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If the enduring popularity ofhis music, his latest hit tune "A Little Less Conversation" and an upcoming greatest hits compilation is any indication, Elvis is still alive and kicking, at least through his music. Twenty-five years after his death, Elvis is no less, perhaps even more widely known and popular now than before. Just within the year of 2002, his music has been used in a Nike advertisement and an animated movie "Lilo and Stitch". As it had been said by Huey Lewis from the band of Huey Lewis and the News, "A lot has been written and said about why he was so great, but I think the best way to appreciate his greatness is just to go backand play some of the old records…Timehas a way of being very unkind to old records, but Elvis' keep getting better and better." We have not heard the last of Elvis-Mania yet.  相似文献   

Fred is from New York.His parents are with his grandfather and grandmother.Fred is six years old and now he is in a school.His father takes him to school by car every day.So he is never late  相似文献   

After his father's death,the son left his mother at an old age home.The son used to visit her sometimes. One day,he received a phone call from the old age home.On the other side of the call was his mother.In a very serious 1)tone she said,"Please come to visit." The son went and saw that his mother was very serious.  相似文献   

<正>An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man, and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon he had noth-ing left. Of course, when that happened, all his friends left him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles. "My money has finished and my friends have gone,"said the young man. “What will happen to me now?”  相似文献   

A story About Mozart One day Mozart saw an old man playing the violin at the street corner.He found that the old man was playing one of his compositions (乐曲).The old man played for some time,but the cap in front of him was still empty-nobody put any money into the cap.Mozart asked the old man," Do you often play compositions by Mozart?" The old man answered." Now everybody knows Mozart and likes his compositions.""Do you make a living by playing the violin?" The old man said he did.Mozart took over the violin from the old man and began to play.  相似文献   

Two Lies     
Once there lived an old man. He liked listening to lies. He said, "Any man who can tell me two lies can marry my only daughter." So a lot of young men in the country came to his house. But he said to all of them, "I'm not pleased with your lies. I wouldn't give my daughter to any of you." One day, a young man said, "It will be hot in the summer, so you should go out now and dig a big hole under the street. When the hot summer weather comes, you Will sell the cool air from the hole and get a lot of money." "Oh, what a wonderful lie!" answered the old man.  相似文献   

Merry Widows     
Mr Brown was at the theatre.He had got his ticket at the lastmoment,so he had not been able to choose his seat.He now foundthat he was in the middle of a group of American ladies,some of themmiddle-aged and some quite old.They obviously all knew each otherwell,as before the curtain went up on the play they had come to see,  相似文献   

管艳郡 《海外英语》2013,(8X):176-177
Thomas Hardy’s works are considered to have"contained new wine in an old bottle"by critics and reviewers. The"old bottle"refers to his authorial omniscient narrative and his form inheriting from the tradition, which is often criticized, especially by those modernists, while"new wine"designates his other sides apart from his old-fashioned writing style, the modernistic themes in his writing. Tess, is a novel that records the transition from conventional to modern. By reading the text and analyzing Tess of the D’Urbervilles under the social context three main modernistic themes can be probed out:Firstly, the spiritual isolation and loneliness in the novel are apparent, and the lack in mutual understanding and sympathy between each other is universal. Besides, the title heroine, she was impossible to fulfill her dreams with various hostile powers set against her, coercing into predicaments one after another, tougher and tougher. Furthermore, another theme popular with later modernists, the alienation, is also embodied in the novel.  相似文献   

A The carpenter I hired to help me rebuild an old farmhouse had just finished a rough first day on the job.A flat tire made him lose an hour of work,his electric saw didn't work, and now his ancient pickup truck refused to start.While I drove him home,he sat in stony silence.  相似文献   

Last year my father left his hearing aid in the hotel section of my yellow pages and I forgot to send it back to him for about two months, during which tune he kept his hand cupped perpetually around his good ear and shouted, "What's that?" every time he saw someone's mouth moving. Reminds me of a story our preacher told about an old gal who lived in New Hampshire. One day she plucked the hearing aid from her ear and threw it in the trash. "I'm ninety four years old and I've heard enough," she said.  相似文献   

