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教师专业发展及其有效性评价:走向概念性框架的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何有效地开展教师专业学习一直是教育学者及政策制定者探索的课题。在教学实践中和从教学实践中学的概念路径是提升和改善教师专业发展的实证经验。教师专业学习的动态本质在于,教师在个体和共同体条件下对镶嵌在教学实践中的知识不问断地、持续地认知与反思。核心特征的方法论起点是应对这一专业发展观的评价策略,概念性评价框架的形成是实现专业发展评价的理论假设,形成基础的概念框架则是专业发展评价的基本趋势。  相似文献   

“包客性发展”应深化与拓展为一种综合性的发展概念性分析框架,它至少是与“科学发展”和“可持续发展”相并列的同一序列,都是对传统意义上的工业现代化/城市化发展理念与模式的一种主动矫正.而且严格说来,“包容性发展”和“可持续发展”要比“科学发展”有着更为鲜明、先进的主题性指向或概括.“包容性发展”强调的是国内外社会系统在发展整体中的地位考量,“可持续发展”强调的是生态系统在发展整体中的地位考量,而“科学发展”强调的仍是经济发展甚至经济增长在发展整体中的中心地位.中国的经济社会现代化进程正在将我们日益推向更加关注发展的包容性与可持续性的新阶段.  相似文献   

TIMSS-A数学测评是面向中学毕业班学生的数学学业成就评价国际比较项目,1995—2015年间,其评价框架的变化趋势为:和参与国/地区数学课标修订同步更新,知识广度日趋稳定;综合考查内容与认知维度,允许使用计算器;根据STEM领域需求调整内容比例,同等重视微积分与代数,弱化几何;渗透函数的关系定义,适应信息时代的新要求。  相似文献   

指向核心素养的课程改革,需要更科学、更综合的评价体系.表现性评价已广泛应用于核心素养的评价.然而,并不是所有表现性评价都能有效评价并发展学生的核心素养.建构一套科学的表现性评价质量分析框架,是实现高质量表现性评价的基础.本研究在回顾已有表现性评价质量分析标准的基础上,提炼评估表现性评价质量的关键指标,形成表现性评价质量分析框架.同时,运用该框架尝试性地对表现性评价案例进行分析,为我国指向核心素养的表现性评价的设计和实施提供借鉴.  相似文献   

指向核心素养的课程改革,需要更科学、更综合的评价体系.表现性评价已广泛应用于核心素养的评价.然而,并不是所有表现性评价都能有效评价并发展学生的核心素养.建构一套科学的表现性评价质量分析框架,是实现高质量表现性评价的基础.本研究在回顾已有表现性评价质量分析标准的基础上,提炼评估表现性评价质量的关键指标,形成表现性评价质量分析框架.同时,运用该框架尝试性地对表现性评价案例进行分析,为我国指向核心素养的表现性评价的设计和实施提供借鉴.  相似文献   

透视数学表现性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数学表现性评价创设具体情境,从“做”中评价数学知识与技能:它凸显数学化思想,分层评价发现问题、解决问题的能力;而且它更新评价理念,全方位关注学生的数学情感与态度.我们要重视数学表现性评价,进行“测验嵌入式”和“教学嵌入式”数学表现性评价的实践研究.  相似文献   

The QUASAR Cognitive Assessment Instrument (QCAI) is designed to measure program outcomes and growth in mathematics. It consists of a relatively large set of open-ended tasks that assess mathematical problem solving, reasoning, and communication at the middle-school grade levels. This study provides some evidence for the generalizability and validity of the assessment. The results from the generalizability studies indicate that the error due to raters is minimal, whereas there is considerable differential student performance across tasks. The dependability of grade level scores for absolute decision making is encouraging; when the number of students is equal to 350, the coefficients are between .80 and .97 depending on the form and grade level. As expected, there tended to be a higher relationship between the QCAI scores and both the problem solving and conceptual subtest scores from a mathematics achievement multiple-choice test than between the QCAI scores and the mathematics computation subtest scores.  相似文献   

This paper offers for discussion and critique a conceptual framework that applies a situative perspective on learning to the study of learning to teach mathematics. From this perspective, such learning occurs in many different situations -- mathematics and teacher preparation courses, pre-service field experiences, and schools of employment. By participating over time in these varied contexts, mathematics teachers refine their conceptions about their craft -- the big ideas of mathematics, mathematics-specific pedagogy, and sense of self as a mathematics teacher. This framework guides a research project that traces the learning trajectories of teachers from two reform-based teacher preparation programs into their early teaching careers. We provide two examples from this research to illustrate how this framework has helped us understand the process of learning to teach. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

义务教育阶段科学学业成就监测是新课程改革的重大研究课题.它是客观公正地评价义务教育新课程科学教育改革的整体效果、科学全面地检测学生学习水平的重要工具,也是新课程科学教育改革课程决策的重要参考依据.全面深入地分析与借鉴PISA、TIMSS、NAEP等国际性学生评价项目,吸收认知目标分类理论、教育测量与评价理论的最新成果,厘清新课程科学学业成就监测的设计理念,梳理评价维度,整体设计评价框架,并初步开发试题编制模型与质量保证技术,能为新课程科学教育评价改革提供参考.  相似文献   

儿童全面发展概念的多学科内涵建构立足于马克思主义"人的全面发展"的深刻内涵,尝试从多学科视角探讨儿童全面发展"五对概念十二个范畴"的内涵建构,具体包括:(1)儿童道德和公民性发展的伦理学、政治学视角的概念内涵建构;(2)儿童认知与情感发展的心理学、脑科学视角的概念内涵建构;(3)儿童社会性与个性发展的社会学、心理学、社会心理学视角的概念内涵建构;(4)儿童艺术与审美发展的艺术学、美学视角的概念内涵建构;(5)儿童健康与安全发展的人体运动学、营养学、安全学视角的概念内涵建构,以及儿童大脑与身体发展的脑科学、生理学视角的概念内涵建构。儿童全面发展概念的多学科内涵建构对深化儿童发展的基本理论予以探讨,为更加全面地把握育人目标提供理论借鉴,并为构建科学的教育评价体系提供思想基础。  相似文献   

