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The study investigates relationships among pupil reading behaviors and teacher responses with a sample of 106 primary grade readers. With student background traits such as sex and prior reading achievement controlled, seven different reading behaviors and pupil responses accounted for significant increases in the prediction of teacher behaviors. Pupil reading behaviors had the greatest effect on teacher corrections and word pronunciations. Conversely, pupil background factors had the greatest association with the length of reading assigned and the numbers of grapho- phonemic and prereading cues teachers provided. In view of the findings, the authors suggest that future study of classroom interaction examine the notion that teacher expectations may be at least partially due to then- responses to specific aspects of pupil behavior.  相似文献   

To be effective, thinking skills interventions are likely to require specific fine-grain changes in the quantity and quality of teacher–pupil and pupil–pupil dialogue in the classroom, but these are difficult to establish. This study investigated the effects of collaborative philosophical enquiry over time on quantity and quality of interactive dialogue in 180 children aged 10 in 4 intervention and 2 comparison primary (elementary) mainstream classes in 6 schools in Scotland. Participating teachers received initial and follow-up professional development. Matched comparison classes received regular teaching. Video recordings of teacher-led and pupil–pupil classroom discussions before, and 7 months into, participation in the programme were analyzed. These were related to a theoretical model of the process. Changes in intervention classes included increased use of open-ended questions by the teacher, increased participation of pupils in classroom dialogue, and improved pupil reasoning in justification of opinions. There were no changes in comparison classes. Variation in degree of change between intervention schools was evident. Implications for future research, policy and practice are outlined, particularly for enhancing consistency and expanding the programme.  相似文献   

A major concern of many beginning and experienced teachers is that of classroom management and control. This article describes recent research into defining classroom management procedures that are used by high school science teachers and their relationship to pupil ontaskness. The classroom is conceptualized as a manipulable behavioral system. This construct arises directly from Barker's (1968) ecological psychology, the classroom and its occupants being conceptualized as a behavior setting. The behaviors of the teacher and the pupils are an integral part of the unit (behavior setting), which in turn coerces certain behaviors from its participants. Thus settings, and, in particular, subsettings, are seen as more important determiners of social behavior than the personality of individual teacher or pupil. The methodology employed in this research has involved the extensive use of video in naturalistic science classrooms. Tapes of both teacher and pupil behaviors were continuously and independently recorded. Intensive analysis using electronic recording instruments interfaced with the computer has allowed the collection and sophisticated analysis of the observational data. Data relating to teacher management behavior in small group settings have been analyzed and the relationships to pupil task involvement have been explored.  相似文献   


The classes of 23 teachers were observed on three different class meetings and the pupil-on-task-performance was recorded for each student. The I. Q. of each student was measured by the California Short-form Test of Mental Maturity. The achievement of each student on the unit being taught was measured by teacher-made tests. A partial correlation, for each class, between pupil-on-task-performance and pupil achievement, partialiing out pupil intelligence, was computed. In those classes where the partial correlation was significant (.05 level or less), the specific teacher behaviors were found to be different from the teachers' behaviors where partial correlations were not significant.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine changes in kindergartners' perceptions of competence and to determine the effects of teachers' verbal behaviors on these perceptions. A sample of 168 kindergartners from 31 classrooms participated in a pre- and posttest administration of the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance and three classroom observations. Kindergartners in this study generally reported high perceptions of competence. The drop in perceptions documented in previous research was not found in this study, suggesting that the developmental change occurs after kindergarten. A modest significant correlation between perceptions of competence and both academic skills and teacher ratings indicated that children were developing more accurate judgements. Teachers' verbal behaviors were not related to students' perceptions of competence. In contrast, the amount of praise that students received was related to the instructional style of the teacher and the frequency in which students were criticized was related to their academic skills. Implications for educational practice are discussed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   


Elementary school teachers (N= 260)employed by a suburban St. Louis school district responded to the Pupil Control Ideology Form (PCI). Twenty teachers were selected to comprise two experimental groups. Groups were determined by high and low scores on the PCI. The investigation was undertaken to determine if the pupil control ideology of teachers differentially affects their operational behavior in the classroom. There was no significant difference among the proportions of indirect verbal behavior, direct verbal behavior, or student verbal behavior. However, the humanistic and custodial Ss differed in the frequency of use of verbal behaviors categorized as (1) accepting and developing student ideas (3-3 cell); (2) lecturing, giving facts or opinions (5-5 cell); and (3) student initiated verbal behaviors (9-9 cell). In each case, the humanistic group utilized significantly more verbal behaviors classified as indirect than did the custodial group.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to investigate the impact of formal teacher competence on pupils' reading achievement. The data comes from the Swedish participation in PIRLS 2001 in grade 3. Information was obtained from pupils (n = 5271) and teachers (n = 351). The analyses were conducted using 2-level structural equation modeling. Teacher competence was operationalized with multiple observed indicators and defined as a latent variable. Two measures of achievement were used: PIRLS 2001 reading test results and teacher judgement of pupil performance in the Swedish language. The results reveal that teacher competence was positively and similarly related to both achievement measures. No selection effects in terms of pupil socioeconomic status were found. The current study provides evidence for a strong impact of teacher competence on pupil reading achievement.  相似文献   

