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为了实现视觉获取目标物立体信息,以立体测量原理为基础,采用Matlab和Opencv相结合的方法,设计了基于双目立体视觉的目标物定位系统。该系统采用棋盘标定法,利用Matlab完成双目相机标定,采用BM(Block Matching)立体匹配算法在VS2010环境下配合Opencv3.0.0库,完成左右图像对的匹配,生成视差图。通过将二维空间点重投影至三维空间,便可求得目标点的空间三维坐标,最终实现通过鼠标点选后输出选定点的空间坐标。实验表明,该系统拥有较高的测量精度,尤其在150cm距离下可获得最佳的测量精度。  相似文献   

从已经举行的浙江省四次技术选考试题看,补全三视图属于必考的加试题,而且已经没有立体图,难度大大提高了。并且随着通用技术课程的不断成熟以及为了增加考试的区分度,没有立体图的三视图补线这种题型还会持续,难度有可能还会不断变化。如何才能让学生快速正确地来补全三视图,成为广大复习应考师生的迫切关注话题,笔者总结归纳出来的"转折点观察法""延伸法""立体切割法"三种方法可以有效地解决上述问题。  相似文献   

机械制图是一门理论性、实践性都很强的技术基础课。技校学生因其知识结构的差距,学习难度较大。为达到制图课的教学目的,取得良好的教学效果,我尝试了在教学中应用立体图解决实际问题。用立体图树立空间概念制图是立体向平面转化,读图是平面向立体转化。读图与画图都离不开立体,这就要求学习制图必须具备空间概念。刚入校的技校生因其知识结构的差距,几乎没有空间概念,但是他们能凭借自己生活经验所产生的直觉识别一些简单的立体图。如:长方体、正方体、圆柱体等。我针对这一特点,在教学中带领学生画基本立体图形。开始的时候并不…  相似文献   

目的:检验李艳芳编制的《大学生利他行为问卷》的信效度,为国内利他行为研究提供有效的自陈问卷。方法:以大学生为被试,回收有效问卷445份用于项目分析和探索性因素分析,444份用于验证性因素分析、内部一致性信度检验和校标效度的检验。结果:修订后的《大学生利他行为问卷》包括18个题目,分为利他行为、关心和关注自己和利己性行为与观念三个维度。数据分析结果显示该问卷具有良好的信度和效度。结论:修订后的《大学生利他行为问卷》具有良好的心理测量指标,可以作为利他行为的有效测量工具。  相似文献   

在计算机平面设计中,需要利用三维立体模型进行视觉重构,以提高平面设计的立体美化感。传统方法采用多维透视变换平滑方法进行视觉重构,在三维立体模型受到散点噪声干扰下,重构效果不好。提出一种基于超像素纹理分割的三维立体模型重构算法,首先对三维立体模型进行图像视觉特征采集和降噪处理,对降噪滤波输出的图像进行不规则三角网构建,并在构建的三角网中进行超像素纹理分割,通过纹理特征提取结果进行视觉重构,实现算法改进。仿真结果表明,采用该方法进行三维立体模型重构的特征分辨率较高,视觉信息的美化效果好,信息呈现较为准确,误差率低,在计算机平面设计中展示了较好的应用性能。  相似文献   

我们生活在一个丰富多彩的图形世界里,对于立体图形的问题,我们常将它转化成平面图形的问题来解决.展开一个立体图形、切割一个立体图形、从不同的角度去观察一个立体图形,都是转化的重要方法.反之,我们还要会将已展开的图形折叠成一个立体图形,以及通过平面图形的三视图,来想像出立体图形的形状.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、实验法、数理统计法对运动图像解析标定框架进行设计、标定与数据的检验,对经典直接线性变换(DLT)算法加以改进,选择限制在位于X=0和Y=0坐标平面上的标定点,将标定点实际三维空间坐标和运动图像二维坐标通过DLT线性算法,实现图像上二维点的三维空间坐标。研制了在实际测量中简单易行的双平面标定框架;提出一种适合双平面标定框架的标定算法,计算较DLT算法简单,且易编程实现。经检验,研制的双平面标定框架在三维测量中相对误差小于5%。为实现人体运动特征的快速反馈提供可靠的理论与技术依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨三种根管长度测量方法在不同牙髓状态下的相关性和有效率。方法随机选择患者有效根管170个,其中活髓根管94个,死髓根管76个。运用手感法、电测法及X线法分别进行根管长度测量。运用统计学相关函数对它们进行相关性分析。结果不管牙髓在什么状态下,电测法与X线法的相关系数r都是1.0。且电测法与X线法的测量结果一致性达88.24%。结论临床运用电测法和X线法相结合的方法是进行根管长度测量最为有效和可靠的方法。  相似文献   

目的编制用于农村儿童社会支持系统调查的量表。方法通过开放式问卷调查、预测、初测、复测,编写量表项目,并检验量表的信效度。结果量表共三个维度,分别为亲密长辈支持、非亲密长辈支持、亲密同辈支持;量表的内在一致性信度为0.72;量表的校标效度为0.53。结论量表具有良好的信效度,可用于对农村儿童社会支持的测量。  相似文献   

针对学生在直角坐标系下用坐标面投影法计算三重积分时积分区域确定难的问题,给出了一种不需要画立体图就可以确定积分区域的方法,简化了三重积分计算问题。  相似文献   

陈纾 《闽江学院学报》2009,30(4):105-108
2009年三雏立体电影成为电影的主流,成为其发祥以来的第四次立体电影的热潮.立体电影找到了新的发展途径,即通过三维动画技术的应用,立体电影突破了传统技术制作手段和成本的限制,成功地实现了产量和质量的提升.同时,随着新技术尤其是新的立体媒介的出现,立体影像将不再只局限于电影银幕,而将扩展为新的多媒体形式.  相似文献   

