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导演:朱塞佩·托纳多雷主演:蒂姆·罗斯普路特·泰勒·文斯比尔·努恩类型:剧情/爱情/音乐剧情:本片讲述了一个钢琴天才传奇的一生。1900年,Virginian号豪华邮轮上,一个孤儿被遗弃在头等舱,由船上的水手抚养长大,取名1900。1900慢慢长大,显示出无师自通的非凡钢琴天赋,他在船上的乐队表演钢琴,每个听过他演奏的人,都被深深打动。爵士乐鼻祖杰尼听说了1900的高超技艺,专门上船和他比赛,最后自  相似文献   

The author is the Director of a TEMPUS/TACIS project on university administration linking the National Technical University of Ukraine, on one hand, and the Aachen University of Technology and the Delft University of Technology, on the other. He presents this project as the centre point of a discussion whereby he first traces the origins of the European Union TEMPUS programme and then develops a philosophy of East‐West Co‐operation. For him, it is not acceptable to expect eastern European higher education institutions to simply copy western higher education institutions but to adapt what is useful to them from the western experience to their local realities bearing in mind that higher education in the West too is undergoing transition in a number of ways. In light of this project, the author criticizes certain aspects of TEMPUS practices and suggests improvements so as to make TEMPUS projects more efficient. He also declares that in many circumstances the time limit of three years per project is insufficient.  相似文献   

作为整个现代主义文化的一部分,现代主义文学在审美特征上主要表现为:审美观念上的化美为丑,执意要创造一种"对抗美学"即丑学;创作原则上的注重表现,特别强调主观心灵,主观自我的表现;创作手法上的反传统而重创新,反客观而重内向性,反内容决定论而重"形式即内容"论.  相似文献   

作为整个现代主义文化的一部分,现代主义文学在审美特征上主要表现为:审美观念上的化美为丑,执意要创造一种“对抗美学”即丑学;创作原则上的注重表现,特别强调主观心灵,主观自我的表现;创作手法上的反传统而重创新,反客观而重内向性,反内容决定论而重“形式即内容”论。  相似文献   

沦陷区文学,是中国现代文学的一种特殊形态,具有多层次性、隐蔽性和寄生性.对其研究既要防止简单化,又要避免陷入"纯艺术",只有详尽地占有材料,对作家作品进行具体分析,才能作出客观、公正、科学的评价.  相似文献   

中国文学在唐传奇以前,其发展道路主要是向上雅化,即注重讽谕教化功能和抒情言志,唐传奇出现后,中国文学发展主流转而向下随俗.因此,唐传奇的大盛,不仅仅是中国小说发展成熟的标志,更是中国文学从雅化向随俗发展的分水岭.  相似文献   

在<左传>中,作者为了实现价值引导,往往以"君子"的身份频频露面,并借"君子"之口发表评论,采取了叙事与评论分离的策略.本文从内容、形成原因这两个方面对<左传>中的"君子"评论进行考察,展示了其在文学方面的突出成就.  相似文献   

The educational needs of mentally handicapped children in the ‘new’ day special schools are examined from three major perspectives. First, as a result of the examination of questionnaires received from headteachers of 88 schools; second as a result of the examination of the skills of 151 mentally handicapped children in 44 of these schools, and third as a result of an examination of questionnaires completed for 52 parents of mentally handicapped children. The results of the investigation highlight the effect of these schools being in the ‘educational wilderness’ until April, 1st, 1971; the low level of achievement in certain social skills, and parental problems and attitudes.  相似文献   

英美文学中的互文现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互文指的是前人或同代人发表的文章的一部分被后来的作者模仿或在后来的文章中被借用。这种现象划分为四个类别,引喻式(allusion),滑稽模仿式(parody),结构/原型式(structure/archetype)和拼凑式(pastiche)互文现象。前两者是传统式的互文现象,而反两者则是与现,当代文学创作及批评理论的出现紧密相关的。这说明,现当代文学的兴起极大的拓宽了互文这一文学创作的表现形式。  相似文献   

通过对当代学发展中两个概念的简单梳理,提出了对与“学本质”相关问题的看法,并指出“学性”概念对当下学发展的意义,以期学发展在与现实的充分对话中日益走向本身的“现代化”。  相似文献   

工人、农民与知识分子始终是“人民“所指中的基本成分。分别考察三者在八十年代文学中的生存状态,进而明晰人民命运的整体走向,当是比较具有现实指向的研究。七十年代中后期北岛的《波动》最早捕捉到干部和人民之间的隔绝和对立。八十年代,高晓声与路遥笔下的陈奂生与高加林的命运显现出农民被排除在城市的发展轨道外;郑万隆塑造的工人形象刘慧芳则承受了被知识分子利用与抛弃的痛苦。知识分子所代言和提倡的法制、科学与文明的生活方式规训着底层人物,包括普通工人、农民和农民工等向上流动。  相似文献   

九丹用《乌鸦》打破了一段时间以来文坛的沉寂,以“身体写作”为卖点主动迎合所谓的“时尚”,九丹和《乌鸦》的走俏既不体现文学的价值,也不代表女性话语权力的增强,却恰恰证明了网络时代文学魅力的衰落,文学传统功能的降低以及男性话语霸权的根深蒂固。  相似文献   

The Rosalynn Carter Institute (RCI) for Human Development is the only national institute or center to integrate both professional and family caregiver issues in research, education, and advocacy agendas. This paper focuses on caregiver education and support and includes: (1) a discussion of the limitations of models that separate family versus professional caregivers, (2) a brief overview of the Rosalynn Carter Institute and the conceptual basis for the Institute's integrated caregiving agenda, and (3) precepts of effective caregiver education and support that guide activities at the RCI.  相似文献   

在中国,儿童文学的现代化与民族化问题,始终是影响儿童文学能否正常发展的重要问题。50年代及60 年代初,革命胜利后的巨大热情和对未来展望的无比激情成为中国儿童文学现代化的一个重要的历史契机,同时也拓展了儿童文学民族化的途径。新时期中国儿童文学在对外开放的同时立足于本民族文化土壤上的扬弃、现代化与民族化的交互,从而使中国儿童文学成绩辉煌  相似文献   

比较教育研究传统上总是着眼于世界不同区域及不同国家之间的研究。本文认为,这种做法经常导致教育研究中不全面和不平衡的视角,因为它不能将州/省、地区、学校、课堂及个体之间的重大差异考虑进去。作者阐述了比较教育研究需要一个更加广泛的框架这一看法,并且提出了一个更加全面的研究模型——多层次分析,它能够对单一层次分析所获得的观点进行整合。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1):127-141

This paper presents findings from the third stage of a longitudinal, qualitative study involving nine female participants from a class cohort in a secondary school in rural Uganda. Since 2004–05, this study has tracked the progress of these young women's lives, and the present aspect of the study explores the ways in which they have found that post-primary education has impacted their adult lives, particularly with respect to employment-related factors. I draw upon the conceptual construct of Amartya Sen's capabilities approach (1999) to interpret and present data. Findings considered in this paper indicate that post-primary education has been crucial to the capabilities development and socioeconomic well-being of the participants’ lives.  相似文献   

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