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Listening Section (20 points, 20 minutes) Instructions You will hear a number of recordings and you will have to answer the questions based on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions, and you will have a chance to check your work. The recordings will be played ONLY ONCE. The test includes FIVE parts. At the end of the test you will be given about eight minutes to transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet.  相似文献   

Do you read stories to your children? Have you ever paused while reading and had a child supply a meaningful missing word? You can use this activity as an instructional pre-reading technique that is both fun and educational.  相似文献   

小雅 《英语沙龙》2007,(4):12-14
1.每日练习。你的声音就是你的工具。你可以阅读、写、记英语,但如果你不磨砺自己的工具,你的口语水平就不会得到提高。开始可多用英语进行简短的交谈。你在课外说得越多,你的口语水平就提高得越快,你掌握得也就越快。这包括高声朗读,运用新单词,用英语交谈、提问、演讲,听自己的录音。希望录音机和镜子在你学习英语的过程中成为你的好朋友。  相似文献   

An item bank is defined as a relatively large collection of easily accessible test questions. A wide variety of item bank schemes that meet this relatively unrestricted definition is illustrated. Advantages and disadvantages of item banking and the conditions under which item banks have the most potential value are identified. An extensive list of questions to be asked in designing item banking systems is provided. The following five questions were singled out for further discussion: How many items should be in the bank? Should users develop their own item collections or use the collections of others? How should the items be classified? Should items be calibrated? Will each test have different items or will the same test be administered to all?  相似文献   

和一对一的聊天不同。多人聊天时通常是你一言我一语的,稍不留神,就会跟不上节奏。本板块旨在帮你掌握多人聊天的诀窍。  相似文献   

In this study, a multiple-choice test entitled the Science Process Assessment was developed to measure the science process skills of students in grade four. Based on the Recommended Science Competency Continuum for Grades K to 6 for Pennsylvania Schools, this instrument measured the skills of (1) observing, (2) classifying, (3) inferring, (4) predicting, (5) measuring, (6) communicating, (7) using space/time relations, (8) defining operationally, (9) formulating hypotheses, (10) experimenting, (11) recognizing variables, (12) interpreting data, and (13) formulating models. To prepare the instrument, classroom teachers and science educators were invited to participate in two science education workshops designed to develop an item bank of test questions applicable to measuring process skill learning. Participants formed “writing teams” and generated 65 test items representing the 13 process skills. After a comprehensive group critique of each item, 61 items were identified for inclusion into the Science Process Assessment item bank. To establish content validity, the item bank was submitted to a select panel of science educators for the purpose of judging item acceptability. This analysis yielded 55 acceptable test items and produced the Science Process Assessment, Pilot 1. Pilot 1 was administered to 184 fourth-grade students. Students were given a copy of the test booklet; teachers read each test aloud to the students. Upon completion of this first administration, data from the item analysis yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.73. Subsequently, 40 test items were identified for the Science Process Assessment, Pilot 2. Using the test-retest method, the Science Process Assessment, Pilot 2 (Test 1 and Test 2) was administered to 113 fourth-grade students. Reliability coefficients of 0.80 and 0.82, respectively, were ascertained. The correlation between Test 1 and Test 2 was 0.77. The results of this study indicate that (1) the Science Process Assessment, Pilot 2, is a valid and reliable instrument applicable to measuring the science process skills of students in grade four, (2) using educational workshops as a means of developing item banks of test questions is viable and productive in the test development process, and (3) involving classroom teachers and science educators in the test development process is educationally efficient and effective.  相似文献   

Here is a well written and well edited book with focus on the concept of design in modern educational technology practice. It is for both new and experienced designers; those new to the field might find opportunities to expand their practice, while experienced designers will find affirmation of many past practices and the opportunity to explore new ideas for future projects. If you think this book is likely to be of value to you, I suggest you buy your own copy Diane P Janes  相似文献   

Among the unexpected features of recent developments in technology are the connections between classical arithmetic on the one hand, and new methods for reaching a better security of data transmission on the other. We will illustrate this aspect of the subject by showing how modern cryptography is related to our knowledge of some properties of natural numbers. As an example, we explain how prime numbers play a key role in the process which enables you to withdraw safely your money from your bank account using ATM (Automated Teller Machines) with your secret PIN (Personal Identification Number) code.  相似文献   

This guide to the quality of online learning is an extremely readable and useful publication which anyone interested in the field should read in order to refresh or enhance their understanding of this complex and evolving learning environment. This is a highly recommended resource for all educators and managers of learning and teaching. If the content of this book is likely to be at all relevant to you, I recommend you download your own copy. Robyn Smyth  相似文献   

