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儿童的健康成长直接影响着人类的素质和未来世界的发展,儿童权利保护与社会责任一直是各国、各地区政府极为重视和关注的问题。新时期我国应加大对儿童保护的宣传教育,进一步加强儿童保护与关爱工作。儿童保护宣传教育的主要任务是提高全社会的儿童权益保护意识,构筑齐抓共管的儿童保护新格局,提高儿童群体自我保护的意识和能力。新时期的儿童保护宣传教育,要形成工作机制的常态化,覆盖教育对象的全民化,体现内容的生活化,推进主体的多元化,探索方式的多样化,以进一步推进儿童事业的发展。  相似文献   

概念联系有不同的种类。概念联系类型决定了概念组织的方式,影响概念结构的形成。早期的研究者认为,在儿童概念联系的发展中,存在着从主题关联到SF联系再到分类学关系的转换。近期的研究则表明,儿童早期就能够同时使用主题关联、SF联系和分类学关系。他们可以根据背景信息和任务需要来选择概念联系类型,从而表现出一定的策略效应。  相似文献   

郭华 《安康学院学报》2015,27(1):108-110,121
近年来,儿童侵权事件的频发引起了社会各界的广泛关注.通过梳理近十年来我国儿童权利保护研究状况发现,研究主要围绕儿童不同权利的保护、不同类型儿童权利的保护以及不同利益相关者对儿童权利保护的影响等领域展开.虽然我国儿童权利保护研究的内容较为广泛,研究方法较为多样,研究成果也较为丰富,但仍存在诸多不足之处,如缺乏关于儿童权利保护的专项法规的研究、忽略了对儿童参与权和发展权等边缘权利的研究等等.在今后的研究中,我们可借鉴国外儿童权利保护的经验,加强儿童权利保护的专项法规研究,探寻建立学校教育、制度保障、机构保护的三维社会保护机制,不断促进儿童权利保护机制体系的健全和完善.  相似文献   

困境儿童的社会保护是一项系统工程,我国政府实行的“分类别”保障政策在执行过程中仍存在一些“保护性”障碍。由于对象的脆弱性特点,困境儿童是风险最易发生的群体。研究发现,安徽省困境儿童面临着诸如生存、发展、参与和受保护风险等多重风险。在“儿童利益最大化”和“上游干预”的理念下,应区分困境儿童的不同风险等级,有针对性地开展分级保护策略,构建“家庭尽责、分级保护、政府监管”的困境儿童保护系统。  相似文献   

杨璇 《少年儿童研究》2023,(5):23-29+74
传播学视域下的儿童研究源自芝加哥学派“关于电影对儿童的影响”的大型调查和符号互动论,该学派对儿童与媒介研究的概念和方法做出重要贡献。其后传播学视域下的儿童研究走向实证研究和思辨研究的不同范式,前者以客观经验主义为主导,体现为儿童的媒介使用与效果研究;后者从批判主义和诠释主义的角度,对童年的本质主义和建构主义、新媒介与旧媒介的对比、媒介内容与媒介使用、技术乐观主义和技术悲观主义等展开辩证的、多维的研究。  相似文献   

儿童作为一个概念,经历了一个历史建构的过程,不同的儿童观决定了对儿童或童年现象的不同理解和把握。教育视域下探讨的儿童及其人格的概念同样也有一个建构的过程。历史上儿童的发现及对儿童人格的探讨也是从教育的角度出发,经历漫长的历史发展建构起来的。在我国,对儿童的发现及儿童人格的建构主要经历了:古代,淹没人格,儿童作为成人附庸的存在;晚清,预备人格,儿童作为"成人生活的预备";五四,具有独立人格的"儿童本位"的现代儿童观的生成三个阶段。  相似文献   

儿童政策背后的核心理念之一是儿童、家庭、国家三者之间的关系问题。儿童在美国、德国、日本三国均有很高的地位,并且通过完善的法律政策来加以保障。三个国家儿童政策的实施,均基于家庭是儿童照顾和发展的最主要责任者的理念,国家通过替代性支持和补充性支持等方式来介入家庭中的儿童保护与发展。三国儿童政策理念对我国儿童政策具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

