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张岩 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》2012,(3):368-371
中国现代文学倡导以现代生存体验和人生思考为主要的表达对象,然而鲁迅、郭沫若、茅盾、郑振铎等作家却都曾创作过以古老神话为题材资源的重要作品。与现代作家对于中西方神话故事的广泛择取相呼应的这一阶段,又恰恰是中国神话学作为一门现代学科得以建构的奠基性阶段。从理论研究的视角,现代作家普遍认为远古神话作为民族文化的源头蕴含了强烈的民族性、现实性和民间信仰力量,同时这也是激发现代作家在创作中积极借鉴古老神话的重要动因。现代作家在理论研究和文学创作的双重维度上,表现出对远古神话的深切关注,既是现代作家对于民族文化之根的深情回望,同时也体现了现代作家对社会现实的深刻反思。 相似文献
鸦片战争之后,西方文学、文化思潮特别是自传的广泛传播,极大地刺激了中国人个体解放、自我表现的欲望。经过几十年的发展,中国现代自传的第一个"黄金时期"出现在"五四"新文化运动之后和抗日战争爆发之前,尤其在1930年代前后达到高潮。此期自传的面貌和品格发生的显著变化,代表着中国自传的渐趋成熟,也体现了现代中国人自我意识的鲜明特征与时代的变迁。现代自传的这一勃兴,构成了中国自传史同时也是文学史上的重要景观。 相似文献
潘颂德 《宁夏师范学院学报》1996,(2)
中国现代作家创作的神话作品,无论思想内容,还是艺术表现,都充满着时代特色,又富于艺术新意。注重展现神话英雄的典型形象,用想象和激情将神话和现实沟通融汇起来,是其特点之一。题材多样性,是其特点之二。就其取材看:一是向我国古代神话取材;二是向日本神话取材;三是向古希腊神话取材。 相似文献
This essay elaborates on Krashen's input hypothesis and its implications for English language teaching from the aspects of teachers, students, and teaching materials. 相似文献
对《中国学习者英语语料库》中的ST5和ST6两个子语库中的所有时态错误按16种时态分类进行分析,结果表明一般过去时、一般现在时和现在完成时是最容易出错的时态。其中尤以一般过去时错误为最多。说明一般过去时是中国英语专业学习者最难掌握的时态。进一步分析发现,中国英语专业学生的一般过去时错误主要集中在时态选择型错误上,主要表现在将一般过去时误用为一般现在时和现在完成时。这主要是由于学生呆板地依据时间状语,未能很好地区分时态的语义特征等原因造成的。此外,动词凸显度和时间状语两种语内因素会显著影响一般过去时的使用。 相似文献
我国修改后的《证券法》对保荐人民事责任作了原则性规定,但缺乏可操作性的具体制度安排,因保荐信息涉嫌虚假与欺诈,使得投资者受到损失往往难以补偿。为保护投资者的利益,维护法律的公平与正义。促进证券市场的健康发展,我国迫切需要改变过去对保荐人违法行为处罚重行(刑)轻民的做法,完善保荐人民事责任赔偿诉讼制度。 相似文献
托妮·莫里森的长篇代表作《宠儿》(1987)在莫氏荣膺诺贝尔文学奖(1993)以来一直是国内美国少数族裔文学研究的重要文本。从小说的人物形象、思想主题、艺术形式等三方面对1990年代以来国内该作品的研究进行梳理,试图较客观地把握中国《宠儿)研究的特色与态势。 相似文献
中国乃至世界的动画由神话改编的占很大比例,对于神话题材的研究对动画艺术创作有着非常主要的意义.由江格尔动画创作谈起,联想到整个神话题材的开发、应用及研究.对以蒙古史诗江格尔艺术体系为基础的动画创作的研究其成果对蒙古文化的发扬将起到重要的作用,同时从理论到实践对动画创作学科发展也有积极的指导意义. 相似文献
The abundant resources of proverbs illustrate their meaningful ideas both in Chinese proverbs and English proverbs, reflecting ordinary lives and regarded as the essence of culture in both countries, So American culture inherited many marvelous traditions from English proverbs and American proverbs must be influenced by English proverbs too. My paper will compare Chinese and American culture through proverbs, aiming at observing the differences of the culture value conception between Chinese and Americans, and hope that this Study also can be regarded as a data to give referential meaning to the further research on cross - culture and language comparison. 相似文献
王延 《读与写:教育教学刊》2008,5(9)
China is an old country with her five thousand years culture and civilization and known for her etiquette.Influenced by the traditional education,mainly the idea of Confucius the core of Chinese culture is the doctrine of the mean,which determines the people's way of thinking.When they communicate with other people,they are polite,strict with themselves and generous with others. 相似文献
王冬梅 《读与写:教育教学刊》2009,6(11):25-25,67
完善公共文化服务是我国文化体制改革的重要内容和文化建设的重要目标。本文着眼于内蒙古目前公共文化服务的发展程度,指出内蒙古的公共文化服务当前还存在基础设施建设滞后、资金投入不足、城乡文化资源配置不均衡等问题,并从拓展公共文化服务的内容和范围,推进政府公共文化服务模式改革,以及实现对公共文化服务多主体参与等角度提出了完善内蒙古公共文化服务机制改革的相关建议。 相似文献
This paper conducted a pilot study by interviewing five Chinese students who study at a British university to see how they have adapted to British culture.This paper mainly found that the’curve’theory couldn’t fully reflect students’intercultural adaptation,students’failure in becoming intercultural and the language pressure they suffer.At the end of the study,some possible measurements limitations are discussed. 相似文献
The use of "however" by Chinese learners’ writing is studied through a comparison of its use in CLEC and in BROWN and found that "however" is overused in the front of a sentence,underused in the middle of a sentence and misused as a disjunctive conjunction,as is followed by the analysis of three attributable factors,i.e.the writing style,confusion with "but" and negative L1 transfer. 相似文献
Both English and Chinese are rich in "dog" cultures. In order to learn English well and communicate successfully with foreigners in cross-cultural communication, it is necessary to make a comparative study on "dog" cultures in both languages. This thesis makes a com parative study on two language-speaking people’s attitudes and feelings toward dog, histories, customs and stories about dog in both Eng lish and Chinese cultures .Through the comparative study, the thesis reveals the differences and similarities of "dog" cultures in both lan guages. 相似文献
YUAN Guo-fang 《美中教育评论》2009,6(10):39-47,60
This paper, through a phenomenological study, is designed to study those overwhelming problems and concerns in intercultural adaptations commonly confronted with foreign Chinese students at an American institute since September 11th. After a qualitative study on the concerns and intercultural adaptations of fifteen Chinese graduate students majoring in different programs, it was found that in addition to language and culture deficiencies, the instability and the changes of the immigration laws and regulations regarding international students and scholars after the September 11th incident in the US is the big hurdle that encumbers them from a comparatively faster and better adaptation. The growing economic prosperity in Mainland China also affects the foreign Chinese students' motivation in intercultural adaptations in the US. 相似文献