天台宗以《妙法莲华经》为宗经,该经最后一品《普贤菩萨劝发品》宣称:释迦牟尼涅檠后,由普贤护持佛法。只要你持诵《法华经》,普贤就会乘六牙白象现于你前,并为你说法、纠错、答疑,使你深解义趣。根据普贤愿,你死后升兜率天。随着《法华经》的流行,普贤感应也广泛流行,造普贤寺、立普贤像、行普贤忏,设普贤斋、升兜率天等普遍流行,龙以天台宗为盛。  相似文献   

高升 《中国考试》2008,(2):34-37
所谓B类题库,是指多套已组好的平行试卷的集合,其实质是"卷库",且试卷中的题目一般不标明属性和参数。在A类题库之外建设B类题库有其必要性。它不仅建设周期短、发挥攻效快、建设成本少,而且在难度控制、考试安全等方面也具有一定优势。同时,B类题库可以为最终建成A类库奠定良好的基础。B类题库可以有"试卷库"、"模块库"等多种形式,而模块则可根据需要以多种方法进行拆分。当然,B类题库也存在一些缺陷和问题,比如试卷等值、题目查(?)、试题更新等。为有效解决这些问题,我们已经研究出一些办法,并且还将继续进行探索,使B类题库在考试命题工作中发挥更大的效益和作用。  相似文献   

尚为孩童之时,幸福来得就像拥抱一只小猫小狗那样容易。随着时光的流逝,今日的幸福早已物化,不再是自己对美好生活的享受,而是和赚钱联系在了一起。除了工资飞涨以外,似乎再也没有什么能够让我开怀,然而金钱却无法买得幸福。你的银行存款和你的薪水紧密相连,但幸福的存折全然取决于你自己。让我们直面它吧——除了自己,没有什么人能够让你感受到幸福。幸福是需要自己创造的。  相似文献   

with most exams,there are usually several different ways in which you can answer the questions because as long as you number your answers you can put them in any order the important thing you should always do is to read through the entire paper before you begin.  相似文献   

This is written as an up‐to‐date guide to the effective and imaginative use of information technology in primary classrooms, in a range of subjects and activities. However, much of its content and approach will offer ideas and inspiration to those who teach at other levels. If the content of this book may well be relevant, I recommend you buy your own copy. John Cowan  相似文献   

刘耀辉 《中学生英语》2002,(6):21-21,32
London has a new magazine. But it is not printed on paper. Everyone who has a television can receive it because it is on TV. In order to read this magazine, you have to have a decoder.Each page of it is numbered, so you only have to dial the number to choose which subject you want to read about.  相似文献   

Janet Abaya 《TechTrends》1992,37(3):30-31
Conclusion Finally, in evaluating software packages, “what you need to do is work with the package and match it up with your needs.” Your preference for software will depend on your own background and how you like to work with a package. If you are learning to use a package, you may need to work with it for some time. The longer you work with it, you may form a whole new opinion. Software also changes. There are updates that may improve its capability, so even though you may not like the package now, you may want to reconsider it as new versions come along  相似文献   

目标:提高英语阅读和听力水平。想一想:你上次不得不从头读完一遍劳动合同是什么时候,合同上都有哪些信息,你要求更改了吗?你们国家有零时工合同吗,你对它有什么看法?考试:本文有助于你备考CAE、IELTS和TOEFL等。  相似文献   

Summary The evaluation and selection of interactive video hardware is a difficult process even for experts. There seems to be a multitude of models, options, peripherals, and prices. The task becomes even more perplexing because of rapid advances in the technology. What is new today may be obsolete tomorrow. Using the checklist should help make your job easier. It allows you to compare computers “apple for apple.” The recommendations listed are general suggestions. Different organizations may require most or less than what is recommended. Always plan for at least the minimum requirements of your software, even if those requirements are above our recommendations.  相似文献   

为保证语言测试题目的质量和加强题库建设,本文基于经典测试理论,使用Gitest Ⅲ对一份高考试卷(阅读部分)题目进行项目分析,结果显示:该阅读题目的难度、区分度较理想,但难度分布并不理想。建议在使用题库中的组合试卷前先进行试测,以改进试题的难度分布以及部分题目选项的质量,从而提高试题的信度和效度。  相似文献   

Here is detailed advice to those who strive to enhance schools’ educational provision through the exercise of their leadership. This is a valuable text for such readers, one in which educational technology in its broad sense is implicit throughout. If the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, I recommend that you buy a copy for your own use. John Cowan  相似文献   

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