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体育科学体系及其在现代科学中的地位   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对体育科学体系的结构、层次、类型以及体育科学在现代科学体系中的地位进行分析,指出:体育科学在纵向上分为体育哲学、体育基础科学、体育技术科学、体育工程科学四个层次,横向上每个层次又可分为不同的类型。它已发展成为结构合理、学科类型齐全的完整科学体系,它有着相对独立的研究领域,完整的科学方法和知识体系,其研究内容超出了自然科学、社会科学、教育科学、人体科学的范畴,应逐步发展成为现代科学体系的一大部门。  相似文献   

间性是表示实体之间关系的一种属性,间存在是在间性视域下本体论上的存在.体育学蕴藏着间性,从传统体育学发展到比较体育学再到多分支交叉学科的过程中,其间性逐渐增强.目前,体育学的间性并未引起应有的关注,这不利于大体育学的发展.因此提出以间存在为哲学基础,构建包括文化间体育学、学科间体育学和主体间体育学在内的间体育学,拓展体育学的研究和发展空间,促进大体育学的全面、协调发展.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to determine the physical demands of women’s rugby union match play using time–motion analysis and heart rate (HR) response. Thirty-eight premier club level female rugby players, ages 18–34 years were videotaped and HRs monitored for a full match. Performances were coded into 12 different movement categories: 5 speeds of locomotion (standing, walking, jogging, striding, sprinting), 4 forms of intensive non-running exertion (ruck/maul/tackle, pack down, scrum, lift) and 3 discrete activities (kick, jump, open field tackle). The main results revealed that backs spend significantly more time sprinting and walking whereas forwards spend more time in intensive non-running exertion and jogging. Forwards also had a significantly higher total work frequency compared to the backs, but a higher total rest frequency compared to the backs. In terms of HR responses, forwards displayed higher mean HRs throughout the match and more time above 80% of their maximum HR than backs. In summary, women’s rugby union is characterised by intermittent bursts of high-intensity activity, where forwards and backs have similar anaerobic energy demands, but different specific match demands.  相似文献   

民俗体育是指在体育中能够体现某一民俗活动功能和文化意蕴的体育。民间体育是在民众中开展的、非官方的体育。传统体育是指人类历史上已创造并衍传至今,具有民族或地方特色的体育文化。民族体育是反映和承载民族共同的心理素质、共同文化,并为民众共同享用的民族整体的体育文化。民俗体育、民间体育、民族体育、传统体育的关系错综复杂,民间体育包含民俗体育,传统体育包含民俗体育,而民间体育与民族体育、传统体育,民俗体育与民族体育以及民族体育与传统体育之间,相互交叉、重叠。  相似文献   

针对群众体育、社会体育与民生体育三者之间容易混淆等情况,运用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法,对群众体育、社会体育、民生体育的词源、概念以及关系进行分析,结果显示:从学术研究视角来说,这三个概念由于外延模糊且不一致,内涵也不尽相同,不存在互相之间替代的可能性;从政府工作角度看,民生体育、群众体育与社会体育是包含的关系;而从历史发展的角度看,从群众体育发展到社会体育再到民生体育的发展不只是一个名词概念的变化,它反映了社会变迁和群众体育自身发展的内在需要。  相似文献   

采用文献资料和逻辑推理等研究方法,按照逻辑学的概念定义方法,将体育定义为:体育是以改造人类自身生物属性为效用的身体活动,并对体育属概念下的同类事物进行了判定,并对民间体育、民俗体育、民族体育、民族传统体育的概念进行定义和划分,确定他们之间的基本隶属关系,即体育按阶层划分可分为民间体育和官方体育。民间体育包括民族体育;民族体育包括民族传统体育、消失的民族民俗体育和民族内的近代体育;民族传统体育包括现存的民族民俗体育及其以外的传统体育;已消亡的民俗体育不属于民族传统体育。研究体育及其相关概念,明确它们的内涵和外延,为我国民族体育传承与发展奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

运动、健康与休闲:高校体育教育发展的方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济的发展,人们的生活观念也在不断转变,运动休闲已逐渐成为现代人休闲生活中一项主要内容。高校体育是社会体育的衔接点,高校体育开展运动休闲教育,利用课内外的学习与实践,既能培养大学生对运动休闲的兴趣,也可起到引导他们体会健康休闲、积极生活。同时,对培养终身体育有着积极的意义。采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法对运动、健康、休闲三者之间的关联度进行分析,提出运动、健康与休闲教育应是未来我国高校体育教育的发展方向。  相似文献   

体育运动能塑造人的道德品质的箴言自古以来就被世人所传颂,但另一方面,诸多不道德的行为在体育界却频频上演,层出不穷。文章主要阐述的就是体育犯规、体育道德与体育运动之间的关系,指出犯规的本质类型、人们对这一现象的主要批判及其发生原因等,以期能在一定程度上给运动员的运动行为带来些许指导与启发。  相似文献   


