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实验在物理中有着极其重要的作用,如何通过中考或者高考等大规模的校外考试来正向引导实验教学的问题一直困扰着教育界.新加坡物理科目的普通水准教育证书考试(GCEO level,以下简称物理O水准考试,相当于我国的中考)专门进行实验操作评价考核,较好地解决了这个问题,促使新加坡物理教育一直保持着很高的质量,为世界各国所瞩目. 一、物理O水准考试实验考试概况物理O水准考试是专门针对物理科目的,分为理论试卷和实验试卷两类,理论试卷包括试卷1和试卷2,试卷3是实验试卷. 1.评价目标  相似文献   

实验在物理学中有着极其重要的作用,如何通过中考或者高考等大规模的校外考试来正向引导实验教学,这个问题一直困扰着教育界。新加坡物理科目的普通水准教育证书考试(GCEO level,以下简称物理O水准考试,相当于我国  相似文献   

新加坡A水准考试是英联邦国家相当于高考的一种考试,通过了A水准考试,其成绩可以在英联邦国家范围内被认可(留学通行证)。2007年A水准考试作文12道题目如下(原文为英文):1、科学提倡怀疑精神,宗教信仰镇压怀疑精神,你对此认可多少?2、中国的崛起是近年来对世界最大的威胁,请评论。3、哲学只是提问而并不回答,为什么学习它?4、海外留学是一项被高估的经历,你认为呢?  相似文献   

相岚 《中学教育》2011,(5):121-127
自《1988年教育改革法》颁布实施之后,英国中等教育证书考试成为了对结束义务教育阶段的中学生的知识、技能水平的全面鉴定。在新世纪,英国中等教育证书考试受到人们越来越多的关注,但同时又面临诸多如质量下降、学业成绩差距拉大等新的挑战。本文通过对新世纪英国政府重要教育报告的分析,揭示英国政府对中等教育普通证书考试改革的重要举...  相似文献   

英国普通中等教育证书考试改革探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为适应课程改革的要求及提高中等教育质量,英国近年来对普通中等教育证书(GcSE)考试进行了一系列改革,包括加强英语和数学等核心课程的考试、重新审视课程作业在评价中的作用、提供职业性普通中等教育证书、灵活安排考试时间并推出综合性证书考试等。这些改革体现了重视学术教育与职业教育的沟通、以学生的发展为本、重视核心课程等特点。  相似文献   

1986年,在取代原有普通教育证书(GCE)和中等教育证书(CSE)考试的基础上,英国开始实施新的普通中等教育证书(GCSE)考试。二十多年来,该考试在受到社会认可的同时,也逐步暴露出考试组织、课程安排、评价方式和考试成绩等多方面问题,为进一步提升英国中等教育质量,增强中等教育的适切性,推进教育公平,以及延长义务教育年限,英国政府目前正在探索通过英国文凭考试和新GCSE考试等路径对该考试制度进行改革。虽然改革的最终走向还有待持续观察,但其中反映出来的改革的价值取向和策略方法等问题仍值得借鉴和反思。  相似文献   

正据英国《每日电讯报》2014年9月12日报道,近年来,在英国普通中等教育证书(GCSE)考试中表现优异的学生数量骤降,分数缺乏区分度。为优化英国普通中等教育证书考试评分系统,英国教育标准化办公室计划取消目前的八分制,并于2017年完成英国普通中等教育证书改革,引入九分制评分系统。届时,英国普通中等教育证书考试将划分1-9分9个等级,9分为最高分,取代过去的A-G等级的划分。  相似文献   

在教育部第10届工作蓝图大会上,教育部长尚达曼发表长篇政策性演说,提纲挈领地指出:普通课程源流学生的升学机会将大为增加,毕业后可以赢接进入学院接受技能培训。换句话说,新加坡教育“让每个孩子成才”的理想,将向前推进一大步。  相似文献   

针对科学教育专业学生的实际情况及需要,在《普通生物学实验》编写中应做到:降低实验难度,以激发学生的学习兴趣;整合小学相关实验,增强学生的从师能力;增加选修实验,提高学生的科学素质和创新能力。  相似文献   

近十年来核心素养(核心能力、关键技能)在各国课程标准修订和课程改革中发挥了引领作用,考试评价则是体现核心素养的焦点所在。以"21世纪技能"为理念引领的新加坡-剑桥普通教育证书考试大纲(历史)主要包括三类,其在评价理念、评价时间、评价目标、评价方式等方面对我国均有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

英国高考中的表现性评价:中心评审课程作业   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
英国普通教育证书高级水平考试相当于中国的高考制度,其特征之一在于大规模运用了中心评审课程作业.它是指在平时教学过程由教师布置或者学生自定的、需要学生实际表现的较为真实的任务,如实验、调查、野外考察、论文报告等.课程作业的具体评分工作由各中心的教师负责,评分的标准和政策则由全国性的大学入学考试机构统一制定.英国的中心评审课程作业,也即表现性评价.它的成功经验表明,只要设计合理,表现性评价可以较好地纳入公开考试之中,这对中国的考试改革具有重要的启迪意义.  相似文献   