1. Introduction Jerome David Salinger is one of the most famous and influential American writers after World War II. Though his literary output is fairly small, his authentic writing about disillusioned, alienated American youth won him a significant position in modern American lit- erature. His novel The Catcher in the Rye is a story of a sixteen-year old boy who runs away from his mid- dle-class private school and spends four days roaming around New York, searching for truth and goodne…  相似文献   

After breakfast they played a very strange game. The cheerful old man put a watch in his jacket pocket, with a guard-chain round his neck, and a notebook and a handkerchief in his trouser pocket. Then he went up and down the room holding a walking stick, just like the old gentlemen who walked in the streets. Sometimes he stopped at the fireplace, and sometimes at the door, pretending to stare with great interest into shop windows. He would then constantly look round, as if afraid of thieves, t…  相似文献   

<正>Once a very rich man and his son collected valuable paintings by famous artists like Picasso, Van Gogh and Monet.Later, the son left to join the army. After a few weeks, the old man received a letter saying his son had died while taking another soldier to the hospital. The old man became very lonely and sad.  相似文献   

William Faulkner was born in New Albany,Mississippi and raised in nearby Oxford where he spent mostof his life.His family came from the old,white upper class.Though in decline in the 2 0 th century,the familyretained some of the old customs and itwas from his own family history,the southern region' s characteristicsof white social status,racial violence,honor codes,and traditional moral values that Faulkner drew the mate-rial for most of his fiction.His first novel Soldier' s Pay was publis…  相似文献   

It is David's birthday. He is now seven years old. David woke up in a very happy mood. He brushed his teeth and put on his new clothes. He wished his parents "Good morning" and he was hoping to hear "Happy Birthday, son." But his parents kept quiet. Even his sister, Jane, forgot  相似文献   

Mr Cook had a big shop in the centre of the city. Hewas 1____ at managing (管理) it. He made 2_____money and was one of the richest men there. Bad 3_____!One day a truck hit his car on a bridge and it fell into theriver. He lost his life in the accident. He left a lot of mon-ey to his 4____. The old woman lived in the beautifulhouse and had many valuable (值钱的) things. She 5______did any housework and 6____ an easy life.Several years later Mrs Cook died. And there was abig funeral(葬礼). All her relatives(亲戚) and 7____were told about it. They 8____ from far and near to the  相似文献   

Once a man named Grant found a box of old papers in a room at the top of his house. He 1 most of them, for he did not like old things very much. But one of these papers was an old 2 At the bottom of it was the name of a well-known writer. "When this letter was written," said Grant, " 3 knew about the writer. But now everyone knows him. Some people like to buy letters  相似文献   

隋瑞歆 《海外英语》2011,(4):199-200
"Black Humor",as a literary genre."Xu Sanguan a Blood" is a novel created by a well-known writer Yu Hua in 1995.It expresses the human desire to survive when the bad luck.The story tells us that Xu Sanguan spent relying on selling blood they had to get a life and overcome adversity.And when he was old,Xu Sanguan knows that nobody should want his blood,his spirit has collapsed.Black humor from this man gives us more heavy consider and let’s know what the truth of the life is.Xu Sanguan had the both of many hates and also many hopes about the family and the life in this story.And his black humor makes him crying with the smile and smiling with the tears.  相似文献   

赵谦 《海外英语》2011,(5):229+247
Milton,a great English poet,was a whole man,integrated in both his art and his moral.He prepared himself for many years to create some famous religious poems.Samson Agonistes,the last great creation of his old age,was one of them.Samson was an ancient Israeli hero of the Old Testament.Milton and Samson have a lot in common.This thesis is trying to analyze the similarities between the Milton and Samson from three aspects.Namely,they have the same unhappy marriage.Both of them came to know more about life through bitter experiences and were blind in the later part of their lives with strong determinations to destroy their enemies.  相似文献   

Harold, known as "The Jumper" by his old paratrooper buddiesfrom WWII, and his wife June had left their home in Louisiana andwere traveling to Germany to look up some long lost relatives, whichJune had discovered after joining a genealogy chat-room on the Inter-net. "The air feels good this time around", said Harold as he and hiswife disembarked from the airplane, which had just landed in Berlin.That same air had been somewhat bitter the last time he and his army  相似文献   

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