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目的:分析男性罪犯的人格障碍分布情况,心理健康状况及其两者之间的关系。方法:采用人格诊断问卷(PDQ-4+)、精神症状自评量表(SCL-90)及自编罪犯的一般情况调查表对209名男性罪犯进行调查。结果:与常模相比较,罪犯PDQ-4+的12型人格障碍及SCL-90各因子的得分均高于常模且具有显著的统计学意义(P<0.001)。罪犯各型人格障碍与症状自评量表的相关分析显示,不同类型的人格障碍与症状自评量表各因子存在着不同程度的相关。结论:与正常人相比较,男性罪犯的人格障碍要严重,心理健康状况要差,并且他们的人格障碍和心理健康状况有不同程度的相关。  相似文献   

采用自编问卷对3238名18岁以上成年被试受文化震荡的影响程度及其心理健康进行调查,探讨文化震荡下的不同年龄个体心理健康的差异及其关系。结果表明:(1)从总体来看,文化事件与心理健康存在显著正相关,个体的心理健康水平随年龄的增长而增长。文化震荡对不同年代出生的人的影响存在显著差异,35岁以下组在精神、行为文化事件方面报告的更积极;36~45岁组在物质文化方面报告的最积极;而46~55岁组的被试则在政治文化事件方面报告的最为积极。(2)文化变革事件对不同生活环境的个体影响存在显著差异,生活在城市中的被试心理健康水平普遍高于农村的被试,而且物质文化事件对个体心理健康的影响也明显高于农村被试。  相似文献   

反社会型人格障碍患者是对社会影响最为严重的人群,主要表现为毫无规则意识和滥杀无辜。童年成长环境不佳以及胆汁质气质者容易成为此类患者。李逵患有严重的反社会人格障碍,以前学者多将李逵的反招安等同于积极的反抗精神,其实这恰恰是反社会人格障碍的明显表现。除李逵以外,梁山武装中还有多位反社会人格障碍患者,所以我们对梁山武装的性质应该有全新的评价。  相似文献   

本研究通过对北京市所有培智学校的在校学生进行的SSBS问卷调查研究发现(1)智力落后男生的反社会行为水平显著高于女生,女生的自我管理能力显著高于男生;(2)随着智力落后程度的加重,社会能力得分显著降低,而在反社会行为的反社会攻击维度,轻度智力落后学生的得分显著低于中、重度智力落后学生;(3)入学前教育机构的智力落后学生的学业成就水平显著高于未入过的智力落后学生,但对反社会行为水平及社会能力的其它维度没有显著影响;(4)在智力落后群体中,孤独症、21-三体学生的社会能力发展处于较低水平;21-三体学生的社会能力好于孤独症学生,并表现在社会能力分量表的各维度;孤独症学生的反社会攻击水平高于21-三体的学生。  相似文献   

在各种人格障碍中,反社会型人格障碍患者引起的违法犯罪行为最多,罪行特别残忍或情节恶劣的犯人中1/3-2/3都属于此类型.童年经验在人格形成的过程中起着很重要的作用,特别是单亲家庭、体质异常、被娇宠,被忽视的儿童更易导致反社会型人格障碍.本文主要讨论此四种童年经验与反社会型人格障碍的关系,并提出预防这种人格障碍产生的方法.  相似文献   

反社会人格障碍是一种以行为不符合社会规范为主要特点的人格障碍,由于反社会人格障碍的人与其它变态人格的主要区别是,反社会人格者萌芽于儿童、青少年时期,表现在幼年就已发生明显的反社会倾向,为持久的适应社会生活的障碍,在各种人格障碍中,此种人格障碍引起的违法犯罪行为最多,犯罪的可能性和对社会的危害更大。本文对反社会人格在认识、情感、意志等方面的特点,从生物——心理——社会的综合模式及其形成的原因,提出了相应的预防对策,以为青少年形成健全人格提供理论依据。  相似文献   

采用了团体施测法用问卷对甘肃农业大学附属中学172名在校初中生(11~16岁)进行调查.结果发现:独生子女在青少年冒险行为的叛逆、鲁莽和刺激寻求水平显著高于非独生子女;男青少年冒险行为的叛逆和鲁莽水平显著高于女青少年;初三青少年的鲁莽和反社会行为显著高于初一和初二的青少年;青少年同伴信任中的可预测性与冒险行为中的反社会与鲁莽呈负相关.研究表明,青少年(11~16岁)冒险行为与同伴信任有关,加强同伴间的信任,在一定程度上有助于减少和降低冒险行为的发生.  相似文献   