本研究通过对411名高中生进行了团体问卷调查,探讨了各类教师课堂教学行为对学生课堂参与行为的影响。结果发现:①教师的积极教学行为对学生课堂参与有显著的预测作用,其中教学技能、支持帮助维度预测力最大;②教师教学行为对不同学习效能感水平学生的课堂参与作用不同。低效能感学生的课堂参与受教师的消极教学行为尤其是不公平行为的负性影响更多,受教师积极教学行为的积极影响较少。  相似文献   

The study compared selected teacher beliefs and verbal behaviors among secondary science and mathematics teachers. Teacher beliefs included teacher responsibility for student success and failure. These beliefs were measured by the Responsibility for Student Achievement (RSA) Questionnaire which has the locus of control construct as a theoretical basis. Teacher verbal behavior included (1) indirect and (2) direct behaviors and (3) praise and (4) criticism. These behaviors were measured with the Reciprocal Category System (RCS) which is consistent with the methodology of interaction analysis. Comparisons were made on the basis of the following teacher classifications: (1) science/mathematics, (2) junior high/senior high, and (3) teachers of advanced classes/basic classes. Teacher beliefs were not significantly different except for the advanced/basic comparisons. These comparisons produced significant differences in both teacher beliefs and behaviors. Teachers of basic students assumed more responsibility for student success, less responsibility for failure, and were more direct in verbal behavior. In gender comparisons, female teachers were significantly higher in incidences of indirect behavior and combined indirect-direct behavior. These findings suggest that further study of “self-fulfilling prophecy” in terms of these variables may be fruitful. Also, verbal behavior may sometimes be inadequately represented by the common practice of using ratios.  相似文献   


This study was an effort to determine the influence of teacher verbal behavior upon the language skill development and attitudes of below-average achievers. Elementary students identified as achieving two or more grades below their normal level were administered the Metropolitan Achievement Test and the Pupil Attitude Inventory. The students were grouped according to the type of verbal behavior their teacher manifested. Analysis of covariance was used, covarying on pre-achievement, to test the hypothesis that students taught by indirect teacher behaviors had greater language skill development and more positive attitudes than those taught by direct teacher behaviors. The results of this study confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Using the psychological framework of rational-emotive behaviour therapy, the principal aim of this study was to establish whether irrational beliefs, self-efficacy or pupil behaviour predicted teacher reports of stress. A secondary aim was to establish whether these variables, in addition to teachers’ verbal feedback to pupils in class, predicted on-task pupil behaviour. Participants consisted of 58 teachers from five secondary schools, who completed three self-report questionnaires examining teacher stress, self-efficacy and irrational beliefs. In addition, both teachers and pupils were systematically observed in class using a structured schedule. The results indicated that high self-reported irrational beliefs and low self-efficacy predicted high levels of teacher stress. In addition, high self-efficacy and low levels of negative comments directed at pupils’ social behaviour and academic work in the classroom predicted high levels of on-task pupil behaviour. The implications for supporting teachers in these areas are discussed.  相似文献   

To determine relationships between key variables in a teacher training program, twenty-one trainees were randomly assigned to criterion-referenced and control treatment groups. Criterion-referenced trainees received 126 hours of instruction in a model where the focus was on achieving intended behavioral objectives with pupils. Trainees were administered a written checkup to determine verbal mastery of criterion-referenced instruction and were rated by observers for effective use of the model in practice sessions. Each trainee was also required to teach an identical resource unit to randomly assigned pupils to measure their ability to achieve objectives. The only significant relationship obtained was between effective practice and pupil achievement (.58, p<.05).  相似文献   

The primary aim of this study was to investigate whether and, if so, how formal teacher competence relates to the relationship between pupil reading achievement and teachers judgements’ of pupils’ reading achievement. The data come from the Swedish participation in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2001 in Grade 3. Information was obtained from pupils (N = 5271) and teachers (N = 351). Analyses were conducted using multilevel structural equation modeling (SEM) with random slopes. Teacher competence was operationalized using multiple observed indicators and defined as a latent variable. A higher correspondence between teacher judgements and pupil reading achievement for teachers with higher competence was found. The results highlight the importance of teacher competence in assessment practice.  相似文献   

