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本文从"使用与满足"(Uses and Gratifications,U&G)理论的社会化视角出发,探讨社会性网络服务(So-cial Networking Service,SNS)用户从哪些特定使用能够获得社会化满足,分析他们与SNS用户的访问频率、使用时长之间的相关关系,进而把握SNS用户使用的激励因素与行为规律。作者选择本土领先的社会性网络服务——人人网用户为研究对象,通过问卷方法进行数据收集,并且对于模型进行实证检验与分析。实证结果表明:旧关系维持、信息分享是SNS用户社会化满足的两个重要来源,并且激励用户经常、长时间地访问社会性网络服务;自我展现也是SNS用户社会化满足的重要来源,会促使用户经常性访问,但是并不会占有用户太多时间;新关系建立并不会导致用户社会化满足,也并非实际使用的激励因素。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the variables that impact participants’ dependency upon Facebook to achieve communication goals from a uses and gratifications (U&G) perspective. In support of U&G, all five Facebook motives played an important role in dependency outcomes. Participants motivated by virtual community, or meeting new people online, were most dependent on the medium. Big 5 personality traits, self-esteem, and social cohesion were examined and partially supported a social compensation perspective. Results are discussed in light of existing U&G and dependency research with respect to functional alternatives. Limitations and directions for future research are also offered.  相似文献   

The notion of social media affordances has not been fully integrated into the uses and gratifications literature. Building on the MAIN (modality, agency, interactivity, and navigability) model, this study develops and tests a social media uses and gratifications scale with a sample of 393 college students. Results of the study support the MAIN model, as conceptualizing social media uses and gratifications as a second-order factor structure with 4 different types of affordances displays similar goodness-of-fit to a single-order factor structure. A confirmatory factor analysis with a second sample of 313 adults further confirms the applicability of the scale among the general population.  相似文献   

Recent research explaining Internet usage has both extended and challenged the uses and gratifications approach to understanding media attendance by discovering "new" gratifications and introducing powerful new explanatory variables. The present research integrates these developments into a theory of media attendance within the framework of Bandura's (1 986) Social Cognitive Theory. Respondents from 2 Midwestern states were recruited by mail to complete an online questionnaire. Structural equation modeling techniques were used to test a.new model of media attendance in which active consideration of Internet uses and gratifications, moderated by Internet self-efficacy, joins habitual behavior and deficient self-regulation as determinants of media behavior. The model explained 42% of the variance in Internet usage. ,  相似文献   

This article responds to recent calls for conceptual and methodological refinement, issued by uses-and-gratifications scholars (Rubin, 2009 Rubin, A. M. 2009. “The uses-and-gratifications perspective on media effects.”. In Media effects: Advances in theory and research , 3rd ed. Edited by: Bryant, J. and Oliver, M. B. 165184. New York, NY: Routledge..  [Google Scholar]; Ruggiero, 2000 Ruggiero, T. E. 2000. Uses and gratifications theory in the 21st century. Mass Communication & Society, 3: 337. doi: 10.1207/S15327825MCS0301_02[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), for studying emergent media. Noting that studies on the uses of the Internet have generated a list of gratifications that are remarkably similar to those obtained from older media, it identifies two measurement artifacts—(1) measures designed for older media are used to capture gratifications from newer media; and (2) gratifications are conceptualized and operationalized too broadly (e.g., information-seeking), thus missing the nuanced gratifications obtained from newer media. It challenges the notion that all gratifications are borne out of innate needs, and proposes that affordances of media technology can shape user needs, giving rise to new and distinctive gratifications. A sample of new gratifications and potential measures for those are provided.  相似文献   

Internet is generally expected to have one of two effects on traditional news media: It displaces them, or it forces them into distinct market niches. A shared assumption underlying both expectations is that news media displacement, or substitution, is a function of the degree to which news media are functional equivalents. This article explores this assumption from a niche theoretical perspective, using survey data from 2 student samples as illustrative cases. Findings indicate that, for these students, news media substitution does not depend on functional equivalence of media in providing gratifications and gratification opportunities or types of content. Post hoc analyses suggest instead that, for this particular audience, media use depends on habit and media accessibility. Follow-up studies should further investigate these relations for representative samples.  相似文献   

使用与满足:一个标签化的理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用与满足是传播学最流行和最重要的理论之一。本文批判性地回顾了该理论的起源与发展,分析了该理论的潜在假设以及对该理论的批评。该理论在还没充分发展成系统的实证理论之前,已经制度化于传播学研究中。一方面它被当成是一个正式的理论而被广泛运用到对媒介采纳、选择、使用/接触的研究中,另一方面它越来越趋向于一个标签化的理论而非正式的系统的实证理论。  相似文献   