反社会人格是反社会人格异常的简称,意思是指个体在社会上具有违反社会道德规范的倾向,具有为了利己的目的而伤害别人时永不感到愧疚的异常性格。反社会人格一般具有两个显特点:一是缺乏对他人的同情与关心;二是缺乏羞耻心与罪恶感。更有人进一步丰富补充进诸如情绪既少焦虑,也少激动;对人对事,无论轻重缓急,既无责任心也无责任感;极端自我中心;虽有关心别人之心却强烈要求别人的关心与信赖等。习惯上,人们用心理困扰、心理障碍和心理疾病分别指称严重程度由低到高的几类心理健康问题,所以,反社会人格一语作为疾病主要适用于成人,在未成年人多以人格障碍或偏差的程度存在。它的主要特征都是在青年早期就出现了,最晚不迟于25岁。因此,加强对青少年反社会人格障碍的预防与矫治就十分关键。  相似文献   

转型时期大学生的人格障碍主要类型有:反社会型人格障碍、边缘型人格障碍、因循型人格障碍和附合型人格障碍。这些人格障碍的形成,与当前我国转型时期特有的价值观矛盾冲突引发的信仰缺失,文化认同危机引发的民族文化心理失衡,以及西方国家信仰危机引发的不确定状态和无意义感等问题密切相关。因此,对他们的教育也应从重建价值体系,提高认识能力和丰富应付方式等相关方面进行。  相似文献   

探索能有效预测青少年依赖型人格障碍倾向的房树人绘画特征。对北京市3所中学共683人进行人格诊断问卷(PDQ-4+)调查和统合型房树人绘画(S-HTP)测验,并依据依赖型人格障碍的病因-症状模式筛选出15项可能反映依赖型人格障碍的绘画特征,分析依赖人格阳性组和阴性组在这些绘画特征上的差异。结果发现:(1)中学生依赖型得分在11-18岁8个年龄组上,随年龄增长呈"U"形发展;(2)阳性组和阴性组在7项绘画特征出现频率上存在显著统计差异,如线条圆滑;(3)Logistic回归分析的结果表明出现中心画等11项绘画特征的中学生更有可能有依赖型人格障碍的倾向;(4)15项绘画特征评价者一致性高。这表明通过标准化处理,房树人绘画测验的11项绘画特征能有效地预测依赖型人格障碍的倾向,成为问卷测量有效的补充。  相似文献   



The goal of the current study was to examine the extent to which child sexual abuse (CSA) and particular characteristics of CSA are associated with pedophilic interest and sexual recidivism.


Subjects were 462 adult male sexual offenders who had been incarcerated in Canadian federal prisons.


Compared to sexual offenders who had not been sexually abused, those who had been sexually abused before age 16 sexually offended against significantly younger victims and had significantly more indicators of pedophilic interest. This was the case whether we examined self-reported or officially documented CSA. Offenders who had been sexually abused exclusively by a male had significantly more indicators of pedophilic interest than those who had been sexually abused exclusively by a female. These findings are consistent with past research and theory suggesting that CSA may play a role in pedophilia and sexual offending against children. CSA exclusively by a female abuser predicted higher rates of sexual recidivism than abuse by a male or both a male and female abuser. Among offenders with victims 15 years old or younger, a closer relationship between offender and abuser predicted higher rates of sexual recidivism. The relationship between CSA and sexual recidivism was significantly moderated by actuarial risk. More specifically, CSA predicted higher rates of sexual recidivism among higher risk offenders, but CSA did not predict sexual recidivism among lower risk offenders. This novel finding raises the possibility that CSA may play a role in sexual recidivism for some offenders.