能力概念是儿童社会认知的一个重要方面,其发展可以看作是能力概念与其他相关概念如任务难度、努力等相区分的过程。儿童对能力与任务难度的认识发展分为三个水平,这一发展对儿童任务选择有一定影响;儿童对能力与努力的认识分为四个水平,其能力概念发展对失败后的反应等成就行为有一定的消极影响;学校和教师应尽量为学生创设任务卷入情境,以减少儿童能力概念发展的消极影响。  相似文献   

作为社会弱势群体的农村留守儿童一直是国内外学者们高度关注的研究对象。由于其复杂性与多样性,学者们对这些儿童的理解和态度有很大的不同,也引发了激烈的学术争论。基于文献研究法和社会标签理论的视角,对相关的文献资料进行分析发现,大部分学者都把研究的重心放在留守儿童所存在的问题上,并将其等同于问题儿童,即在教育、生活、心理和道德行为等诸方面有问题的不良儿童,这种标签化的做法给留守儿童的身心发展带来了很多消极影响。在总结和反思已往研究中的缺陷和不足之后,研究提出了针对性的建议和展望,企图为该领域的深入研究起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

行为表现是教育实践中的常见用语。教育实践者通常是在规范和实证的立场来使用这一概念,由此使得概念的使用者往往将儿童与其行为、儿童与概念的使用者切割开来,造成教育者在实践中的目中无人。对表现概念的意涵重释,特别是不同学科关于表现概念的界定,使得我们能够重新发现行为表现概念所内含的意义世界,从而启发一种关于行为表现的新的教育哲学,即儿童的行为即是儿童的表现,是儿童精神世界和意义世界借助行为的外显化。儿童借助行为而表现出来的意义,是在特定情境中与教育者共同建构的结果。意义世界中的儿童行为表现概念意味着,教育实践并非单纯实践性的,它同时也是理论性的。教育实践的理论性主要体现为教育者必须要对儿童行为所表现出来的意义世界作出准确的理解。  相似文献   

我想:如果没有汶川地震,对我们大多数人来说,今年的五月还是姹紫嫣红的,透着生命的青,开着季节的红。我想:如果没有汶川地震,我们一定还会把死亡看成是人生最后的小句点,让生命有条不紊地行进,让死亡按部就班地来临。  相似文献   

Mother–child planning was examined in relation to child emotional functioning and first-grade school performance. Ninety dyads were randomly assigned to the explicit-goal condition (emphasized accuracy and preparation for a child-only posttest) or the no-explicit-goal condition (dyads just asked to work together). In the no-explicit-goal condition only, children higher in negative emotionality and lower in regulation skills were less engaged in the task and planned less effectively. Both mother–child planning and adaptive child emotional functioning were positively associated with school performance. Results suggest that child emotional functioning mediated associations between planning and school performance. Implications of these findings for the development of planning and children's transition to school are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study describes the early life histories of a large sample of three-year-old children from different ethnic backgrounds living in three levels of family income—poverty, near-poverty, and above-poverty. The study examined the developmental characteristics of children in the three groups and related them to family characteristics and experiences in child care. To no one's surprise, significant differences associated with income were found for most of the family measures. Poverty and near-poverty families were more likely to have mothers with lower education, less sensitivity, more depression, and lower HOME scores. Correlatively, for the child development measures, there was an upward progression associated with income. Poverty children consistently showed the greatest deviation from established norms for cognitive and social behavior. A striking finding, however, was the considerable variability found on all the measures—a pattern not sufficiently stressed in related research. This finding has major implications for curriculum planning in Head Start programs. The analysis also showed that child care experience cannot be disregarded as a significant aspect of the history of a prospective enrollee in Head Start or other intervention programs geared to low-income children. Fewer of these children are likely to have a child care history, as families that used at least 10 hours of child care per week were less likely to be either poor or near-poor and thus eligible for enrollment. While this may reflect selection factors associated with child care usage, it also indicates that availability of child care is essential for borderline families that try to stay out of poverty. Number of hours of care per week and age of enrollment did not predict developmental level when the full income sample was considered. However, when only poor and near-poor children in care for at least 20 hours a week were used in the analysis, higher quality of care was associated with more favorable developmental outcomes in the children.  相似文献   