Through analysis of five focus groups with people who “usually (more often than not) listened to at least one podcast episode a week” in the last two months, this uses and gratifications (U&G) study uncovers several prominent themes among podcast listener experiences. In an effort to integrate old and new media use typologies within U&G research, our results are presented in two parts: emerging typologies and expansions of existing typologies. The emerging section includes reasons for podcast displacement of other media, customizable experiences, and multitasking (which involves both temptation bundling and feeding the brain). The expansion builds on the existing typologies of companionship and interaction by analyzing avenues for parasocial relationship formation and identifying social opportunities as well as social frustrations surrounding podcasts. We ultimately conclude that podcasts offer an endless supply of engaging content that travels with listeners, allowing them to be “productive” in various physical and mind-expanding ways. The enjoyment is facilitated in part by forging connections with hosts and other listeners.  相似文献   

This study examines the uses and gratifications (U&G) of accessing political candidate profiles on social network Web sites. An online survey of visitors to the MySpace profiles of 2008 primary candidates revealed that voters are drawn to this source of political information mainly by the desire for social interaction with other like-minded supporters, followed by information-seeking, and entertainment. While information seeking and entertainment are common U&G of consuming online political content, they were weaker factors compared to the social interaction factor that seems to distinguish MySpace, possibly SNSs in general, from other online sources of political content.  相似文献   

This study employed an online survey (N = 310) to explore how viewers’ motivations for social TV participation influence their involvement in social TV activities, their program commitment, and network loyalty. Findings show that social infotainment and social companionship are the primary motivations of social TV participation. However, only social infotainment significantly predicts the intensity of viewers’ social TV usage, which has a positive influence on program commitment and network loyalty. Additionally, the relationship between social TV usage and network loyalty is partially mediated by program commitment. These findings demonstrate the value of social TV to broadcasters and provide directions for initiating and maintaining long-term relationships with viewers.  相似文献   

Social network sites (SNSs) enable users to self-disclose to broad and anonymous audiences. Drawing on social cognitive theory (SCT) and the uses and gratifications (U&G) approach, this study investigates how reality television (RTV) cultivates desire for fame in its audience, which is operationalized as a human desire motivating nondirected self-disclosure (NDSD) online, a technique seeking fame. Results from an online survey (N = 221) show that whether watching RTV with friends interacted with time spent viewing RTV to affect desire for fame, which in turn affected the use of SNSs to pursue fame. In addition, exhibitionism, a motive of SNS use for the purpose of fame, fully mediated the relationship between desire for fame and NDSD. These results have implications for refining U&G and new media research.  相似文献   

Academic libraries are increasingly engaged on social media in order to connect with diverse community groups and move beyond the traditional bounds of the library. This research uses a phenomenological approach and Institutional Theory to explore social media postings at six different public and private university libraries in two Midwest states. The research addresses what themes emerge among the university library's social media pages and what, if any, differences in themes emerge based on the status of the library in question. Social media postings included ten different codes: archives; collections; events; exhibits; facility; library community; sentiments; services; site management; and university community. These codes were tied to three different themes: libraries create a sense of outreach and advocacy with the goal of establishing community connection, providing an inviting environment, and access to content as needed or desired. Ultimately, while libraries at universities with an ARL library or an MLS granting degree program showed a similar breakdown between these three themes, libraries at other master's degree institutions spent less time on making community connections in lieu of posting content and information about the library's environment.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于使用与满足这一视角,对国外社交网络用户行为相关的文献进行系统的梳理与分析,以期对国内相关研究提供参考。[方法/过程]采用内容分析方法,遵循Webster和Watson的两阶段综述方法,共获取社交网络用户行为研究相关的实证类文献54篇;逐一阅读与分析这些文献,主要关注与分析每篇文献所应用的研究主题、理论基础、因变量、自变量与实证结果。[结果/结论]研究发现:已有研究通常整合多种理论来构建实证模型;认知需求、个人整合需求以及社会整合需求相关的影响因素被学者关注得最多;与此同时,情感需求与压力释放需求相关的影响因素也逐渐受到关注。后续研究需要关注不同层面的需求满足对社交网络用户行为产生的不同影响、不同代际的用户群体使用社交网络的行为以及社交网络沉迷行为这些日益浮现的重要议题。  相似文献   

Increasingly, media consumers follow entertainment across media; migrating from one medium to the next seeking to fulfill different needs. Using survey methods (N = 444), this exploratory research examines the underlying elements of media migration by studying the uses and gratifications of migration behavior. Specifically, findings of this survey identify migration activities, motivations, and predictors of migration. Results suggest that several of the top migration activities are strongly tied to Internet use. Findings indicate that media migration is motivated by different needs, including entertainment, escape, enlightenment, and more content-congruent exposure. Finally, amidst various predictors, the need for content-congruent exposure emerged as a strong predictor of migration.  相似文献   