The purpose of the study was to measure grade school children's attitudes toward female involvement in sports and their relationship with participation, sex, and grade level. A Likert-type questionnaire (CATFIS) was administered to 106 girls and 264 boys in grades 3–6 at the beginning of their participation (P) in a YMCA-sponsored sports program. Similarly, 344 girls and 287 boys in grades 3–9 who did not participate (NP) in this sports program were administered the questionnaire in their school classrooms. Five months later the P group and the NP group (only grades 3–6) were retested to investigate whether attitude change occurred. The results of the study indicated that females at all grade and participation levels had significantly more favorable attitudes than the males. At grades 3 and 4 male P and NP were quite similar in their attitudes, as were female P and NP, but at grades 5 and 6 the attitudes of each sex group diverged. Male NP were more positive than male P, while female NP were less positive than female P. The significant three-way interaction between participation, sex, and grade was explained in terms of a psychological contrast effect and sex roles. Overall, the groups became more positive toward female involvement in sports from the time of the pretest to the posttest.  相似文献   


Despite a growing body of evidence on the positive impact of sports science for golf, there is still a paucity of research investigating the “perceptions” and “practices” of high-skilled golfers. Professional Golfers’ Association Assistant Professionals (future-qualified coaches; n = 430) were surveyed on their “perceptions” and “practices” of “sports science”, “warm-ups”, “cool-downs” and “strength and conditioning” for golf. Participants perceived the discipline of sports science as beneficial to golfers but lacked implementation in coaching settings. Warm-up protocols were also perceived to be beneficial to all aspects of golf performance; however, the duration of tournament-based (37.84 ± 20.05 min), warm-ups was significantly greater (p < 0.001) than practice rounds (26.26 ± 18.63 min) and range sessions (13.00 ± 13.38 min). Education continues to be required to raise the understanding of warm-ups for golf. There were mixed perceptions regarding the benefits of a cool-down, with 62.1% of the high-skilled golfers omitting a cool-down following tournament play and practice. Strength and conditioning was perceived as beneficial, with 78.51% engaging in some form of training throughout the year. Results confirm, however, that certain misconceptions around surveyed sports science practices still exist and it is imperative that education disseminates research findings and validated applied practices to coaches and golfers alike.  相似文献   

针对体育及相关概念存在的交叉与混淆现象,应用概念定义的基础理论,论述了体育概念和定义中存在分歧的原因,并对科学与学科,人文科学与社会科学,软科学与元科学,体育、体育学与体育科学,体育社会学、社会体育学与体育社会科学等相关易混概念进行了厘清.  相似文献   

体育彩票对我国体育产业发展的推动作用有目共睹,但也存在一些制度性缺陷。主要通过初露端倪的体育期货与体育彩票的比较,结合当今中国体育产业状况的分析,构建利用体育期货推动2008北京奥运会筹资工作和完善我国体育彩票业的设想。  相似文献   

目的旨在探讨耐力运动预激活增强效应的研究进展,从生理学表现和研究方法方面为耐力项目运动训练方案设计提供理论依据。方法检索、整理和分析耐力运动预激活增强效应相关的文献。结果和结论预激活增强效应的生理机制为肌球蛋白调节轻链磷的酸化及神经肌肉特征的变化;预激活增强效应可用于优化耐力运动热身方案,提升运动成绩;耐力运动引发的神经肌肉特征变化可用于调节耐力运动中外周疲劳所带来的负面影响。未来的研究应进一步明确各专项的热身方案,在耐力训练或竞赛中的作用,最大限度地发挥预激活增强效应在各专项运动中的用作,热身活动中最佳的负荷强度也需进一步地研究,便于研究者们更好地探究用以提升运动成绩的训练方案。  相似文献   

乡贤对新时代治国理政具有重大价值,乡村振兴战略明确提出发挥新乡贤积极作用。提出并界定体育新乡贤这一新概念,探讨价值、思考队伍发展路径。概念界定:新时代参与乡村体育发展的具有乡土情怀、道德高尚、才能卓越,并做出突出贡献的在政治、经济、文化、社会领域的体育或非体育人士。时代价值:(1)创新乡村体育人才机制、推动加快体育强国建设;(2)丰富乡村体育治理主体、降低国家体育治理成本;(3)发挥提供者、组织者、沟通者作用,服务于提升乡村全民健身质量;(4)参与体育非物质文化遗产保护,助力体育非物质文化遗产传承;(5)参与乡村体育教育精准扶贫,推动乡村体育教育全面发展;(6)带动乡村体育产业发展,满足乡村体育消费需求。发展路径:(1)开辟多方渠道凝聚体育新乡贤回归乡村;(2)制定用贤机制规约体育新乡贤合理使用;(3)提供保障措施优化体育新乡贤参与环境;(4)注重激励措施激发体育新乡贤持续动力。  相似文献   

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