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Literature reveals difficulties in preparing nurses to care for older people. This article reports a study that aimed to facilitate positive changes in gerontological education in an undergraduate nursing program by identifying barriers and effective actions. A critical research approach was applied to the study. Data were mainly collected through focus groups. A total of five barriers were identified in gerontological education in an undergraduate nursing program. Actions which may address these barriers were explored. Critical reflection on educational practice based on partnerships between education and service sectors has the potential of leading an educational reform in gerontological nursing.  相似文献   


Nursing Assistants (NAs) are the largest workforce in nursing homes, but often lack adequate preparation for their role. The Living Classroom (LC) is an integrated learning approach, whereby a NA program is delivered in a nursing home (NH) in collaboration with a community college. This paper describes the implementation and evaluation of the LC. Mixed methods were used to gather data from 48 NA students, 5 faculty, and 42 NH staff over 30 weeks. Students, faculty, and nursing home staff described the LC as a positive learning experience. Students’ gerontological knowledge increased over time (p = .0012). Students reported very positive relationships with program mentors and NH residents. The LC provides a unique approach to prepare NAs to work in nursing homes. This model could expand to other educational programs with a gerontology focus.  相似文献   

The current research assessed Alaskan health and mental health care professionals’ perceptions regarding Alaska's elderly health care services as well as professional educational and training needs. Fifty‐four percent of community professionals sampled indicated that preexisting services in their community were not adequate to meet the needs of the elderly population. In addition, 55% indicated that the knowledge level of community professionals regarding the elderly and the aging process was insufficient and 51% believed they were not well educated in meeting the needs of Alaskan native elders. An overall 91.8% indicted that they were in need of further training in the field of aging and geriatrics. They noted in particular the lack of knowledge and training opportunities in mental health and Alzheimer's disease. The significance of these findings is discussed in terms of the broader social implications associated with meeting gerontological and geriatric education and training needs, as well as the specific education and training problems of Alaskan health care professionals in keeping up with the recent trend of “aging in the last frontier.”  相似文献   

Sexuality education and health services for elderly individuals who reside in care settings (e.g., assisted living facilities, nursing homes, retirement communities) have received limited attention in the professional literature. However, the lack of sexual health promotion practices in elder care facilities can be detrimental to older adults’ overall health and quality of life. Barriers to sexuality education services for lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) elders are explored and include history of LGB equality in the United States and lack of social support, as well as discrimination among formal care facilities and health care professionals. The Community Readiness Model (CRM) is proposed for addressing these barriers. The purpose of the CRM is to assess readiness characteristics of a community before program implementation and then build capacity with programming in that community for support and education. Sexuality educators currently have the opportunity to develop and implement sexual health education and promotion resources that can potentially improve the quality of life for LGB individuals transitioning into the latter stages of the life course.  相似文献   

目的对岳阳市社区卫生服务的现状进行回顾性的调查和研究,对其护理操作项目的现状进行分析和总结。方法采取问卷调查及询问的形式,对望岳路社区服务中心护理操作项目的现状进行分析。结果在45项社区护理服务项目中社区护士认为已开展的项目有39项,其中,社区健康教育服务方面开展较好,而社区康复服务方面开展较差,还没有开展的护理项目有6项。结论岳阳市社区护理服务项目的开展情况较好,服务范围已涉及社区卫生服务的12个模块任务中的所有内容,但社区护理服务的利用程度不高。  相似文献   

Rural hospitals face difficult times as Medicare health insurance threatens their survival. A small community in Polk County, North Carolina, developed a program that was designed to take advantage of the Medicare skilled nursing benefit as a payment source and which can be implemented by any rural hospital that has Medicare-certified swing beds or distinct nursing facilities. This program involves the development of a special unit, the Restorative Care Unit (RCU), which provides subacute care to older adults. A major element in the RCU care system is a highly structured continuing education program for hospital staff. The continuing education component trains personnel to implement and manage the RCU care system using a team approach. The Appalachian Geriatric Education Center Consortium recognized the need for dissemination of this model of service. They took the concept, developed a curriculum and implemented it with eight rural hospitals. The purpose of this article is to describe in detail the RCU care system continuing education element, and present results from a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the program. The stages of the development of the program are described, in addition to the content of the curriculum.  相似文献   

A unique development program was designed to assist faculty in integrating gerontological concepts in selected undergraduate courses. The disciplines of social services, human performance, psychology, nutrition, audiology, and nursing were targeted for the program. The faculty development program took place in four phases over a 17‐month period. In Phase 1, faculty members studied theoretical concepts in gerontology relevant to their academic discipline. During Phase 2, faculty members obtained practical experience in gerontological settings to complement the knowledge gained in the first phase. In Phase 3, the faculty developed instructional units for their courses based on their Phase 1 and 2 experiences. During Phase 4 the faculty pilot tested, implemented, and revised the curricular materials. In addition, Phase 4 included opportunities for each faculty member to develop a research agenda for the continued study of gerontology. As a result of knowledge gained in the project, 10 faculty members developed SO instructional units, which were integrated into existing undergraduate courses. Approximately 300 students demonstrated significant gains in knowledge in gerontological concepts during the first semester of implementation. It is estimated that continued use of the modules will result in more than 800 students per year being exposed to gerontological concepts.  相似文献   

