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特质焦虑者对威胁信息的注意偏向影响其焦虑易感性。研究表明,威胁刺激的水平、特质焦虑者的状态焦虑水平、威胁刺激呈现的时间长短等是影响特质焦虑者注意偏向的主要因素。但是由于实验范式和刺激材料以及实验手段的不同,这些影响因素在注意偏向中的作用还需进一步明确。  相似文献   

当前研究发现焦虑和威胁刺激注意偏向相关。越来越多的研究发现这些注意偏向可能与焦虑的发展存在因果关系。临床研究者已开始发展一种新的、具体的治疗方法以矫正这些注意偏向,从而减轻患者的焦虑症状。注意偏向训练已被证实能有效地较少成人焦虑程度。本文将简要介绍这一新的治疗方法的具体方案。  相似文献   

该文采用点探测范式,以代表高低趋近动机水平的欲求关食图片和愉悦动物图片为积极情绪刺激,采用2(高趋近动机水平积极情绪刺激,低趋近动机水平积极情绪刺激)×2(同侧,异侧)被试内设计,探讨个体在一般情境下对积极情绪刺激的注意偏向。结果表明,个体在一般情境下对积极情绪刺激和中性刺激存在注意偏向,即个体更偏好于积极情绪刺激,而个体在一般情境下对不同趋近水平的积极情绪刺激并不存在明显的注意偏向。  相似文献   

目的:探究考试焦虑不同程度个体的选择性注意抑制功能。方法:通过考试焦虑问卷,筛选出高、低考试焦虑大学生,以其为被试,采用改进的情绪负启动范式,控制刺激材料的相关度和效价,以语义判断的情绪负启动任务,考察高考试焦虑者的注意抑制能力。结果:高考试焦虑组在考试相关高、低威胁刺激和考试无关高威胁刺激条件下,负启动条件下的反应时间显著短于控制条件下,负启动量显著小于低考试焦虑组,且负启动量值为负;在考试无关低威胁刺激时,负启动条件下的反应时间显著长于控制条件下,负启动量为正,且与低考试焦组无差异。结论:高考试焦虑者对考试相关的特定刺激和一般性高威胁刺激均存在注意抑制困难。  相似文献   

采用情绪图-词Stroop范式,探究考试焦虑个体在注意偏向上是否存在情绪干扰,以及不同程度考试焦虑个体对情绪信息的注意偏向差异.结果表明:(1)高考试焦虑个体与低考试焦虑个体相比,有对情绪词语更加突出的反应延迟特点,表现出了明显的情绪干扰;(2)高考试焦虑个体与低考试焦虑个体相比,存在更多的负性认知偏向;(3)高考试焦虑个体与低考试焦虑个体相比,在图词不一致的情况下有更多的反应延迟存在.  相似文献   

在简要回顾有关强迫症个体注意偏向的研究的基础上,较为系统地比较、阐述了强迫症注意偏向研究中的主要研究范式(强迫症Stroop任务、点探测任务、空间线索任务).最后,通过对前人研究的分析总结,对强迫症注意偏向未来研究的取向和趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

情绪信息和注意偏向的关系一直是情绪研究和社会认知研究的热点。大量的研究均以情绪障碍患者作为被试群体,忽视了正常群体的研究,对情绪信息也片面地划分为正性与负性刺激,没有考虑到情绪刺激的社会意义。从社会计量器理论出发,从影响注意偏向效应的人格特质——自尊出发,以情绪刺激的人际效力为出发点,在综合国内外研究成果基础上,对不同自尊水平个体在人际拒绝/人际接纳情绪刺激注意偏向上的差异进行梳理和综述,以期深入探明问题实质,并为今后研究提供参考。  相似文献   

采用空间线索任务,以身体攻击图片和表情图片两类实验材料,对暴力游戏玩家的注意偏向机制及其时间进程进行探讨.结果发现,暴力游戏对个体注意偏向的影响主要表现为:玩家对于他们所熟悉的身体攻击图片,在线索仅呈现100 ms时即产生对攻击信息的注意警觉,在500 ms时该注意偏向消失;对于表情图片,暴力游戏玩家在线索呈现500 ms时表现出对负性表情和愉快表情的注意回避,在1 250 ms时注意回避消失.从而表明,暴力游戏经验与个体对相关信息的注意偏向的改变有关,且这种改变依赖于刺激内容及加工时程.  相似文献   

以考试相关和中性图片为刺激材料,采用n-back实验范式,考察高、低任务负荷条件下,高、低考试焦虑者的工作记忆刷新表现。结果表明:高、低负荷任务中,高考试焦虑者对考试相关图片的反应时都显著长于低焦虑者;高负荷任务中,高考试焦虑者对考试相关图片的反应正确率显著低于低考试焦虑者,而在低负荷任务中无差异。对中性图片的反应时及正确率两组均无差异。研究认为,高负荷条件下,高考试焦虑者对考试相关图片的工作记忆刷新功能较低考试焦虑者有显著缺陷。  相似文献   

特质焦虑的注意偏向研究是焦虑认知研究中一个重要的方面。高特质焦虑个体确实存在对威胁信息的注意偏向。本文在分析特质焦虑的注意偏向基础上,提出了研究中的不足,并对未来的研究内容进行展望,以期对焦虑障碍的临床治疗提供指导。  相似文献   

