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"教育宗旨"考辨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对民国时期的教育宗旨(含革命根据地教育宗旨)进行了全面系统的考察,这对有关“教育宗旨”、“教育目的”、“教育方针”之类概念的抉择有着重要的意义,并且对这些概念的抉择给予了必要的揭示,因为毕竟这几个概念之间还是有区别的。  相似文献   

A close association between affective expression and cognitive development was demonstrated in a longitudinal study of 14 Down's syndrome infants. It was found that the Down's syndrome infants laughed to groups of stimulus items in the same order as did previous samples of normal infants. Although the process was delayed by several months, the retarded babies too laughed first at physically intrusive items and only later to items calling for greater cognitive sophistication. In addition, cognitive developmental status, assessed by the Bayley and Uzgiris-Hunt scales, paralleled and was predicted by the level of affective development. Predictive and concurrent correlations between Bayley mental scores and various indices of affectivity ranged from .68 to .92. There was striking individual consistency across affective, mental, and motor measures, suggesting the organized nature of retarded development. Finally, since Down's syndrome infants frequently smiled under conditions when normal babies would laugh, a role for tension production, in addition to cognitive factors, was suggested in accounting for the behavior of these infants.  相似文献   

The assumption that the first four cognitive levels of the taxonomy of educational objectives are arranged hierarchically and that this hierarchy is cummulative was evaluated. Mental ability and motivation scores were used to divide 144 high school biology students into six blocks. A 93-frame program in genetics was administered, and at the completion of the program the subjects took a 28-item posttest that had subscores for the cognitive levels of knowledge, comprehension, application, and analysis. Results indicated that no significant differences were found between knowledge and comprehension or application and analysis. A significant difference was found beyond the .0005 level, however, between comprehension and application. These results indicate that the cognitive processes at work at each level of the taxonomy may not be equitable, and that the previously mentioned assumptions are at least questionable.  相似文献   

试论孔子教学目标的层次性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用历史计量学原理,根据<论语>中记载的与教学目标相关词汇的出现次数推论,孔子作为中国古代著名的教育家,在其教学目标的设定上具有明显的层次性:圣人、成人与善人是其理想层次的教学目标,君子是其较高层次的教学目标,士是其较低层次的教学目标.这些不仅在历史上发挥过重要作用,而且迄今仍对设定教学目标具有启迪价值.  相似文献   

关于"教育目的"问题的再认识   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“教育目的”涉及教育工作的基本价值取向,有必要对其进行多角度、全方位的再认识,以期形成有关“教育目的”基本理论问题的较系统的思路。  相似文献   

教育学研究对象之争主要有现象对象观和问题对象观,其中现象对象观内在推演的逻辑蕴涵从现象到本质再到规律的推理过程,问题对象观内在逻辑思路可概括为从问题(矛盾)到本质再到规律或从问题到矛盾,再到本质,最后通达规律的推演进程。据此分析现象———问题对象观中关于教育学是研究教育现象和教育问题,揭示教育规律的科学之表述所折射出的教育现象与教育问题之间用和连接的逻辑问题,在理清教育现象与教育问题逻辑关系的基础上将教育学的研究对象定义为教育学是研究教育现象,重点研究教育问题,揭示教育规律的科学。  相似文献   

In education it is important for applied research systematically to apply and test current psychological theories. However oversimplification of a theory will generally lead to inappropriate hypotheses and hence to inconclusive or inconsistent results. In research on personality and academic attainment it has been common to derive hypotheses about the effect of neuroticism directly from an early Hullian formulation. Examples in terms of the academic behaviour of students are used to explain recent adaptations of this basic theory. In particular it is necessary to distinguish between trait and state anxiety and to incorporate allowances for the effect of previous habit systems. Strongly established habits will control the type of behaviour elicited by drive stimuli, such as imminent examinations.Anxiety, even as a trait variable, can be seen as operating in opposite directions, facilitating or debilitating performance according to the nature of the individual and of the drive stimuli. In the progression from primary to higher education there will be a tendency for individuals whose high neuroticism adversely affects their performance to be eliminated; hence a positive correlation between achievement and neuroticism at this level might be anticipated.While there is considerable complexity in the relationship between anxiety and achievement, it is clear that introversion is consistently linked with success in higher education. This high performance is probably due to the introvert's better study habits and his ability to become conditioned easily to the predominant academic mores. In addition the build-up of reactive inhibition in extraverts during lectures or prolonged periods of study is likely to lead to avoidance symptoms in time.
Résumé Dans l'enseignement il importe que la recherche expérimentale applique avec méthode les théories psychologiques classiques pour les mettre à l'épreuve. Pourtant, la simplification abusive d'une théorie mène souvent à des hypothèses inadéquates et à des résultats non concluants ou incompatibles. Dans la recherche sur la personnalité et la réussite universitaire on a souvent voulu tirer directement d'une formulation ancienne de Hull des hypothèses sur les effets du caractère névrotique. On cite des exemples de conduite scolaire des étudiants, pour montrer quelques adaptations récentes de cette théorie fondamentale. Il faut distinguer en particulier entre l'anxiété comme trait et l'anxiété comme condition, et prendre en compte l'effet du système antérieur des habitudes. Les habitudes qui sont fermement établies modèlent les types de conduite provoqués par les stimuli significatifs, tels que, par exemple, les examens imminents.On peut voir la variable de l'anxiété, considérée comme trait, agir de façons opposées en facilitant ou en entravant la réussite en fonction des caractéristiques de l'individu et des stimulants significatifs. Dans la progression de l'enseignement primaire à l'enseignement supérieure on observe une élimination progressive des individus dont le caractère névrotique exerce un effet défavorable sur la réussite; on peut par conséquent prédire une corrélation positive entre les résults et le caractère névrotique au niveau universitaire.Bien que les rapports entre l'anxiété et la réussite soient des plus complexes, il est évident que, au niveau de l'enseignement supérieur, il y a une liaison assez forte entre l'introversion et le succès. Il est probable que le niveau élevé de réussite est dû aux meilleures habitudes de travail de l'introverti et à sa capacité de s'adapter facilement aux moeurs universitaires dominantes. En outre, l'accumulation d'une inhibition réactive chez les extrovertis, pendant les cours ou les périodes d'étude prolongées tend à produire des symptômes d'annulation.