The multiple and complex needs of the elderly require interdisciplinary collaboration among many different professionals to provide comprehensive care. As a result, educators must develop interdisciplinary programs and learning experiences that address educational needs and facilitate a better understanding of the various roles and expertise of providers from many fields. Using the framework of a program evaluation model, the Charting the Outcomes of Educational and Clinical Approaches model, this article addresses the outcomes and effects of an interdisciplinary approach to continuing gerontological education used by one summer institute on gerontology. Over its 12‐year history, this institute has attracted more than 2,600 participants from many professions and occupations. The interdisciplinary approach of the Summer Institute has been evident in its planning committees, the delivery of diversified programs by a variety of providers, the facilitation of informal networking among registrants, and the organization of group discussions that bring together professionals and learners from different disciplines to communicate and collaborate on mutual concerns regarding aging issues. One theme on case management, which addressed policy and practical issues related to service delivery for the elderly, was presented by representatives from academia, government, the nonprofit service sector, and consumers to an audience of providers from various fields including business, gerontology, health promotion, nursing, occupational therapy, psychology, recreation, social work, and sociology. Thesue cess of the interdisciplinary approach to gerontological education used by the institute has helped to establish McMaster University as a Canadian leader in this field of continuing education.  相似文献   

The proportion of elderly people in the world's population is growing. Thailand and Sweden have disparate cultural traditions of caring for older people, though both countries are facing a larger population of older people. Sweden and Thailand are involved in several cooperative projects and exchange programs for nursing students in this area, raising the questions of if and how the different cultures of gerontological care influence students’ attitudes in the issue. The aim of the study was to compare Swedish and Thai nursing students’ attitudes towards older people. A convenience sample of 241 Thai nursing students and 299 Swedish nursing students participated in the study. The Kogan's Old People Scale, a 34-item questionnaire, was used in this research. The questionnaire consists of 17 positive (OP+) statements and 17 negative (OP-) statements and uses a Likert scale. Concerning attitudes towards older people, there was no significant difference in Swedish and Thai students’ positive scores in the distribution across the groups. In contrast, these students did differ on negative scores across countries (p = .001). This was understood to be related to age; the Swedish students’ higher age was positively associated with their positive attitudes; as the age increased, the students’ scores were also higher. Attitudes towards older people are not only influenced by cultural values, norms, and social structures, they also have a foundation in gerontological knowledge and experiences. Education addressing cultural awareness of negative ageism should be incorporated into all aspects of education, not just gerontological courses.  相似文献   

《Educational gerontology》2013,39(10):841-850
This paper describes the conceptualization and implementation of an innovative undergraduate interdisciplinary course that uses life course theory to capture the depth and breadth of the human experience. The collaboration among four faculty representing gerontological social work, occupational therapy, nursing, and dietetics and human nutrition is described, as are the unique teaching strategies utilized. In addition, an unusual retrospective approach to human development is highlighted. Through their participation in this course, future health care practitioners will be able to work effectively with clients throughout the life span in an interdisciplinary environment.  相似文献   

To assure that gerontology students meet their educational objectives and are prepared to assume professional roles, gerontological program assessment is imperative. This paper situates gerontological academic program assessment within the framework of the American Association of Higher Education's principles of assessment. It presents clear guidelines for the assessment of gerontological programs and courses. These guidelines incorporate indirect and direct assessment methods to examine both processes and outcomes of gerontological education. Also presented are guidelines for the communication of results, recommendations, and plans for follow-up to stakeholders.  相似文献   

Most health care and social service providers are routinely required to work with elderly clients and clients’ aging family members. Research suggests that students entering these professions have knowledge deficits and lack positive attitudes toward older people. Few prefer to work with aging clients. Professional curricula are not providing students with adequate training to serve the current needs of this population, much less to meet projected increases in demand for services. To examine this issue, 67 master's students in nursing and social work completed questionnaires assessing (1) knowledge about aging, (2) attitudes toward old people, and (3) perceived barriers to gerontological education. Results confirmed the existence of knowledge deficits among respondents. Attitudes tended to be neutral rather than strongly positive or negative. Knowledge scores were related to attitudes, to respondents’ ages, and to their having lived in households with older relatives. Nursing students identified the greatest barriers in gerontological education as insufficient curriculum time and lack of academic role models. Social work students perceived lower status of work with the elderly and limited experience with healthy older people as the greatest barriers. The two groups agreed that fragmentation of services contributes to inadequate gerontological preparation. Findings suggest a need for didactic and experiential learning opportunities, reinforced by appropriate academic role models, for students in service professions.  相似文献   