Singaporean students generally perform very well in international tests of mathematics and science. Nonetheless, in multi-cultural Singapore, there exist gaps with the Malays, a minority group in Singapore, systematically lagging behind the other ethnic groups of the Chinese and Indians in many educational performance indicators. While there have been previous qualitative assessments of this issue, rigorous statistical analyses are lacking. In this article, I analyse data from 1991 to 2011 of aggregate percentage passes in national examinations for the different ethnic groups in Singapore. Using time series techniques and regression, I uncovered two major findings. First, the Malay trends in percentage passes for the last two decades were strongly correlated with the non-Malay, national trends. Second, despite the correlation, there remained fluctuations around the national trend by Malay cohorts in the past two decades. Malay cohorts tended to perform better during an upward national trend, but also performed worse during a downward national trend, indicating systematic volatility in performance. The implications of these findings are discussed in the light of current research on educational gaps and three decades of community self-help to improve the educational achievement of the minority Malays in Singapore.  相似文献   

This study explored an under-researched area in science education—the university programmes preferred by high school students who take physical science subjects and the reasons that matter in their preferences. A total of 1,071 upper secondary and pre-university students in Singapore, who take physical science subjects among their range of subjects, participated in this study. A survey method was adopted and the Rasch model was used to analyse the data. Overall, Business Studies was ranked as the predominant choice; nonetheless, scientific programmes such as Science, Engineering, and Mathematics are generally still well liked by the students. When gender differences were examined, we found that students largely followed gender-typical programme preferences, in which males tend to incline towards Engineering while females tend to incline towards Arts and Social Sciences. Students prefer a university programme based on their individual interest and ability, with career aspiration and remuneration coming next. Interestingly, females place greater emphasis on career aspiration than males. Some implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

AB级考试是检测高职高专的学生,是否达到了《新编实用英语》所规定的教学内容要求而设置的考试。文章就如何改革英语课堂教学,采取灵活多样的课堂教学方法,实行分级教学,研究考题,提升学生英语应用能力,提高学生应对AB级考试等方面展开分析并提出相应措施。  相似文献   

This paper examines contestations over the value of Literature in the secondary school curriculum in the former British colony of Singapore and the way the Literature curriculum has been framed to understand the various issues surrounding the role of Literature education. Using Raymond Williams’ framework of dominant, residual and emergent ideologies, I show how the dominant perception of Literature study in Singapore as a decontextualised humanistic and aesthetic subject is influenced by its residual British colonial legacy. Significant official changes, fundamentally conservative, have been driven by the governing ideology of instrumental pragmatism and are tied to twin aims of economic well-being and national belonging. The conservative view of Literature education prevents the adoption of emergent views of Literature education as hybrid, multimodal and critical. A pragmatic re-evaluation of the aims of Literature education in the twenty-first century is required to regain renewed significance for the subject.  相似文献   

Some key methodological issues in factors affecting educational effectiveness within schools are discussed. The motivation is an analysis of subject teaching group effectiveness in English and Welsh GCE Advanced Level prior to a linking to resources. Cross-classified multilevel models with weighted random effects are suggested for disentangling student, group, and teacher effects. Analyses show that there is considerable variation between subjects within students. Teacher effects are shown to be considerable but explanations for variation cannot be sought in the conventional personal characteristics of teachers. One conclusion is that it is availability of data which constrains such investigations and not methodology.  相似文献   

从各国幼儿园科学教育纲要看幼儿科学教育走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上世纪90年代起世界范围内基础教育改革空前活跃。在这样的大背景下,幼儿园科学教育领域也出现了一些明显的变化。幼儿园科学教育的变化首先反映了人们科学观,或者称之为对科学内涵理解和认识的变化。科学品质统领科学教育;“科学探究”成为科学教育的核心;强调科学教育与幼儿真实生活的更紧密结合。  相似文献   

幼儿科学教育主要是指幼儿通过自身的感知和操作,探索周围世界奥秘的活动,其目的是激发幼儿对科学的兴趣,培养科学素养。本文对中国《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》和新加坡《幼儿园课程框架:培养早期学习者》中幼儿园科学教育的目标、内容和方法进行比较,探讨可以借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

新加坡自建国以来建立了适应本国多元文化并存国情的小学课程体系和考试制度,并随时代的发展作出相应的改革。文章展现了其具体课程发展历程和考试制度的变革,并归纳总结了其特点和未来发展趋向。  相似文献   

新加坡职业教育的特色体现在以人为本,政府支持,实施"教学工厂"培养模式。借鉴其成功经验,我国职业教育需加强政府的宏观调控作用,明确高职办学定位,试行模块式课程模式,大力培养双师型教师。  相似文献   

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