If future research replicates this CSA by risk interaction and identifies the constructs and processes involved, CSA may be worth considering in risk assessment and treatment.  相似文献   

Offenders in custody are often disadvantaged in terms of education. Research shows that providing and improving education in custody can help reduce the possibility of recidivism and high crime rates in young offenders. Among various factors that can impact on youth’s ability to engage effectively with education in custody, prevalence rates of neurodisabilities such as learning disabilities and traumatic brain injuries (TBI) remain high. Young offenders with neurodisabilities may present with various developmental, cognitive, intellectual, social functioning, language and communication deficits, that may impact on learner-teacher relationships and learning acquisition. For the purpose of this paper, we focused on learning disabilities and TBI given high prevalence rates for these neurodisabilities reported in the literature. We also report on general intellectual functioning given the association with specific learning disabilities. Despite contextual vulnerabilities, there is a dearth of literature on neurodisabilities and its associated impact on education for young offenders in South Africa.Our study sample included young offenders (n = 25) and controls (n = 56), aged 14–21 years. Measures of alcohol (AUDIT), substance use (MAP), learning disabilities and TBIs (CHAT), general intellectual functioning (WASI-II), and depression (BDI-II) were included for offenders and controls. Results show significant differences in TBI, alcohol use, substance use, and reported possible learning disabilities, with higher scores and rates for these factors, indicating poorer outcomes, in the young offender as compared to the control group. The young offender group also had significantly lower and therefore poorer verbal IQ (VIQ) scores than the control group. The results for VIQ were upheld even when the significant difference in age (young offenders were on average 5 years older) was controlled for.Results of this nature can potentially be used to inform rehabilitative efforts in our local youth centres for offenders in the hope of screening for various developmental and acquired neuro-disabilities so that rehabilitation strategies may be even more targeted for those with special education needs in of an already vulnerable population. Such results may also inform the schooling structures within such centres by providing profiles needs of offenders in custody based on screenings of neurodisabilities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Assessing the risk of further offending behavior by adult sexual perpetrators of children is highly relevant and important to professionals involved in child protection. Recent progress in assessing risk in sexual offenders has established the validity of actuarial measures, although there continues to be some debate about the application of these instruments. This paper summarizes the debate between clinical and actuarial approaches and reviews the "base rate" for United Kingdom sexual offense reconviction. METHOD: A review of the literature revealed 16 UK sexual reconviction studies, 8 using incarcerated samples (N=5,915) and 8 using non-incarcerated samples (N=1,274). UK estimates of sexual reconviction rates are compared with European and North American studies. RESULTS: The mean sexual reconviction rates for the incarcerated sample at 2 years (6.0%), 4 years (7.8%) and 6 years or more (19.5%) were higher than that of the comparative non-incarcerated sample at 2 years (5.7%), up to 4 years (5.9%), and 6 years or more (15.5%). The overall sexual reconviction rate for both samples combined was 5.8% at 2 years, and 17.5% at 6 years or more. CONCLUSIONS: The sexual reconviction rate for incarcerated sexual offenders is higher than that of non-incarcerated sexual offenders. The UK sexual reconviction rates were comparable with European and North American studies.  相似文献   

The current study examined child maltreatment re-offending in United States Air Force (USAF) families. In a clinical database containing 24,999 child maltreatment incidents perpetrated by 15,042 offenders between the years 1997 and 2013, 13% of offenders maltreated a child on more than one date (i.e., they re-offended). We explored several offender demographic characteristics associated with who re-offended and found that civilians re-offended at a similar rate as active duty members, males re-offended at a similar rate as females, and younger offenders were more likely to re-offend than older offenders. We also explored incident characteristics associated with who re-offended: Re-offending was more likely if the initial maltreatment was neglect or emotional abuse and re-offenders were likely to perpetrate subsequent maltreatment that was the same type and severity as their initial incident. The current data indicate that young offenders and offenders of neglect and emotional maltreatment are the greatest risk of re-offending. These offender and incident characteristics could be used by the USAF to guide their efforts to reduce re-offending.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to explore the prevalence rate and profiles of abusers and victims of child sexual abuse in a Chinese society. METHOD: A convenience sample of 2,147 Hong Kong Chinese college students completed questionnaires which included items on definitions of child sexual abuse, recall of sexual abuse experience before age 17, information about the sexual abuse incidents, and personal demographics. RESULTS: The overall prevalence rate for various forms of child sexual abuse was 6%, with the rates being higher for females than for males. The average age of the victims at the time of the sexual abuse was 11 years old, with a majority of them experiencing sexual abuse during their teenage years. The average age of the abusers as estimated by the victims was 24 years old, and only 28% of the abusers were strangers to the victims. Males were about three times more likely than females to be sexually abused by their friends, whereas females were about twice more likely than males to be sexually abused by strangers. Only 39% of the victims reported their sexual victimization to others, and 56% of the reported incidents were not followed up. CONCLUSIONS: As compared to Western studies, the present study showed lower rates for more intimate or severe forms of child sexual abuse. The Chinese victims were more reluctant to disclose their sexual victimization than their Western counterparts. Limitations and practical implications of the study are also discussed.  相似文献   