Front‐end analysis, a performance‐problem‐solving technique, suggests that improved training is only one of the solutions to a problem. In education, where inadequate learning and poor motivation are symptoms of the problem, major curricular revisions of Educational Psychology courses may not constitute the best, solution. A task analysis of what expert teachers do suggests that the most relevant skills to be acquired belong at the principle‐applying level of Gagné's hierarchy, while most educational psychology courses tend to develop verbal repertoires meeting objectives of the sort “After reading what I have to say, the student will be able to tell me what I said.”; More attention to relevance of content and less to media and modes of presentation is now required.  相似文献   

闲暇并不是我们一般所说的"休闲"、"度假",而是一种悠闲自在的精神状态。在"闲暇"中人能摆脱日常俗务的困扰,能以一种崭新的视野去审视、发现我们日常生活中习以为常的事物,即能使人对之产生"惊异"。"惊异"不仅是哲学的开端,也是哲学之恒在、内在的源头。因此,我们说闲暇与哲学有密切的关系:闲暇是哲学得以产生、存在、发展并保有鲜活生命力的基础。  相似文献   

李塨是清初卓越的教育思想家,他力图建立一套健全有效的教育体制。他提出了"明明德亲民以止于至善"的教育目标,并对教育目标的各个条目作出了自己的解释。  相似文献   

70 preschool-age children were administered a modified version of the Matching Familiar Figures test as well as a modified version of the picture completion task from the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking. Sex of subject and cognitive tempo were combined factorially with type of creativity measure in a 2 times 2 times 4 repeated-measures design. A significant effect for cognitive tempo was found showing reflective subjects scoring higher than impulsive subjects on each measure of creativity.  相似文献   

本运用教育人类学的基本理论观点,结合当今人类面临的种种危机状况,通过对人与自然、人与社会关系问题的理性思考,提出了教育作为培养人的社会实践与生态环境这一新的课题,进而论述了它们二之间相互影响的辩证统一关系。认为正确处理人与自然生态环境和谐、协调发展问题,最根本的就在于改革的发展教育,全面提高人的素质及对人类所处的现实生存环境的整体关怀能力,才能有效促进经济社会的持续发展,以满足现代人代人物质生  相似文献   

培养目标、教育要素与教育成本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等学校的培养目标对高等学校教育成本的分类和计量具有根本性的制约作用。培养目标的实现与教育构成要素的品质和构成特征密切相关,因此,依据教育的构成要素对教育成本进行分析是一个合理可行的研究路线。教育成本主要包括教学成本和非教学成本,其中教学成本包括课程与教学活动开发成本、课程与教学活动实施成本和课程与教学活动辅助成本三大类。依据培养目标对成本计量进行考察,本文提出了基准学校教育成本计量、学时教师成本计量等多种新的成本计量方案。  相似文献   

高等教育体系的完善是一个复杂的问题,其中教育目标的科学设置对高等教育体系有着定位和导向作用。在高等教育从精英型向大众型教育转变的过程中,人口老龄化的社会发展趋向,高等教育与社会发展互动的关系,对高等教育目标的设置提出了新的要求,所以高等教育目标的设置应更具科学化和富有前瞻性。  相似文献   

文章基于“空间的生产”理论,阐述了教育空间与社会空间之间的辩证关系:1.在社会维上,教育空间由政治、经济、文化等社会要素经“再空间化”而塑造,即教育空间的社会塑造;2.业经“再空间化”而形成的,作为社会空间核心要素之一的教育空间,对社会空间的再生产具有重要影响,即教育空间的社会空间生产。具有要素和地域层级关系的教育空间在实体层面上形成“教育综合体”,“教育综合体”与社会要素的关系在“行动者网络理论”中可以表现为事物之间的“无缝之网”关系,即聚焦于教育活动的“消除教育”与社会二元界限的“教育—社会”关系。  相似文献   

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