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"荒凉病"是《艾约堡秘史》中一个重要的隐喻。"患病"的淳于宝册在迷惘和苦闷中前进,一边残忍,一边忏悔,呈现出改革催生的暴富一族共同的历史性精神病症。向来立场鲜明的张炜面对这样一个改革者,态度从"矛盾"走向"批判"。但事实上,这是一种文学家的"误诊"——淳于宝册"荒"而不"凉",跟张炜之前小说中的一系列"守护者"一样都是典型的"热病"患者,是他所处时代的"西西弗斯"。  相似文献   

《艾约堡秘史》是一部充满"荒凉"意识的小说。小说以人物身体与心灵的双重患病为焦点,探析物质财富占有后,精神情感世界的走向归属。为了治愈"荒凉",主人公淳于宝册试图在情感世界寻找良方,以诗意的文学想象放逐荒凉,渴望精神世界的自我痊愈。在经过反复的自我审视、怀疑、忏悔后,最终以积极"融入大地"的姿态和"道德确认"的深思完成了自我救赎。  相似文献   

李晓娜 《文教资料》2013,(14):17-18
美国现代小说在整体上表现出关注灵魂"救赎"的特质,在意识本质上具有对人类生存困境和人类生存苦恼的疑问与反思。美国文学和文化传统中最重要的价值观是基督教伦理精神,揭示人类的普遍罪性及对这罪性的悲悯与救赎。美国现代小说折射的"救赎"渴望与努力主要体现在三个方面:"失败者"的焦虑、"反荒诞"英雄的塑造、对"酒神"的寻找和内心膜拜。  相似文献   

黄训华 《文教资料》2007,(34):120-122
苏童是追求独特小说写作风格的当代作家之一。他的"红粉系列"小说通过人生寂寞和女性生存境遇的荒凉描写,表现了小说荒凉的主题世界。而荒凉的象征意象和荒凉的人物情感,又为荒凉的主题的围构提供支撑。  相似文献   

张爱玲在她的小说中塑造了一批身份特殊的"留洋者",他们代表了西方现代文明与中国传统文化的决裂,以拯救者的姿态给女性带来了新的生机与希望,但由于多种合力因素的影响,他们同样成为特定时代的牺牲品。动荡的社会现实和畸形的家庭环境是张爱玲塑造这批"留洋者"的原因,她企盼以西方现代文明来批判僵化的中国传统文化,为人类寻求解放的新途径。从这点而言,张爱玲无疑继承了鲁迅批判国民性的"五四"文学精神。  相似文献   

"世纪病"是十九世纪欧洲文学特有的一种文学现象,十九世纪"世纪病"患者主要有"世纪儿"、"拜伦式英雄"和"多余人"。"世纪病"患者虽然产生于不同的时代和不同的国度,生长于不同的社会环境,出自不同的作家,经历性格各异,但却有着似曾相识的精神气质和行为特征,存在着千丝万缕的血缘关系。"世纪病"患者的精神土壤就是十九世纪上半叶欧洲特有的社会现实和时代风气,他们表达了十九世纪进步贵族知识青年的心声。  相似文献   

柔石小说的语调一贯比较沉重,《希望》《会合》两篇却显得比较另类,在此柔石运用喜剧化的讽刺艺术,对婚姻与革命给予了批判性反思。这两篇小说反映出柔石与鲁迅在思想上的链接。柔石的小说在某种程度上承续了鲁迅的思路,以执着于真实的怀疑精神,在启蒙的立场上继续关注着"新"与"旧"的悖谬问题,喜剧性的叙述笔调使这两篇小说具有鲜明的反讽色彩。  相似文献   

柔石小说的语调一贯比较沉重,《希望》《会合》两篇却显得比较另类,在此柔石运用喜剧化的讽刺艺术,对婚姻与革命给予了批判性反思。这两篇小说反映出柔石与鲁迅在思想上的链接。柔石的小说在某种程度上承续了鲁迅的思路,以执着于真实的怀疑精神,在启蒙的立场上继续关注着"新"与"旧"的悖谬问题,喜剧性的叙述笔调使这两篇小说具有鲜明的反讽色彩。  相似文献   

日本近代著名作家夏目漱石的散文体小说《草枕》,被誉为是一部"以美为生命"的小说,集中表现了作者"非人情"的美学理念;而"媚俗"则是作家米兰·昆德拉在其小说《不能承受的生命之轻》中反复叙述的关键词。本文试图将"非人情"与"媚俗观"的美学内涵进行比较,深入分析二者的对立与矛盾特性,并探究二者在人类境况中存在的必然。  相似文献   

在20世纪"新时期"女性文学创作队伍的作家群里,被称为"双峰"作家之一的谌容的小说,以其独特的艺术手法给我国文坛带来了审美的愉悦,并以其讽刺的艺术力量给读者以无限的想象空间。  相似文献   

人文主义是文艺复兴时期的显著特征之一.文艺复兴是欧洲新兴资产阶级在思想文化领域里对黑暗的中世纪进行的公开宣战.通过分析意大利杰出的人文主义作家乔凡尼·薄伽丘的代表作<十日谈>来探讨文艺复兴时期的人文主义思想.  相似文献   

Children's Literature in Education - The framework of visual grammar (Kress and van Leeuwen, 2006, via Serafini, 2014) is used to examine the artwork of Laurie Halse Anderson and Emily...  相似文献   

This paper examines appointment procedures and selection criteria for the position of vice-chancellor in eight of Australia's nineteen universities which advertised a vacancy during 1984 and 1985. Among issues analysed are: advertisement formalities; information provisions; and selection processes and criteria including initial action taken, composition of selection committees, identification of selection criteria and selection processes employed. Ways of imprroving subsequent appointment procedures and of ensuring legitimacy for appointees are discussed.  相似文献   

班主任工作是一个非常快乐而辛苦的工作,如何让自己的工作轻松,孩子们又快乐。在工作中我一切依靠学生,充分相信学生,高度尊重学生,把管理的权力全部交还给学生,让学生在管中学,管中乐。让我们一起来感受班级管理中的点滴,用爱心去实现心灵的教育目标。  相似文献   

The Formation of Identity: The importance of ideals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the formation and composition of what might be termed personal identity a key but often neglected aspect is ideal identity. While comprising aspirations rather than realities, it makes a major contribution to the definition of self-identity. It does this as a result of: (a) clarifying what kind of person the individual wishes to be; and (b) an interrogation of how she sets about achieving her ideal identity, intimating what kind of person she is at a particular moment by virtue of the way in which she strives to achieve her ideal. The article argues for a re-appraisal of the notion of ideals in education and for its reinstatement as a significant feature of education. Indeed, we argue, children cannot avoid ideals--they are presented to them everyday from a wide variety of sources. But these sources or the ideals that they promote are not necessarily good for the child's well-being or for her fellow citizens. Consequently, teachers as moral agents have an important role in assisting children to acquire ideals that do meet such a criterion of goodness in addition to helping them reflect critically on the range of ideals they may encounter in their communities and society.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The plans of the New Universities for the Humanities had little in common: indeed Warwick was distinguished by having no plan at all, only a very few general guidelines. The success of developments in the Humanities at Warwick and the other New Universities is adumbrated, and it is pointed out that this could not have been due to any prior blueprints. Rather, the open and liberal atmosphere of their foundation and the commitment to that attitude of their founding staff is claimed to be the explanation. While today the circumstances of their foundation could not be reproduced, in spite of present difficulties the distinctive and still vital spirit of the New Universities should be cherished.  相似文献   

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