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Statistical inference is introduced here as an application of inductive inference. Using examples it is illustrated how random sampling allows data to be modelled with the help of probability models and how these probability models provide the mathematical tools for statistical inference.  相似文献   


The paper opens with the theoretical construct of figural concepts. It is argued that geometrical figures are characterized by both conceptual and sensorial properties. A geometrical figure is a mental abstract, ideal entity, the meaning of which is governed by a definition. At the same time, it is an image: it possesses extensiveness (spatiality), shape and magnitude. In geometrical reasoning the two categories of properties should merge absolutely, with the sensorial components providing the dynamics of invention and the conceptual component guaranteeing the logical course of the mathematical process.

The paper investigates the effects of interaction between the conceptual and the figural components of a number of geometrical figures under the impact of age and mathematical competence. It has been found that age does not improve the control of the conceptual component on the interpretation of figures (between ages 14 and 17) in contrast to what one could expect. Usually, as an effect of age (grade) the interpretation gets worse. On the other hand, there are striking differences between the three competence levels considered. Strong mathematical students are characterized by their capacity to overcome the apparent contradiction between the figural, direct, impressions and the definitory properties. Their decision is, ultimately, determined according to the formal constraints (axioms and definitions).  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether employers use university prestige as a signal of workers’ unobservable productivity. Our test is based on employer learning-statistical discrimination models, which suggest that if employers use university reputation to predict a worker’s unobservable quality, then college prestige should become less important for earnings as a worker gains labor market experience. In this framework, we use a regression discontinuity design to estimate a 13% wage premium for college graduates in their first year of the labor market who were barely accepted by one of the two most prestigious universities in Chile compared with those barely rejected by these two schools. However, we find that this premium decreases to 4% for workers with 6 or more years of labor market experience. This result suggests that college prestige becomes less important for employers as workers reveal their quality throughout their careers.  相似文献   

建设性后现代主义是面对西方现代化危机所产生的一种社会思潮。它一方面对现代进行了全面的批判,另一方面又肯定了现代的积极成果.其实质是力图构建一个理想的后现代社会。建设性后现代主义理论给我们今天的现代化建设提供了许多有益的启示。  相似文献   

This article has four major sections: (a) general issues of assessment; (b) assessment of ethnic-group members, including those who are deaf; (c) translation of assessment tools, emphasizing translation into American Sign Language (ASL); and (d) statistical applications for translated instruments. The purpose of the article is to provide insight into and guidelines for translating instruments into another language and using the results for practice or research purposes. The use of translated instruments with deaf individuals is highlighted. A protocol for translating a scale into ASL is offered. Statistical applications for examining internal consistency and component structure are discussed. Finally, implications for practice and research are addressed.  相似文献   

张炜 《高中生》2011,(19):45
中国文化源远流长,博大精深,成语是我国文化遗产中一颗璀璨的明珠。其中许多成语来源于历史典故。你完全知晓与下列成语有关的历史人物吗?  相似文献   

李萨如图形的形成及演示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了李萨如图形的形成机理,用EWB演示不同频率比、振幅比和初相位条件下的李萨如图形,能使学生直观感受到图形的合成过程及图形的绕行方向,从而提高学生对李萨如图形的认识,有利于提高教学质量.  相似文献   

我们在用Word编写化学教学文档、电子备课 ,试题编辑 ,课件制作时 ,需要绘制一些化学图形 ,而由于不精于电脑绘图操作 ,多数老师常常会出现花费了大量的时间 ,进行了复杂的操作 ,而绘成的图形自己都不满意 ,并由此耽误了整个工作的进行 ,影响了整个工作的效果。如果有了《化学绘图板 -Word版》,绘图工作就轻松简单了———你的图形可以让它画。1 安装及设置你可以从http://www .k1 2 .com .cn/teacher/union/personal/perzj.php3 ?uid =luxqang处下载。下载后执行Setup.…  相似文献   

给出了常见分形图的构造规则,并通过迭代函数系统用Mathematica语言程序实现了它们的生成.  相似文献   

本文将英语常用语义修辞格与汉语相应的修辞格进行对比 ,并对其翻译方法作了详细的介绍  相似文献   

选择了一些测试指标对高校学生及学生运动员进行测试,其目的是了解他们的身体形态、素质和机能的现状,并通过分析提出高校及我院其他学生的形态、素质和机能的特点,为提高学生的身体素质和训练工作提供一定的科学依据.  相似文献   

敦煌木雕像及木板画是敦煌佛教艺术的一个组成部分,本文对这些文物进行初步整理与研究.  相似文献   

统计在当代社会中使用越来越广泛。统计学基础这门学科也得到了重视,成为高职高专学校非统计专业的专业基础必修课。统计学教材种类繁多,怎样的教材才能真正适合学生的学情,是值得教师们思考和研究的问题。  相似文献   

《大慈恩寺三藏法师传》是以玄奘法师为对象的传记作品中最为详尽的一部,其中非核心人物的描写是作品的突出亮点,既烘托出玄奘一路西行求法环境的恶劣,也从侧面映衬出玄奘佛法的高深。这种以非核心人物描写来衬托传主的手法,为唐宋以后的历史人物传记写作提供了范例。  相似文献   

An evaluation study was conducted to examine the effects of participation in a Head Start-based father involvement intervention program for fathers and their children. The study used a quasi-experimental research design that compared pretest and post-test measures for participants in four intervention sites against nonparticipants in geographically and demographically matched comparison (control) sites. The treatment and comparison groups were further divided into dosage groups based on the amount of time that fathers were involved in the program. The results suggest a positive association between high dosage participation in the intervention and increased father involvement with children at post-treatment. The children of high dosage intervention fathers also showed higher mathematics readiness change scores. Children in the low dosage comparison group showed a significant increase in behavior problems.  相似文献   

党的三代领导核心,毛泽东、邓小平和江泽民都始终走在创造新文化的前列,可堪称是学习古今中西、通古晓今知后的深谋远虑的战略家和历史文化伟人,不仅对中国上下五千年的人类文明史有着较深的了解和造诣,而且在领导中国建设社会主义伟大实践中,对借鉴历史文化、历史经验有着超常人的敏智和才华,并且是运用自如恰到好处,真正显现出了东方文化巨人的深厚的民族文化底蕴.  相似文献   

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