本文将社交媒体视为媒介基础设施,以微信API(应用程序/编程接口)的开放与使用项目为经验个案,探索社交媒体研究的媒介物质性路径。研究发现,数字媒介语境中的社交媒体具有平台化与层叠化特征。一方面,微信经由API所进行的媒介物质性实践,实现自身在互联网空间中的边界扩张,异质性主体(普通用户、第三方应用商、互联网巨头以及硬件设备与软件程序等)围绕微信API的接入、使用以及竞争形成了一个层叠化的传播实践场域;另一方面,微信通过API接入标准的定义,结合行业规范与政策规制等方面形塑了结构化的平台关系生态。平台化的运作逻辑时常会与微信的媒介基础设施属性发生价值层面的冲突,当平台的边界扩张受阻或者遭遇竞争时,微信往往会以强化接入标准、纠错补漏以及商业协商等方式处理自身与多元主体之间的复杂关系。文章认为,将平台与基础设施等概念引入国内的社交媒体研究,有助于拓宽或者转变社交媒体研究的理论面向,从而在一定程度上跳脱主流传播研究将社交媒体定义和理解为内容生产与关系建构的技术媒介的思维定势。  相似文献   

A survey administered to reality TV viewers revealed that the most salient motives for watching reality TV were habitual pass time and reality entertainment. Additional analysis indicated that those who enjoyed reality TV the most for its entertainment and relaxing value also tended to perceive the meticulously edited and frequently preplanned content of reality interaction as realistic. Concurrently those externally controlled, with low mobility and low levels of interpersonal interaction, were more likely to watch reality TV programming to fulfill voyeuristic and companionship needs. Functional alternative uses of reality TV and the appeal of realistic programming were documented.  相似文献   

This survey study investigated contributors to viewers' hedonic enjoyment, appreciation, and emotional responses to a televised baseball game. There was an indirect relationship between athlete affinity and hedonic enjoyment by way of suspense. This relationship was moderated by the game's outcome such that suspense was associated more strongly with enjoyment when the viewer's team lost. Interest and knowledge of a player was the form of affinity that had a stronger relationship to suspense, rather than the viewers' sense of having a virtual friendship. Virtual friendship and sport involvement were associated directly with appreciation. Enjoyment and appreciation were associated with different emotional responses. Whereas enjoyment was associated with stronger positive and weaker negative emotions, appreciation was associated with stronger positive, negative, and meaningful emotions.  相似文献   

社会性媒介使用与隐私意识法律化原则探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术赋权的社会性媒介作为社会结构的功能性元素,其"社会性"媒介使用特质的彰显应以隐私保护的理性认知与适度、合理限制为条件。隐私意识法律化需考虑:个人信息与事项是否关涉人格尊严,私情信息属违背道德或是违法犯罪行为,私人信息与事项是否属于共同隐私,私人行为是发生在公开场合以及公开私人信息是否属于善意且不得已。网络运营商作为"善良管理人",法律应遵循公正原则赋予其合理责任与监管义务。  相似文献   

This study investigates networked framing of terrorism news in Twitter by distinguishing three proximity effects (geographic, social, and temporal proximity) on audience and media institutional frames (i.e., episodic/thematic and space frames), based on construal-level theory. An analysis of tweets during the Boston Marathon bombing and the Brussels Airport attack finds that institutional and audience frames show similarity but do not always converge on Twitter. Similarities in the audience and institutional frames are attributed to a universal human tendency for social categorization, inherent in the minds of not only ordinary citizens but also journalists. Proximity effects, however, were more salient on audience frames than on institutional frames.  相似文献   

This study compares the tendencies and motivations of the traditional sport fan (who consumes sport to see if his or her favorite teams/players are victorious) and the relatively newer fantasy sport fan (who consumes with the added variable of wanting to see certain players do well in order to secure personal fantasy team victories). A total of 1,261 traditional and fantasy sport consumers were surveyed, with results indicating that fantasy sport users had elevated levels of enjoyment, entertainment, passing time, social interaction, and surveillance motivations when compared to traditional fans. No significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of arousal, whereas traditional fans scored higher regarding escape motivations. In addition, all motivation behaviors increased significantly based on the amount of fantasy sport involvement, leading to the conclusion that fantasy sport participants have many of the same fanship motivations as traditional nonplaying fans, albeit at higher and often significantly higher levels. Theoretical and applied conclusions are extrapolated as well.  相似文献   

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