Structural equation modelling was used in this study to examine interrelationships among change management functions, teacher orientations and implementation of cooperative learning which were assessed in terms of four latent variables based on teacher self‐reports of knowledge, perceived benefits, amount of professional development and frequency of use. After preliminary modifications, the final structural model suggested four major influences on implementation. First, lower levels of pupil control ideology of the teacher lead to more self‐reported knowledge of cooperative learning methods. Pupil control ideology is a measure of how school personnel view their students with regard to control. The higher the pupil control ideology, the more controlled the classroom. Second, higher levels of shared vision and lower levels of pupil control ideology lead to stronger teacher perceptions of the benefits of using cooperative learning. Third, higher levels of principal and resource support —but lower levels of teacher participation in decision making—lead to more professional development experiences.  相似文献   

Ten teachers in infant schools and 10 teachers in junior schools had their teaching recorded while their classes were being observed. Subsequently, an analysis was made of the teachers' use of approval and disapproval in relation to pupil on-task behaviour. For both types of school, there was a positive trend between teacher approval and pupil on-task behaviour. However, only the infant school trend was statistically significant. For both types of school, there was an almost zero correlation between teacher disapproval and pupil on-task behaviour. Scattergram analysis indicated a curvilinear relationship between teacher disapproval and pupil on-task behaviour in both infant and junior schools.  相似文献   

The article draws on body pedagogics and considers that teaching and learning experiences and outcomes are directly related to the different characteristics of movement behaviour. In this article movement behaviour specifically centres on a sloyd (handicraft education) teacher’s walk through the classroom. The analysis illuminate the specific teaching use of the body as a spatial, temporal and situational movement rhythm in the classroom and how teachers and pupils tune into educational discourses by means of different body techniques. A wireless GoPro camera was attached to the teacher’s chest in order to gain detailed view of pupil–teacher–body–material–tool encounters and a specific visual perspective of the sloyd teacher’s walk. During a 2.5 years fieldwork, 25 wood–metal sloyd lessons were observed and recorded (circa 50 h of video). The study is informed by Dewey’s embodied theory of learning and focus the alternation between active and passive phases in the stream of experience. From such Deweyan perspective the rhythm of an activity for organising experience, is fundamental to the creation of intelligent moving habits. The results show the body pedagogic experiences, outcomes and means by highlighting the teacher’s (a) spatial path by describing mutual relationships between the material arrangement of the classroom, the teacher’s bodily movements and the pupils’ participation in the lesson, (b) temporal pace by his ‘flights and perchings’ through the lessons and how he moves from pupil to pupil and assignment to assignment, (c) specific pacts by describing body techniques and situated teacher–pupil encounters that terminate in an agreement about how to proceed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the role of pupil voice as a trigger for teacher learning and for improving teaching quality. This is investigated in the context of Lesson Study (LS), a professional development model that can incorporate pupil voice into teachers’ collaborative reflections on lessons. Data are from two LS groups of mathematics teachers in London (one primary and one secondary school). Video-recorded pupil interviews and teacher discussions were transcribed. Episodes of teacher discussions were coded for reference to pupil input and subsequent impact on future plans. Qualitative analysis of discussions examined whether some pupils’ input was favoured over others’. Results are significant in pointing to LS as a mechanism for attending to pupil voice. In so doing, it is suggested that pupil input provided a challenge for teachers in their interpretations of pupil learning, evaluating lessons and planning, and in contributing to teacher learning from LS.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between teacher referral and pupil self-referral relative to perceived school adjustment of 417 4th grade pupils. Two major questions were focused upon: (a) To what extent do teachers and pupils agree relative to perceived learning and/or adjustment problems within the classroom? and (b) What are the relationships between teacher referral and pupil self-referral relative to sex of the child and type of problem indicated? The results suggest that a significant relationship exists between teacher referral and pupil self-referral (p <,001). Further, a disproportionate number of males in the sample were referred by their teachers as compared to female students (38% to 12%). However, relative to pupil self-referral, a much higher percentage of females (33%) “referred themselves.” It is suggested that greater consideration should be given by local school districts to including a pupil self-referral component within their overall screening mechanism for the identification of children in need of special education services. Further, school personnel should consider the possibility that their screening results may reflect teacher bias relative to “pupil sex stereotyping” in that males may be over-referred and famales under-referred.  相似文献   

Current literature suggests that a teacher's expectancies for a pupil may in part determine the pupil's subsequent behavior. This review asks how such expectancies affect the teacher's own behavior, with the goal of determining what teacher behaviors mediate the observed effect on the pupil. A model of this process is proposed, using Skinner's analysis of rule-dependent behavior as an organizational framework for recent research from several fields. The model identifies these sets of independent variables which warrant further investigation: (a) variables affecting the process through which a teacher deduces contingency rules from information about a pupil; (b) variables affecting the content of these rules; and (c) variables affecting the teacher's performance of the rule-specified actions.  相似文献   

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