The present study describes the early life histories of a large sample of three-year-old children from different ethnic backgrounds living in three levels of family income—poverty, near-poverty, and above-poverty. The study examined the developmental characteristics of children in the three groups and related them to family characteristics and experiences in child care. To no one's surprise, significant differences associated with income were found for most of the family measures. Poverty and near-poverty families were more likely to have mothers with lower education, less sensitivity, more depression, and lower HOME scores. Correlatively, for the child development measures, there was an upward progression associated with income. Poverty children consistently showed the greatest deviation from established norms for cognitive and social behavior. A striking finding, however, was the considerable variability found on all the measures—a pattern not sufficiently stressed in related research. This finding has major implications for curriculum planning in Head Start programs. The analysis also showed that child care experience cannot be disregarded as a significant aspect of the history of a prospective enrollee in Head Start or other intervention programs geared to low-income children. Fewer of these children are likely to have a child care history, as families that used at least 10 hours of child care per week were less likely to be either poor or near-poor and thus eligible for enrollment. While this may reflect selection factors associated with child care usage, it also indicates that availability of child care is essential for borderline families that try to stay out of poverty. Number of hours of care per week and age of enrollment did not predict developmental level when the full income sample was considered. However, when only poor and near-poor children in care for at least 20 hours a week were used in the analysis, higher quality of care was associated with more favorable developmental outcomes in the children.  相似文献   

Relations between marital discord, parental behavior, and child behavior were investigated in a sample of 37 battered women and 37 comparison mothers and their children, aged 2-8 years. It was hypothesized that violent fathers would be more irritable but less involved, battered women more stressed and inconsistent in discipline, and both parents would reportedly use fewer positive and more negative child-rearing responses than comparison families. Based on maternal self-reports and mother-child observations, the only robust self-report difference between the groups of mothers were the level of stress and reports of inconsistency in parenting; in contrast, all of the expected differences were found between the mothers' reports of the 2 groups of fathers. Group effects on child behavior problems were also found. Children from violent families were reported to have more internalizing behavior problems, more difficult temperaments, and to be more aggressive than the comparison children. In the violent families, maternal stress and paternal irritability were the 2 significant predictors of child behavior problems, whereas in the comparison families only maternal stress was a reliable predictor.  相似文献   

Objective. African American children exposed to multiple social risk factors during early childhood often experience academic difficulties, so identification of protective factors is important. Design. Academic and school behavior trajectories from kindergarten through third grade were studied among 75 African American children who have been followed prospectively since infancy to test hypothesized protective factors: quality of home and child care environments during early childhood, child language and social skills at entry to kindergarten, and school characteristics. Results. Children exposed to multiple risks in early childhood showed lower levels of academic and social-emotional skills from kindergarten through third grade. Parenting mediated the association with risk. Children's language skills, parenting, and child care quality serve as protective factors in acquisition of mathematics skills and reduction in problem behaviors during the first 4 years of primary school for African American children facing multiple risks. Attending a school with a higher proportion of children from low-income families might predict increasing numbers of problem behaviors over time. Conclusions. Exposure to social risk in early childhood negatively predicted academic achievement and adjustment during early elementary school for African American children, in part through associations between exposure to social risk and less responsive and stimulating parenting. Furthermore, the negative associations between risk and academic outcomes were substantially weaker when children had more responsive and sensitive parents or child care providers or entered school with stronger language skills.  相似文献   

Objective. The purpose of this study was to explicate the role of parenting qualities of acceptance, psychological autonomy, and firm control in the link between maternal and paternal psychological distress and youth adjustment problems. Design. A community sample of 277 families provided information about parental psychological distress, parenting qualities, and child adjustment via mother, father, and child questionnaire ratings. Results. Direct associations among the variables were consistent with predictions. Mediation processes were identified using structural equation modeling. Specifically, parental acceptance and psychological autonomy served as mediators of the association between parental psychological distress and child problems, whereas firm control did not mediate the direct associations. Conclusions. Drawing on a developmental psychopathology perspective, this study's results indicate that the link between mother and father psychological distress and child adjustment problems is accounted for, in part, by parental acceptance and psychological autonomy than by behavioral control. Alternative pathways among these family processes also received empirical support.  相似文献   

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