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绕杆射门在足球教学中虽然不作为一项教学内容,但是绕杆射门练习一直是足球教学中的一种最常用,必不可少的训练手段和方法,这是集运球、射门、变向,心理素质于一体的综合练习项目。  相似文献   

通过对1998全国青年联赛武汉赛区第二阶段的比赛射门情况进行了统计,结果表明:个均每场射门次数与禁区的射门质量明显存在不足。为球队实施有针对性的训练提供一点借鉴。  相似文献   

足球比赛的最终目的是进球碍分,因此射门技术就成为足球项目技术中的最重要和最关键技术。但令人遗憾的是,中国各级足球队多年来都没有解决临门一脚的问题,现在充斥中超、中甲赛场上外援绝大多数是前锋,各队也都把得分的希望寄托在外援身上,这不能不说是中国足球的悲哀。如何改变这种情况是各级教练员、运动员面临的重要任  相似文献   

足球比赛临门一脚技术的把握常常决定一场比赛的胜负,而加强射门注意力集中的心理训练对提高射门的质量至关重要。射门时注意力集中的训练可分三个阶段进行,即心理练习阶段、有球练习阶段和比赛练习阶段  相似文献   

对1998年第16届世界杯足球赛182粒入球的射门脚法、入球角度等不同方面进行分析,研究当今足坛各大洲射门技术之动态,探索今后足球射门技术的训练.  相似文献   

对足球比赛中射门技术进行了探讨,提出不论是头球射门,还是脚球射门,运动员都必须加强各项技术训练和心理训练。结论:射门技术是一项综合性技术,在要求运动员注重技、战术训练的同时,还要加强射门意识和射门能力的培养。  相似文献   

<正>一、快速反应抢球射门练习方法:两队运动员站在距球门15米左右的地方,一名守门员把守球门。教练员准备足够数量的足球站在两队学生中间,两队的第一名学生坐在地上,教练员则将球向前踢出,此时,坐在地上的学生要讯速站起来,谁先抢到球谁就先射门,完成射门后捡回自己的球。后面的学生重复练习。见图1。拓展练习:教练员可以发出难度更大的球(高球或半高球),或者加快发球的速度。图1  相似文献   

足球比赛的最终目的是在特定的时间内战胜对手,而取胜的唯一直接手段就是“临门一脚”——射门。射门技术是足球技术中最重要也是最关键的技术。射门技术运用的成功与否,将直接影响着比赛的胜负与球队的水平,乃至球队的命运。“临门一脚”一直是足球教学、训练、比赛中的重点和难点,在这方面准解决的好,谁就将收到事半功倍的效果,否则将适得其反。足球比赛中的射门包括:射门机会的创造、射门意识的培养、射门心理的调节和射门技术的运用等方面。在这些方面的研究足球界已有多项成果,  相似文献   

采用分组实验的研究方法,尝试运用心理演练与身体练习相结合的训练方法来解决足球教学中射门的技术难点,结果表明,通过对足球射门的心理演练与技术练习,提高了射门的命中率。  相似文献   

对足球运动员判断能力的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在足球竞赛中,运动员判断来球,出脚断球,组织快攻是基本环节,而运动员的判断能力最为重要。从心理学、足球技术要素两方面分析了足球运动员的判断,提出了影响准确判断的因素主要为运动员的心理素质好坏和运动员的身体疲劳程度。  相似文献   

射击运动员技术水平的提高是一个方面,更重要的是与比赛发挥相关联的心理能力的训练和提高。只有技术训练水平而没有发挥高水平的良好的心理能力作保证,其竞技能力永远是低下的。因此,心理技能是发挥的重要因素,因而运动竞赛的心理训练应得到非常的重视。  相似文献   

In soccer, the players perform intermittent work. Despite the players performing low-intensity activities for more than 70% of the game, heart rate and body temperature measurements suggest that the average oxygen uptake for elite soccer players is around 70% of maximum (VO(2max). This may be partly explained by the 150 - 250 brief intense actions a top-class player performs during a game, which also indicates that the rates of creatine phosphate (CP) utilization and glycolysis are frequently high during a game. Muscle glycogen is probably the most important substrate for energy production, and fatigue towards the end of a game may be related to depletion of glycogen in some muscle fibres. Blood free-fatty acids (FFAs) increase progressively during a game, partly compensating for the progressive lowering of muscle glycogen. Fatigue also occurs temporarily during matches, but it is still unclear what causes the reduced ability to perform maximally. There are major individual differences in the physical demands of players during a game related to physical capacity and tactical role in the team. These differences should be taken into account when planning the training and nutritional strategies of top-class players, who require a significant energy intake during a week.  相似文献   

