.  相似文献   

This study examined cross‐ethnic friendship choices and intergroup attitudes in a sample of 762 sixth‐grade Asian American students (Mage = 11.5 years) attending 1 of 19 middle schools that varied in ethnic composition. Multiple measures of friendship (quantity and quality) and intergroup attitudes (affective, cognitive, behavioral) toward White, Latino, and Black grademates were assessed. The results showed that Asian American students overnominated White students and undernominated Latino and Black students as their friends when school availability of each ethnic group was accounted for. Cross‐ethnic friendships were related to better intergroup attitudes, especially the behavioral dimension of attitudes. Cross‐ethnic friendships were least likely to change attitudes toward Blacks. Implications for future research, educational practice, and attitude intervention programs were discussed.  相似文献   

指出了当前帮困助学工作存在的问题,从立法、资金来源、信息管理等方面分析了其原因,并从工作形式和工作内容上探讨了高校帮困助学工作发展的几点对策。  相似文献   

This study examined cross‐cultural differences in depression expression and help‐seeking behavior among college students in the United States and Korea. Results indicated that the Korean students showed more somatization tendency, negative affect, and negative help‐seeking behavior. Negative help‐seeking behavior of Korean students was shown to relate to somatization. Counseling implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents a systematic review of the literature for studies that utilized computer‐based graphic organizers for students with learning disabilities. A comprehensive search yielded 12 studies that were coded and analyzed. The authors investigated the effectiveness of the treatments on academic outcomes, and selected integral instructional and methodological features for evaluation in order to delineate practical implications and prioritize future research. Findings revealed high effect sizes on social studies measures and encouraging results for written expression, while comprehension results were less promising. This review found no evidence suggesting that these treatments were efficacious without the use of explicit instruction and guided practice.  相似文献   

A university counseling center engaged a therapy dog program for an outreach activity to reduce stress as students prepare for final exams at a large culturally diverse university. This article describes the rationale, planning, and implementation of the activity; presents an evaluation summary; and provides recommendations and implications for counselors interested in using a similar activity. A large and diverse student population attended the activity and gave primarily positive feedback for this low‐cost group activity.  相似文献   

Students with learning disabilities (LD) experience pervasive academic deficits requiring extensive academic intervention; however, they may also engage in problem behaviors that adversely affect teaching and learning, thus lessening the potential impact of specialized instruction and supports. The learning deficits of students with LD are prevalent in the extant research, but behavioral needs appear to receive less attention. The authors report the results of a systematic review investigating the evidence‐base for function‐based interventions for students with LD using the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) criteria for evaluating single‐case studies. Fourteen studies with 17 participants met inclusion criteria, with the majority occurring in elementary settings. Although interventions tended to be effective, few included maintenance and generalization measures. Because of the small number of studies (n = 4) that met WWC design and effectiveness standards, the authors conclude that function‐based interventions, although promising, cannot currently be considered an evidence‐based practice for students with LD. Implications for practice, areas for future research, and study limitations are reported.  相似文献   

This article examined the various ethnic identities of Cambodian students, a group often perceived by the larger society through the lens of the model minority stereotype but often endure low expectations from teachers and counselors in their local high schools. Our findings suggested that a Cambodian identity was often considered a stigmatized label and students identified as Cambodian were essentialized into the discourse of urban low achieving and culturally deficient minority students. Cambodian students’ identities in the less selective academic programs were often quite visible to teachers. This characterization was often coupled with a panethnic representation of Asian American students in selective programs who were considered motivated and supported by advantageous home and cultural values. In these contexts, teachers preferred to discuss Cambodian students in panethnic terms, ignoring students’ ethnic backgrounds, described their Cambodian students as part of their “bright Asian students” group. Overall, this study extends other works on Asian American ethnicity and panethnicity by focusing on the conflicting identities that affect the schooling of Cambodian students. These analyses complicate further the static notion of Asian American students as model minorities by emphasizing the fluid, problematic, and contextually-based nature of the construct.  相似文献   

This study of diverse Asian American students at a racially integrated public high school illustrates that the achievement gap is a multi-racial problem that cannot be well understood solely in terms of the trajectories of Black and white students. Asian American students demonstrated a high academic profile on average, but faced difficulties and failure in ways rendered invisible by widespread acceptance of the “Model Minority Myth,” which says that Asians comprise the racial minority group that has “made it” in America through hard work and education, and therefore serve as a model for other racial minorities to follow. Findings point to policy implications for teachers, counselors, school staff, social services and government.  相似文献   

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