作为大型国际评价项目.TIMSS具有较成熟、完善的评价框架.因此研究TIMSS评价框架的变化趋势,能够为我国数学教育评价提供一定的启示.为此,该文从认知和内容两个维度,对TIMSS2003和TIMSS2007的数学评价框架进行了分析,经研究发现,TIMSS重视内容的基础性,内容的实用性、学生的基本认知能力,学生的数学化能力.这对我国数学教育评价提供了几点启示:我国数学教育评价应继续关注学生的基础知识和基本技能、关注学生的发展,避免被功利化.  相似文献   


Although more nuanced understandings of assessment have been proposed in the physical education literature, assessment practices remain relatively underdeveloped, and when used, tend to focus on traditional, summative evaluations of learning. However, physical education teacher education programs can be used as an intervention to help pre-service teachers develop assessment knowledge and skill. Toward this end, the purpose of this article is to propose an evidence-based framework for helping pre-service teachers develop assessment literacy that is rooted in occupational socialization theory. The framework provides a four-phase approach to integrating assessment into teacher education, and includes suggestions for how physical education teacher educators can progressively help build pre-service teachers’ assessment knowledge in line with the focus given to instruction and planning. These suggestions acknowledge the technical and sociocultural aspects of learning to use assessment. Implications are discussed along with the need to help graduating pre-service teachers transfer lessons learned into the workplace.  相似文献   

Although the National Curriculum demands a wide range of speaking and listening activities in the primary classroom and the National Oracy Project has stimulated a rich variety of empirical work by teachers on children's spoken language, there is still an underdeveloped conceptual framework to the primary oracy curriculum as a whole. This article argues that the recent SCAA (School Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Exemplification of Standards booklet and video sent to every primary school in the country only raises once again some of these unresolved conceptual issues. It attempts to begin to construct a useful conceptual framework for classroom oracy using different concepts which help to frame the familial culture of the young child, the oral culture of the media and the cognitive and rational culture of school discourse.  相似文献   

高考评价体系是新时代高考内容改革的理论支撑和实践指南。以高考评价体系为指导,在明确高考数学科功能定位的基础上,确定考查理性思维、数学应用、数学探索、数学文化4类学科素养,考查逻辑思维能力、运算求解能力、空间想象能力、数学建模能力、创新能力5种关键能力,提出具有学科特点的基础性、综合性、应用性、创新性的考查要求,通过设置课程学习情境、探索创新情境、生活实践情境3类试题情境落实考查内容和考查要求。高考评价体系对指导高考数学内容改革具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文对PISA2006科学素养评估的概念框架进行了分析性抽绎,明确了PISA2006所定义的科学素养的概念和维度以及使用的评估框架,进而对该概念框架提供了建设性的思考.  相似文献   

The drive to 'unify'post-compulsory education and training systems is one of the most important current developments in education policy. However the concept of 'unification' lacks clarity, is not widely recognised, and is pursued through different measures in different countries. In this paper we propose a conceptual framework with which to analyse the different meanings of and debates about unification. Using England and Scotland as examples, we show how the framework may be used to analyse existing systems, reform strategies, and processes and pressures for change. The framework is exploratory and will need to be tested and developed in relation to a wider variety of education systems.  相似文献   

Professional development for faculty in higher education takes many forms, from self-directed activities to organized programs of learning. Described in this article is a comprehensive definition of continuing professional development followed by a conceptual framework for thinking about those factors that support or impede our professional development. We conclude with a case study of one professor's career development, noting where various factors in the framework have played a part.  相似文献   

This study used three different differential item functioning (DIF) detection proce- dures to examine the extent to which items in a mathematics performance assessment functioned differently for matched gender groups. In addition to examining the appropriateness of individual items in terms of DIF with respect to gender, an attempt was made to identify factors (e.g., content, cognitive processes, differences in ability distributions, etc.) that may be related to DIF. The QUASAR (Quantitative Under- standing: Amplifying Student Achievement and Reasoning) Cognitive Assessment Instrument (QCAI) is designed to measure students' mathematical thinking and reasoning skills and consists of open-ended items that require students to show their solution processes and provide explanations for their answers. In this study, 33 polytomously scored items, which were distributed within four test forms, were evaluated with respect to gender-related DIF. The data source was sixth- and seventh- grade student responses to each of the four test forms administrated in the spring of 1992 at all six school sites participatingin the QUASARproject. The sample consisted of 1,782 students with approximately equal numbers of female and male students. The results indicated that DIF may not be serious for 3 1 of the 33 items (94%) in the QCAI. For the two items that were detected as functioning differently for male and female students, several plausible factors for DIF were discussed. The results from the secondary analyses, which removed the mutual influence of the two items, indicated that DIF in one item, PPPl, which favored female students rather than their matched male students, was of particular concern. These secondary analyses suggest that the detection of DIF in the other item in the original analysis may have been due to the influence of Item PPPl because they were both in the same test form.  相似文献   

基于计算机的测评逐渐成为PISA数学素养测评的主要方式,并在测评框架、测评题目设计、作答环境和模式、评分过程及测评结果等方面都呈现出较为明显的计算机化特点。PISA2021数学测评将与计算机技术进行更深层次的融合,通过更具交互性、智能化和适应性的方式达到更好的数学素养测评效果。  相似文献   

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