投篮技术系统训练的原则性方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
运用系统科学的理论和方法,从投篮技术训练的整体性、系统性、针对性出发,分析和阐述投篮技术系统训练的依据,并据此归纳和设计投篮技术系统训练的原则性方法.  相似文献   

现阶段我国足球运动员体能训练结构的分析与训练对策   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
从当今职业化足球比赛对运动员的体能要求出发,分析我国职业球员体能现状,通过对足球运动员体能水平构成因素的分析及比赛中体能表现的研究,探讨符合足球运动规律的体能训练方法,为足球体能训练监控提供依据。  相似文献   

对足球比赛射门区域的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
足球比赛的最终目的是射门得分,不同区域内射门所取得的效果也不同。通过对2003年全国足球甲A、甲B联赛中射门区域情况的详细分析,旨在找出射门进球的一般规律,为运动员比赛中更多地进球提供理论依据。同时,也为在日常训练中提高射门水平和质量,寻找破门的方法,提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic faith characterised by devotional orthopraxy. The actions expected of followers of Islam are closely prescribed in the Qur'an. Muslims understand Ramadan as a mandatory requirement, excused only in the event of illness, infirmity or extremes of age. Due to the increasing popularity of football among Muslims, more and more Muslim football players of all levels make the decision to follow the Ramadan fast while they need to practise and compete. Sports medicine clinicians and scientists have the responsibility to provide them with the knowledge and evidence on how exactly Ramadan fasting impacts on their performance and how to optimise their eating, drinking and sleeping in order to minimise negative effects of their religious practice, should any have been demonstrated. The first International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA) Medical Assessment and Research Centre (F-MARC) study concluded that biochemical, nutritional, subjective well-being and performance variables were not adversely affected in young male national level players who followed Ramadan fasting in a controlled environment. Match performance was however not measured and the study did not include elite level players, leading to the Ramadan consensus meeting in order to answer the remaining questions. The conclusions and recommendations published in this supplement suggest that the best coping strategies will remain individual - as is the choice to fast.  相似文献   


The home advantage effect was investigated at a team and player level in Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) Champions League football using in-depth performance and disciplinary variables. Performance analysis revealed that the home team scored more goals, had more shots on and off target, had a greater share of possession, and won more corners than the away team. There was an opposite trend for disciplinary variables, with the home team committing less fouls than the away team, and receiving less yellow and red cards. There were home advantage effects at player level for goals, total shots, shots on target, assists, and yellow cards, as found in the team analysis. In addition, foreign players demonstrated a home advantage effect for goals scored, whereas domestic players scored an equivalent number of goals at home and away venues. Results are discussed in relation to the home advantage literature and wider implications for the sport.  相似文献   

选取反映足球运动员有氧及无氧运动能力的代表性指标乳酸阈、最大无氧功率,设计分组教学实验:将24名实验对象分为实验组和对照组,分别进行长达17周(5次/周)的沙滩足球训练和传统足球训练.对分组教学实验前后的各项数据进行对比分析得出结论:1)实验组与对照组的无氧功率指标产生显著性差异,实验组的指标显著提高,可知沙滩足球训练可以有效提高足球运动员的无氧运动能力.2)实验组与对照组的乳酸阈指标产生显著性差异;另外,通过分析跑动过程中各个时间段运动员心率的变化情况发现,分组教学实验后9 min~12 min心率开始产生变化,由此可知沙滩足球训练可以有效提高足球运动员的有氧运动能力.  相似文献   

十七届世界杯足球赛复赛射门进球分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过对十七届世界足球赛复赛阶段16场比赛31个进球的统计、分析,对射门进球的区域、方式,射门进球前的进攻区域及手段进行了研究,探讨了本届世界杯足球射门进球的规律,对今后各级球队在训练和比赛中掌握和提高射门进球技术有参考价值。  相似文献   

浅谈克服排球运动员比赛中不良心态的训练方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
排球比赛中,不良的心理状态,能降低运动员的运动能力和运动效果,造成比赛失利。本文对比赛中经常出现的心理障碍作出分析,并对目前被广泛采用的心理训练方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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