As alternate care levels are transferred from hospital to community settings, health care workers in long term care are caring for individuals where conditions are more medically complex. In response to this situation decision makers in long term care are pursuing the goal of practice based on the best evidence. Identifying the information needs of health care workers in this environment represents the first step towards cultivating a best practice culture in long term care. The purpose of this study was to identify what information resources staff need to improve clinical and managerial decision making. The perceptions of health care workers at two long term care organizations were investigated through quantitative and qualitative methods, using a questionnaire and focus groups. In each of the settings there were gaps in the availability of resources and perceived needs for education. The findings from both settings revealed the need for more information resources to assist staff to improve individual care of residents and develop better approaches to health problems.  相似文献   

开辟老年护理第二课堂,利用课余时间深入社区开展健康服务和疾病护理,不仅能检验理论教学质量,使实践性教学真正落到实处,而又有利于培养学生的综合素质,改善师生关系。  相似文献   

进一步加强大学生心理健康教育工作是十七大报告中提及的实现"人文关怀"和"心理疏导"的重要途径之一。当前,进一步向纵深拓展和保持高校心理健康教育工作的可持续发展,需在工作布局上关注执行力和专业化的互补,在工作模式上注意教育学模式、心理学模式和精神医学模式的互补,在工作视角上注重心理学与其他学科的互补,采取有针对性的模式和创建多元化的实践共同体等策略推进高校心理健康教育工作科学发展。  相似文献   

As critical components of the aging continuum of care, senior centers promote older adult health and well-being by providing opportunities for recreation, socialization, nutrition, health education, and access to vital social services. Nationally, a vast network of 11,000 senior centers serves over four million older adults annually. As the United States population ages rapidly, public funding, which is the primary source of support for a majority of senior center services, has remained stagnant. If senior centers are to continue to effectively serve older adults and meet their comprehensive needs, they need to demonstrate their relevance to the community and advocate for increased funding support. This paper explores the policy concerns of senior center administrators, investigates their efforts to influence public policy, illustrates advocacy techniques currently utilized by them, and highlights the learning needs of administrators in this regard. Practice implications for senior centers, their constituents, and gerontological education are provided.  相似文献   


This qualitative case study analyzed how one large high school created a community of care for ninth-grade students. Data were collected during the 2006–2007 school year, including observations, individual interviews, and focus group interviews of 1 female teacher and 9 of her students. Findings suggest the Freshman Focus teachers and program helped to establish three caring relationships (teacher to program, teacher to student, program to student) that promoted a community of care. The development of positive teacher beliefs about students, supportive teacher–student relationships, and the promotion of academic and life skills may help create a caring community in which students are the primary receivers of care.  相似文献   

目的探讨社区产妇健康指导的效果。方法将在我院正常分娩的106例产妇作为实验组,以家庭访视的形式进入社区,采用讲授、示范、视听等方式进行健康指导,及时收集反馈信息,进行效果评价。将另一段时间正常分娩的101例产妇作为对照组,按照常规方法给予保健指导。结果实验组相关知识掌握率达95.3%,母乳喂养率达98%,对护理服务满意率达99%,与对照组比较差异具有统计学意义(p<0.05)。结论采用以家庭访视为主要形式的社区产后健康指导,既能满足产妇及家属各方面的需求,又能提升产妇的自我保健能力及家属对我们的信赖度。  相似文献   

Educational programs in academic gerontology with differing formats and requirements have emerged in a variety of educational institutions across Canada and the United States during the past decade. In 1986 and 1987, two gerontology certificate programs were initiated in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. One program is offered through the Faculty of Continuing Education at the local university, the other through the community college's Department of Nursing and Allied Health. Although both programs are multidisciplinary, they differ in their relative emphasis on theory, practice, and research.

The above and other differences were examined by a survey designed to probe why students from a variety of disciplines selected one of these programs over the other. It was hypothesized that variables such as preferred learning style, previous experience with specific types of educational facilities, and influence of peers and work setting would be factors influencing program selection. The results of this study lead to recommendations regarding the status of gerontological credentials in Canada and the need for students to be more aware of program choices.  相似文献   

The demographic imperative for geriatric training and care is well documented and comes as no surprise to health care professionals working in the field (see National Institutes of Health, 1987). The dramatic increase in the numbers of elderly, particularly those age 75 and older, suggests that geriatric health care will grow in importance throughout the next decade. This article briefly examines strategies for geriatric education that may have relevance for attempts to formalize and institutionalize geriatric content in academic institutions, and suggests strategies for implementation.

The domains of geriatrics and gerontology have continued to overlap as models of training and health care delivery have evolved. Distinctions between these two perspectives remain important, particularly as they pertain to the emphasis on training related to normal versus pathological aging. For purposes of simplicity, the term geriatric is used in a broad context that includes gerontological education as well. The reality of our educational experiences suggests that a balance between normal and pathological aging content in our curriculum is one of the first crucial variables that needs to be addressed.  相似文献   

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