There is substantial evidence that clinically referred and nonreferred high-anxious adults selectively shift attention toward threatening stimuli. In contrast, low-anxious adults shift attention away from threatening stimuli. Recent evidence suggests that clinically referred anxious children also selectively attend to threatening information. The present study tested for the presence of such a bias in a nonreferred sample of high-anxious children and also included the first adequate test for an attentional bias away from threat among low-anxious children. 20 high- and 20 low-test-anxious children, 11–14 years of age, completed a task in which visual attention was indexed by latency to detect probes following emotionally threatening and neutral words. Results supported the predicted attentional bias toward threat cues among high-test-anxious children. Unexpectedly, the predicted attentional bias away from threat cues was found only among low-test-anxious boys. Low-test-anxious girls attended equally to threatening and neutral words. In sum, selective attention mechanisms influence children's processing of threatening information and may play a role in the regulation and dysregulation of childhood anxiety.  相似文献   

Maltreated children usually show a specific pattern of emotional and behavioral symptoms that exceed those relating to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These symptoms have been defined as Complex PTSD (CPTSD). The underlying attentional mechanisms of abnormal emotional processing and their relation to the clinical presentation of CPTSD are not well understood. A visual dot-probe paradigm involving pre-attentive (i.e., 500 ms) and attentive (i.e., 1500 ms) presentation rates of neutral versus emotional (i.e., angry, happy or sad) facial expressions was applied. Twenty-one maltreated CPTSD children were compared with twenty-six controls. The results are as follows: an attention bias away from threatening faces and an attentional bias towards sad faces were observed in maltreated CPTSD children during pre-attentive and attentive processing. Whereas the attentional bias away from angry faces was associated with social problems, the attentional bias towards sad faces was associated with depressive and withdrawn symptoms. Therefore, CPTSD children develop maladaptive negative cognitive styles, which may underlie not only social problems (by a cognitive avoidance of threatening stimuli) but also depressive symptoms (by a cognitive approach to sad stimuli). Attention processing abnormalities should be considered as therapeutic targets for new treatment approaches in this population.  相似文献   

恐惧症作为以恐惧症状为主要临床表现的一种神经症,分为不同的亚型,不同恐惧症个体对特定事物的注意偏向存在特异性。眼动技术作为一种新的研究范式逐渐进入恐惧症研究领域,为恐惧症个体注意偏向的探讨提供了有利支持。本文聚焦近年来关注较多的社交恐惧症和蜘蛛恐惧症,梳理恐惧症个体注意偏向的成分和时程性等方面的眼动研究,并在最后提出未来研究展望,以期为该领域的后续研究提供启示。  相似文献   

智力的理论研究发展与智力研究范式、方法的进步存在密切的关系。文章尝试梳理智力研究范式的的演变历程,重点评述三大研究范式:智力测验模式、智力的信息加工模式、智力的生物学模式,同时简评智力研究范式的进展。  相似文献   

Previous studies have found a tendency for aggressive boys to display hostile attributional biases and social cue interpretation deficits. It was hypothesized that these biases and deficits would be exaggerated under conditions of social anxiety and threat. Aggressive and nonaggressive boys aged 8 - 10 (total N = 65) were administered tests of attributional tendencies and social cue interpretation skills (via videorecorded stimuli) under relaxed and threatening conditions. It was found that, relative to normal boys, aggressive boys displayed a bias toward attributing hostile intentions to peers, a deficit in interpreting accurately others' intentions, and a deficit in linking interpretations to behavioral responses. The hypothesis that these biases and deficits would be exaggerated under conditions of threat was also supported. Findings were interpreted as consistent with theories of preemptive processing and emotional vulnerability in aggressive boys.  相似文献   

不同时代的大学基于经济社会发展的不同需要,有着不同的发展范式。现代大学以教学和科研为中心,创新创业只是高等教育的一个子目标。伴随以要素和投资规模为驱动的经济-技术范式向以创新为驱动的经济-技术范式的转移,高等教育将面临创新创业失灵的挑战,大学的发展范式也不可避免地要经历变迁。在信息技术革命加速推进的背景下,通过理论引领变革大学发展范式以应对创新创业挑战成为一种必然的选择。在基于知识的社会里,大学是创新的引擎和创业的孵化器,唯有以创新创业为发展范式的大学,才能保障人类经济社会发展和繁荣的可持续性。  相似文献   

e‐Learning is becoming an increasingly popular educational paradigm because of the rapid growth of the Internet. Recent studies have argued that affective modelling (ie, considering a learner's emotional or motivational state) should also be considered while designing learning activities. Many studies indicated that various learning emotions markedly impact learning outcomes. In the language education field, many studies have investigated anxiety associated with learning a second language, noting that anxiety has an adverse effect on the performance of those speaking English as a second language. Therefore, how to reduce anxiety associated with learning a second language to increase learning performance is an important research issue in the language education field. Accordingly, this study employed a sensor, signal processing, wireless communication, system‐on‐chip and machine‐learning techniques in developing an embedded human emotion recognition system based on human pulse signals for detecting three human emotions—nervousness, peace and joy—to help teachers reduce language‐learning anxiety of individual learners in a web‐based one‐to‐one synchronous learning environment. The accuracy rate of the proposed emotion recognition model evaluated by cross‐validation is as high as 79.7136% when filtering out human pulse signals that have bias. Moreover, this study applied the embedded emotion recognition system to assist instructor's teaching in a synchronous English conversation environment by immediately reporting variations in individual learner emotions to the teacher during learning. In this instructional experiment, the teacher can give appropriate learning assistance or guidance based on the emotion states of individual learners. Experimental results indicate that the proposed embedded human emotion recognition system is helpful in reducing language‐based anxiety, thus promoting instruction effectiveness in English conversation classes.  相似文献   

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