BackgroundLack of studies on CP offenders from non-English speaking countries motivated the analysis of the profile of adult men arrested in Spain for such crimes (N = 347).ObjectiveThe current study examined differences between groups of CP users according to their criminal history (i.e., CP-only offenders, CP offenders with other nonviolent or non-sexually violent crimes, and dual offenders).MethodsAnalyses of case investigation files were performed across seven key areas: (1) sociodemographic characteristics, (2) criminological data, (3) characteristics of index CP offending, (4) characteristics of CP collections, (5) access to children, (6) indication of pedophilic or hebephilic interests, and (7) recidivism outcomes.ResultsCP-only offenders presented with fewer prior criminal records and lower general (6.7%) and violent (1.1%) recidivism rates. They were also less likely to be arrested for CP production, although they had greater access to children living in their residence. CP offenders with other nonviolent or non-sexually violent crimes exhibited characteristics on a continuum between the other two groups. Dual offenders were more likely to have prior criminal records for sexual offenses and higher sexual recidivism rates (16.7%). 55.6% had produced their own CP material, and they were more likely to have content depicting boys. They were also more likely to admit or be diagnosed with pedophilic/hebephilic interests, and they also had the largest proportion of legal child-related content (72.2%).ConclusionsAuthors conclude there are significant differences between dual and CP-only offenders which suggests a need for specialized treatment and risk assessment tools.  相似文献   

Attainment in higher education tends to be poorer in ethnic minority students than in white students. This study examined whether this attainment gap was affected by the introduction of online tuition. Data were obtained from students who had taken courses in either arts or management with the UK Open University and had opted for either face‐to‐face or online tuition. The arts courses had a higher proportion of white students and lower proportions of Asian and black students than the management courses. Nevertheless, white and ethnic minority students gave similar reasons for choosing face‐to‐face tuition or online tuition. In the management courses but not in the arts courses, the pass rate was lower in students who had received online tuition than in students who had received face‐to‐face tuition. Regardless of the discipline or mode of tuition, black students tended to obtain lower marks and lower pass rate than white students, but Asian students did not. It is concluded that online tuition is an appropriate form of student support in both campus‐based and distance education but that the attainment gap in ethnic minority students probably does not arise from the nature and quality of their interactions with teachers and other students.  相似文献   

Young offenders have a high prevalence of mental illness and a large proportion report experiencing a number of traumatic events during childhood, but there is little research exploring this association. This study describes the prevalence of, and association between, child maltreatment and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among young offenders. The study uses data collected as part of the 2009 NSW Young People in Custody Health Survey which was conducted in nine juvenile detention centers. This paper reports on findings from the baseline questionnaires and 18-months of re-offending data. The analysis included 291 participants who were assessed for PTSD and child maltreatment. The sample was 88% male, 48% Aboriginal, with an average age of 17 years (range 13–21 years). One in five (20%) participants were diagnosed with PTSD, with females significantly more likely to have PTSD than males (40% vs. 17%, p < 0.05). Over half (60%) of young offenders reported any child abuse or neglect, with females nearly 10 times more likely to report three or more kinds of severe child maltreatment than males. The main correlate for a diagnosis of PTSD was having three or more kinds of severe child maltreatment (OR = 6.73, 95% CI: 1.06–42.92). This study provides evidence for the need to comprehensively assess child abuse and neglect among young offenders in order to provide appropriate treatment in custody and post-release.  相似文献   

在二人以上随意殴打他人并致人重伤、死亡的案件中,经常出现重伤、死亡的结果仅仅为其中某一个或某几个犯罪行为人所为的现象。对实施致人重伤、死亡行为的犯罪行为人,可以依想象竞合犯理论以故意伤害罪或故意杀人罪定罪处罚。对未实施致人重伤、死亡行为的犯罪行为人,应根据各犯罪行为人有无犯意联络,是否形成I临时共同故意、故意内容是否包含伤害、杀人,各犯罪人的行为与重伤、死亡后果之间是否存在相当的因果关系,或以故意伤害或者故意杀人罪共犯定罪处罚,或以寻衅滋事罪处断。  相似文献   

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