立体车库作为解决停车场所匮乏难题的好方法正被日益应用,而立体车库的维护维修需要高校培养大量专业技能人才.本文介绍一套有利于学生动手实践的立体车库教学系统,在分析该实训教学系统的原理基础上,详细阐述了以单片机为控制核心的系统设计原理和实现方法.  相似文献   

Anatomy education has been revolutionized through digital media, resulting in major advances in realism, portability, scalability, and user satisfaction. However, while such approaches may well be more portable, realistic, or satisfying than traditional photographic presentations, it is less clear that they have any superiority in terms of student learning. In this study, it was hypothesized that virtual and mixed reality presentations of pelvic anatomy will have an advantage over two-dimensional (2D) presentations and perform approximately equal to physical models and that this advantage over 2D presentations will be reduced when stereopsis is decreased by covering the non-dominant eye. Groups of 20 undergraduate students learned pelvic anatomy under seven conditions: physical model with and without stereo vision, mixed reality with and without stereo vision, virtual reality with and without stereo vision, and key views on a computer monitor. All were tested with a cadaveric pelvis and a 15-item, short-answer recognition test. Compared to the key views, the physical model had a 70% increase in accuracy in structure identification; the virtual reality a 25% increase, and the mixed reality a non-significant 2.5% change. Blocking stereopsis reduced performance on the physical model by 15%, on virtual reality by 60%, but by only 2.5% on the mixed reality technology. The data show that virtual and mixed reality technologies tested are inferior to physical models and that true stereopsis is critical in learning anatomy.  相似文献   

Stereo synthetic aperture radar (SAR) geolocation model is an important geolocation model for spaceborne SAR. However, the error of stereo SAR geolocation model has not been analyzed in detail. This paper deduced the geolocation error formulas of the stereo SAR geolocation model and then compared the geolocation error with range Doppler (RD) geolocation model. Through computer simulation, we could get the advantages and disadvantages of the stereo SAR geolocation model.  相似文献   

针对智能停车库中的泊车机器人视觉系统研究需求,提出一种基于双目视觉的泊车机器人障碍物识别系统。通过双目摄像头进行图像采集,利用张正友棋盘标定法进行双目相机标定;采用Bouguet进行立体校正,将高斯滤波与拉普拉斯算子相结合进行图像预处理;采用YOLO卷积神经网络对目标障碍物进行快速识别;利用区域匹配算法进行立体匹配并生成目标障碍物视差图;通过成像点和目标障碍物的立体几何关系计算得到目标障碍物的深度信息。实验结果表明,该系统具有良好的实时性和较高精度,障碍物识别时间平均为0.0901s,在2 600mm具有最佳测距精度,可为泊车机器人自动泊车提供保障。  相似文献   

双目定位跟踪系统涉及到的关键技术有摄像机标定、立体匹配和三维重建等.在三维重建阶段,利用匹配的结果采用最小二乘法计算定位标靶上标记的三维坐标.实验结果表明,在现有条件下,双目定位跟踪系统的定位精度比较高,相对误差在1%以内;基于此定位跟踪系统,能够初步准确完成对经络的三维定位和实时显示,为临床诊断治疗和基础教学提供直观的分析依据.  相似文献   

This paper presents a pure vision based technique for 3D reconstruction of planet terrain. The reconstruction accuracy depends ultimately on an optimization technique known as 'bundle adjustment'. In vision techniques, the translation is only known up to a scale factor, and a single scale factor is assumed for the whole sequence of images if only one camera is used. If an extra camera is available, stereo vision based reconstruction can be obtained by binocular views. If the baseline of the stereo setup is known, the scale factor problem is solved. We found that direct application of classical bundle adjustment on the constraints inherent between the binocular views has not been tested. Our method incorporated this constraint into the conventional bundle adjustment method. This special binocular bundle adjustment has been performed on image sequences similar to planet terrain circumstances. Experimental results show that our special method enhances not only the localization accuracy, but also the terrain mapping quality.  相似文献   

A number of mental-test theorists have called attention to the fact that increasing test reliability beyond an optimal point can actually lead to a decrement in the validity of that test with respect to a criterion. This non-monotonic relation between reliability and validity has been referred to by Loevinger as the “attentuation paradox,” because Spearman’s correction for attenuation leads one to expect that increasing reliability will always increase validity. In this paper a mathematical link between test reliability and test validity is derived which takes into account the correlation between error scores on a test and error scores on a criterion measure the test is designed to predict. It is proved that when the correlation between these two sets of error scores is positive, the non-monotonic relation between test reliability and test validity which has been viewed as a paradox occurs universally.  相似文献   

This article describes a method for identifying test items as disability neutral for children with vision and motor disabilities. Graduate students rated 130 items of the Preschool Language Scale and obtained inter‐rater correlation coefficients of 0.58 for ratings of items as disability neutral for children with vision disability, and 0.77 for ratings of items as disability neutral for children with motor disability. These ratings were used to create three item sets considered disability neutral for children with vision disability, motor disability, or both disabilities. Two methods for scoring the item sets were identified: scoring each set as a partially administered developmental test, or computing standard scores based upon pro‐rated raw score totals. The pro‐rated raw score method generated standard scores that were significantly inflated and therefore less useful for the assessment purposes than the ratio quotient method. This research provides a test accommodation technique for assessing children with multiple disabilities.  相似文献   

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